Rayhan Xobhadi

Urlord's page

Organized Play Member. 83 posts (97 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.


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Paradozen wrote:
Looks cool. I'd include a typical perception DC 30 (the master-level DC for checks) to find the item, which may be harder or easier in certain locations at the GM's discretion as a baseline expectation when looking for the bag.

Thanks, Good idea - Done!

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I have homebrew crafting rules.

PF2 Alternate Crafting Rules

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I have a need for an item such as this in my campaign, and there's a strong possibility that the player characters will eventually get their hands on one.

So, could you be so kind as to provide your feedback on this homebrew magic item.

Invisible Bag of Holding

Thanks for all the support. You guys are awesome.

I am introducing an NPC villain who is an Invisible Stalker with a Greater Hat of Disguise. Should be fun.

Paradozen wrote:
Canonically an invisible stalker politician is well known and identified by a distinctive full-body set of leather armor. Master Phade. Not exactly a rules source, but I think it shows an intent for invisible stalkers not turning their gear invisible. Also
Invisible Stalker wrote:
Naturally Invisible The invisible stalker is invisible at all times, though when it takes a hostile action of any kind, it is hidden instead of undetected until the start of its next turn, as the vague outline of its humanoid form is faintly visible for a short period of time.
As Captain Morgan said, this ability does not imply that it works like the spell invisibility it just gives the stalker the condition invisible.

Thank you for the clarification.

I would have gone the wrong way with it.

A quick follow up question:

Since an Invisible Stalkers can interact with items (like wearing a full-body set of leather armor), would you rule that throwing paint, flour, oil, etc. on one would cause it to become Observed, or Hidden at the least.

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If an Invisible Stalker picks up an item, does said item become invisible?

I think any gear they carry (up to their encumbrance limits) becomes invisible, just like it does with the Invisibility Spell.

However, I would like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

This is very similar to how I had it before I toned it down.

Debelinho wrote:

well, check ring of the ram and see how it scales by different item levels, so do something like that. Also, the belt on itself can't be used for throwing bc the second you let go of the object, the magic is lost and it falls in front of you.(that's how I would resolve an issue with a player trying to throw that item at someone)

Thanks a lot for your insight, Debelinho.

I have modified the Ring of Hurling as follows.
What do you think now?

Frequency: Once every 1-4 rounds
Range Increment: 30 feet
Damage: 1d6 + Object's Bulk (Double damage on a Critical Success)

Additionally, the thrown item is an improvised weapon and takes a -2 item penalty to the Attack roll.

I have updated the original image of the item HERE.

Debelinho wrote:

Ring seems a bit too powerful for a 4th level item

It's basically same as lifting belt which is 4th level, but also gives you that hurling action

4th level item that gives you a STR ranged attack at huge range for 1d8+16 dmg....dunno...seem a bit OP for a 4th level item

you can't get that kind of ranged dmg unti much higher levels...

I tend to agree somewhat. It is basically the Lifting Belt in a ring which is also 4th level. With the lifting belt, if a player wanted to throw the weightless item of 8 Bulk or less, how would you rule the attack and damage? I looked at the Hill Giant for guidance, which is how I came up with what I did. If there is some better guidance, I will surely take it.

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I picked up the Gamemastery Guide a couple of weeks ago and I really like this book. It is going to add a lot to my homebrew campaign.
Well done Paizo!!!

I just created a couple of new magic items.

I was wondering if I could get the critique of you other forum posters.

This is a completely new item.

This is basically a ring version of the Lifting Belt with the following changes:
- Limited the +1 Athletics bonus to Strength based Athletics checks.
- Added the Hurled Object option (but it was probably an option already).

Thanks in advance!

-- Urlord --

Themetricsystem wrote:

NPC building I believe (Much like Starfinder) is going to be SUPER DUPER simplified....

So, what you are saying is like my example above. The Magistrate is a 13th level challenge and that's pretty much it

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Good Evening All,

I'm converting my home-brew campaign setting to run under Pathfinder Playtest rules. The hardest thing for me is converting the Non-Adventure class NPCs. What I mean, is if Adventurers make up less than 5% of the population (less than 1% in many cases), what of the remaining 95-99 percent. What about that dwarven master-craftsman who has done nothing but practice his trade for the last 40 years. Or the Sage (non-magical) in the old tower who has a wise answer to any question you can think to ask him.

