![]() Summoner is really easy for this concept. I ran something similar with a Spanish theme. Imagine summoning Day of the Dead style skeletons. In the same vain, all you have to do with the character is build a Skeletal Eidolon that is your "First Mate" and keep him unsummoned past 4th level. This wonderful feat called Skeletal Summoner that makes you add normal skeletons, and Skeletal Champions to your summon list. It also lets you summon any normal summon, but with a Skeleton template. People boarding the ship from the sea? Summon a skeletal shark. From the air? Try a skeletal eagle. Keep the First Mate unsummoned because at 4th level you can instant summon it, letting it gain bonuses from Augment summoning or other summon abilities. It also lets you have 3-4 normal skeletons acting as body guards for the First Mate since you can have both summoned at the same time. Summoners can be Gishes since they get all sorts of powerful buffer spells and have d8 hp as well as 3/4 BaB. They are better at summoning and buffing than with necromancy, but don't let that discourage you. Skeletons are too cool to let up. ![]()
Male Human? Shirker/3
![]() Hey guys, sorry I've been so quiet recently. I was on a 2 week vacation, then I had to start packing for moving and now I'm moved to a new home. I haven't been able to log on to Paizo a whole lot more than once a week, and when I do log on so much is happening that I can't comment on what has happened because I (or at least Crispy) haven't been able to understand what has happened. Can someone tell me a 3 sentence gist of what has happened in the last month? ![]()
![]() A very interesting character design that I've been looking at is a magical trait for Aasimar known as Enlightened Warrior. BUT WHY?! you ask. Well, let me show you this little gem known as Crusader's Flurry that says you can use your Deity's favored weapon in a flurry of blows. You can start this at 3rd level by going 2 monk then 1 Crusader Cleric. 3 Monk/4 Cleric/up to 5 Holy Vindicator or 4 Monk/3 Cleric/up to 5 Holy Vindicator. I like monks better, so you know what I prefer. How's that sound? Sounds like pure awesome in a flurry of gigantic blades, that's what it sounds like. I had originally planned for it to be a human monk going LG for Shelyn, and flurrying with a Glaive, or going LE for Urgathoa for flurrying with a scythe. A cool concept that can be really fun to play. The downside? Well, to hit won't be too stellar. And perhaps you aren't looking for something as complex as that. The one true downside is that I don't know if Enlightened Warrior is allowed in PFS. If it isn't then I'll go cry in a corner. I hope this helps! ![]()
![]() Have you ever seen the Pagemaster? A wonderful little movie from a while back that involved a boy going to the library, and getting sucked into his books... literally. As he wanders around the place, famous characters from books meet him, including Captain Ahab and the White Whale, Long John Silver and his crew, a Dragon, and Doc Jekyl/Mr. Hyde. One of the Hounds of the Baskervilles even begins to chase the boy around. In the same fashion, you could go with ghostly apparitions of famous characters in their world, for good or evil. Perhaps the tales of Geoffrey, Conqueror of the Highlands, sit on the shelves, with a ghostly Geoffrey walking around, showing off his military prowess in a ghostly fashion. I think Illusions should be the main point in the library. Whether the entity is real or not should be the question, not what is there. This way, depending on what part of the library the party is in, you could use different enemies. I'm a big fan of Owlbears. Imagine if one of them comes from the biology section? As the party fetches a book about Fire Elementals, Apparitions of Fire Elementals attack them. Simple and fun! ![]()
![]() DeathSpot wrote:
Hey, man. I never said they were. On a scale of 1 to 10 they're probably close to a -4 on the "MEATIEST SHIELD-O-METER" Right above "Rat suffering of ailments unknown" but below "Gordon Ramsey's inside voice" ![]()
![]() Navarion wrote: Only way that should have resulted in a fall was if the hit with the shovel had killed the wizard. On one hand, one shovel blow to the face shouldn't hurt the average superhuman Player Character... but on the other hand, it is a Wizard, they're not exactly known for being meatshields... ![]()
![]() There's a wonderful feat called Opening Volley that is great for many different switch hitters. It makes hitting people very easy after you shoot something. ![]()
