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![]() North of the city of Bard's Gate, in the hills of the Stoneheart Mountains, lie the ruins of the twin shrines dedicated to Aroden. Near the ruined shrines lies a series of catacombs used as burial halls for the followers of Aroden. Long abandoned, these catacombs are now home to various evil creatures. In ages past, a vast temple to Aroden was erected in Bard's Gate at the founding of that great city that still stands today. The priestly followers of this noble god erected smaller duplicates of the temple in a secluded valley to the north of the city, adjacent to a lake of crystalline clarity. This valley became known as the Valley of Shrines. In the nearby hills they also carve burial halls to house their fallen heroes and worshipers. For years the worship of Aroden thrived, producing heroes and paladins of legend, some of whom are entombed in the burial halls. After the apparent death of Aroden the remaining followers were unable to maintain both the temple in Bard's Gate and those in the valley, so the priests sealed the northern shrines and returned their worship to the temple in the city. Abandoned, the burial halls still remained sacred places, and small groups of pilgrims continued to make treks to the sealed temples to pay respect to their fallen predecessors and to peer into the crystalline lake. As the years passed and the worship of Aroden declined even further, the shrines in the northern valley increasingly fell to disuse and ruin. Only a handful of devoted priests, led by the high priest Abysthor, were left to continue the elaborate rituals of their god. Even the great temple in Bard's Gate began to deteriorate. Despite Abysthor's devotion, his temple and the worship of his god only waned further. In his final years, Abysthor spent many hours in the main temple in Bard's Gate attempting to commune with his deity. Declaring at last he had received a great vision, he traveled alone - aged an infirm - to the Valley of the Shrines, claiming he would return soon and that the glory of Aroden would be restored. Abysthor never returned. Some said he had gone there to die and had done so alone because no other priest would be able to cast the spells to consecrate his body properly anymore. Many groups of the priests followed after him, though none could brave the corruption that had infested the burial halls since they had been abandoned. Abysthor's failed quest was taken as a sign of final decline. No more paladins or priests came to the temple of the once great god. It has been some twenty years since Abysthor disappeared. Only a handful of lesser priests remain in the temple in Bard's Gate, their cavernous temple falling to ruin, empty of worshipers. ![]()
![]() My first post of this for some reason seems to have a titling error for whatever reason so I'm reposting this. Hello there everyone! I've recently decided that I wanted to give mega dungeons in the PbP format a shot. I saw not to long ago the suggestion by Greg A. Vaughan to combine the Tomb of Abysthor as a lead in to the Slumbering Tsar and it got me really excited. So here we are. I'm looking for 4-6 players, details below. Feel free to ask any questions.
I do have in mind one or two players from other games that will take precedence over others if they apply because I know what I can expect from them. On Posting:
I know a post a day is usually pretty standard fare but for this, especially because of how combat heavy the game can get and how long exploring can become otherwise I'd really like to see more along the lines of 2-3+ posts a day. Background:
I leave background up to my players to determine what they want to do with it. But it is a good portion of how I weigh characters for selection. Character Creation:
Characters will begin the game at 1st level but with standard WBL for a 2nd level character. Hp will be max at 1st level, half max +1 there after. The game will be 20 pb. All core races allowed, the rest on a case by case basis. Though most will be allowed with no issue. All Paizo classes may be used, third party classes on a case by case basis. Setting:
The basis of the game is a burial site for followers of Aroden (potentially a minor Empyreal Lord, subject to change) has fallen to corruption and the players are to root out and defeat this evil. Because the world of The Slumbering Tsar and The Tomb of Abysthor doesn't match up entirely with Golarion, some thing just might not fit. I plan for the majority of the game to take place inside Taldor. But will be lifting the city from inside The Tomb of Abysthor pretty much verbatim, I'm not particularly well versed in the geography of Golarion to find a close enough match. So a city by the name of Bard's Gate exists in Taldor, which is where the beginning of this story will be taking place. I ask for a bit of leeway when I have to force something to make sense in the context of Pathfinder.