For example, I have an elven city-state called Ashla Alora. It is governed by a Lord Mayor (Executive Branch), a City Council (Legislative Branch) and the Council of Magistrates (Judicial Branch). All of these NPCs, along with many others, are high-ranking, highly-experienced people within the city. However, they do not fit into the Adventurer Classes, nor should they.

I know its probably not covered in the Playtest Rules for a reason, but for some GMs World Building is a huge part of the game for them, at least it is for me. Using the Playtest Rules as written, I can easily provide a Level to an NPC and use the SKILL DCS BY LEVEL AND DIFFICULTY table to assign a DC.

For example, if the Magistrate is hypothetically 13th level, then PCs should have the following DCs for challenges dealing with them:

Easy............ DC 20
Medium..... DC 28
Hard........... DC 30
Incredible.. DC 35
Ultimate..... DC 36

But, that seems flat and lacks personality.

My question is:

Has anyone thought about NPC Classes or how NPCs fit into the world as a whole? Because, if the answer is Non-Adventurers max out at Level 5 or something like that, then that is totally ridiculous and will not work for most Persistent World type campaigns.

Thanks for reading my post and I hope it makes sense.



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We have a +2 Flaming Falchion

Item Traits: Forceful, Sweep, Conjuration, Fire, Magic
Item Bonus: +2

Is the Damage?

3d10 S + 1d6 Fire (1d10 on a crit)


3d10 S + 3d6 Fire (3d10 on a crit)

Basically, does damage from Property Runes get multiplied too?

Thanks, That is what I was leaning towards. I just wanted to make sure.

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Hello All,

I just need a bit of clarification.

At Level 1 Hit Points are equal to: Ancestry HP + Class HP + Con Mod

I got that fine from the rules.

Where I am a bit confused is...

Beyond Level 1, is it...

Calculation #1... Ancestry HP + (Level x (Class HP + Con Mod))


Calculation #2... Ancestry HP + (Level x Class HP) + Con Mod


Just a Mort wrote:
... Also, remember undetectable alignment for both Percival and his shadow, or the pally's detect evil will sniff them out.

The Fighter isn't a Paladin - He just wants to be but he doesn't think he is worthy due to his gambling addiction. So, no Detect Evil.

Just a Mort wrote:

I thought it was amusing for the players to go to the Music Conservatory first. Maybe they're having a Halloween party where everyone dresses as monsters, it'd be quite interesting to see what the adventurers do at the party, do they stab the first guy they see in a vampire costume?

Percival could be at the party as well - but maybe dressed as a hag or something else. Let the showdown take place at the Conservatory, but only after they have found fragments of his past.

I love the Costume Party Idea - I think I will combine that with the Crown of Wintermist symphony. Excellent Idea - Thank you!

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Thanks for all the ideas folks. It has helped get my creative juices flowing again. How's this...

For the next several weeks, Percival will lay low, feeding off beggars and outcasts - but fighting the hunger enough not to kill them (hopefully). Using his Dominate power, he will start setting up a network of a dozen or so "Associates" who can run errands and do his bidding. He will be able to do this without drawing attention to himself and remain hidden from the suspecting PCs.

However, there is his love of music and in a thriving city, there are attractions such as concerts and symphonies that he simply must attend. The PCs catch a glimpse of him at the coming symphony "The Crown of Wintermist"? When spotted, a chase ensues behind the scenes and up in the catwalks while the orchestra is playing below. Fighting with some of his associates & their hired friends.

In the end, Percy and his associates escape leaving the PCs possibly having to explain what they were doing back stage fighting with the stage crew. The authorities will not believe their story about things of myth and legend, like vampires. Kind of a Phantom of the Opera feel.

The PCs earn extra XPs for not interrupting the symphony or killing any of the charmed back stage crew.