![]() Monk has the easiest time with Improvised weapons, but Fighter comes in at an arguable second. Just chat with the GM and ask if you can take Improvised weapons as a weapon group and you should be fine. The PrC Low Templar is also very good at keeping up with the Melee aspect of Improvised combat and is also good at being a Face. With easy requirements to get in and the ability to forgo actually mounting anything, the class is a great way to make any sort of character concept fight worthy without missing out on a lot of bonuses. ![]()
![]() Champion of the Enlightened. Monk/paladin means you have some of the craziest saves in the game, as well as almost 0 reliance on spells. The only real problem in that is the class comes from Paths of the Prestige, which is a small Paizo-sanctioned book with 20 or so PrCs. They're pretty sweet, and if you can convince your GM to have it then it's pretty perfect for what you want. Other than that, Perhaps playing a normal Paladin would be good. ![]()
![]() The reason I want Flowing Monk is because the adventure supposedly has a lot of traps, and a Monk has some great saves. Flowing Monk gets me bonus AC when surrounded, which may happen often since I don't really know the adventure. The Bonus feats also lend to helping me, since I don't have to spend a normal feat slot for Dodge or Weapon Finesse. I'm not a big fan of Dervish dancing bards because I see them EVERYWHERE, and I don't want to step on anyone's toes if one of the group said "I'm going DD Bard, guys!" I don't know the other 2 people playing, so I have to assume the worse. I can't get Greater Trip because I can't get Improved Trip, and Vicious Stomp is available at 1 BaB, so I can get it whenever. Although, that feat is pretty low on priority. It's just gravy, not potatoes. Your point buy is off, by the way. Unless you already put in the human +2, then you're ahead by 2 points. I counted the Human bonus feat already, otherwise I'd be even MORE starved in feats. Also, what items would be good for this build? AoMF Agile is probably a must, and a Cloak of Resistance will be up there as well. Belt of Dex, definitely, maybe even headband of Wis. ![]()
![]() I had this idea of a Pirate summoner whose Eidolon was a small pirate ship. The itty-biddy crew would shoot guns(bite) and attempt a boarding action(tail slap), as well as have this odd ability to sail anywhere, even up sheer cliffs or trees. Serpentine base at level 1 can use all of these. If your GM is lenient, and you can have both the Bite and the Gore, then the small crew says RAMMING SPEED!! Reach to bite means cannons on the sides, and increased armor for different types of wood or metal. Bigger eidolon means bigger ship! A schooner for a small, a Galleon for a medium, so on and so forth. Dreadnought for Huge... It also made sense for the eidolon to speak, since there was a miniature crew manning the ship. Then there's the Summoner, who's decked out in pirate attire, shouting orders to the small ship. Certain orders like "Speed up, ya land lovers!" for Haste, and "Get the ship fixed, ya scalawags!" for rejuvenate eidolon, etc. And plus, Pirate accent. Who doesn't love that? ![]()
![]() A group of friends are going to run a game that is a one shot, and I was asked to join. The campaign is 7th level with 20 pt buy and average starting gold. Only 4 people. I have no idea what is in the dungeon or what the story is about it other than it is in a tower in a desert that has a lot of old-school traps. No one has cemented their roles yet, so I talked with a friend about cool combinations we could do. Since we're both into classes that other people aren't big fans on, we decided that it would be good to do Rogue/Shadow dancer and Monk/Shadow dancer. I wanted to do Monk, because I prefer them to Rogue. The bonus to saves makes the Monk real nice, as well as starting out late enough to do a PrC, regardless of how good it really is. I mean... if we have a competent Wizard, we should be fine, right? Here comes the real issue. I really want to have Janni Style and Janni tempest for my feats, and I also have to make prerequisites for Shadow Dancer. That means out of the 5 basic and 2 additional feats, I have 5 of my 7 feats planned already. Then there's the fact that, since we're doing a combination of characters, we wanted a teamwork feat. We wanted Stealth Synergy so that we could hide in each other's shadows and get huge bonuses. So that makes 6 of 7 feats. Because Shadow Dancer relies on Dexterity more so than Strength, I thought I'd take Weapon Finesse and grab an AoMF that is Agile, so that I don't really need a lot of strength. So that's all 7 feats. But Janni style and Flowing Monk rely on Tripping, and I really wanted to take Agile Maneuvers so that I add my good dex instead of poor Strength score. So that's... 8 of 7... There's this great feat that compliments the build perfectly called Vicious Stomp. I knock an opponent down and get an AoO that is an Unarmed Strike. I thought I should grab that feat because it works so well with the character. That makes... 9 of 7. I really need help selecting which feats to take, what my Point buy looks like, and what Items I need to pull this off effectively. The only thing I'm set on is Flowing Monk, Shadow Dancer, and Janni Style. Everything else is subject to change. There currently is no deadline, but it would be nice to know sooner than later. What is the best way to pull this off without shooting myself in the foot? ![]()