RP and Mastery:
Being as the game will be primarily a series of dungeon crawls I'm hoping that the players will be able to find a way to create moments or find opportunities for them to role play and develop their characters. Feel free to include hooks for your characters in your back story, as I like the opportunity to be able to utilize things of that nature. In essence, though I realize that the game will be largely based around exploration and dungeon delving, I do want to carry on a story as well. It is for that reason as well that I ask for submissions to be made by players with a solid system mastery. Some deaths are unavoidable, but while the chosen campaign is certainly more deadly than normal, I do want to try to avoid the game becoming a revolving door of cast members. I'm not asking for hyper optimized character or the like, but that you understand your characters abilities and limitations. I often like to retool or even replace encounters and have had players not use abilities that could have reduced the difficulty of an encounter only for them to forget / not even know about it and thus make the fight much harder than it should be.
On Dying: There are some inherent problems with games that can potentially chew up players. Among them is the acquisition of dead players loot being absorbed by still living players while the now dead players character needs some semblance of gear themselves. This can create a sort of cycle where in you find yourself with 7th level characters with 10 or 11th level loot. For this reason, the wealth on dead players will not be able to be utilized by the party. Either their corpses claimed by the variance sinister forces at work, they were respectfully buried as opposed to being callously plundered by their friends, their wealth went to pay for local farmer's health insurance, etc. In some cases where a player had a particularly desirable item to another player I may allow them to have it at the cost of accruing a personal loot debt to be repaid. ![]()
![]() Hello there everyone! I've recently decided that I wanted to give mega dungeons in the PbP format a shot. I saw not to long ago the suggestion by Greg A. Vaughan to combine the Tomb of Abysthor as a lead in to the Slumbering Tsar and it got me really excited. So here we are. I'm looking for 4-6 players, details below. Feel free to ask any questions. Recruitment will last one week or until I find my 4-6, whichever comes up first. I do have in mind one or two players from other games that will take precedence over others if they apply because I know what I can expect from them. On Posting:
I know a post a day is usually pretty standard fare but for this, especially because of how combat heavy the game can get and how long exploring can become otherwise I'd really like to see more along the lines of 2-3+ posts a day. Background:
I leave background up to my players to determine what they want to do with it. But it is a good portion of how I weigh characters for selection. Character Creation:
Characters will begin the game at 1st level but with standard WBL for a 2nd level character. Hp will be max at 1st level, half max +1 there after. The game will be 20 pb. All core races allowed, the rest on a case by case basis. All Paizo classes may be used, third party classes on a case by case basis. Setting:
The basis of the game is a burial site for followers of Aroden (potentially a minor Empyreal Lord, subject to change) has fallen to corruption and the players are to root out and defeat this evil. Because the world of The Slumbering Tsar and The Tomb of Abysthor doesn't match up entirely with Golarion, some thing just might not fit. I plan for the majority of the game to take place inside Taldor. But will be lifting the city from inside The Tomb of Abysthor pretty much verbatim, I'm not particularly well versed in the geography of Golarion to find a close enough match. So a city by the name of Bard's Gate exists in Taldor, which is where the beginning of this story will be taking place. I ask for a bit of leeway when I have to force something to make sense in the context of Pathfinder. RP and Mastery:
Being as the game will be primarily a series of dungeon crawls I'm hoping that the players will be able to find a way to create moments or find opportunities for them to role play and develop their characters. Feel free to include hooks for your characters in your back story, as I like the opportunity to be able to utilize things of that nature. In essence, though I realize that the game will be largely based around exploration and dungeon delving, I do want to carry on a story as well. It is for that reason as well that I ask for submissions to be made by players with a solid system mastery. Some deaths are unavoidable, but while the chosen campaign is certainly more deadly than normal, I do want to try to avoid the game becoming a revolving door of cast members. I'm not asking for hyper optimized character or the like, but that you understand your characters abilities and limitations. I often like to retool or even replace encounters and have had players not use abilities that could have reduced the difficulty of an encounter only for them to forget / not even know about it and thus make the fight much harder than it should be. On Dying: There are some inherent problems with games that can potentially chew up players. Among them is the acquisition of dead players loot being absorbed by still living players while the now dead players character needs some semblance of gear themselves. This can create a sort of cycle where in you find yourself with 7th level characters with 10 or 11th level loot. For this reason, the wealth on dead players will not be able to be utilized by the party. Either their corpses claimed by the variance sinister forces at work, they were respectfully buried as opposed to being callously plundered by their friends, their wealth went to pay for local farmer's health insurance, etc. In some cases where a player had a particularly desirable item to another player I may allow them to have it at the cost of accruing a personal loot debt to be repaid. ![]()
