
Trial 7: Raijin's page

23 posts. Alias of Hordshyrd.


Raijin sees that all the buttons have been pushed in and that some form of force-walkway has formed, taking a moment to center itself using a ki point it makes a series of bounding leaps back and forth between the adjacent platforms... jump: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 20 ⇒ (18) + 11 + 2 + 20 = 51+20 for use of ki, +2 for running start, always running start cause, monk. and easily reaches the top of the platform, moving into a slow easy walk across the final two force platforms and reaching the new door, "And now what faces us?...

Raijin leans back from its button slightly, seeing that it remains in place rather than continuing to fight back. It moves back slowly, half expecting the button to com flying back out at any moment, but when it doesn't the little monk instead moves over to the other end of the room, setting up his run again and blurring across the room to attempt to tackle the final button.

Bull Rush: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 2 = 23

Raijin steps back slowly from it's own button just in time to watch the other two make their own attempts, unsuccesfull as it's own was. It decides to give their ideas a try and slowly walks to the far side of the room takes a moment to slowly centre it's breathing, the gusts of wind around it picking up a little and the patterns across it's narrow arms glowing brighter and starting to slowly crackle before it opens it's eyes and turns into a tiny blurred flash as it rushes towards the button...

Bull Rush: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 = 25

Raijin returns from the other room, walking past the others and towards the button on the south wall, "This one does not think the bulls can get out, this sharp turn in the hallway will give them trouble." It says, moving up to the button placing both hands against it and beginning to push, stepping foreward slowly as necessary.
Strength check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

It manages to compress the button a considerable way only to have it stop short, the tiny creature's form trembling and crackling slightly with the force of trying to press it further back.

Raijin peers down the hallway, "Bloodloss is not generally contagious." it says walking carefully down the next hallway then over to the next door and pressing the button to open it as well.

When the monk spots the trio of bulls through the opening door it immediately presses tight against the wall.
stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (17) + 19 = 36
It slowly takes in the room, spotting the red on the far wall it tries to discern if that's another button or simply a light.

If it's a button:
Raijin begins slowly skulking across the meadow, hoping to push it without drawing the bulls' attention.

If it's a light:
Raijin will slip back through the hallway and move over to the spring loaded buttons, starting to push one in to see how difficult it is and whether it will stay once pushed or must be held down.

Raijing slowly loops another circuit of the room, coming back to the door to the next room past the corpse, "This one does not think so, there is no ventilation in the room and besides it seems to have been a child of the air, a sky burial would be most appropriate... How hungry are you feeling Fey one?" It asks before reaching up to push the button for entrance into the next room, assuming it will not work but may provide some clue as to what should be done.

Raijin steps out from under the felled bull, taking a quick appraising glance at the other testees to check that they're alright then making a long slow circuit of the room, examining it closely and drying to derive just what sort of challenge this one held, and taking a specific look at the dead bull to check if it might have some use.

Observation Room:
The man in the dark suit swirls the cognac in his glass around slowly as he peers down at the testing, "Hmm, I believe that was one of mine, just an early proof of concept for the elemental infusion process."

Raijin ponders the bull for a moment, deciding that striking a fellow electrical being will probably not be terribly effective it instead moves under the bull's back leg
Draws AoO +6 AC
Then grasps one of the bull's legs, giving a hard sharp twist as he attempts to bring it down.
Draws AoO
trip: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Raijin turns to watch it's own and Gorg's pedastals sinking back down into the floor, "Hmm.. locking ourselves from this room... a focal hub such as this will likely allow us to return..." It sighs slightly and slips from hunters pedestal, moving with a fluid grace just to the far side of the door and enters a defensive posture Total Defence looking to guard the doorway in case the bunnies try to slip through after them.

Raijin sees the door slide open to reveal the bull crackling with electricity and moves rapidly around the room, leaping between the pedastals one by one until he stands on the same one as Hunter, waiting to see the action taken by the bull.

swift action enter snake style, two move actions for 80ft need 50

Jump1: 1d20 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 11 + 5 = 29 +11 acrobatics +5 monk level (at this point I don't think I can fail any of these jumps but I'll make all the rolls unless you want to include critical failures on this.
Jump2: 1d20 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 11 + 5 = 22
Jump3: 1d20 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 11 + 5 = 19

Keep in mind that each round is 6 seconds and all participants take action in the same 6 seconds, it's not unreasonable to assume that three people all attempt to kill the same bunny and all overkill it at the same time simply because they don't have the chance to realize it was dead after the first smack.

