Spell Sovereign

Treize Seischiro's page

75 posts. Alias of Majestic8705.


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HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Uhmmm...I have 3 Envy boons next round...one from the failed trip attempt on the dog attacking Jack, one from the failed attack on Treize, and then one the failed attack on Shalastar. My question is this: are these cumulative? i.e. I now have a +3 to hit and damage? Or is it just a +1?

Also...I hope everyone's holiday time is going well and stuff...or whatever PC phraseology y'all deem appropriate.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

I am assuming there won't be an issue with this...but back in character creation, I totally forgot to add an extra language for my INT being 18. So I added Goblin to my list of languages known.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Treize hissed at the wound in his arm. That would almost certainly leave a mark.

"One of you flank the bloody dog!" Treize ordered as he made a half-hearted attack against the dog Jack had attacked. While he attacked the dog that had been attacking Jack, he did it in such a way as to make it easy to dodge the inevitable attack that would come from the dog that had thought of his arm a chew toy.

Treize is going to be fighting defensively and attacking the already wounded dog. Treize's AC is now 17.

Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

I actually go just before the guards now, I believe, because I readied my action and when one readies their action, they keep the time of their readied action as their new initiative.

Readying an Action

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Indeed, welcome...

On an unrelated note...Shal, the only guard I've injured is actually unconscious...so I don't think your intimidate is going to be all that effective XP

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

My action will pretty much be the same regardless of what Kyrul does so forgive me for posting out of turn.

"Idiots," Treize muttered under his breath as the guards pressed their assault. Though in all honesty, he really hadn't expected anything less; the advantage the guards have at this particular moment was simply too great for them not to exploit it.

Treize looked around and almost immediately he spotted Mordred holding out a dagger. "Give me one of those knives!" Treize ordered, extending a hand in Mordred's general direction to receive the blade.

As he did this, he prepared himself to shove the guard into the next enemy that came into range hoping to, trip up said enemy long enough to delay their inevitable approach.

Best way I figure I can describe this in terms of game mechanics...Treize is readying a Dirty Trick maneuver to shove his captive into any opponent that comes within five feet of him to give them the entangled condition.

Relevant CMB: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Not that it worked -.-*

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

"Mordred, now would be a very good time to do something useful," Treize hissed behind him as he moved himself and the hostage into a better line of sight on the guards' room. "Call off the hounds and drop your weapons, now!" Treize ordered the guards, and tightening his grip on his hostage for visual effect's sake.

Moving to Y11
Intimidate: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

And now I get to suffer another -1 to my next attempt to do anything! Huzzah! XP

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

...well this is exciting...

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Well...checking in then?

I'm all moved back to Toronto now so I can basically go back to posting as normal.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

As the guard is talking, Treize is going to continue dropping items off of guard 1 (who he is grappling) in this order: club, shield, longbow, quiver. All the while, Treize will be keeping an eye on guard 2 (the one with the bow) to watch for hostile actions. Treize will also step out into the main hallway keeping guard 1 between himself and guard 2. That should eat up about 4 rounds worth of actions, I figure.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

"Yes, yes, yes, we're all doomed etc, etc, etc," Treize retorted to the guard at the end of his speech, obviously not feeling at all threatened by the guard. "And now that you've gotten your idle threats out of the way..." Treize continued in a mildly jovial and respectful tone, when suddenly his eyes flashed with anger, and shear burning hatred and he added "you will lower your weapons now or I will kill your colleague here."

Intimidate to make the guard lower his weapons: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Just a reply to the Coup de Grace (CdG)...unarmed strike counts as a light melee weapon, and can be used to do lethal damage at a -4 penalty but since the guard is helpless and it would be a CdG which is an automatic confirmed critical hit + sneak attack meaning the penalty is irrelevant.

If it can't be done as a ready action, I'll just have Treize ready a Bull-Rush to throw the guard into the path of the other guards, if that works.

EDIT: Strike that...I can't ready an action because that's a standard action and Treize used that action to grapple the guard. So instead, Treize is going to use the move action to drop the guard's longsword to the ground.

