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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() anthonydido wrote:
Somehow I managed to easily have my buddy in every event we wanted to do.. I applaud them for holding spots. It would completely ruin the convention to never get in with a friend. (Which means if your friend didn’t get into a game with you, show up early if there is a low player count at the table and get them assigned). ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I love that AoO's are gone. Makes it feel like a real combat situation and dynamic. I hated that once you entered in PF1 you were "stuck." You don't enter combat and stay there in real life. I understand wanting there to be consequences when trying to drink something, but I prefer the capability of moving. I like how combat flows now. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() 1. There are a lot more choices for each character and I have no idea what you are talking about. Many more small choices resulting in characters being different.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() DerNils wrote:
You do have to succeed on a DC 18 athletics check to move the 5 feet. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Most characters are going to be similar levels so having the dc be from the caster isn’t a huge deal in my mind. I don’t personally like the recovery save where it is based off of whatever took the person down. It would make sense if the dc aligned with this, but I already dislike it as it can be one of a handful of things that i would have to look up. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Here’s my experience with dc’s from the first two sections: The players rolled in the 20s with their modifiers and nothing has any effect on them. For some reason my table never seems to roll less than a 14. I watch them roll and nothing ever effects them. They roll 3s and 4s to hit, but every time it’s a save dc they succeed. Just relating my experience and I realize that the they should fail approximately 50% of the time, but For me they succeed over 90% of the time. It really sucks the fun out of it. I’d love to see failure occasionally. I’m cursed LOL. I could have a dc of 22 and with the way my players rolled last game and nothing would have effected them at level 4. I think it’s the curse of the table I’m at. If we play online and they use an an online roll they suck and would fail, but their dice seem to roll high, but only on saves, when playing in real life. The survival checks in the first part of the second scenario were always 22 or more. :( ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() MaxAstro wrote: I do feel that the Medicine DC should be based on the target, not the healer. In my rambling above that is why I was saying for each level of wounded or dying it should increase the DC of the check. Maybe a +2 to the DC. If you have wounded 3 you should not be easy to heal. I realize people want to get back to the action, but it feels silly like there are no consequences to be able to fully heal. Has anyone had there characters get to wounded 3. I personally really liked the slow and would actually like both effects to exist. If they don’t put it in the game I absolutely will as a house rule. It makes no sense to jump straight back into combat. That is a complaint in 5e that I have seen people state frequently(although slightly different but similar with no loss of actions). CLW was stated as a problem, and now they implement this..... ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I can definitely see spells dwindling and maybe some potions/wands etc.. What resources would be dwindling for martial characters? They seem like they could go all day. I do not like requiring healers to burn up their healing spells that could be used for combat or in combat healing. Why does nonmagical healing remove the wounded condition and magical doesn’t? I like the concept of the wounded condition, but it seems like it is extremely easy to remove and would only matter if you were really battering your players with something extremely large and a ton of rounds. Should be interesting to see how it plays out. -edit of a not that was in the wrong place that made it the opposite of what I meant ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() BretI wrote:
Maybe remove it from all since everything is basically increased by that anyway just adding a layer of complexity for being complex. You get a +1 to attack and they get a +1 to ac because they leveled. Seems unnecessarily complex. You went up 1 level so you get an additional 1 on all your skills, so we are going to increase all the DCs by 1 to make them harder to reach. There is not any 1 right solution. I don’t think its terrible as is, but I’m not a big fan of having to track all the time with healing back up. Now all my encounters have to have time elements/effects built in to be viable toward increasing difficulty or outcomes. Before I could have a time element, but I do not feel like I had to have it. It at least cost something before whereas now its just free. Someone somewhere said: “Great now my fights have to be:”