A couple of days later, the Conservatory contacts the PCs inquiring about their activities at the symphony (they were spotted). If the PCs come clean, the Rothmire family hires them to investigate the theft of a magical violin, which can create illusions once per day (Minor Image: Bard-2).

Secretly, the Rothmire family knows that Percival was cursed as a vampire and that he is back in the city (he was seen too). If such knowledge gets out, the damage to the family name would be devastating. Therefore, the family has hired Father Joseph, a priest of Pharasma & skilled Undead Hunter, to find Percival and lay him to rest. Father Joseph allows the PCs to bungle along, using them as bait to lure Percival out.

I'm thinking Father Joseph ends up getting killed by Percival and all the priest's "Tools of the Trade" fall to the PCs to continue their search. The PCs may or may not learn that they were being used as bait by the Rothmire family.


The PCs are level 4 & 5 and the players are very experienced (20-30 years of RPG experience each). This is a home brew Pathfinder game with very low magic. Spell slots in this game are recovered every 10 days instead of daily and Wealth by Level is 10% of normal.

There are only three magic items in the group (+1 Spear, Glove of Cure Light Wounds (1 use per day), and an Amulet of Natural Armor +1) and five low level single use items (potions & scrolls). They just spent almost all their money getting one light weapon each alchemically silvered. They couldn't afford having heavier weapons silvered.

Percival Rothmire is a level 9 Bard/Vampire. He has one true love, Classical Music - namely composing symphonies. Following his death 80 years ago, the Rothmire family built a concert hall and music school in his memory, The Percival Rothmire Music Conservatory. The school has about 80 students from some of the wealthiest families in the city. Think Hogwarts for Bards.

He hates being cursed as a vampire and only through his music has he managed to hold on to part of his humanity. He has never spawned another vampire and doesn't intend to. He only kills when the hunger takes control of him.

Living on the outskirts of the small town, he was able to fight the hunger to the point where he only have to feed twice a month or so. Even then, he killed animals over people whenever he could. However, since he has moved to the large city, all the people around him is making it very hard to maintain control.

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Hello My Fellow Gaming Friends.

Normally, I don't lack for scenarios or plot ideas, but I have a bit of a writer's block going on here and could really use your assistance. Maybe its due to all the stuff going on at work right now. But I know I can count on you readers to help a brother out.

Here is the situation so far...

Player Characters:

  • Fighter, a wanna be paladin with a bit of a gambling problem
  • Cleric of Knowledge who desires to be a famous author
  • Wizard, fire mage who really likes to watch things burn
  • Fighter, bounty hunter running from his own past
  • Ranger, big game hunter always looking for the next big hunt

The PCs investigated a series of murders in a small town and uncovered clues leading to Percival Rothmire, an 80 years dead classical music composer (bard), turned vampire. As they put the clues together and narrowed in on the Percival's secret underground lair, he figures it is time for a change of scenery. When they found the lair, it was recently abandoned with almost everything either taken or burned. However, there were a few clues left in the burn pile and behind a shelf indicating that Percival has fled to a large city 4 days away. The PCs, hot on Percy's trail, follow him to the city. They know he is in the city, but have no clue where to start looking.

The PCs are not anywhere strong enough to take on a Vampire so I want to avoid a direct confrontation. I am wanting Percival Rothmire to become an arch nemesis of the PCs - much like Prof. Moriarty to Sherlock Holmes.

Even though I know the flavor I to achieve, I'm at a creative loss of ideas. What fiendish plots could Percival be up to that the PCs have to foil?

Any suggestions you have will be much appreciated.

Thank You,

I'm looking to connect with 3-4 other Game Masters who meet once per month via Google+ Video Hangout to discuss various Games Mastering topic. The meetings will go for about an hour and an agenda will be developed a few weeks prior to the meetings. The goal of the meetings will be to discuss how different GMs handle certain aspects of their games and to teach less experienced GMs.

The plan is to record the Round Tables and make them available for anyone to watch on YouTube/Google+. Once we have a few meetings under our belt, we can start take questions/topics from our viewers and maybe even have guests (like Game Designers) from time to time.

I am looking for GMs who meet the following criteria...