Relevant rules stuff:
Coup de Grace
Unarmed Strike
Nonlethal Damage

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Treize hissed at Tragen's oafish display of ripping the manacles off the wall and then proceeding to beat the guard with them. Now all that anyone would speak about from this point on is how impressive that feat was while any of Treize's accomplishments will simply fail in comparison. Treize deserved this credit, not that boorish fool. But, there is still work to be done.

"Keep back and drop your weapons or this one dies!" Treize shouts, grabbing the guard as he fell to the ground unconscious and using the guard as a shield between himself and the other guard and his inevitable friends. He kept his arm around the guard's neck and ready to offer killing blow at any sign of the guards anything silly.

In game mechanics, Treize is going to be grappling the guard and readying a lethal Coup de Grace action against the downed (helpless) guard should the guard/his soon to arrive colleagues take offensive actions, I suppose.

Perception to see and take the keys to the other manacles off the fallen guard, also looking for other weapons besides the club and shield:: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

If Treize sees the keys on the guard:

"Half-breed, take the Keys and see to the others,"
Treize says, calmly but with obvious authority in his voice before directing his attention to Tragen the..tough guy. "In the meantime, angel-spawn, I suggest you arm yourself with this one's weapon and shield," the Elf continued, his eyes flashing with an obvious loathing, and his voice dripped in sarcasm as he said suggest implying that it really was more a statement of the obvious than anything else.

If there are no apparent keys:

"Half-breed, use the lockpicks to see to the release of the other prisoners,"
Treize says, calmly but with obvious authority in his voice before directing his attention to Tragen the..tough guy. "In the meantime, angel-spawn, I suggest you arm yourself with this one's weapon and shield," the Elf continued, his eyes flashing with an obvious loathing, and his voice dripped in sarcasm as he said suggest implying that it really was more a statement of the obvious than anything else.

Should Treize find more weapons on the guard:

Treize will drop any weapon that is not a dagger onto the floor to be used by whoever wants to use them. If there is a dagger, he will no longer be threatening the guard's life by snapping the guard's neck, but by slitting the guard's throat with the dagger.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1


I'm useful.

~Nods enthusiastically~

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Kyrul, he took his AOO against me when I tried to disarm him. Unless he has Combat Reflexes...he actually can't make an AOO against you and it is...unlikely...the first enemies we encounter in a campaign would have such a feat 'least in my experience.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

I also agree with this.

On a related note, I'm moving back to Canada next weekend so I am...less than likely...to be able to reply for most of the weekend. Two-days in transit + family nonsense + friend nonsense + a lack of sleep thanks to the GP down here saying no to giving me sleeping pills = me not being available for most, if not all, of that weekend.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

I am assuming that since the guard got to block the doorway as a free action, I wouldn't need a move action to catch him and, therefore, would have the move action to take a 5 foot step. If I'm wrong, then please just ignore that last conditional action.

Oh! Also, a clarification about whether the guard is in the doorway or in front of the doorway would be helpful.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Treize grinned as the oaf took a swing at him while Kyrul joined in the fray. "Aww, that's a shame," Treize mused as he took another swing at the guard.

If the guard is standing in front of the cell door, Treize is going to maintain flanking with Kyrul by staying on one side of the cell. If the guard is in the cell doorway (making flanking impossible), Treize is going try and disarm him and take the club and pass it to Kyrul. Either result of the disarm, Treize will take a 5 foot step out of the way to let Kyrul have a swing.

Attack or Disarm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Damage (non-lethal): 1d3 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + (2) + 1 = 5

For all the good it did...Unreliable dice rolls FTW!

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Current Map

The link can also be found at the top of the page...just above the "Campaign Info" tab.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to be in flanking position with me now, tbh. In fact, I'd assumed that's the position you would have been attacking from.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Uhmmm...shouldn't you be adding your BAB and STR to that attack roll? Or am I missing something..?