![]() Cilan Rora - The City of Stars is the northern most metropolis in Lorist. The city shines with thousands of lanterns and torches against a sea of black. A little under two centuries ago, Cilan Rora was the home of the Archmage Thenis Grend, who ruled over the city and acted as its protector. When the invading forces of Vudinera laid siege to the city, Thenis cast a great deal of magical barriers and enchantments to protect the city. Amongst them, was a blanket of perpetual darkness over the land. Unfortunately, Thenis' choice in his Apprentice was a poor one, and Thenis met his end in his sleep to his protégé who surrendered the city to the Vudinera. Even still, years later a great deal of the magics cast by Thenis remain in effect, the most noticeable being the permanent darkness that swallows the landscape. Despite the unsavory methods that the Vudinera gained control of the city, it has actually prospered in the last century. Cilan Rora is treated as its own city-state and the Vudinera stay out of their affairs in most matters. Today, Cilan Rora is amongst the largest cities in all of Lorist, home to one of the few academies for magical studies and housing two institutes of war. Some of the best and brightest minds and soldiers in all of Vudinera or even Lorist hail from Cilan Rora. More recently, the previous government being a parliament was overthrown by a group of militants. Though this should have caused a tumultuous affair in Cilan Rora, the groups were careful to change exceedingly little in their seizure of power. As such, the city is now ruled by a group of nine leaders all in control of a clan. These clans in the next few years would become increasingly more powerful, each of them becoming a sort of army in and of itself. Life at the present in Cilan Rora is one heavily influenced by clan activities as each clan vies for power either openly or behind closed doors. For whatever reason you have come to Cilan Rora, or perhaps you were born here. In either case you found yourself in need of a clan. Perhaps you wanted work, needed protection from those who wished you harm, or simply were looking for adventure. Whatever the case may be, you find yourself an initiate to the Night Wolves Clan. Where you and several others wait in a large room awaiting to be addressed, uncertain of what's to come. ![]()
![]() This is a response to Logan's recent post where he said that Warlock Talents were being made weaker to compensate for the fact that they have spells. I wanted to make a post to illustrate how this is the exact opposite of what should be done. To do so, I will be using the example of a Magus as if he were picking talents like a Warlock would. So the Magus sits down to plan his character and pick his talents. He can choose up to 9th level spells if he invests all his talents if he wants to into it, and pick up a few bonus feats along the way. (Wizard) However, the Magus notices that by giving up his 9th level spells he can get Spellstrike and Spell Combat, and he reasons, hey that's pretty good, I'd still have 8th level spells and be able to cast them through my sword, that's boss. BUT then he sees Arcana and he's like, hey hang on, if I sacrifice my 8th level spells I get all these extra abilities that I can activate and I get then throughout the leveling process? Well id only have 8th level spells for a short while anyways, let's get that too. Then he sees oh cool, I can cast in light armor at first level and get martial weapon proficiency? Then it scales up to casting in heavy armor and all I give up is 7th level spells? Let's do it! The result is the Magus gives up power to get different but also powerful tools at his disposal. Now. Let's look at the Warlock. He is automatically giving up that access to 9th level spells too. Also to 6th level at a minimum. Then, on top of that, Logan wants us to be able to make a weird caster if we want to as well, maybe only 3rd or 4th level spells and then flavor in with other abilities to make our own creation. The problem arrives is that the available talents already aren't in the same power level for the Magus who gave up 3 spell levels to be awesome. But then it's asked of us to want to give up even more then that. If that is the case, then the talents need to be extraordinarily strong to incentivize us to do so. The weaker the talents are the more spell levels don't feel like a choice, and like mandatory selections. But also without the massive compensation bonus that classes like the Bard, Magus, and Inquisitor get in return for making that sacrifice. ![]()
