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![]() For some unreasonable reasons, stupidhead hughmans thinks me, Troll Bard, always thinks me, Troll Bard, trolls people when me does bard stuff. Where dey get such ideas? Hughmans say, "but you, Troll Bard, you trolls us. You, Troll Bard, sing off-key." I says all you hughmans, "You are the onesies that trolls me, Troll Bard. What do keys have to do with singing or moosics? You hughmans use keys to make locks open 'cuz you hughmans too weak to use universal key: BREAK IT!" ![]()
![]() Voin_AFOL wrote:
I do not knowles, but I thinks there's an "IT'S OVER 1000!" jokes in there somewheres. And now I contributes 997. Not ebery troll, orge, gi-ants, gobblin, hobbygoblin, kobounder, or the like speaks of self in third personages. Lots of us knows how to speeches! We ares peoples too! (See Charm Peoples description- it affects hoomanoids! We hoomanoids, we peoples! If you charms us, do we not obey?) ![]()
![]() Troll Bard likes to TROLLZ FOR THE LOLS, but to mess wit people's heads in realz lifes is mean and gets u in twouble. Me alsos not so moozicals, but I kindas likes makings wip da bigs inspeereightional Braveheartz speakes from timez to timez- Perform: oral stories! Alzopes, Troll Bard getz called "Best Bardz EVAR!" when he duz "Empire Couragez" by makin' speakes about u should not want to messes wit us anymorez then u want mess wit a drunks dwarves' beer. Oh, and if I gets twoos singings, there be plenty songs I get to sings off kees, like "WE'RE GON-NA ROCK DOWNS TOES E-LEC-TRICKS AVE-E-NUES! AND THEN WE TAKES IT HIGHS-ER!" orz "HERE'S A BAAAAD MOONS ARISIN'!" Youse got that alls? Goods, I'm done, where's mine candied gnome heads? I'm hungry! |