EDIT: Ah...wait, nvm. Comes to a +4 from BAB and STR but a -4 from the improvised weapon so accomplishes nothing.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Hey...I'm still here. I just can't do anything else until everyone else takes a turn XP

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

If that was a finesseable weapon, that'd make sense. But to my knowledge, it wouldn't be and since my STR is only 12, my BAB is 0...yeah, basically, I would never hit the guy if I used an improvised weapon.

Might make sense for Kyrul though.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Treize grinned as the guard turned his back on the prisoners. He'd been expecting the guard to harass either himself, or Kyrul...but leaving himself wide open in the middle of the cell?

And with the promise of Kyrul's support, Treize did what he does best. He only wished he had his trusty blade in his hand, but beggars can't be choosers, as it were.

Stealth Check for arms:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Stealth Check for legs:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Stealth Check to appraoch (if necessary):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

And assuming all of that happens:
Unarmed attack roll:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage (non-lethal):1d3 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + (4) + 1 = 7

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Well, my vote is to drop the guard...and from the look of things, the majority seem to agree so I'll be posting the escape attempt sometime soon (an hour or so, problably) unless there are any vehement objections.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Is the cell we're in 'see through' -- meaning, like just a solid wall of bars that offer no cover like in a modern day prison -- or are the walls solid stone with just the door available as a means looking in? Also, once this guy goes back to 20, the guard that is 'always on duty outside our door' does he usually stand between 17 and 18, patrol, or stand directly outside our cell?

On strategy: my stealth mod is a +9...so I am relatively confident I can beat the guard's perception checks. Given his back is turned (and he's shaken) I believe he is flat-footed atm which means either I can sneak attack him for a d4 of non-lethal (unarmed strikes deal 1d3, I've got a +1 STR mod, + 1d4 sneak...max damage output is 8, for me) and hope that Kyrul and Mordred can finish him off before he calls for help (though his friend will likely hear us anyway); or I can use the FF to gain a bonus to making a disarm check to take his club (or other more lethal weapon he might have on his person) and proceed poking him until he dies. I would then pass off the club to Kyrul to use to keep the other guard at bay while I take the lockpicks and make the effort to free everyone else.

I figure that Mordred, in the meantime, can be investigating that veil and giving daggers to the more burly among us to go keep watch.

Of course, the guard does have a friend just outside and it is...unlikely...that Kyrul, Mordred, and I could drop this guard before he gets a chance to call out for help; and even less likely we could drop both him and his buddy before they realized something was up.

Depending on DM's comments about barred or solid cell and where the guards usually stand, etc...this may actually be our best opportunity.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

It was about this point that Treize burst out laughing. Not his usual half-hearted and oh-so insulting snickering, but a full-on hearty laugh. These people are insane, the lot of them! Treize thought as he continued laughing at the unfolding scene before him.

It was...odd to laugh like this, for Treize anyway. He was always one to control his emotions; keep up a permanent poker face. But now, he saw no reason to be anything but amused.

A manacled masochistic fetchling was making less than subtle passes at the guard who'd just delivered him a...well...dirty blow with a club; a naive half-breed who apparently dreams of martyring himself for some delusional purpose or other; and a bound vampire who just tried to goad the armed guard into coming close enough to get his throat ripped out.

We who are about to die indeed, the Elf smiled, but enough is enough and I am weary of this.

"Half-breed, I am assuming that when you and I start conversing in my language, the guard will likely step-to and threaten one of us to start speaking common,"
Treize said in Elven as he smiled a smug and condescending smile on his face directed rather explicitly to the guard,
"and when he does, would you object to working together to drop the fool and get out of here?"

Relevant Bluff check for Treize to hide that he is trying to plan something with Kyrul (if you need it):1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

I would also appreciate it if I could get a better sense of where Treize and Kyrul are relative to each other in the line-up and what shape the room is and where everyone is in it so I can assess if some kind of stealth behind the guard is viable or not. For example, if the cell is circular, is there any chance Treize and Kyrul are opposite each other so the guard has to keep his back to one of us? Or are we all being kept on the same side of the room? And how large is the cell? How close together is everyone?

I have been assuming that the cell is rectangular with all of us on one side with Kyrul and Treize being none to close to each other, but that was never made explicit.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

So...do we wanna drop the guard? Or do we wanna just harass him until he leaves?

