Ancient Solar Dragon

Tsa Vol'rae's page

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Hello all. I run two home brew game. One I use the free arch type the other we don’t. My group likes the free arch type optional rules as it allows for more creativity and diversity of characters. However the non free arch type group (a lot of the same players) don’t feel like they are missing out. So all is good playing with or without in my opinion.

One thing - the free arch type fears have to be used for archetypes and not core class. Is this not the case? That is how we interpreted.

Have a wonderful day.


For me it’s

1) SoM
2) Mwangi expanse and Bazaar
3) Kingmaker 2e for the kingdom building rules

Book of the Dead an honourable mention.

I provide lore skills for free as it fits the activities the players are doing. If they spend a lot of time training fire wolf pups - nature checks to train etc. I provide a free Lore - Dire wolf. For example.

Or if the rogue spends time in a new city or town building contacts and connections. Lore - City or region.

I for one love the new direction of class archetypes and archetypes.

if i want to play classes with class options and feats PF is always there. Still a great game as well!

hey all is there a picture of the pdf for the Bestiary pawns PDF?

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I used last week in my gaming session. One confirmed 20 crit against a river drake. Rogue wizard using a rapier - lights out river drake. Just waiting to get crt fumble to arrive at my corner gaming store. Excellent work Paizo.

where might i find the pdf of the monster creation rules?

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Hey everyone.

I have already pre-ordered from my local game store and can't wait.

I enjoy the PFP 1.6 and am running my own home brew game. Everyone is having fun and any issues we have with the PFP look to be addressed in PF2 from what I have read and watched in Jason's game with GAMA.

I can't wait for August 1st. Read the 1000 pages or rules and monsters. And play.

Great stuff to the developers.

I have not played yet as a player only as a dm. I must say that the party fighter wielding a great axe is a killer. He must feel pretty awesome every couple of swings. I mean he hits like a truck. Also the sorc is pretty epic as well. All at the low level of 1st.

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The Bestiary has a lot of greatness in it. I don't think they need to include Legendary actions. The monsters have a lot of flare and feel to them. More so than other games of the same genre.
just my thoughts :)

Great suggestions provided. I hope these are considered.

Awesome rules thank you.

Congrats! When are you in Ottawa next?

I payed thi at gencon on Friday morning. The gm running it (from Toronto Canada and I forget his name ) was awesome. The goblins were annoying and thru random chants and comments with their alch fire. Great time! Great gm!

I changed my kingmaker up a little. I introduced gnolls instead of the mites. The pcs were offered options of helping either the gnolls or the kobolds (they hated each other - gnolls had an appetite for kobolds). Long story short the gnolls have allied with the pcs but the pcs are wary. Anyways the gnolls are there looking for ancient gnoll legend that is under candlemere. Oh when I say I made a few changes .... I actually mean more than a few. Hahahahahha.

Amon Amarth gods of war
Amon - rainbow bridge
Amon - guardians of Asgard.
Amon - pursuit of vikings.

So if an enemy is caught flat footed and I have 2 attacks (full round attack) then only my first roll he is flat footed and the 2n roll he is not; therefore no sneak attack?