Vacendik's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I know this thread is old, but there are no other threads about it and I wanted to share what I have found.

Trick attack is an Extraordinary ability and that falls in the special ability group. Since you cannot use Deadly Aim with a special ability you cannot use it with trick attack.

pg. 247 of Starfinder handbook for special ability and pg. 93 for trick attack.

Hope this helps.

Thanks all for this info and opinions. It really helps.

I agree that my cohort is OP. In addition to everything else we are Mythic as well.

At one point we fought a mage who could summon one ancient red dragon each round. "Slim" (my skelly) and our fighter/rogue fought 5 dragons for two rounds until our sorcerer could maximize mythic magic missile the bad guy down, which caused them to disappear. Fun times.

The game is reaching its finale. Let's just say that our group is all super tough and leave it at that. :)

My character is also a item crafter and I get around the golem movement problem by using a custom made portable hole that has a 10' opening. I paid through the nose for it along with a sub quest, but it was worth it to plan to move him around.

OK some context. My GM has given me a spirit of intellect that can level on its own. My character is an undead lord cleric. My GM has allowed the spirit to inhabit my skeletal companion and use the body with its levels (all fighter).

It has been adventuring with our group since the inception of the campaign and we just hit level 20. As you can imagine the spirit as a 20th level warrior has a bunch of feats etc. to leverage armor and weapons, which the skeleton has been wearing and using.

So, now I want to make him a golem. The spirit can inhabit the golem just like the skeleton, that is not the issue (i.e. similar effect to an awakened golem). I know that armor and weapons do not size when worn, but if I get him large sized weapons and armor for the body as appropriate could he use them?


- Would Magic armor improve the golem's armor class?
- Could the golem wear misc magic items and be able to wear them?
- Could he wear a ring and gain its effects and use it's powers (i.e. ring of elemental command)
- Can he wield a longsword as his primary weapon?

I cannot find anything in any book or post that covers this. I know that golems are immune to any spell that has SR, but armor and weapons are different effects. Misc magic items confer an effect, but it is not spell trigger or spell completion, so I think they would work (my opinion). Same with Rings.

If anyone has any rule reference on this it would be great. I just want to help my GM with some precedent either way when we discuss.