![]() Cavalier works well for what you want to do. They act very much so similar to Paladins, but with less alignment restrictiveness and more horseness. The only real downside is the no casting that you wish to do. Druid has less combat usefulness, and can't take proficiency in it till 3rd or so, but makes up for being awesome in almost every other area. Fighter suffers from what's wrong with the Cavalier, but makes up in sheer base stats and feats. Find a handful of feats that you think are cool and run with them, such as Antagonize to make enemies attack you instead of your allies, or Dazzling Display for a debuff, or even grab skill focus. Most classes can work when it comes to just a weapon anyway. ![]()
![]() Well, there is Necromantic Affinity, but that's not a "Once per day" effect, it's always on. Necromantic Affinity wrote:
Found in the Inner Sea World Guide. ![]()
![]() I really like throwing specialists, but I've never been able to play one in a game before. I get thrown into GMing or we already have a heavy lean on Ranged and we need a Melee or... Moving on, I figured out a way to get a huge radius on ranged attacking with throwing weapons. That's where this lovely little diamond in the rough known as "Chakram" comes from. 30ft attack range is pretty nice. Much better than the 10ft ranges of most throwing weapons in that category of martial weapons. Strong Arm, Supple Wrist is a trait that says if you move 10 feet, you add 10ft on to your range with throwing weapons. Hurling Barbarian adds 10ft to the range on throwing weapons. Shot on the Run says you move and make a ranged attack. That means the threat range on your character is huge if you're careful. Adding a horse just adds gravy into this mix. Too bad Hurler and Mounted Fury archetypes can't stack... ![]()
![]() I once TPK'd a party with a 2-stage boss fight. The good news is that the players remember the fight VERY WELL. I had a Hospitaler/Warrior of the Holy Light level 8 with a bunch of little fighter-mooks. After one-hitting all the mooks (stupid Synthesis Summoners...) the only one left was the buffer Pally who got hit. Hard. Her body then morphed into a Trumpet Archon. Now, I might have been new to GMing at the time, but both encounters were CR 14, and the Cleric had wasted her big spells on half the mooks, and the party monk was team-killed for joining the Paladin's side instead of the rest of the party's side(Evil campaign and whatnot). That means that half of the party was down, and they were fighting something of major power. The Archon didn't one hit them, but they didn't have the fighting power to take it on and were down a few people. I resurrected them with the main NPC coming in to take the loot and stuff, saying that "It'll be worth it." That was a fun encounter. TL;DR, Paladin-Archon. Late game, or weaken it for earlier usage. ![]()
![]() I always wanted to do this with the Elemental Wizards. Just imagine, an Elf shouts "WIND!" A Half Orc shouts "FIRE!" A Dwarf shouts "EARTH!" A Halfling shouts "WATER!" All of them doing sparkles and shines and stuff while a Human shouts "VOID! WITH OUR POWERS COMBINED...!" and starts summoning something. Teamwork feats everywhere. Cheese and Ham. Granted, everyone knows that the 5 elements according to the Monks are Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, and Interpretive Dance, so that'd be funny as well. ![]()
![]() King_Of_The_Crossroads wrote:
Harrower is an odd class that's primarily a buffer. One class ability that is gained at 2nd level is you "Perform a ceremony" and get a bonus to all die rolls depending on what you rolled. For the most part it's a really cool class that is flexible by its nature, being that it's meant for cards can easily be reflavored as almost anything that has 6 sides to it(Dice, bones, rocks, the color of the first bird seen(wouldn't that be cool?), etc). In a party they're kinda like Bards where they buff, but at the start of the day instead of only during combat. A level would hurt, because it's light on level 1 of abilities, but 2 or 3 levels into the class is when you start noticing the benefits. Really depends on the party but it might work out well. My Harrower is in a party with a Rogue, a Barbarian/Oracle, and what may or may not be a Bard. Not too heavy on the combat side, but with my bonuses that they party receive the party has been able to push through. I built mine from Cleric, but I think Oracle would have been just as cool. ![]()
