
Tybalt Stratton's page

14 posts. Alias of KMBCross.



Managed to get a signal out here - got dragged somewhere and forgot to bring laptop.

Will be gone this weekend, will post again on Sunday. Sorry for the delay.


It's fine! No confusion! I did it a lot myself with a rogue in a PnP game, and he gave a less-than-pleasant response in turn, which is why I tried to be polite about it. On another note, jobhunting is exhausting.

Tybalt listened, and weighed the options, and then chuckled lightly after everything - mostly at the last words that were used by the Lord who had taken over in Reinholdt's place.

The templar moved to lean against the wall again, and stopped his awkward humor, recomposing himself before he resumed.

"You need not convince me of your 'position', merely the gains of which you'd acquired it. The outburst was unneeded. I have enough information to attest that you are probably being honest with me - but I am not your vassal. I'm merely here to do research, and now that you speak of the unknown and myths, from what I have heard, you may want my assistance. I offer it, whether you take it or not I leave to you - but I will see this for myself, since you offer it."

He begins to walk after the rest of them, and makes sure he keeps enough safe-distance so he can keep an eye on the rest.

He seems to lack confidence, forcing his way into politics. He could learn a lot from being more patient with those who question him, than biting their heads off.

Insert this before Deiros' post.


The responses were wide and far, and the amount of disrespect given is probably earned - though it was returned in ways that declared other intentions, and he frowned lightly upon them as though undeserving of such words.

He does note the hand upon the weapon's hilt by the claimant, aware of what could go next - and found no reason to draw or reach for his. It seemed... awkward that he might have this thrust upon him so.

I'm better than this. Why do I allow them to do as they will? Probably because in the end, who we worship or serve will not matter. We live, and we die - how, though, is something we must determine for ourselves. I've my faith behind me, at all times. Praise Belias.

"As much as I question the circumstances, it is apparent everyone is eager to simply let it be as it is - however, the family here were friends of mine, and I wish to see that their name is not tarnished nor removed without just cause. If you can understand that, then we can move on.

"I have not given my name because it was not requested. As I said, I asked as a personal affair, not as the Church - a distinction I'd hope you might have seen. I am Tybalt, a templar of the Church of Glabados, and I seek to conduct more research upon the faith of Romanda, and its teachings. There may be ways to reduce this divide, though they will not be easily gain'd."

He clears his throat, and sighs. "However - your talking of mythical demons and their appearance is very interesting, though. Are you entirely sure of what you saw?"

Unfortunately, I don't think you can intimidate players. That's what interaction is all about, and half the fun of convincing someone that you're right!


With some form of distaste for what has occurred, Tybalt notices the man who walks forward - and notes the demeanor given. He seems very disgruntled at something that has been said to him, at first glance, and he uncrosses his plated arms, moving forward to him. He does not speak boldly, but rather, with some form of passion.

"I will not stand idly further, 'Lord' Auroral. I need answers as to why Reinholdt has been slain, and the reasoning behind it. So far, all my answers point to you - so I ask you plainly, as a man and not a patron of the Church; were you the one who slew Reinholdt Rammsteiner, and therefore found it right to take his home to be your own?"

His plated armor clinks slightly with every movement. The templar seems very on-edge, almost as if offended by the mere thought of what he's said. His face is very caught up in emotion, for a man of faith.

Nothing beats out Tactics. 8 comes closest, followed by 9, but Tactics completely - I even have a modded version to increase difficulty.


Tybalt sighs for a moment, then relaxes against a wall. The man had a point, but he'd do what he could to explain.

"I'm here because I used to come here often, when I had reason to. To find the place stained with blood is upsetting, and nearly causes me to wonder - now that the man answered me earlier - who killed him, and so on?"

Almost as soon as he finishes speaking, a man walked in he'd never seen before. Another one, as it were. He took his time to inspect him, nodded, and cleared his throat.

"Akela. About Lord Auroral. Who is he, and why is he in charge? Was it he who led to the death of Reinholdt? I pray your answer is enough to sate my questions, ser."

His tone is obvious that he attempts to be calm, but has personal issue over this.


Tybalt noted what was said, if not more, and when queried on his purpose here, he gave a light smile, and looked around once more before settling on his compatriot's face.

"I came here, because I have history with this family. Or, the one that was in power. I have other reasons, of course, but they are my own for the time being. Can't be too careful when we have... mixed relations."

It's clear he isn't comfortable seeing the creatures working with them, but he obviously has no say. He follows the other man, and the guards along, trying to not get frustrated with the fact that nobody has a straight answer here, except 'wait'.


Tybalt seems very confused for a moment, but notes the immediate distaste in his choices. He doesn't take a care for it - he knows he has chosen the only path before him, and embraced it for better or worse.

When a man walks down and greets them, he nods to him slowly, though his words take on a different tune.

"What do you mean, 'we'll be waiting a long time'? Is the man dead, or captured? He's who I came here for, to start with."

The templar moved to remove his hood, letting short blonde hair loose. He had a look on him that almost needed an answer, as though the matter were suddenly very, very important.


Tybalt takes great care as he begins to plot out the possibilities lying before him. He'd arrived about the same time as another man, who he suspected to be another native. He almost called out to him, but noted how he started talking to the others.

I don't know what caused this, or who's behind this... this trickery. But I'll find out.

The templar, adorned in steel armor from shoulder to toe, and a long, white hooded tabard down and across, with no apparent sigil, no symbol, no heraldry. At his side lay a knightly blade, finely worked as well as his own shield - which on it, was emblazoned a symbol, obviously religious in nature, and obviously not of this area.

He walks up to the guards, and clears his throat.

"I am Tybalt of Stratton, Templar of the Church of Glabados. Who is Lord Auroral?" He sounds a bit confused.



As well as Tybalt would fit the faith bill, his religion isn't well-liked in these parts, and it's part of his charm, I suppose. I'd have to say if anything, he'd probably be a solid steward. But that's beyond me, after all, he's just walking into this, and has no clue about your goals for the time being.


They can be against it - I don't blame them for their choice. We all must find our own paths in life, after all.

That said, the power of faith is strong in many ways, and I'll be pleased to have Tybalt demonstrate this, in all manners of speaking.

If you insist, sir, if you insist! Consider myself braver than before, as my faith fills me to the brim!


Unless I'm mistaken, I believe the services of the Church are usually well-received - for we have arrived from far away, and have much good to do still in this world. It's a pleasure to be among you all.

I'm down with this! I have no issues with this, nor does Tybalt - after all, he's here for other purposes, anyways.

Alright then! Thank you for having me!

Necessary Rolls:

Brave 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) = 7

Faith 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 1) = 11

Alright! Templar checking in, with background and flavor to go. Sorry for the wait.

Short Description:

Tybalt is a man of faith, but also a man of action. His will to push on even when put against the wall is his greatest weapon in all he's learned, even now.


When he was young, Tybalt had a glimmer of hope in his eye, for his dreams were lofty and far - he wanted to be a glorious knight, just like the ones he'd learned in legends. In turn, he found his ways through his father's guidance, and led himself to the front of the Church of Glabados located in Yardrow, where he was educated properly.

In time, he found that his path was led to a more martial way, and was further instructed toward the way of a Templar, a path he'd been chosen for - or so he was led to believe. Regardless, he was sent away after his secondary education had been completed, and arrived in Romanda for the purpose of investigating other churches, and to report back his findings on Pharam and its current state of affairs.

With little less to do, Tybalt gathered his belongings and set out on the next caravan, eager to start his work.