
Vaëlorin's page

34 posts. Alias of Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan (RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16).


I think we need one more bunk, for the Doc. Honestly, in the circumstances we’re in, I say you double up bunks in 2 rooms, for 4 racks. Give the Skipper his own room. And now some amount of Medical area, although that could double with the Science Lab, and be cramped for space. We share some of the same gear anyways. This isn’t a luxury cruise. Make him a bit more utilitarian.

Might I suggest that the 4 rooms on Deck 2 accommodate 2, 2, 1 and 1 person. With the 1s on the port side of the ship. Add a second head just aft of the second room on the port side. That gives the captain and someone else a single stateroom with their own head. On the starboard side, those 2 are both double bunks, and share the head between them.

Anyways, he looks good. Utilitarian, I’m just suggesting we go further with that aesthetic. She was a rust bucket of a trader, but we’ll clean her up, at least on the inside!

James "Joyride" Maxwell wrote:
Vaëlorin wrote:
James "Joyride" Maxwell wrote:

James is a people person... good soul. Probably became an operative on a dare.

Besides patriotic duty, he just wants to have some fun.

If you need Elowen (my ChatBot) to write you a background, she can, but give me more info that you want to go into it.

Weave it in as you like. I'm just saying he's more of a Tom Sawyer turned fleet recruit.

Yes, another song... Tom Sawyer by Rush.

One of the greatest song intros ever!

Burlap 'LongTail' wrote:
Burlap’s background is at the bottom of his profile.

Did you just add that? I swear I looked earlier! Ok, I grabbed it.

James "Joyride" Maxwell wrote:

James is a people person... good soul. Probably became an operative on a dare.

Besides patriotic duty, he just wants to have some fun.

If you need Elowen (my ChatBot) to write you a background, she can, but give me more info that you want to go into it.

Without objection, I will have Elowen create a background for Clarissa, as well as sorting everyone out together. Maybe I met Clarissa at school. I was doing Technomancer School, while she was doing medical school?

rando1000 wrote:
Once you're all comfortable with your backstories, you might give some thought as to how you encountered each other, how you came into possession of the Betty, and in what order.

If I can convince you guys each to post your backgrounds, and I'll take a swing at putting together a story as to how we all got together. If anyone has suggestions, I can figure that in.

Here is mine:

Vaëlorin: Seeker of Lost Worlds:

Born into the floating city of Lir’vanna, Vaëlorin grew up surrounded by luminous databanks, arcane laboratories, and philosophical debates on the nature of the cosmos. From an early age, he was captivated by the ancient myths of Castrovel—its sprawling megaflora, its psionic scholars, its boundless evolutionary potential. But myths were not enough. Vaëlorin sought proof.

His path was clear: he enrolled in the prestigious Institute of Arcane Astrometrics, a research academy that sought to map the lost connections between ancient ley lines and stellar currents. There, he was recognized as a prodigy—his mind as keen as his incantations, his calculations as precise as his spellwork. While others saw magic and science as separate disciplines, Vaëlorin treated them as one, speaking of reality as a grand symphony where every equation was a note and every spell a harmony.

Though a respected scholar, Vaëlorin grew restless. Data alone would not reveal the truth—only exploration could. He took the first transport he could find to the refugee fleet, offering his skills in science, mysticism, and technology in exchange for passage. The war against the Cyleerin had all but destroyed New Castrovel’s libraries, but within the fleet’s archives, in the scattered remnants of their ancestors’ knowledge, lay the last chance to rediscover Castrovel.

Now, as Science Officer aboard the fleet’s vessel, Vaëlorin sees every journey as another step toward the ultimate destination. Golarion may be the Council's end goal, but for him, it is merely a waypoint. His true purpose is to stand upon the soil of Castrovel once more and reclaim the lost heritage of his people.

"The cosmos is a song, and we have only heard a single verse. Let us find the next stanza together." – Vaëlorin

Burlap: Errr, with the "Doc" joining us, can Betty carry 6?

Shield rebalancing is one of the things I do best!

Now that is back up.

Roger on the language stuff. Obviously I have Elven.

Hephaistos is also where I've used to make Vaëlorin.

I'm not sure how to gracefully export from it though into bbcode.

The Operative stealth/sneaky skills stuff probably fall into your swim lane.

Preliminary stats in my profile. I’ll work on the formatting and get more detail in there regarding what the various abilities do. Like that doesn’t say what Spacefarer gives me.

Vaëlorin will continue to refer to the ship as “he” regardless of what name, or imagery, is applied to him.

Rule 50 wrote:
The Atreides had a battle language, so should you.

Any suggestions on what to use? Any of you low intelligence knuckle draggers want to suggest your native tongue?

Any other languages I should pick up? Is there a science or magic language to have, similar to how Greek, Latin, and French have played that role in western culture?

Burlap 'LongTail' wrote:

And the computer boosts the pilot's piloting skill, so that helps as well.

I think she'd look good in black.

I think he’d look better in three different colors of primer (purchased at bargain basement prices) and bondo, but that’s just me.

Belay my last about being also able to pilot. That won’t be a focus of mine, but I can be a darn good gunner though!

12AC? That gets modified by the Pilot’s DEX or something right?

Right! Give the ship his own background. He started out as something amazing and new, has gone through multiple owners, left out in the front yard with the old toasters and laundry machines, and get bolted together to go to space again when the Aleerin attacked, and now she’s ours somehow. Flesh it out, or I can, if someone tosses me ideas.

