Scarwall Guard

Trooper TK422's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Shadow Lodge

This is potentially a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway.

If you get hit by an AOO while using a Spell-Like ability, do you need to make a concentration check?

If so, what stat would you use on the concentration check if you were a non-caster class? (for example, if you were a rogue who had obtained a spell-like ability somehow).

Shadow Lodge

I tried to ask this in another thread, but it seems to have gotten buried.

Is black powder (by itself) considered ammunition? I ask because I’m wondering if it’s possible to cast Abundant Ammunition on a container of black powder.

It’s unclear to me because Abundant Ammunition looks like it was tailor made for guns, but the spell just says ammunition. I can’t find anywhere in Ultimate Combat that refers to black powder (by itself) as ammunition.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Under the rules for the Paralyzed condition it states:

"A paralyzed character has effective Dexterity and Strength scores of 0 and is helpless, but can take purely mental actions."

So what is a "purely mental action"?

I ask because this question came up in my last session the Cleric in the party got paralyzed, and wanted to use Channel Energy. His argument was that even though he was paralyzed he had used Channel Energy last round, and thus would have been paralyzed in such a way that he would still be "presenting his holy symbol". I allowed it, partially because I thought his argument was relatively solid, and also because the combat might have been a TPK if he hadn't used channel energy that round. But I was left wondering what a mental action actually is.

Shadow Lodge

I'm currently running Savage Tide, and my group is looking to fill at least one (possibly two) empty chair(s). We usually meet at my house, located near Davis square, on Friday nights, and our group is comprised of socially-functioning adult males in their mid to late 20s, and early 30s. If you're interested email me at

Shadow Lodge

I'm looking for a way to sub out Dex for Str on my damage rolls. Weapon Finesse only allows you to swap them on your attack rolls. Is there a feat or class ability that does this?

Thanks in advance.