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Kyrul, I feel inclined to point out that the d20 roll that Flykiller made was (probably) the guard's perception check, not your stealth roll...you still need to roll a d20 + 6 to determine whether or not you you succesfully hide your freedom.

Assuming that is what you want your character to do, of course.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Stealth check to quickly pretend to be shackled:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Treize visibly rolled his eyes at the appearance of the guard in the cell. Another senseless delay, Treize thought as he made the best effort he could to appear as helpless as the guard expected him to be. But this does present an opportunity, if the others are quick enough to pick up on it, Treize thought.

"Why yes, of course," Treize replied to the guard, "we who are about to die salute you in doing your due diligence of keeping us sufficiently bored before putting us to death." Treize's tone was, of course, dripping in sarcasm.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Treize clenched his fists upon Kyrul's success, visibly irked that the man had succeeded. A part of the Elf had rather hoped the half-breed would fail so that Treize would have to step in and be the...hero...of the situation. Instead, that glory would now go to Kyrul; and that was frustrating to Treize. If anyone deserved to be the hero here, it was Treize.

It also left Treize in the rather sickening position of having to beg to be freed which was a truly loathsome concept. Though, if the others were to have any hope of escape, they would be wise to take Treize with them. He was a man with a very particular set of talents that would likely come in handy during any escape: a brilliant mind, deft hands, and his more than adequate training in the way of the blade.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

We can't aid a DD check. You can, however, take 20 on it.

"That you are still manacled to the wall suggests otherwise,"
Treize retorted quickly.

"If I were not here right now...I'd likely be slitting the throats of the morons that landed me here," Treize said, adding his two cps to the conversation he started. And the moment he got out of here, he intended to make that a prority. Vegeance is a dish best served drowing in the blood of one's enemies.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

The fool has all the grace of an intoxicated Dwarf, Treize thought to himself, cringing every time the pick clanged against the metal, and at this rate, he'll blow our best chance at getting out of here.

"Well...gentlemen...if you were free, what would you be doing right now?" Treize said in a rather...obnoxiously loud fashion. He hoped that the rest of them would pick up that the conversation would help drown out the sound of the lock picking.

"Do you have any idea what you're doing, half-breed?"
Treize hisses to Kyrul while the others (presumably) giving their accounts of what they would be doing or quibbling over Treize's use of the word gentlemen despite their being females present.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Treize, at this point, caught a glimpse of the lockpicks and snorted as they were passed towards Kyrul, "oh now I am just inspired with confidence."

Treize decided that at this point, there was no reason to reveal that he too could use lockpicks, quite competently in fact. He knew nothing of these prisoners, and while he begrudgingly admitted they had to work together to escape, the less he revealed of himself in the process the better. Loose lips sink ships, and all that.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Yeah, I can go Knife Master first. I just picked Magus 'cause I like how the skills work out, but it isn't that important.

But Knife Master it is then. I'll amend the skill points appropriately.

Oh, and by the by, my char has an 18 INT and I have to put points into knowledge arcana as a class pre-req for the AT. So if you caster types would rather spend your points elsewhere, I'll pretty much keep knowledge arcana as my baby.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

^ This.

Way I figure it, Treize can't see the veil well enough to make out what, exactly, Mordred is indicating when he asks for someone to use lockpicks. Thus, until lockpicks actually appear, Treize wouldn't know what's up. When they appear, he will obviously chime in.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Heh...I hadn't even considered grabbing the Throw Athame ability but now that you mention it, that is pretty sick.

Koo...I am leaning towards doing it now as at least one other person thinks it isn't a completely fail idea XP

My only concern now is the Knife Master and whether non-dagger like weapons include spells. I did ask in the rules section of the forum and apparently the consensus is that the rules are supposed to apply the d4s to spells as well which is a major point to consider (I've accepted the majority opinion but I still think its wrong...but eh, that's why I play and don't GM).

I suppose I could just really focus on the melee and use the spells as 'gravy' and not the meat and potatoes of the build (which also makes sense).