AGE: Should be 40+ years old
EXPERIENCE: Should have been GMing various games for at least 20 years.
CURRENT GAME: Should be currently GMing a game that meets at least once a month.
GM STYLE: Looking for a more serious style. Not looking for Monte Haul style GMs.

My stats are:
NAME: Jim, aka Urlord
AGE: 54. married with 3 kids (28, 21 and 17 years old)
EXPERIENCE: Been GMing all sorts of RPGs since 1977
CURRENT GAME: Running a PFRPG game now with 7 players that meet monthly. We are about halfway through the Rise of the Runelords Campaign. However, they have gotten side tracked and are now in First World.
GM STYLE: I try to run a more realistic game (as much as that is possible in Pathfinder) where the characters have lives outside their adventures.

If you are interested and can commit to at least 4 months, please reply to this post.


I understand the Eldest are gods and shape entire domains. What I am looking for is a way to shape maybe a few hundred feet radius at its highest ability.

I received my copy of Pathfinder Unchained today. Maybe I will have some ideas after reading it.

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I am leaning towards a Chain of Feats with each higher level feat allowing the shaping of progressively larger areas. In addition to the Feat, I will take into account Level and the bonuses of the mental abilities (INT, WIS and CHA).

I do like the requiring some sort of task or exclusivity to gain access to the Feats. so I will come up with some kind of task/test as Feat requirements.

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My characters are 10-12th level. One of them is a Sylvan Elf Druid-11 of the Green Faith. The player is wanting to know more about shaping the area of First World. Nothing huge, but just how her character can start developing that ability. I just want to have some guidelines in place before next game session.

I really don't like the idea of it being a spell because that limits it to the spell casting classes.

I think it should be based on the character's power level only. I just don't know how to adjudicate it.

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This is such a good thread with great ideas, I am seeking your help with my First World Campaign. See the link below for details:


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The characters in my campaign have crossed a planar tear into First World. I have been reading everything I can find about First World. In several places, references are made to "Shaping" the local area. I would like to develop this as an ability and need your assistance.

Should this be a Spell or a Feat?

How can low level Shapers only affect their immediate area, while powerful Shapers can make changes to hundreds of miles.

Once altered, how is it maintained over time to keep the chaos of First World from undoing it?

What happens if multiple Shapers try to make changes to the same area?

What is the Saving Throw if a Shaper tries to change a living thing or a magic item?

I welcome all your thoughts at this point.

I think I am going with the following:

The body of a young woman is found dead in her home a couple of days before the wedding ball. Upon investigation by the town guard it appears she died of natural causes. When the undertaker is preparing the body he finds a hole in the back of her throat, which leads to him learning that her skull is completely empty. Being superstitious and a devout worshiper of Abadar, he call in his local priest to bless the body.

Young Priest Francisco Gallant is somewhat of a savant in that he never forgets anything he reads. He remembers from his years at the monastery reading something about a similar case and how it lead to nearly a dozen deaths before discovery of a creature known as an Intellect Devourer.

He takes his theory to the High Priest and the Council of Elders at main the Temple who are secretly aware of the existence of these creatures in Magnimar and how difficult they are to locate and destroy. Priest Gallant is thanked for his astute discovery and sent back to his parish. "We will look into this", he is told.

The council then informs an elite team of five people who have been charged with investigating, hunting and trying to destroy these creatures. The team consists of five 8-9 level characters who are specialized and educated for this type of work. They have been doing this type work for the last three years. The team is code named Foxhound.

Foxhound learns that the victim was employed by a high-end kitchen, who prepares food for the wealthy for special events. The next such special event on their schedule is the Visdorn-McKlintock Wedding. The team decides to infiltrate the wedding to try to locate the Intellect Devourer and kill it. Considering that this event will have some of the wealthiest and most influential people in Magnimar in attendance, secrecy is paramount.

Imagine all the things going on behind the scenes at the ball (much like the second Back to the Future movie) with the PCs noticing things going on, but not exactly sure what it is. When one of the PCs discovers another dead body in a closet, they are about to raise the alarm when Foxhound stops them. To raise the alarm would cause the ID to flee.

