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Confusing (in multiple ways), overloaded with NPCs encounters in a way that doesn't make a lot of sense & a somewhat questionable premise (for low-tier).

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Excellent scenario in flavor and execution with one exception: the combats are pretty boring (the rats rolling around get old very quickly) and on the easy side. The chase was fun, as was the RP sections with the involved parties.

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I liked the mix of subsystems (influence & chase), combat & diplomacy. Combat can easily fall a bit flat if you have diplomatic players, as you can circumvent the only somewhat difficult encounter (or get chastised for not doing so).
The influence game was well done with unique actions specific to the round. The chase on the other hand fell a bit flat, with 7/8 obstacles allowing a acrobatics spam, but I guess that's par for the course if you're doing a kobold chase.

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Even though I personally enjoy the influence subsystem because it gives players who aren't good at face skills a chance to interact with npcs in a meaningful way it just went on way too long, with the rewards for meeting thresholds being way too low. All of it just seems like a waste of time, because you have to meet pretty specific targets at specific thresholds to get any information.
Then if your PCs don't jump on the investigating the open door while everyone is distracted it simply goes nowhere, literally not a sentence on what to do if the PCs don't want to break the rules.