BAH! Spellblade it is! And if I gimp us all, just know to blame Jack for supporting my silly build idea XP

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

@Shalastar I take no offense. I enjoy the challenge of making unusual concepts work. A dual-wielding sneaky spell slinging assassin seems like an interesting concept that I would love to make work. Question is whether or not I can make it work.

@Mr. Swagger In general, I'm inclined to agree the Spellblade is the least effective Magus build on its own but I think that can be mitigated with the Rogue/AT levels that I was planning on taking anyway.

Burning a spell (or arcana point) to pull out a blade that doubles SA possibility for one minute vs. relying on a permanent -2 on combat and spell-slinging at the same time and burning a spell every round to accomplish the same end...what's more, spending the other arcana points I can bestow the same enhancements that I'm bestowing the weapon in my main hand to the athame...that seems like it can be pretty chill.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

So before I actually go through and put more thought into this...what do you guys think of going Spellblade Magus instead of Spire Defender for my Magus archetype?

For those who aren't keen to read it, the Spellblade basically swaps out spellstrike (Magus ability to deal their spell damage through their weapons) for a force dagger that can be used for the purposes of TWF or spell combat (Magus ability to cast with one hand and attack with a weapon in the other in the same turn). Of course, I'd lose the whip proficiency from Spire Defender, but I think it leads to some seriously interesting possibilities: a dual-wielding SA damage dealing spell-casting melee/spell striker.

I'd take the normal TWF feats you'd expect a DPR Rogue to take, use the athame blade to do the off-hand stuff with, wield a high-crit weapon in the main-hand (rapier or kukri probably) and then flank and poke 'til it dies. Further, through AT stuff, I can just declare spontaneous sneak attacks and pretty effectively pew anything that needs pewing. That seems pretty handy...

Also...something to consider but would probably need a GM ruling on...I could take Knife Master as my Rogue archetype. Essentially, it allows for d8s with sneak attacks from daggers (and similar weapons) but d4s when attacking with "other weapons." While I know that a ray is a weapon, that does not seem to apply to other spells that don't require a 'to hit' roll (eg. fireball, magic missle, etc). If that's the case...this build would still be dealing d6s with non-ray/attack spells while dealing d8s with dagger-like weapons thanks to the Arcane Trickster surprise spells ability that allows for SA damage on any damage dealing spells.

Of course, the other way to read 'weapon' would be to call a spell of any kind a weapon in which case Knife Master becomes significantly less epic for this build.


HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Treize snorted again. "If anyone is going to kill that tyrant, it is I. But unlike Mr. Kyrul, I want him dead purely because I am the only one worthy of such a title." Here, Treize paused for a moment with a distasteful sneer on his face.

"Interests of the government and the people...what rubbish," he continued, musing quietly to himself,"Governments and their people exist only to be ruled by their betters; their interests are whatever their master declares to be in their interest. Anyone who sees it differently is either delusional, or a fool."

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1


At the Human's remark, Treize cocked an eyebrow before he burst out laughing. This is what happens when you leave the escape to lesser men. Clearly this person 'out there' is a fool if they thought anyone other than I could be trusted with such a task.Nevertheless...a diversion does seem to be called for, thought the Elf.

"I am here," Treize began, opting to continue the earlier conversation as the diversion, "because, as it turns out, the self-interested criminals in my employ could not be trusted." With that, went back to snickering at his little joke. "I am Treize Seischiro, and I am charged with high treason," Treize said with a good deal of pride in his voice as if his name and crime ought carry some weight. Indeed, in his mind they did -- for Treize was master of all, and high treason was, arguably, the greatest offense. If he was to be brought down, at least it was for something noteworthy.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

"Because if there is one group of people you can trust, it is a bunch of self-interested criminals about to face final sentencing," Treize snorts derivatively.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

It wasn't the worst idea that Treize had ever heard, and since the guards had every intention of killing him shortly anyways, why not spend these last few hours in a slightly more comfortable position?

And so, Treize made the attempt to slip the manacles restraining him.