Slowly, all the PCs are brought into the hunt except for the Groom who is too busy and preoccupied. If the ID is discovered, a fight breaks out inside one of the side rooms of the temple just before the wedding ceremony begins. If they keep the ID from getting out of the room and kill it, then the wedding will continue without disruption. Otherwise, things could get a bit chaotic.

Think of the stories the PCs will have to tell the groom when he comes back from the honeymoon.

What do you think?

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Hello Ladies and Gents,

I am GMing a Pathfinder RPG game and we are going through the Rise of the Runelords Campaign. Currently, we are in a lull period between chapters, because I want to get them a bit more experience before continuing. I can also take this time to allow them to clean up a few loose ends and I can throw a couple of red-herrings their way. The characters are all level 6-7. One of the character's back story has them getting married. The character, Joseph, is a lesser noble who is marrying the daughter of another lesser noble. The whole grand affair will be very posh and will take place in Magnimar surrounded by gentry and upper class folk from all over the city.

I will be dedicating an entire 10-12 hour game session (we only game once a month) to the various festivities leading up to the wedding and the wedding itself. Lots of role-playing opportunities, but I want a bit more. Some sort of mystery might be appropriate. I am looking for ideas of what I can throw into the week of the wedding without actually ruining the event.

The characters in the party are:
- Joseph - A male Varisian Fighter [NG] (the lesser noble getting married. His family is in warehousing business)
- Ulfgar - A male dwarf ranger [CG] (Raised by a Shoanti tribe, he is rediscovering his dwarven heritage)
- Adonis - A male half-elf fighter [NG] (Ex Magnimar Military who aspires to nobility. Being 1/2 elf is a barrier)
- Belanor - A male elf wizard [summoner] [CN] (Power hungry personality who I expect might join the dark side if promised the right things)
- Tizra - An female elf druid [snake shaman] [CN] (Priest of the Grean Faith and somewhat of a druggie with all the "Herbs" she uses)
- Talisha - A female Varisian Rogue [NG] (A practitioner of Harrow Readings and very attuned to spirits and haunts)
- Jana - A female Varisian Cleric of Gozreh [LN] (A down to earth river barge captain with man issues)

There are three major events planned so far:
1. The Wedding Harrowing - Four days before the wedding, the couple along with family and friends march along the street in festive clothing to eventually end up at the home of the elder Harrower. Along the way, lots of passers by join in and all sing and dance as they are going along. When they get to the home of the Harrower, the couple go inside along with the Bride's best friend and the Groom's best friend. The Harrow Reading is performed and they exit the home. Then all go to a per-arranged tavern/hall and party most of the night away.

2. The Ball - Two nights before the wedding, there is a grand ball where everyone shows up in their finest clothes. It is a very formal affair.

3. The Ceremony - This will be the actual wedding ceremony performed in the Temple of Sarenrae officiated by the high priest.

Any and all ideas are welcome.


Hûd Glanas Edhellen (League of Elven Purity) is a heavy RP group of Elves. Follow the link to learn more about us.

Nolondil Leafrunner wrote:
Mikaze - raging wrote:
Xorgrond wrote:
Urlord wrote:
[...]others might be secret members who strive to "Cleanse" the tainted bloodlines in more violent ways
seems like a great idea for a Neutral Good guild.

Sweet Jesus. No.

Good does not work that way.
Neutral on the moral axis does not work that way.

I think Xorgrond was ironical here :)

You should also note that the aims/goals of Urlord's project is not anymore about ethnical "cleansing" and obviously evil stuff. He probably needs to rework his communication and create a new thread. Nevertheless your comments are welcome. There are lots of really interesting RP and knowledge stuff in Urlord's project, that deserves to be publicized.

I completely agree that the comment "... others might be secret members who strive to "Cleanse" the tainted bloodlines in more violent ways" would not be a Good aligned action. However, the alignment of the League of Elven Purity is True Neutral. Regardless of Law, Chaos, Good or Evil, we are focused on this mission statement:

The mission of the League of Elven Purity is to research, promote, defend and protect all facets of elven culture and heritage.
We strive to foster pride in our Elven heritage within all our constituents, whether they are long-time residents or recent arrivals.