I definitely get this feeling too as you can’t really have a: the party is tired and running out of resources because they are at full strength. Maybe they are running low on spells, but thats about the only limiting factor now. In the first scenario the group had to run back to town to heal up and take an entire night to partially heal up. That felt good to me as a GM. They are still battered and bruised unless they went and got some magical healing. It took a lot of time that was easy to track. 1 day... You want me to track minutes....ughhh. I like the idea of nonmagical healing, but why does magical healing have a huge cost and nonmagical is free. There should be some sort of resource drain that is easy to track. I’m fine with time, but how about hours or 4 hours blocks instead of 10 minutes. Make the time something significant. Making a choice of 4 hours seems like the PC’s might have to think about it. 10 minutes is like okay...oh, 10 more minutes okay....oh, 10 more minutes okay.... Okay...just going to be quiet now.. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Why not remove the level increases to skills and then have a table that has the DCs based on Easy to near impossible. Then you could still have your -4, 0, 1, 2, 3 or if they want it to scale more then you could do -4, 0, 2, 4, 6. DC could be based on amount of damage taken/trying to be healed. It is much harder to heal someone near death. Dying/Wounds 2/3 could have a higher DC to heal or just apply a -2 modifier per level of wound/or dying level. The higher level you get the easier it would be to accomplish many of those heals. It would definitely be more lethal at low levels, but you are also not the hero you are at higher level. I do think that the wounded should only be removed or healed via magic or time and not based on the medicine check. I feel they could do that with all the DC’s with some of the higher DC’s only applying to higher level play and only meant for a truly skilled Master or Legendary skill capable of accomplishing. They could solidify the math very easily vs scaling and falling behind. I feel they have made this part unnecessarily complicated. It would also mean that the easy lock is always the same DC regardless of the level. If you are in a higher level dungeon, you just never have that easy lock in it. It will be a master level lock and would require at least a master to accomplish. I do like that they require the certain trained proficiencies to even succeed on some of them. That makes it simple and clear. Even if its a DC 16 master requirement, then someone of expert level cannot succeed. I have no problem with that. It is an easy thing for a master or greater to accomplish. Just remove the level scaling in the DC tables and add a few more levels. It is unnecessarily complex. Table 10-2 Easy - 7 Anyone could accomplish
I put in random values, and math should be used to calculate them verses my randomness. You could also apply the requires the different trained/experts/master/legendary modifiers to any level as a differentiator to increase difficulty as the gm deems pertinent. That way something might be a near autosucceed for a legendary person and still have a easy DC of 7, but only a legendary person would succeed. I realize I kinda skewed toward all skills, but I do think that all of the skills should work similar. Also applying condition effects of +2 or -2 depending on factors could still apply. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Anguish wrote:
Statement without any support..... I would love to see the statement supported, but you through something and and are trying to see if it sticks... ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Friendly Rogue wrote: So Power Attack works somewhat similarly to Vital Strike in P1e? If Vital Strike is still a feat in P2e I'm interested to see how it'll work with this change You say this in context of current weapons and weapon scaling. We do not know how weapon scaling works yet.... ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I’m ready for a 2.0. I love 1st edition, but from the stuff I heard in the podcast it seems so much more immersive and I can only imagine where things can go. Unlocking actions seems brilliant. So much more flexibility on your turn to make decisions. I will continue to play 1st edition and then I will hold them up side by side and see which one is the victor when the time comes. Plenty of 1.0 stuff to play for the rest of my life, but I will most likely subscribe to collect all of second edition. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Patrick Shrewsbury wrote:
I like that you have taken 1 small description and made a conclusion from it about the entirety of the rule set.. Maybe wait til you’ve seen more rules before jumping to extreme conclusions. I see action economy getting easier to teach, but more complex in capability of choices. I see more crunch being introduced as Vic said above who said anything about ranks going away. So, another example of combining some skillls with other things(combat maneuvers) and increasing the complexity by adding additional skill levels(good, master, expert) to the skill system to determine quality while making stuff. I see more crunch, so far, but making unwieldy rules easier to understand while increasing options. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() coxey292 wrote:
With a -10 to your last attack(the third), a shield may be well worth it!!! ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() MendedWall12 wrote:
GM issue - They should not let the players stealth everywhere. Metagaming is not ok. If it makes sense for them to be sneaking around then fine. I think it is very flavorfuly and makes so much more sense. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Edited wrong quote out. - In response to the comment of slow Initiative and people always being in stealth or looking for tracks. To me the gm should be looking at situational awareness. If you are on general travel a gm should ask why would you do this? But, if they are in a dungeon or have recently been attacked absolutely makes sense. Otherwise it is meta gaming. I think the mechanic is quite clever and gives more complexity and variation and choices to the game. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() CraziFuzzy wrote: Also, the immediate action -> reaction change is probably a good one. reactions, however, are specific to classes it seems. So a fighter can use their reaction to make an attack of opportunity, but a wizard cannot - but a wizard may have a completely different reaction that it can take. It has not been stated, as far as I am aware, that other classes will not be able to get an attack of opportunity. It was stated there are class specific reactions. Maybe attack of opportunity is a reaction everyone can do. I also did not go back and read that line. I see a lot of wild speculation of what people expect and has not been stated. Did we not learn from Utilmate Wilderness that our expectations mean nothing. I realize that book was also not playtested and a large misstep. If we are speculating we should at least speculate positively. I know some people aren’t happy with any change, but do you not still have all the rules to pathfinder and they will still be sold as PDFs. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I’m quite excited to see what they bring to the table. The podcast was great. Many of the changes are quite flavorful and love the concepts presented. What concepts? Having to use a shield actively and it uses an action. Do you want to use it to attack with or to use as a shield. Oh, and you can use it reactively to reduce the damage you just had happen. That seems a raise in complexity in this area. Too many people are jumping to conclusions with almost 0 information. Also love that CMB/CMD is gone. Now you can use your skills to attack with. So much more flavorful in my mind that your skills are more useful in combat. They used a skill to grapple with!! Perception is the default for use in initiative. HP at level 1 are higher and are a combo of class, race, and hit dice. I think people thinking streamlined and simplistic are the same thing. Just because some things are streamline, doesn’t mean they have added complexity elsewhere, but hopefully with clear rules that can’t be confused. I can see they have added some things that are more complex(Initiative, Reactions, Shields). Keep the previews coming. Excited to see where this goes. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I had a great time at PaizoCon this year. Last year we had PFS ACG games in the afternoon, but this year we did not get one in. We had from 1pm to 7 pm open everyday and I had planned on playing the ACG during those times and that is all my group had planned on doing, but there was not any available. That was a HUGE disappointment for us. We had planned on playing a few games of it each day during that time frame and there was not any PFS ACG available. I'm fine with crunching the hours like you suggested, but it would be great if they would have the PFS ACG available in between those two slots. Please add some PFS ACG to the afternoon. Edited FPS to PFS ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I have a player that wants a cat as a mount in Golarian....I know that the cat needs to be large. Are there any other considerations I need in order to get him to be able to have the mount? Like Feats etc to be able to control an exotic animal or anything. He is a shield champion. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Are there going to be any more of the level 1 level 2 scenarios for pfs. I've been gming for a ROTRL and was really excited to learn the lore of PFS and Golarian a little more. The intro's to PFS filled up almost immediately. There is one available Monday, but waiting to play til Monday when the convention starts Friday seems crazy. Will there be any open games for people that are new to PFS or am I out of luck??? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I'm heading to Paizo Con and I am looking over all of the events and am wondering which events I should go to from the perspective that I have not done anything within pathfinder society at all. I'm looking at different level 1 and 2 scenarios: Consortium Compact
There are a bunch of level 1 through 5 scenarios also. Would it be best to try all the level 1 and 2's that are above or what would be the essential list be for pathfinder society? Some of the others that would support a level one are: School of Spirits
I think that covers them. What are your recommendations. Are there any that would fill lore in better than others that is essential? ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Is there a pathfinder tales set in Sandpoint or Varisia? I'm just trying to get more context and set it in my mind better. Or, something that would help me with the culture of the chelexians, varisians, or shoanti? I Am looking for the stories, but any recommendations of source books or rule books are welcome too. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() Just to make sure I understand the whole process... For the first hit die you get the full point value. So 12, then you can take the average for the subsequent hit dice which is 6 * the number of hit Dice, which is 18 for the black dragon, so a total of 30. You can also roll the dice for the dragon right. For the Young Black Dragon then it is 12 + (7*6)or 42 which is 54, and then you multiply the Con modifier(+3) for the con of 17 with the count of hit dice 8 which results in 24. Add that with the 54 and it is 78....I'm still not coming up with the correct hit points. Where have I made the error, I'm assuming it is in the initial calculation.. Which means I probably messed up the black dragon also. ![]()
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
![]() I understand adding the extra hit dice to calculate the hp, but I cannot seem to figure out the extra + after the hit dice.... example: Base statistics:
Aged Dragon
So, according to the chart you get base hit dice + 4, which in the case of the Young Black Dragon is 4d12+ 4D12 which is the 8d12, but where did the +24 come from...I cannot find it anywhere and I can't seem to find anyone else asking the question. |