Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() I would like to switch up characters, but to what would depend on the story and whether or not everyone else switches up. As far as levels go, whichever is fine with me. A story idea...well, depending on what DSP is up for running... -Typical group of good guys sent to destroy a bad thing/bad guy/whatever is troubling the local town. Always fun and plenty of options to explore during/after monster smashing. -Urban setting has also been in mind. Maybe as members of a guild competing against other guilds, performing various services to whoever pays the price, everything from rescuing orphans to planting dirt on politicians? Or somewhere in between? -Prisoners (or captured soldiers/mercenary's) that start off deep in enemy territory, kind of a "Great Escape" or "Behind Enemy Lines" situation? SO...yeah, some random ideas. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() All the other games I'm in on the boards are homebrew. For me, it's a little easier to get motivated to do things in the campaign or world of the game. The AP, while fun, feels a little more like fulfilling a story that's already written. Homebrew feels like we're the ones writing the story. Everyone's experience is different :) Liesurely posting is good for me right now. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() I for one would like to play out whatever things happen between Tsakua and the Vinders. I just...feel kinda guilty doing it because it doesn't necessarily involve everyone else except for when you're all getting me out of trouble. Personally, I'm fine with either homebrew or the AP. I'd like to follow the story through, but I can live with adjustments, however big or small. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() This is probably something we should all weigh in on. And, to be fair, DSP did give us a "What to expect" from him when he began continuing the campaign for us. It may be a case of miscommunication and misunderstanding on all fronts. GM DSP wrote:
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Not sure I can say anything that hasn't already been said. For what it''s worth, this was the first PbP game that I had ever played when we started, and I've enjoyed what fun and exciting moments we've had. I'd hate to see it die, but it feels like it's been barely hanging on as it is. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua didn't have much to do after downing his last drink. Walking to his little makeshift pallet on the edge of the woods, his pockets felt their usual...empty. Job of helping around town better pay off somethin' good, he thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep. Morning found him, birds chirping. Ambling into town, he took the long way to the inn, taking in the sights (and keeping his ears and eyes open for a chance at some coin). He thought about stopping by the Vinder's, but decided against it till he had someone like Tas or Luminita, someone better with words than him. Eventually, Tsakua made his way to the inn, sitting down at the group's table, greeting whoever is there. "Any thoughts on what we brave defenders of the town can do today?" he asks. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "Old lady said they were people sized, and last I checked, goblins weren't much fer maskin' their presence. Like t'be in and out with a bang," Tsakua responds. "But if they knew enough t'go after Kent's home..."
"If they're...in league with the goblins that attacked...d'you think they might go after somethin' that belongs to Mary or I? I mean, I got nothin' in town t'speak of, but what about the Vinder's?" ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "Think this may've come from somethin' we did?" Tsakua asks, scratching his jaw. "Kent's the only permanent resident of Sandpoint of the five of us, so it makes sense t'go after him. Maybe someone didn't want us pryin' in that tomb, or workin' with the Sheriff." ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "Let's try and head after Kent. If we're lucky, he'll have found some trouble we can pull him out of," Tsakua says with a grim smile, before running off in the direction that he had seen Kent, Tas, and Mary go.
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua contemplated on his own skills with tracking while everyone was being taken care of. If it wasn't spelled out, he probably wasn't going to find anything. After everyone was taken care of, the Tsakua nods to Luminita and says "Well, you're probably right about the odds of us finding anything, but d'you think we should tell the mayor?" ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() After watching Kent, Tas and Mary head off, Tsakua turns to Luminita and the townsfolk and hollers "Alright folks, leads head for the Rusty Dragon." While walking down the street, Tsakua asks Luminita "D'you think we should head back to that neighborhood t'look for whoever torched Kent's forge?" ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() It does take all kinds. Tsakua can be hotheaded (as has already been seen) but recognizes that he needs to take turns with Kent. And every once in a while he might have a good idea. I don't get a lot of opportunity to play a character at all, so it's good to explore the possibilities for growth and character development ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "P'rhaps Kent, Mary, and Tas c'n follow the trail," Tsakua rumbles. "I bash heads, but I can't follow a trail. Luminita and I can take care of these folks, take'm to the inn and alert the mayor." Tsakua pushes the doors open as wide as they can go. "Maybe after that we can take a look around the neighborhood, see if we can find any clues from there. What do you think, Luminita?" ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "Besides the goblins we smashed the other day?" Tsakua comments. Were the corpses anyone significant? Standing from the bodies, Tsakua looks around the room. "Nothin' special about them besides how they spoke? No clothes or weapons that stood out to you?" he asks the captives. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua steps forward and moves over to the bodies, turning them so that their faces are visible.
