Just wanted to bring up some comments Google made which I largely agreed with wholeheartedly. Mostly that it's in this section I feel the class needs a large amount of work. Googleshng wrote:
I agree, I'd basically never use it. The only situation I can see coming up is if I needed to use Escape Artist to get out of some kind of grapple wherein my CMB wouldn't cut it. Panache is currently too important for my damage for me to waste out of combat on skills. I like the idea of exploding dice however. Googleshng wrote: Dodging Panache: It's incredibly rare that you can find a use for it, but it is good when it comes up... at very low levels when you have nothing better to do with your panache. Upgrade the movement to 10' at level 7, or just in general even, and it's worth keeping. Agree with the bold section. It allows her to occasionally avoid full attacks, (of course not if the monster has reach, or step-up type feats). Even if it didn't interrupt full attacks, by being more than a simple 5' step it still provides possible respite for next turn's potential full attack. And we've also just added to her mobility in combat.Googleshng wrote:
I like this move a lot. Perhaps level 3 is a more appropriate time to get it. I agree that it should only be usable if something is indeed going to hit you. That makes sense to me fluff-wise and mechanically. This is the primary use of Panache, and Immediate Actions (the Riposte).Googleshng wrote:
Adds mobility, and combat usefulness... a static benefit and at a cost a better one. Sounds good. Googleshng wrote:
I've never personally cared about demoralizing my foes in combat. I'm definitely not spending a swift action on it (which could be instead free damage with a riposte, or enhanced Precise Strike). Like he mentioned, there's a series of feats for this. Why waste class design space? Googleshng wrote:
I like Precise Strike's first paragraph. In a nutshell I agree. Googleshng wrote:
I understand why it's here. I'm not against it from a flavor standpoint, but in practical applications it isn't terribly useful. What if this just became an increase to base move speed? Googleshng wrote:
It's potential utility which I'm not entirely against. I'd only want to use this in very specific occasions however. Maybe if I could just sacrifice a single attack out of a full attack action to do this. Googleshng wrote:
I'm not as against this as Google is. I hold staggering, confusing or knocking prone an enemy with no save in very high regard. And it's a shout out to the class' gunslinger routes. Googleshng wrote:
I like it. It's worthy of the Panache point spending, and doesn't gum up our action economy. Googleshng wrote:
Not sure what Google means about "skipping to improved evasion" Googleshng wrote:
I'm still confused about this ability. Googleshng wrote:
The practical applications of this are very limited. I'd vote to drop it. Googleshng wrote:
I agree that it feels useless at this level. By level 15 the skills that matter to you probably get a bigger bonus than you could roll on the d20. Googleshng wrote:
I'd love to see this around levels 7-12.
Ruggs wrote:
This is shaping up to be my absolute favorite class concept. Take some of these notions, work in an investigative sidekick option, and Paizo, you've done it again.
Malachi's suggestions sound great to me. Although, I honestly wish I could keep riposting (multiple times in a round) up to my number of available AoO's via burning extra panache... but perhaps that'd be too strong. Precise Strike: Would it be too powerful to have both options? Spend a Panache as a swift action to deal double your level as precision damage...or spend 1 panache and have it deal your level in damage that can multiply on crit? (seems a bit strong to give that much flexibility tbh. Having cake and eating it too). Or Perhaps leave it as is, and later on in the class they can start multiplying the extra damage on crit? (as a new level 16 or 19 ability?) I am also confused about Dizzying Defense.
Haha I really hope the effects of working in an obviously haunted office building over night will manifest in the AP. I cannot express to you the joy that would come from reading it and being able to read between the lines and say "Ah...yes this is where Wes was assaulted by the spirits...oh and here is where he drank some!" |