The LoEP is all about promoting Elven culture. Sure you might get the occasional wacko that take it to the utter extreme, but that could be true of almost any organization.

Xorgrond wrote:
Secondly, cool idea. I would "run with it". Would you also want to kill, erm, "ethnically cleanse" all humans as well?

Why would the LoEP want to do this? We don't care what humans (or any other non-elf race for that matter) does, as long as it doesn't interfere with our elven way of life.

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After giving this a great deal of thought, I would like to form a Company with the LoEP. Here is the basic information for the group:

Alignment: TN

Mission: The mission of the League of Elven Purity is to research, promote, defend and protect all facets of elven culture and heritage. We strive to foster pride in our Elven heritage within all our constituents, whether they are long-time residents or recent arrivals.

Website: http://loep.guildlaunch.com

Member Roles:

  • Lore Masters - One of the functions of the League is to research and chronicle Elven history. Lore Masters are members responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the official Elven Lore. This lore would become part of the official archive and posted on the League Wiki.

  • Genealogical Researchers - League members will create Elven character genealogies for players in exchange for in-game payment. Basically, it would be made up information with guidance from the player if they wanted anything specific in their family tree. Once, created, these genealogies would become part of the official archive and posted on the League Wiki.

  • Artists with an interest or experience in Heraldry - I would like to have a couple of people who are good enough at art (I stink at art) to produce heraldry artwork for characters in exchange for in-game payment. Once created, these heraldry devices would become part of the official archive and posted on the League Wiki.

  • Craftsmen and Merchants who wish to promote Elvish trade and crafts - We would be looking for ways to improve the production and trade of Elven crafts, while also looking for ways to weaken non-elven production and trade.

  • Teachers who wish to help with educational programs - We would help document things that would be common to elven culture and work to educate new players in those things so improve consistency and improve the immersiveness of the culture.

  • Warrior to defend and protect our Elvish heritage - We would train and equip a fighting force to assist in the defense of the settlement as well as undertake missions of a more "sensitive" nature, such as persuading non-elves from performing activities that could undermine or harm Elvish interests.

  • General Members who share the mission of the League - Anyone who agrees that the Elven culture should be maintained, should join.

Dakcenturi wrote:
I think this is really interesting data from a company perspective (although from a very limited sampling). Would be interesting to see this data in relation to all players at the beginning of EE, the end of EE, and 6 months after OE.

I agree that would be interesting data. Is there anyway you could share the age bands and percentages with us at each of those milestones?

Pax Shane Gifford wrote:
Last I heard you can be a member of up to 3 companies, but only 1 can be a company sponsored by a settlement (and thus be the settlement you "live" at and train at, etc).

Do you know if a character's company membership will be visible to others?

I would like to get a count of any elves that might be interested in joining the League of Elven Purity if I were to make it a Sponsored Company?

Here are the basics as I have been thinking about them:

Name: The League of Elven Purity

Mission: The mission of the League of Elven Purity is to promote, research, defend and protect all facets of elven culture and heritage. We strive to foster pride in our Elven heritage within all our constituents, whether they are long-time residents or recent arrivals.

Roles Needed:
- Genealogical Researchers and Scribes.
- Artists with an interest or experience in Heraldry.
- Craftsmen and Merchants who wish to promote Elvish trade and crafts.
- Teachers who wish to help with educational programs.
- Warrior to defend and protect our Elvish heritage.
- General Members who share the mission of the League.

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Snorter wrote:
Moonbird wrote:
I suppose we also have a population of pen and paper Pathfinder RPG gamers who never tried an MMO (does these guys exist really ?)

They do (hi!).

I've no problem with PvP, just that I want it to be 'meaningful'.
And my definition of that, is that it should be in-character, and for reasons that relate to events in-game, rather than utterly random, or as a result of personal dislikes between the players (as opposed to characters).