Escape Artist: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

If you're going duelist/assassin, Jack, I'm inclined to think the Magus/AT build makes even more sense. And I'm not saying that we have too much melee, as much as I'm saying we could use some more of the arcane. With the Magus/AT build, I still get proficiency with the kukri and I can blow a feat on making them improved crit. We just get some more arcane options than we otherwise wouldn't have especially since our sorc looks like they're going for more control/influence spells(which makes sense). As pretty much all Magus spells are offensive in nature, I can help fill in that gap.

So I think I will go the Spire Defender route after all.

DM Flykiller:
I did the focus foible roll for stats. Can I just swap my STR and INT scores? Or do you want me to do a 25 pt stat block?

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Apologies for taking so long to post here. I'd every intention of posting yesterday, but then a party at my department turned into a night of waaaaay too much drinking. Suffice it to say, when I next got access to a computer, well...my post would have been incomprehensible gibberish.

Treize remained where he was a simply hung there with his eyes closed listening to the conversation around him. Nothing they were saying was of particular interest to him, and they were all so...beneath him. And to add insult to injury, it was someone else who was having visitors.

Unacceptable. If any of us ought be entitled to visitors it is I, Treize thought, the rest of them aren't worth the air they breath.

However, the guards coming to pick up Mordred did reveal at least one thing of interest: they are drunk. Which, in and of itself, is hardly surprising. It is, however, a weakness that Treize may yet be able to exploit before the day is done.

Treize was confident he could slip the manacles. The problem, however, was going to be that guard outside the door. "They'll rue the day they ever heard my name," Treize hissed quietly to himself. This whole affair was just...too inconvenient.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

First of all, I should point out that I had every intention of going either pure Rogue or splashing one or two levels of fighter. I also had intended to focus on melee combat and flanking, and trap disarming. Going pure kukri the improved crit line and so forth (taking knife master for d8s on knives, etc).

But it seems we have no shortage of people to do that XP

So, if we are light on Arcane casters...I have been working on a concept for the Arcane Trickster. Basically, Magus/Rogue/AT focusing on Magus and AT. I'd take Spire Defender for the bonus proficiency with the whip, and the scorpion whip would become my main melee weapon. I'd take subsequent feats to maximize trip and disarm.

Upshots would be another (half) arcane caster that can sneak from a distance with spells. Also, you'd get some more versatility as opposed to another straight up 'flank and poke until it dies' type. There will be a lot of that, don't get me wrong, but now there will at least be some versatility.

Also, as a completely unrelated follow up, can we take two of the campaign traits as our traits? Basically, I'm looking to be convicted of high treason (for fluff mostly) and murder (for crunch) if I keep Treize as a rogue. If we decide Treize should go the AT route, non-issue because Magical Knack will be my friend XP

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Heya...so this is me, checking in. My alias is mostly done, but I'll have to swap out my sin from Pride to Envy. I'd do it now...but it is nearly 5am in NZ and I require the sleep XP

Also, thanks for picking me and congratulations to everyone else who was selected ^^

I submit, for consideration, Treize Seischiro: an Elven Knife Master who has his sights set on being master of the universe. This is the submission of Majestic8705. Note: the basic character concept is compatible with either the Pride or Envy sins as, essentially, both play off the drives of the character.

Treize Seischiro, Lawful Evil, Male
Elf, Knife Master, 1
Init +5; Senses Darkvision
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10
HP 10 (assuming max at first level, +1 con, +1 favoured class)
Fort 1, Ref 7, Will 1
Resistance(s) N/A
Spd 30
Spells Prepared
Str 16, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 08
BAB 0; CMB 3; CMD 18
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits High Treason (+1 to Will Saves)
Skills Acrobatics 9, Bluff 3, Diplo 3, DD 9, Intimidate 3, Perception 6, Sense Motive 4, SoH 9, Stealth 9, UMD 3
Languages Common, Elven, Gnoll, Orcish
SQ Sneak Attack 1d4 or 1d8
Combat Gear
Non-combat Gear Prisoner's Clothing
Total weight
Current Monies
Armor Proficiency Light Armor.
Darkvision 60' but gain dazzled condition in bright light. Replaces Elven low-light vision.
Envoy Elves with this racial trait and an Intelligence score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities once per day: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, and read magic. Replaces elven magic.
Hidden Blade 1/2 level to Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a light blade.
High Treason +1 to Will Saves
Languages Common, Elven, Gnoll, Orcish
Pride Anytime a Treize rolls a 20 or confirms a critical hit he gains +1 to attack, damage, skill, and ability rolls for one round.
Sneak Stab 1d4 non-dagger or 1d8 with dagger
Weapon Finesse DEX instead of STR for Attack Rolls on small/light weapons.
Weapon Proficiency: Rogue and Elf weapon proficiencies.

