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Have you ever wanted to play a character who just runs around with reckless abandon? Maybe you just got into the Flash and want to abuse speed as well, don't do drugs kids,and you look online for any movement based fighter archetypes. Sure theres some out there that might give you want you want but this will give you what you need!

Introducing the Jet Fighter Archetype™!Featuring state of the art mortal turbines(AKA legs)and a healthy lubricant of recklessness the Jet Fighter Archetype™ is what every young adventurer needs to scratch that itch of speed!

This archetype features the following alterations to the standard slowpoke Fighter!

Jet Fighter

The Jet Fighter values speed and maneuverability above all else, able to dash across a battlefield to any place he is needed. They lack the heavier armors traditional fighters can adorn but make up for it in their almost inhuman speed and stamina.

Class Skills: The Jet Fighter Gains Knowledge(Planes) in place of Knowledge(Engineering).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency The Jet Fighter cannot use heavy and medium armor or tower shields.

Bonus Feats and Traits The Jet Fighter gains Mobility as a bonus feat at first level. The Jet Fighter gains 15 additional land movement speed

Sprinter At second level the Jet Fighter may dash and still use an action once per round. This increases by one use every four levels after. The Jet fighter may use this once over his limit per day at the cost of becoming fatigued afterwards. This ability replaces Bravery.

Drive By Attack At third level the Jet Fighter may attack while moving, causing no attack of opportunity from the target. Other enemies within range can attack however. The Jet Fighter must use up all his movement to be as far away as possible from his target when using this ability.
This ability replaces Armor Training 1

Backpedal Dodge At seventh level the Jet Fighter can backpedal in a straight line up to half his movement speed when an enemy gets within ten feet of him. This ability can only be used once per enemy.
This ability replaces Armor Training 2

Straight Shot At eleventh level the Jet Fighter can charge in a straight line while brandishing his weapon for additional damage. He gains a +5 on the attack role and if the Jet Fighter hits adds an additional 1d4 per 10 feet of distance traveled. If the Jet Fighter misses he must continue his charge for an additional ten feet before stopping.
This ability replaces Armor Training 3
(Protip:Don’t use this near cliffs)

With Reckless Abandon At fifteenth level the Jet Fighter may give up two rounds of movement to triple their movement speed and may dash between and do a single attack on as many enemies as his movement allows. He loses -3 to hit with an additional -2 for each enemy attacked however he gains +3 to damage with a +2 to each additional enemy attacked if he does hit. The Jet fighter may not do any movement after this ability and is considered fatigued.
This ability replaces Armor Training 4

But wait! Thats not all! Use the Jet Fighter Archetype™ now and gain the respect and love of a poor little man who just wanted to make an archetype based on a pun!

Fixed up some things. If the save progression is still wrong then please let me know how to fix it.

Overall fixed some wording, added a few abilities, moved around others,overall clarification.

Still not perfect but it's in better shape than it was in its first draft.

Thanks for the detailed reply! This was my first draft so a few of the things you mentioned I straight up forgot.Probably shouldn't of done some of this while I was sleepy.

For the saves I just copied it from another class(Ranger)so forgot to go back and edit those. Though I only edited the first few numbers so the rest of those numbers are all the Rangers fault heh.Easy fix though so thanks for pointing it out.

The exotic weapon proficiency is just a personal little thing but you're right it does seem a bit out of place. I think I'll just change it to Martial Weapons(For Medium/Large animals)and maybe net as an exotic weapon.

Climb Speed I just forgot to add in when typing, whoops. Was going to have some extra stuff in the ability so must of slipped my mind whiele mulling it all over.

Thats a good suggestion for partial transformation. The thing was I wanted to avoid something like "scent" later on since not all animals might not have that, so picking and choosing their traits from the animal companion stuff made sense at the time. Having it limited makes sense.

For the Bite v.s Claws I should of put "instead of a weapon attack" since I was meaning to have it be a quick transformation -> attack -> transform back. Also yeah I forgot to write in tails, hooves,horns etc.One of those times I forget that the person reading it wont just assume its for all body parts.

I noticed in some classes there were skill boosting ones so wanted to toss some in but you're right that they could be just one. It is a somewhat front-loaded class because I wasn't entirely sure on a good spread.

Right, again forgot to type the obvious since people might not just assume so I can fix that easy.Also another typo, meant for it to be AC and perception boost. Had DC in my head for some reason.

Ehhh, I honestly can't tell you what I meant when I typed that.I know that the concept is since there's an extra appendage you can grow it can help deflect/move a melee attack. So it'd be +2 AC. And yeah I need to be more clear with that second attack thing. The concept is if you miss with the first one, the second appendage grows longer to make up the difference so +2 to hit. If the first one doesn't hit then no bonus.

I'll admit I just couldn't think of something for lv16 and just thought having an extra hand with a sword would be funny. Will probably switch that to another scrapped ability at lv16. (A ranged Grapple or Topple or making the animal into a weapon of your choice)

I was debating whether to put the beast noise in the normal skills or not just as a flavor thing. Since it would be up to the GM of whether your animal is intimidating or not noise wise. Not very great skill in retrospect.

For Beast Memory it's supposed to be local visual/audio/smell info if you cannot get them. Like if you were blindfolded you would still be able to see through the beast. Might just make it into a kind of astral projection and/or that alertness feat. I'm not super familiar with feats yet so haven't messed with them in skills yet.

Ah, Bast Armor does give bonus AC. I just typed DC again. It gives CON Modifier + Charisma or Wisdom modifier.

Yeah re-reading it I was not very clear. It should read in a way that you can make a normal sized appendage grow on any non-living target within the range. If that makes sense. If it doesn't I'll scrap it.

It's not disheartening at all, I appreciate the critique. Needed it for sure since I'm not too deep into Pathfinder yet. I actually used Druid, Beast Master and Ranger as a base for this. Just mixing and matching some things I liked.

Still, thanks for you help. Now I'll get to making it even better. I'll go ahead and assume that the stuff you didn't mention sounded fine right?

Link to it.

Now I only recently got into Pathfinder(Last week)and I just could not settle on a class to play as. I've made a lot of potential characters, used third party classes and none of them felt right. I didn't feel like I was knowledgeable enough to customize an established class so decided to create my own.

Now I know people seems to have a bit of a stigma towards custom classes since a lot are done poorly but I really want to make this work and used multiple classes as a base to try to accomplish that. As I'm not super well versed in this game yet I might of slipped up but I tried not to make it too powerful or too weak.
So please, some advice, criticism or anything else you wanna say.