![]() My good friend it all depends on what she wants to do with her PrC! For example, if she were to rework it slightly the classes Low Templar, Pathfinder Chronicler, Harrower, Divine Scion, Living Monolith, Sleepless Detective, Santified or Rage Prophet(Separate classes), or the Veiled Illusionist are available to her. I love Prestige Classes. They're fun to conceptualize and prepare for. I have a Cleric/Harrower in a campaign, but that could have easily been an Oracle/Harrower if I so desired her to be one. The important deal is that she finds one that she really likes the sound of and for her to run with it. ![]()
![]() That lovely little moment with Lamonius and Rynjin is why I like this thread the most(or at least over the Warpriest one. I really want to like that class but every time I go to that thread it's just them insulting one another). I really like how this class is moving so far. I've always wanted a non-oriental fisticuffs fighter, and so far this class is working. Granted, Brawler Fighter and MM Monk are there as well, but I do enjoy this class as a third option if I want to do something like that. ![]()
![]() 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) = 7
A... A -4 point build... Welp, looks like a Wizard to me! 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 2) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1) = 8
3d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4) = 12
Excuse me while my team dies in a pit. A 10ft pit. They probably couldn't climb out of it. ![]()
![]() I do enjoy Fire Emblem, but as per the Arcane getting a mount there aren't many options. However, there is the lovely option of Druid, who can get a Horse for free as well as cast Anima spells. And by Anima spells I mean spells of Fire, Ice, and Lightning. Going the next level, taking a level of Cavalier and getting the feat "Boon Companion" lets you have an at-level character till level 5 or so. A level of Cavalier gets a you a point of BaB, extra health, more skills, and the most LOVELY Camel or Horse you could ever find. BTW Losing the horse sucks, don't do it. Druid makes you lose the BaB, but more spells is always lovely. Now, the real question is did you make Ewan a Mage Knight or did Lute become one? Or were you like me and had both of them become it? ![]()
![]() Alternate Classes wrote: Alternate classes are standalone classes whose basic ideas are very close to established base classes, yet whose required alterations would be too expansive for an archetype. An alternate class operates exactly as a base class, save that a character who takes a level in an alternate class can never take a level in its associated class—a samurai cannot also be a cavalier, and vice versa. That last bit seems a bit cloudy to me. I can take a Cavalier, but not samurai... but nothing about Archetypes. ![]()
![]() I just thought that meant they were both ranged and melee at the same time, using melee rules when holding them and ranged rules when throwing them. Personally, my only problem is that there aren't any minis to my knowledge that use a starknife. That, and they cost about twice as much as they should. ![]()
![]() Interesting fact about Ninjas and Rogues is that a Rogue can get a Ki Pool as well, but it's Wisdom based instead of Charisma based. It also costs a Rogue Talent, which does hurt but is forgivable when taking the Rogue talent "Ninja Trick." Wisdom based Ki pool means that getting a moderate Wisdom breaks a lot of what people have problems with when it comes to melee classes in general. A mere 14(+2) Wisdom gives this rogue a +2 to Perception, Survival, Profession, Will Saves, and any other ability that can run off of wisdom(Irori can get a trait that replaces any STR or DEX based skill with Wisdom). This generally means that in social conversations he won't be doing as well, but would instead be much more at home in the field. ![]()
![]() I'd like to see something like that, but I do believe that to preform as a "Rogue" you need 3 basic things. 1. Sneaking
Oracle can solve these easily with Dark Tapestry mystery, except for the obvious Disabling of Traps.. but there's always traits for that. High charisma makes social interactions easy, too. Just to add some wood to the fire, I think the exact same thing about Fighters. They're so versatile that not even a little system mastery can make them whatever you want them to be. |