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Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() I also don't want more players. I think we're very good where we are at, both roleplaying and mechanic-wise. Not to mention how immensely difficult it would be to get another character built and brought into the campaign at this stage. I do not envy the first one of us to die and not be resurrected. ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() Torenz will have no problem Torenz can cast augury at a CL of 6, giving a 76% chance of success (rolled in secret by the GM). He will ask something akin to "Will imbuing Malthazir with essences to increase his extracting powers be good for the immediate future?" (since augury only goes out 30 minutes). Worst case scenario we get a 'nothing' answer from a failure or a 'mixed' answer which means it won't be successful (but imbuing Malz shouldn't be negative so it shouldn't probably give a negative outcome). ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() Garidan Vissir wrote:
The creature turns in the air to look at Garidan with a big grin. "I'm Torenz! You may know me better as..." With an unpleasant squelching noise the creature transforms into a raven. "I've been with you guys a long time. But old grumpy one-eye up there-" He transforms back into his normal form, jerking a thumb at Malthazir. "Says I gotta check out magic items, and these bows are causing a fuss, so let me get on with it, yeah?" As one of the bows suddenly shudders he frowns, whipping around and scanning the area. I assume with constant detect magic, that unless Niyut specifically avoids him, Torenz will be able to figure out she's there with a bit of time. Torenz melts away into the ether as his invisibility goes up again. He floats to the side of Niyut and whispers in her ear. "Hey, I've faced the stripples enough today, let's just put 'em in a pile and look at 'em later, huh?" He suggests nonmagically ;) ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() Torenz clenches his teeth. Stupid two-leg pointy-ear one-eye... We are mentally linked. This is your first and last warning. Torenz speeds off, the picture of a perfect worker as he scans the desecrated battlefield. Just look at that damage! He chose a bad time to reveal himself. Torenz will use his constant detect magic be looking to gather whatever magical items are in the area. Upon seeing the archers throwing away the gnoll bows and crying out Magic! he hovers over, dropping his invisibility. "Magic, you say?" And the best kind it seems. He floats down to inspect the bows. ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() Torenz practically has an aneurysm when the hill giant goes down, despite the fact that he kept it confused for a round. The one thing I did! Ruined! He says a number of colorful curses and kicks at the air. Torenz delays for now, he can't do much without dropping his invisibility, which he's not keen to do. ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() With the hill giant finally free of its hole, Torenz flies over and whispers to it in the giant language. "Your attack is doomed, but you can still live. If you flee now you can get away." Suggestion (Torenz speaks giant), DC 15. He is suggesting the giant to flee in order to live to fight another day, but the exact effect of the spell is up to your interpretation. ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() Torenz practically cracks his own spine whipping around as Malz changes his orders yet again. He's barely able to keep up with the chaos going on as is, and this mortal continues to casually order him around like a dog? He gathers half a mind to tell the elf to piss off...then remembers the painful bindings. Mortal he may be, but powerful. Disgruntled the imp continues to fly around as eyes for Malzthazir. Malz will go to the last location that the red gnoll was seen and look around. I'm not sure where that is on the map. I'm not actually sure what the "red gnoll" is, to be honest. Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() But, I just found him!...Ow! A sharp mental jab from Malz quiets the imp and he unhappily changes his objective. Alright stupid little bridge, where did you go? Not sure where the bridge would be located on the map, but if the location is known Torenz will move towards it at full speed. If it is not known, he will fly towards where it was when Malz suppressed it earlier and search for it. Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 Constant senses include darkvision, see in darkness, and detect magic ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() As the hill giant surveys the battlefield, he hears a whisper in his ear. "If you continue you will die. The enemy is laying a trap that will kill you. But if you fight your way out now you may yet live." Suggestion on the hill giant, DC 15 will save. Trying to get it to flee (and hopefully kill some stuff on its way out). ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() After Malz's command is repeated, the arcane symbol wobbles and a tiny creature appears trapped inside the symbol. Fiendish wings and a whipping scorpion-like tail lash from a red body, and a sharp-angled face with spikes resembling an uncomfortable crown look up in fear and anger. "Stop, stop! I did nuffin! I didn't do nuffin!" ![]()
Male Imp Familiar 7
![]() Also say hello to Torenz's new flesh. His last body was...confining. Hmm, thanks Niyut. I know earlier I had mentioned wanting to get something akin to sacred summons. Perhaps with my new imp familiar we could get something moving in the way of tempting him towards more evil summons? Or perhaps something along the lines of a signature spell from the spell specialist archetype? I would love to be able to prepare some utility spells instead of stocking up on tons of summons. |