![]() I had the idea just now, with the current unhappiness with both Mystic Bolts and Spell Casting for Warlocks, what if we merged these two abilities? I propose the following: Warlocks gain Mystic Bolts with their Arcane Training II. With this it deals purely 1d6+2 damage of the element of your choice, chosen at the time of taking the talent. It retains its current iteration of functionality. For each additional Arcane Training rank taken thereafter, from Ranks 3-5 Would unlock another Elemental type, and increase the damage of Mystic Bolts by 2. So 1d6+4 at Arcane III 1d6+6 at Arcane IV 1d6+8 at Arcane V etc. Upon reaching Arcane Training VI I would like to see them offered Force or Sonic damage as a type, in addition to completing their damage out at 1d6+10. I think this makes taking Arcane Training feel less of a sucker punch by getting additional functionality beyond just being taxed for spells, and also alleviates some of the problems with Warlock Talents being so scarce, in addition to helping Mystic Bolts overcome its current lacking ability to deal with energy resistance. What do you all think? ![]()
![]() Hello everyone, I'm looking to recruit five players for my ongoing Kingmaker campaign. The party is currently 4th level, and nearing the end of the first book. Before getting into character creation guidelines I want to be very specific in what I'm looking for in my players, and what you can expect of me. When this campaign began it was a hyper active one by design, I believe it reached something like 1500 posts in its first 30 days. I'm not going to hold new players to the same standard, but the game still intends to be an accelerated one, so please be able to on average contribute more than a single post or two per day. To that end I would prefer if applicants be able to do the majority of posting on an eastern US time schedule, as I am primarily active from 3pm to 12am EST. In addition, when combat begins I expect players to be able to respond within a few hours. If after that time period has elapsed, I will take your characters action for you, to the best of their personality. This can be required to keep combats from becoming week long affairs, and I ask that you be OK with this happening to your character from time to time if it comes down to it. I tend to retool and recreate just about every encounter I run. This is never going to be good for you. I expect a baseline of system mastery from my players, that if you cannot reach will make your character feel marginalized. If I roll initiative it's because I think the fight can hurt you. To this end, I have a very cold attitude towards player death. I'm not interested in telling a story of intrepid adventurers who band together to conquer the wilds. I'm telling the story of the River Kingdom at this point in time. Your characters could be the central point of this whole saga, or they could be a bloodstain on the way to someone else's greatness. I prefer a high amount of activity even when I myself am inactive, in the sense that if I leave the party at a city at night before I go to bed. And I check back in 12 hours and nothing is going on, I will just move the story along. If the party is being active and I want to move the story forwards I will usually set a schedule so you have time to get in any relevant posts done before so, but am always willing to allow you to continue on with the prior day or what have you via spoilers. Back to the point of not rolling initiative, I won't run throw away encounters, if the party rolls up one on the encounter table, I simply mark down the exp that you would have made and put it into a pool. Whenever there is enough there, I may run my own encounter to make up this pool of exp, or simply award it to you in a lump sum to push you over the hump to the next level. For those of you still interested, this is the list of major accomplishments the party has achieved thus far: The Deeds of the Party:
->Defeated the Bandits at Oleg's. ->Discovered a strange temple rooted in evil. ->Reached an unsteady alliance with the Kobolds, and Chief Sootscale looks to further his influence. ->Have yet to investigate the temple to the southwest of Oleg's. ->Cleared the Old Sycamore of Mites, but their demonic centipede escaped. ->Assaulted Kressle's camp, though she escaped. ->Obtained the password to the Stag Lord's camp. The current party consists of a Aasimar Sorcerer, a Half-Orc Slayer of Gorum, and a Half-Orc Inquisitor of Abadar. Character creation rules are as follows: 20 Point Buy. 2,000 gold. 2 Traits, one must be campaign, drawback for third. All Pathfinder Paizo sources are allowed, excluding ongoing playtests. I prefer core and common races, I will take others, but if I like two submissions equally, I'll take the one with the less exotic race. 3rd Party Material was not available to my original players and so I will not be making it available here in the interest of fairness, please do not ask. Feel free to ask any questions and I look forwards to your submissions. ![]()
![]() The desert of Shrirazz, the shining desert is always graced by the light of the sun. Rising up from the desert's sands stands the tower of stars. Stretching up and into the cloud line the tower is visible across all parts of the desert, and shines like a beacon providing a ceaseless illumination to the inhabitants of the desert. No records document who built the impressive structure, and any attempt to reach the top via any means has always resulted in, sometimes, spectacular failure. Still, legends abound of fantastic treasure stashed away inside the tower itself, or great power awaiting any who make it to the top. Such rumors have brought forth many adventurers over the years, though none who have entered have ever returned. The small village of Elis has grown up around the tower hoping to make money off any adventurers entering the tower. ![]()