It won’t be optimal to start, so do your best, and we fly with it!

I can do some Piloting. Science Officer is an “early in the fight” job, right? Not every turn? Once my Science job is done, I can elf a gun.

Any complaints of if I take the Gremlin pet Hack?

rando1000 wrote:
Vaëlorin wrote:

I'm worried about doing that with my Technomancer too!
I wouldn't worry too much. My games don't tend to require anything one would call Optimizing.

This answer makes me happy.

I will take you at your word and create a character with more flavor than crunch. He’ll be able to knock out the Science Officer role, but with this in mind, I think I can take some of the “suboptimal” Hacks, and be a more flavorful PC.

Sure, sure, but the Science Officer’s role is so critical in combat and exploring! So sayeth the elven sages! Second only to the ship’s cook, by halfling reckoning.

Is gravity artificially produced via technology, or via acceleration on our ship?

rando1000 wrote:
Vaëlorin wrote:

I'm worried about doing that with my Technomancer too!
I wouldn't worry too much. My games don't tend to require anything one would call Optimizing.

Well, in Starfinder, they really made sure that so many of the bonuses are all the same type, so they don't stack, and you feel like a dork if you end up wasting feats, abilities, etc. by overlapping bonuses.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ok, I wrote up some about New Castrovel, and about Vaëlorin. I can edit that, to accommodate however we fit into the Fleet.

Ahhh, Rando scooped me by 45 seconds or so!

Sounds like we've got folks working on the ship stuff!

I'll focus on making a decent Technomancer!

Please be sure and give me a decent Science Lab, and Scanners!

Ok, here is me! Vaëlorin, the Elven Technomancer.

Query: when you say "ship design" what do you mean? Picking some cool outer look, and maybe floorplan, for our ship. Or, do you mean, someone to take build points, and decide what systems, etc? If the latter, "NOT IT!" I haven't played SF in several years, and I'd end up statting out some hunk of junk!

I'm worried about doing that with my Technomancer too!

I figure (hope) you guy shave damage covered, and I will focus on more non damage-y things from my class. Sure, sure, I'll carry the mandatory raygun, or whatever, but that's not my focus.

New Topic:

I took the list of Realm Spells in the BRCS, and formatted them to sort by Spell Level, and Holding Level requirements. You will find that at the bottom of the Rules Doc.

So the answer is "no" then. Got it.

New Attitude "rolls," but using the same numbers rolled above, but with different modifiers. These numbers assume no one is "hostile" to me.

Deepshadow/Coeranys: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 Neutral Result
Duornil/Coeranys: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Positive Result
Mistil/Coeranys: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Neutral Result
Ranien/Coeranys: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Neutral Result
Hamein/Chimaeron: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 Positive Result
Mhowe/Chimaeron: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Neutral Result

With this, Duornil and Hamein will move to "Friendly," and all others remain "Indifferent."

EltonJ wrote:
Shadowstrider wrote:
It occurs to me we’re first level, so I’m already maxed. Can I research a Battle Spell?
You can research a battle spell.
BRCS wrote:
Spellcasters with the Battle Spell feat can provide even greater benefit to the armies with which they are allied.

Bath, no! No I can't, for 2 reasons:

1) There is no such Feat listed in the BRCS Document

2) Assuming they actually mean the "Battle Caster" Feat, you must be 5th level to take it.

So, there are exactly 5 "Character Actions" listed:

1) Adventure - We're not Adventuring yet.
2) Ply Trade
3) Research - I can't do Battle Magic yet, and I don't want to have "too many" 1st level Realm spells
4) Training - I'm already maxed at HPs
5) Travel - Where would I go? I mean, I'm in Caudraight for a reason.

Ok, so that leaves me with "Ply Trade" as the only valid option.

I have a +5 in Profession(Herbalist), which I believe then earns me 10gp per Table 5-15. The next round is on me.

It occurs to me we’re first level, so I’m already maxed. Can I research a Battle Spell?

Wait! Are we adventuring? If not, then I'll use my Character Action to train and raise my HPs by 1.

The Shadowstrider

Adjust Attitudes:

-17 modifiers in provinces, +2 in some due to my owning all of the Sources there.

Deepshadow/Coeranys: 1d20 - 17 ⇒ (11) - 17 = -6 Negative Result
Duornil/Coeranys: 1d20 - 17 + 2 ⇒ (19) - 17 + 2 = 4 Neutral Result
Mistil/Coeranys: 1d20 - 17 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) - 17 + 2 + 2 = -8 Negative Result
Ranien/Coeranys: 1d20 - 17 + 2 ⇒ (5) - 17 + 2 = -10 Negative Result
Hamein/Chimaeron: 1d20 - 17 ⇒ (16) - 17 = -1 Negative Result
Mhowe/Chimaeron: 1d20 - 17 + 2 ⇒ (6) - 17 + 2 = -9 Negative Result

Attitudes in all Provinces move to Unfriendly, except Duornil/Coeranys where it stays as Indifferent.

Collections: 19RP, 0GB

RP: 39
GB: 15

Domain Expenses: None

Court set to 0GB

Month 1:

Standard Action 1GB, 8RP:

Create Source in Caudraight/Coeranys: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 vs DC 10 (with 8RPs Spent) Success

RP: 31
GB: 14