I'm going in, expecting to have to fight things; I couldn't care less if the things I'm fighting are run by a server's AI, or by another player.
Just make the opposition interesting.
Random fights with random strangers, for random (or no) reasons, aren't interesting.

I'm with the Snorter here! He expressed it succinctly.

I'm an avid pen and paper RPG gamer and always will be. I'm 53 years old and since 1976, I am still GMing a regular game (Pathfinder for the last few years) with 4-8 players from ages 15 to 50 (Nerd Alert, I know). I've been involved with some MMOs over the years, but they tend to become uninterested quickly due to the lack of RP. Personally, if there's no RP, its very boring and my heart won't be in it.

I think the problem is that there's a huge group of players out there that don't understand the concept of "In-Character". This is where as a community, we need to educate, promote and reward the use of this concept while at the same time chastise and punish those who are engaging in frivolous PKing. If we do this as a community and set some Acceptable Community Standards (ASC) early and most of the players abide and uphold them, then we should be able to effect positive change. I believe this is a culture problem and is only going to be solved by the community, not game mechanics.
meat of this topic

But back to the topic - Appropriate Community Messaging

By billing PFO as an "Open-World PvP Sandbox", it is attempting to describe PFO in terms related to other games. I truly believe that GW is building something much bigger than this description and as such should not use such limiting buzz words and descriptors to market it. These are words describing it to other gamers. Pick words that describe it to the world. Don't let the existing games box us in.

Mourn Blackhand wrote:
We are currently looking into changing to a NG settlement.

This would open the available citizens up from 33% (CG, NG and CN) of the total player base to 44% (LG, NG, CG and TN). That is a big increase.

I think this is a great idea because ultimately, the size of a settlement's population will play a huge part on its long term survival.

Wow - you guys have really boxed yourselves into a corner with this CG Settlement choice? I have already applied for TiD so I will just have to wait and see how things can work out in the long run.

Then the closest would be True Neutral, which would seem pretty lawful to all you Chaotic folks. I think I could do that, and it would allow me some leeway to tolerate the more chaotic members of the LoEP. I fould play TN as an elf on a mission and Good-Evil & Law-Chaos be damned. See, I'm flexible :-)

I will Apply to TiD and then register at the other forums so I we can discuss the available elven deities and find one that would work.

Thanks for the heads up.

Okay, after great consternation, I have decided to join TiD if you truly want me. Before you decide, let me describe my character...

Lord Xilanthus "Xil" Narthingad is a high born elf from a well respected family. His mother and father were killed in defense of the settlement long ago and Xil and his sister, Ardelia, were placed in the care of a priest of Abadar. Xil took to the priesthood with zeal and has aspirations of being a high priest someday. Ardelia, fell in love with a human man and ended up getting married. A couple of years after the marriage, she became pregnant and ended up dying in childbirth. Xil interpreted this as a sign from Abadar that half-elves are an abomination and contrary to the Laws of nature and to maintain the Purity and Nobility of the elven people, he must do whatever possible to stop it.

He would be a LN Cleric of Abadar (Law and Nobility domains if those exist) who I hope to get involved in the settlement politics rather heavily. He is a pure Traditionalist and he thinks he is fighting the good fight for the sustainability of all Elves. Religiously, he would be extremely conservative and possibly a zealot.

Let me know what you think.

Urlord Goblin Squad Member... No Really, I am... I am damnit!

The Store said "Approx. August" when I purchased my EE a couple of days ago.

brad2411 wrote:
TiD is currently at position Y which is at the Southeast near an entrance to a mountain range but in forests.

Ah! That is really off the beaten path and a long (aka dangerous) way from Talongard.

I would hate to start in TiD and get ostracized and run out of town, only to be so far from my friends.

https://goblinworks.com/landrush/guild/16 wrote:
Alignment: Settlement CG, denizens core alignment NG, CG, CN plus LG, TN and CE via sponsored companies

Is this right? If so, please explain why NN and LN were left out?

Hi folks, and hanks for the invite Nolondil.

I am really tossed. I have two other friends that will be joining EE with me in August and they want to join Talongard, but from researching the people and companies that are going there, I think settlement management may be a bit too loosey-goosey for my taste.