![]() Many hundreds of years ago, the forces of good allied to destroy the main Temple of Orcus in the ancient city of Tsar. With their temple in ruins, the surviving high priests of this accursed demongod fled the city with an army of enemies on their trail—an army of heroic fighters, clerics and paladins—led by Zelkor, a powerful wizard. The exact fate of these evil priests was then unknown, for not only did the remnants of the followers of Orcus disappear from all human reckoning, but so did the army of light that followed after them disappear as well. Some said that in the eternal scales the loss of so many good men was a fair price to pay to rid the world of so much evil. The evil cult, however, had not been destroyed. The surviving priests and their followers instead settled on a hill near the Forest of Hope, a sylvan woodland near the Coast Road. There they found a vast underground complex of caverns and mazes, carving out a volcanic intrusion beneath the hill. There, the priests of Orcus found the perfect lair to continue their vile rituals. For many years, they carried on in secret, hidden from the light and from the knowledge of men. Many years later, their underground delving completed, the evil priests erected a hideous mausoleum and a sunken graveyard atop the hill. It is believed that these graves are in fact the final resting place of the pursuing army of heroes that had been destroyed to a man. Soon after the mausoleum was erected the peaceful creatures of the wood began to disappear. Though many rangers and druids investigated these happenings, the cause of the creatures’ disappearance was not immediately determined. Some years later a powerful group of adventurers, led by Bofred, a high priest of Thyr, investigated the evil happenings and found the sunken graveyard leading to a labyrinthine complex. Bofred and his companions found great hordes of evil creatures in the complex. Though some of his companions returned from their expedition, telling tales of fantastic treasure and ferocious monsters, Bofred was never seen again—lost in the catacombs beneath the cursed mausoleum. For the last one hundred years, ranks of adventurers have ventured to the newfound dungeon. Many fell prey to bandits and monsters in the surrounding wilderness. Rumors suggest that of those who survived to reach the mausoleum and sunken graveyard, most were slain by guardians of green stone or perished on the very first level. Those rare few who return from deeper treks speak of horrible undead and creatures that cannot be slain. All who have explored Rappan Athuk offer this one universal piece of advice: “Don’t go down the Well.” ![]()
![]() Today is February 9th, 2390. Initializing Interface... Hello Doctor Brautigan! I am Rubric, how may I assist you today? "Rubric, please perform both Aggregated and Weighted Danger Indexes as well as Newborn Placement protocols on ID#928-784G." Please wait... Loading Newborn Placement protocol... Initialized. Beginning scan of tissue and bone structure...Complete. Subject shows slightly denser muscle tissue. *WARNING* Subject shows signs of significant Osteopenia. ------> Subject is disqualified for Titus and Skadi training. ------> Subject will require bone reinforcement and alignment before field operations. ------> Scheduling subject for re-assessment for possible sterilization. Subject will be assessed again on August 23rd, 2402. Please wait... Proceeding to scan of neural pathways...Complete. Subject shows below average coordination. ------> Disposition deemed non-critical. Simon's Bridge identified at standard size and production levels. ------> Subject is disqualified from Longitus training. Subject shows strong learning capacity. *ABERRANT* Subject shows extreme macular deviancy, acuity at levels approaching 20/8. ------> Subject reinstated into Skadi training program under the Loki directive. Please wait... System Diagnosis --- Loki Prospect
Protocols complete doctor. "Thank you, Rubric." ![]()
![]() Traveling through the southern lands of Rostland was an ardous journey but finally you have arrived at the sole outpost in the Greenbelt, Oleg's Trading Post. Oleg’s Trading Post looks more like a run down fort and is surrounded by a wooden palisade that stands 10 feet high. At each corner of the palisade are 20-footsquare watchtowers, each armed with a run-down catapult left over from the site’s original use as a border fort. There’s one entrance through the palisade—a 30-foot-wide wooden gate. Approaching the trading post you can see a man working on the roof of one of the buildings, while a woman observes him from the courtyard below. Roll20 is now up so please join. ![]()
![]() Ok guys I'm going to be starting up a Kingmaker game. Before I get into any of the specifics I request that you read all of the following and be sure this game will fit your play style and that you can meet my own requirements. Please pay special attention to the posting requirements for any potential applicants. Character Sheet:
Amori Ren
Werewolf Hunter You spent a great deal of your life hunting lycanthropes. You may have lost a loved one to a werewolf attack, or you survived an attack by one yourself, and you have sworn to prevent this from happening to anyone else. To that end, you procured a silvered weapon. You came to Falcon’s Hollow to pick up this weapon from a local smith just as the town seems to be coming down with some sort of plague. Choose one weapon (not a double weapon) with which you are proficient; you start play with an alchemically silvered version of this weapon.