So anyway, now that that's kind of out of the way, the rabbits are all dead lets get back to the proper posting.

Raijin stands atop the post as the others kill the rabbits, slowly scanning the room, the placement of the platforms and most importantly examining the doors... "The east door has two lights and two paths towards it, it will likely not open without both being activated, the south door has one light and a single path to activate it, the north has a path but no light, perhaps connecting it will open the door or maybe it will activate something beyond... The east door is the one most likely to drive us foreward through the testing, as it is the most complicated, the north door is the most conspicuous, this one suggests opening the south door first, it will likely bear some challenge and perhaps some aid to moving further. This one also suggests raising all the platforms at once without slaughtering the rabbits in between since whatever comes from beyond may deal with them."

I'd lean more towards B, Though I think we've been doing pretty well for posting in the initiative order, which does make things easier for everyone, if they're willing to wait a bit.

What bodies? I doubt there's much left after they take 3-12 times their lifepoints in damage.

Raijin drops into a defensive stance as the rabbits come raging out from beneath the pedestal, then simply watches the four of them get torn apart with ease within a few seconds and instead turns to the pedestal, watching to see if it has locked into an up position or if it's going to start descending again.

Seeing this it then moves over to the next pedestal in the sequence, seeing as it seems to link to all three doors and should be useful whichever they should wish to open. Stepping onto it and waiting in a posture of calm repose.

Raijin slips to the side when the others move to place the pod down on the button, following the rest of them into the room and making a long slow circuit as he examines the set up, keeping an eye on what the others are doing as he does.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

"There are lines tracing between the stone discs across the floor running from that green light towards the doors, one door has a red light the other has two the third has none. If there is something vicious hiding beneath the discs we should be careful in raising them lest we be attacked, but we should be just as carefull about opening the wrong door lest something far larger should be released."

Watches the others rampantly tearing at the plants in the other room for a time before settling down into lotus position on the button and starting to murmur a meditative mantra.

Raijin watches as the door slides open, peering through to see if there was anything of immediate interest on the other side, particularly anything that might help with this particular challenge, but sees nothing.

Hearing Eapheu's longwinded, rapid and chittery idea Raijin turns and gives a nod, walking back over to the botton and standing on it next to Eapheu. "This one agrees, the Damira and I should make it through the door with ease, and this one may be able to hold it long enough to give a few more seconds."

Are those plants in the first room in pots? A potted plant would be nice and heavy and probably easier to move than the pods.

Raijin watches the bunny pounce the dog almost immediately certain that it will not cause any problem. It looks back to the button, thinking to get up and press it, but the others were taking care of that already as well, so instead it just walks casually over to the door to the next room and begins a slow and careful assessment of the dangers present within.

The small creature turns it's head as it hears the others in the room introducing themselves, a deep rattling click rising up trough it's throat followed by a voice that sounds like it's echoing around inside that little head a few too many times before coming out, "This one is Raijin." it says simply.

Observation room:

A tall thin human in a dark suit swirls his glass a port a little, a slight smirk curling the edge of his lip, "It would seem some of us know how to keep a creature from being too chatty."

Raijin watches the others enter the further room and begin looking around and then in a sudden gust of wind and flurry of motion it's suddenly standing in the far room just out of reach of the bunny's leash, and examining it from a defensive position. Snake Style Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

The thin white creature slowly paced along the edge of the room as it observed the other creatures. The winds whirling around the small creature scattered it's smell and made it somewhat hard to capture, not to mention the pervasive smell of the fluid from the tank that still coated it, crackling and burning as the electricity coming from the small form dried it out, which also made getting a wet nose much closer to it seem unwise. Satisfied in time that none of the others were about to attack it the small creature began a slow loop of the room, pausing before the two large tanks opposite it's own that had yet to release anything and examining them more closely.

A series of sharp electrical cracks begin to chorus around one of the corner chambers as a tiny form drops free from it, brilliant arcs of lightning dancing between it's miniscule form and the remnants of the liquid from the pod spilled across the floor. Presently it raises it's head a flurry of wind spreading around it as it glances around quickly, examining the room and the other creatures within, expectant of an attack. When none comes it stalks back slowly, reaching into the cache and pulling out a pair of bracers and a thin leather belt.

Raijin prepped for testing, note the only 2 arms though there are some other nifty bits instead.