- Where is TiD on the map so I can see how far it is from Talongard?

- Do you think Talongard will be an ally?

There really seems to be some interest in the LoEP and I might try establishing it from the get-go if I can still easily visit and RP with my friends.

Urlord Goblin Squad Member... No Really, I am... I am damnit!

Our basis for Elves in fantasy is typically drawn J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and his elves were definitely elitist and prejudice. I don't see the League of Elven Purity being too far off the mark from the elves of Lothlorien or Mirkwood, especially those of High Birth.


Chris Lambertz wrote:
Removed a post. Racist comments have no place here.

I did not see what was posted and thanks Chris for removing it.

Urlord Goblin Squad Member... No Really, I am... I am damnit!

Thanks for your answers to my questions. It is obvious you want to attract all sorts of players and I support that. I am a bit concerned over the following quote, because it sounds like things will be kind of loose and willy-nilly.

<Magistry> Athansor wrote:
Before I answer the questions, I just wanted to make a note about the "leadership" of Talonguard. Talonguard is designed to be a place for independents, and will have many companies and unaffiliated residents. We will want input from everyone when making major decisions. We eventually would like Talonguard to have a ruling council. (It is unlikely, because of possible abuse of the mechanics by large gaming organizations (4-chan, Somethingawful, etc), to ever be a straight democracy) The ruling council will have to be in touch with different areas/aspects of the community so that all are represented.

I have lead settlements in other games and willy-nilly doesn't usually work. There needs to be some structure and rules in place, even for a settlement of independents.

- Will there be taxes? If so, what percentage?
- How will the tax revenue be spent and will there be oversight?
- Who decides who our allies and enemies are?
- How are quick decisions made and who makes them?
- When there is a vacancy in an important position, how will it be filled?
- What is the process for deciding what groups can operate in TG?
- What laws will be enforced and what are the penalties for not abiding by them?
- Who will be responsible for administering justice/punishments?

All these things I imagine you have spelled out already. It would be great if you could share them.

Urlord Goblin Squad Member... No Really, I am... I am damnit!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

These are just my experiences and opinions - please don't beat me up.

I think I understand the delicate balance GW is having to do. There is probably a 2:1 (or higher) ratio of players that enjoy the PVP over non-PVP. In my experience, the non-PVP players are the ones that tend to be older and come from previous table-top D&D or Pathfinder histories. Older, non-pvp players are potentially more stable economically and can afford to support games like this on a consistent basis. Therefore, these players are of great importance to GW from a revenue perspective.

I am one of these older players who came up pre-video games and prefers games where players work together to accomplish common goals, like a table-top game. I love the settlement vs settlement concept, and I like the ability to attack caravans and POI to disrupt supporting settlements. These systems are logical and make great sense. But, I would be perfectly happy with no PVP outside these activities. However, I am wise enough to understand that I am but one voice and probably in the minority on this topic.

Ryan, answered a forum post of mine this morning at 2:08 AM and I was thinking, what is he doing up this late during the week. Its because he probably can't sleep with all the stress trying to make Investors happy, Paizo happy, PVP Players Happy, PVE Players Happy and RP Players Happy while still remain sane and have a tiny bit of personal time. If he is married, he has to also keep Mama Happy.

My advice to Ryan and the entire GW Team is to do your best and end the end, go with your gut. At least that way, regardless of what happens you keep your integrity. I pray that PFO does well and makes a lot of people happy for several years to come, and I pray that Ryan and other GW leaders make the right choices for its success.

I for one plan to support GW and PFO however it turns our. I mean, its gotta be better than Wurm, right?

Urlord Goblin Squad Member... No Really, I am... I am damnit! LOL

Okay Ryan - Thanks.

First, my Kickstarter contribution was lost, and now this.
Oh well, life goes on. No harm, no foul.


Urlord Goblin Squad Member... No Really, I am... I am damnit! LOL

Then how do so many others have it already?

I am 53, 54 in August. Woo Hoo, the only one in my bracket.

"Can someone pass the Geritol please? Its right next to my AARP card."

mercurial_wit has not created a profile.