I gotta watch my temper in the future, Tsakua vows. At least he's got a good reason to be angry, and they've probably a good reason to be frightened. Not just some stranger barging into their home tryin' to pick a fight. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua shrugs at Mary's question, leaning against a wall to catch his breath. "Kent never went after anyone that didn't deserve it, if that's what you mean," the large half-orc responds. Looking at the ruined smithy, Tsakua asks to the group "Anyone know who's place this is?"
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua stands and walks over to the forge, still cool in the ruins. "Well, if you haven't had any big orders, how come your everything burned with a cold forge?" Tsakua asks, placing a hand into the ashes. "I'm no smith, but that strikes me as fishy," he says.
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua drops the bucket he'd been holding up to that point. Wiping smoke and soot from his eyes, he regards the scene. Strange, a large fire and no one around to see it, he thinks. Shrugging his shoulders, he turns to Mary and mutters "You keep an eye on Luminita. Maybe take her to check and make sure the folks in the neighborhood are doin' alright." Nodding towards the angry smith, he finishes, "Come back after Kent cools down and you talk some sense into that girl's head." Turning, Tsakua sits down to rest for a moment from the heat and smoke. Then a thought strikes him. "Kent, when was the last time y'did some work in the forge?" ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "Normally I'd agree with you, Luminita, but I doubt my father-in-law to be will be happy t'hear I've no money, no job, and no home." the half-orc grimaces. "Come t'think of it, that might get me out of the wedding." ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "Can't be gossip if it's already common knowledge," Tsakua grumbles, "Just make sure to get me a good wedding present." Thinking for a bit, Tsakua nods in agreement with Tas. "We do need a plan," he remarks. "Do we just patrol the town, or take up watches at the gates? Seems to me we need to figure out how those goblins got in here the first time." ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "Speakin' for myself, but I gotta agree with Kent here," Tsakua says, knodding towards the blacksmith. "A few goblins is one thing, but we're talking about all the local tribes coming here for an attack, as I understand it." ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua sat down, catching the tail end of Mary and Tas' stories. "Life's always been a fight for survival," Tsakua comments. "Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is probably selling something, or they're profiting in some other way." The large half-orc paused, appeared thoughtful, and then continued. "Never new my parents. Was born a slave down in Nidal, till a group of adventurers freed us all. Not sure where everyone else went, but I decided to try and find more folks that looked, well...like me." Tsakua says, gesturing to his orcish features. "Headed towards Belkzen, but started getting chased by slavers in Pangolais. Met up with some traveling performers, and they agreed to work for hiding." Feeling like his story was dragging on, Tsakua made it towards the conclusion. "Anyhow, I ran into some trouble up the road, so to keep things easier on the troupe, I stayed behind, so here I am." Staying silent, he takes a drink and waits to hear others responses. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua scowled. Figures I missed my chance to leave town, he grumbles inside his head. Still, it was a...comfortable feeling to be wanted around. "Any particular areas we need to look out for? The goblins did just crash this towns biggest festival." ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() Tsakua laughs and slaps Kent on the shoulder. "Well, we've both a love of spreading it around with a big shovel, ain't that right, Kent?" Nodding at the grimy half-orc, Tsakua steps forward. "Work is work. My shoulders are good as long as the coin is." Profession: Shoveling....stuff: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() i know the feeling. Don't worry about it :) "Just what I'm carrying and a few coins t'my name," Tsakua responds. "Maybe I should just marry that gal. She might just run from a penniless proposal, and then Vinder can't be mad. I can still say I tried to make things right. And if she's crazy enough to fall in love with a drifter like me, you've got the job." Walking along and listening to Kent, Tsakua kept his eyes and ears open for any chance to earn some extra coin. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() When everyone had left, Tsakua jangled the coins in his pocket...there weren't many there...turning to Kent, he suggested, "Bet you a drink I can beat you in an arm-wrestling match," as they walked through the street. ![]()
Male Half-Orc Brawler 1 (Steel-Breaker) / HP(15/15) / AC 14 T12 FF10 / Saves F+4 R+5 W+1
![]() "We'll, you're the one with the pretty words, Tas. How 'bout you and the ladies go along to Vinder's to calm him down? Me and Kent are targets for trouble, so we'll see about getting some equipment up our alley."
Tsakua pats his bandages and winces a bit. "Tell Vinder what y'need to. He wants a fight, he'll get it. If I gotta marry that harpy, well...I suppose there's worse fates." |