Backpack [
Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Weapon and Armor Proficiency A slayer is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Studied Target (Ex) A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer studies a new target. If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target as an immediate action, allowing him to apply his studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll). At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack and damage rolls, as well as the bonus to slayer ability DCs against a studied, target increase by 1. In addition, at each such interval, the slayer is able to maintain these bonuses against an additional studied target at the same time. The slayer may discard this connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing him to study another target in its place. At 7th level, a slayer can study an opponent as a move or swift action. Track (Ex) A slayer adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Hello players, quick! Look at your character sheet, now look at mine, back to yours, now back to mine. Sadly, your character sheet is not mine, but it could be like mine with the proper formatting. All players should get their sheets to resemble my own. Because I have OCD problems when things are not uniform. If your sheet does not look like mine I will hound you every day until it does. In addition, please include in your class levels area of your profile information such as this: Ini +5; HP 10/10; AC 16 T 12 FF14; Fort+3 Ref +4 Will+3; Perc +4
Posting Habits:
This is the most important aspect. I want to run a very active game here. Kingmaker is the type of game where the game advances according to the players. I have very little way to drive the story. As such, every player should be pushing the story forwards whenever they can. In addition, I expect the players who apply to be able to post consistently and frequently. By that I mean 3, 4, 5 posts a day. If you cannot meet this specification, please do not apply as if you are selected it will only lead to your subsequent removal. CRs and Encounters:
When it comes to encounters in pathfinder APs all I'm often looking at is the theme of the encounter and the CR. After which I will add, retool, and generally do whatever the hell I please to it.
This means you can end up fighting something far higher than the CR suggests or something particularly nasty that isn't at all like it's base monster description. A troll is not a troll is a troll is a troll. Expect that. In one of my live games (through a mixture of bad luck, bad decisions, and circumstance) I once killed the same player 11 times in 8 sessions... I'm not proud... or sorry... (By the time you will have read this he will be dead a 12th time.) In short, be smart. I'm not going to try to kill you, but don't expect that just because you're walking through an Auromvorax's den that you should be itching to fight it at level 3 either. Rules Disputes:
I tend to be a Rules As Intended type of guy when I can be. When we have a rules question or dispute, which will at some point or another arise, you may present your argument and I will make the final decision based on how I feel about it. This means sometimes I will rule in your favor, and other times I will not. Please accept my ruling and continue on with the game. I don't want to get bogged down for three days over trying to find an official ruling that may or may not exist.
We will be handling our maps on the Roll20 system, please be sure your system can handle using it and that you are able to access it. Timezones:
I'm on the East Cost US, and stay up till around 2am. I would like for the applicants to this game be either from the US or Canada only so we can keep a consistent posting schedule. If you're from another country and stay up at hours where we will be playing, you are free to apply but remember that I will be forced to remove you if you slow down the party. Ok, that out of the way, onwards to the ruling. Point Buy: 20
Please obviously include a general background for your character. I'm not going to put any rules here, some backgrounds are fine being just a paragraph or two. Some need to be longer, give me an idea of who your character is, you know better than me how many words that takes. I'm not sure how many players I'll be taking yet so let's just set the bar between 4 and 8. Recruitment will last until either the 12th, or I find enough submissions that I like. Whichever comes first - with the possibility of even extending recruitment if I've yet to find enough applicants. ![]()
![]() Cheat the devil and take his gold! Saul Vancaskerkin's reopening of the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall and its tournament has been the talk of the town for the last two weeks, rivaled only by the shadow looming in the sky. Riddleport already hosts a large number of scholars, but as word of the blot has spread, additional investigators from locations as far as Magnimar have come to witness the strange phenomenon, their numbers swelling the city’s population. Arguments over the source, nature, and implications of the shadow rage in areas where scholars congregate, but when it became apparent that the shadow was having little direct impact on the city itself, most of Riddleport’s citizens moved on to other concerns, leaving the matter to the bookish sages in order to get on with the business of doing business. Of course, the majority of the city’s residents find the influx of new marks to be quite welcome, and both pickpocketing and the confidence business is booming. Skill Checks Pertaining to the Blot Gather Information Check Result DC 10:
The darkness in the sky over Riddleport is known locally as Blakely’s Shadow, or simply the Blot. DC 14:
The Blot first appeared over Riddleport about a month ago and has remained in the sky ever since. It has changed size and shape and has even disappeared intermittently, but has always
returned after several hours. DC 18:
The overlord has offered a 500 gp reward to anyone who can determine what the Blot is and if it poses a threat to the city. Many have undertaken the challenge but so far there have been no results. Knowledge(arcana) Check Result DC 12:
Riddleport has a long history of mysterious phenomena connected to its infamous Cyphergate Riddle—the long-sought hidden purpose of the stone arch that rises over the harbor. Old accounts tell of strange lights moving in the sky and sounds issuing forth from it without explanation. The manifestation of a shadow in the sky is something new, though. DC 16:
No known magical traditions explain the existence of the hovering shadow, and it does not bear the trappings of any known spell. DC 20:
The wizard Argentus Blakely (a noted Cyphergate scholar) postulated that the Blot is some sort of convergence for focusing arcane energies. He has yet to prove his hypothesis but is running several experiments to test its validity. Knowledge(local) Check Result DC 10:
A local cyphermage and stargazer named Argentus Blakely first noticed the Blot before it was visible to the naked eye. He called it an “atmospheric shadow” and it was subsequently named for him as it became more visible. DC 14:
Blakely flew up to investigate the eerie shadowy Blot a week after it appeared, and reported that the interior was strangely cold but that the blot itself seemed no different than a regular
cloud—apart from its unusual color. DC 18:
Blakely’s been out of town recently, on a long journey to Magnimar and thence to Korvosa to research the Blot in the libraries there. In his absence, the Order of Cyphers has been leading the charge on additional localized investigations of the Blot.
Knowledge(nature) Check Result DC 10:
The Blot has no known analogy in nature. DC 15:
Birds and flying creatures appear to avoid the air space around the Blot. Although it resembles a dark cloud, the wind seems to have no real affect on it. DC 21:
The movements of the Blot seem to be related to the tides—it is at its largest at high tide and at its smallest at low tide, although periodically, changes in its size seem to occur at random as well. Perception Check Result DC 13:
The Blot changes shape and size somewhat, but is generally ovoid in shape and hovers alternately over the harbor and gulf just south of Riddleport. It is dark like a shadow but does allow some light through, albeit dimly, and flying objects can faintly be seen through its obscuring haze. It casts a faint shadow on the ground beneath it depending on the angle of the sun. DC 17:
The Blot hangs at a fairly constant altitude of about 2,500 feet and appears to be roughly 250 feet long by 130 feet wide. DC 22: The Blot seems to move in a pattern that appears erratic until studied closely. It follows an elliptical orbit traveling north over the town and south over the gulf, shifting north and south as the tides shift. It is closest to Riddleport at high tide. ![]()
![]() Hello everyone I am an experienced DM who is looking to start getting into PbP. As RL responsibilities have increased over the years I can no longer realistically meet up to do extended gaming sessions like I once could, but I still want to scratch that Pathfinder itch. I'm looking for 4 to 6 players to join me in my endeavours. Theme:
Second Darkness is all about delving into the depths of the earth and surviving its horrors, because of which some more light-hearted characters might find themselves overshadowed by the seriousness of the AP. This isn't to say you cannot or shouldn't make such a character, only that you're aware of this fact. Personality and History:
Give me insight into why your character thinks and acts the way they do. Being in touch with a character's motives helps me drive the story and connect with the story personally. This is the most important aspect of me choosing a player. Posting:
I would like to ask for a post a day from my players, that said I also understand that I myself don't always have the time to post every day. That isn't to say I won't try, but more so that there will come a day here and there where I will miss a day. I will however always be checking the posts atleast twice a day and if I see that a small post can be made, even if I otherwise would not have, I will to drive things along. Character Creation:
Book List: All Official Pathfinder Paizo. Race: All Core, others on a case by case basis. Level: 1 Attributes: 20 Point Buy Traits: 2 Traits, one must be a campaign trait. Drawback for a third if you desire. Equipment: 150g Other Things:
I will take creative liberty with the AP pretty much wherever I feel like it and given the dated nature of the AP I will be doing pretty extensive modification to the books regardless. The 20 point buy is there so I don't feel bad when I do something awful to you. If you're still interested feel free to apply and I can't wait to hear from all of you. I will be accepting applications up until December 20th. |