
Tragic 8 Ball's page

4 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Magic 8-Ball says... wrote:
Water Boy wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Today i finally opened a hospital bill that i’ve been avoiding. Turns out it’s not a bill after all, but a letter saying that i was exposed to sub par anasthesia safety standards, and i should get tested for hep A & B and HIV. Is it strange that my relief at no huge hospital bill is outshining my concern that i might have a lethal pathogen?

Also Mrs Sunrise is scared because i want to hallucinate a tulpa.

Not a great idea. Those are willful, hard to control, and even harder to get rid of...

Nononono, Drejk! Just get a CG tulpa of an efreeti~!

Literally nothing could ever go wrong

My sources say no.

Really!? My source says to give it 110%!

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Magic 8-Ball says... wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, Forum Meme? wrote:
After myself, Orthos, Ambrosia Slaad, Monkey and the Korean Spammers I'm pretty sure there aren't enough good aliases left.
Reply hazy, try again.

All signs point to DOOM!

Sharoth wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Today was the single worst day thats not a birthday i've had in recent memory.

Truly a day of stinking crap! and i never even set off out of the city.

stupid Wisconsinites, can't even pick up after their pet cattle, f~#&ers! >:(

Sorry to hear that, CY. I hope that the rest of the day becomes better.

Outlook is doubtful.