VWaltz's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


I want to add a large evolution to my eidolon. As I understand it, the weapon with him will not grow. Under the rules I can buy a large version of weapons or not? Big greatsword, that he would have remained two-handed to large eidolon.

Gary Bush wrote:

You played it once as a core-legal character and got 3 XP. You are ok.

Gino is talking about GM babies, which it does not sound like your character is that.

Oh, i get it. But my GM said that until the developer responded in this thread, he would not allow such a trick.

Gino Melone wrote:
Small clarification: Mike Brock ruled (and I don't believe it was ever overturned) that Core GM-babies must be *played* at least once as a Core-legal PC before they can be switched to non-Core.

Sounds strange. Is there a link to this interview?

And did not I played once? My first game was played by a core-legal character. Or a core-legal character is a character with a 2nd level?

Gary Bush wrote:

Yes, you can move a core character into a non-core character on rebuild before playing at 2nd level.

Once you leave core, you can never go back to core with that character, even if it was 1st level.

You likely known this, but the only valid summoner character is out of the Pathfinder Unchained book. The summoner found in the Advanced Players Guide is not legal for PFS.

Thanks for the answer. Summoner I gave just an example.

Hello everyone, can I do the next trick?
I create a core character, I play a module for which I get 3xp right away. Before I play them on the second level, I can change it as I want. But can I change it into non-core character?

For example, play the module for a core bard, then change it and the second level play a summoner.