Many agree that there are few creatures that are as arrogant and self-entitled as the Elves; but even for an Elf, Treize’s arrogance is somewhat extraordinary. He considers himself to be significantly ‘higher’ on the food chain than those around him and, indeed, up until recently he had the track record to prove it. One heist after another was done without issue and Treize was quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with in the underworld. As usual, however, Treize was not satisfied with being a mere king of thieves and murderers. He wanted, no, needed more. And so he set his sights upon the throne of Talingarde.
Somewhere along the line, however, one of the idiots in Treize’s employ let something slip that they shouldn’t have. And when the moment finally came to strike; with the throne presenting itself to Treize to be taken everything fell apart. The guards stormed in and the whole plot went up in smoke.
The trial was brief, and decisive. Partially because Treize offered no defence for his actions; indeed, that was beneath him. Whenever he was asked a question, he would turn to the one who asked him the question and insult their worth. Indeed, even when the sentence was passed down that Treize was to be drawn and quartered all Treize said, in his typical deriving sneer, was ”idiots.” This, of course, earned him a swift blow to the head by the bailiff that was guarding him during the trial.
So here Treize sits, all broken hearted…no, hardly. Here Treize sits plotting and scheming. He knows that something will happen to free him of this fate because he wills it so; the world exists only for him to exert his will upon, after all. He will be free, and he will get everyone in this city…no, the world…no, all there is to acknowledge that he is master of everything; to settle for anything else is simply too insulting.
But first I must get out of here, Treize mused. They say no one has ever escaped this piss and shit infested hole. But then, they’ve never found themselves trying to contain someone like Treize before. The escape would be easy, the hard part will be…well, there won’t be any hard parts. For one of Treize’s skill, everything always seemed to fall into place. Like the skilled dice player, he doesn’t wait for his roll to come up; rather, he makes every roll be exactly the one he needs at that time. The escape from this prison is simply what Treize needs right now; imagine how much more respect he’ll have when it becomes known that he, Treize Seischiro, escaped from the prison of Branderscar moments before his sentence could be carried out.
”It will be grand,” Treize mused to himself as he closed his eyes envisioning the life that awaited him outside these walls; a life where he is master of the universe, the only title worthy of his pride.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

In that case...
Treize follows Anton forward and then, without a word, he darts towards the house on his right. His intention, of course, is to cut through the house and come out into the backyard so he could advance both unseen, and unhindered, towards the invaders. He figured he wouldn't be staying in the home long enough to cause that much of a ruckus, even if there were somebody at home. If they did cause a scene, well, these Ulfen didn't seem like the brightest lot so it may well just get interpreted as the locals suddenly realizing what was happening outside their door.

Nevertheless, Treize bolts through the house on his right and ignores whatever reactions he gets from anyone inside. He emerges at the rear of the building a moment later and makes moves as close as he can towards the next property up.

Because the map is not letting me edit on it for some reason, Treize is going to follow Anton to I33 and then he will cut through the house on that line emerging in their backyard at O33.

HP 1/9 | IN 5 | AC 17 | FF 10 | T 17 | F 1 | R 7 | W 1 | P 6 | M | Elf | Knife Master 1

Actually, Weyland just made me think of another point: is there any space at all between the houses? Or all they all built flush up against one another? i.e. little paths between houses to get from the front yard to the backyard...

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