
Timitius's page

Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder. Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 2,150 posts (2,331 including aliases). 1 review. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters. 12 aliases.


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Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Wayfinder #22 is now available for download!

Go get it!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Yes, there seems to be a problem with the file after I uploaded it. It's coming in at 153 bytes, when it should be 19 MB. I've contacted Paizo.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Hey all,

Thanks for all the kind words. It is good to know that Wayfinder had an impact on the Paizo community, and contributed to the recruitment of fine, talented freelancers (who occasionally become Paizo employees!).

Is the final issue still coming? Yes, we still plan on releasing it. I'm not going to commit to a date, though. I'm looking at a very busy summer for field work, so we will see how things go.


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

17 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey folks. I've been quiet on this mainly because I haven't had much to share. We've had a delay in layout (life priorities over Wayfinder). The issue is now in layout, and I hope to have a draft in the next few weeks. When that happens, we'll do our proofing round, and then we will finalize.

So we are getting there, but I'm not gonna be to be able to give dates yet. I remain optimistic, though!

It is probably pretty obvious now that we aren't going to have a 2023 open call or issue. In fact, it's overdue to let everyone know that this will be our final issue.

There are a lot of reasons as to why, but mainly we felt it was time, and the establishment of the Pathfinder Infinite program was the logical successor for our mission. Infinite provides fans a way to create their own content and even better, to sell it, something Wayfinder couldn't do. It's a great initiative, and one that I'm happy will continue Wayfinder's mission to promote new freelancers and fan-created content.

So, stay tuned. I'll give Wayfinder #22 updates when I have them.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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CBearCR wrote:
Not to be that guy but are there any further updates on this? Even just an announcement that the issue is cancelled (provided that's the case) would be appreciated.

So, no this issue is not cancelled. We have all the pieces, but the person that does layout has a lot of life stuff going on, and hasn't had the kind of time we normally have to work on the issue. Hence the delays.

We've had several folks kindly offer their assistance, but we've done that in the past, and it just didn't work out well. People do layout in different ways, and it can cause...issues.

I cannot say WHEN the issue will be done and released, because that's dependent on life stuff and available time. It WILL be completed though. My guess is probably late October/early November, but that's just what it is...a guess. Heck, I thought we could bang it out over the summer, but it hasn't turned out that way.

I want to stress that I, more than anyone else, want to get this issue out. I'm proud of the articles, the art, and the editing that has been done. And I know that it will look awesome when we slap it all together.

I will definitely post here when we have some progress, though.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Yep, time for an update.

Unfortunately, life, work, and COVID have derailed our schedule. We won't be able to release for PaizoCon as usual. This all has pushed back the release date until late June.

We have all the pieces, it just comes down to getting derailed by life.

Disappointing? Hell, yes. But, I can assure you that this issue will be wonderful when we finish.

The sneak peek of the Side Trek Adventure will still occur for PaizoCon, though. "Red Fields" is offered in person, and online by the authors, so look for that on Warhorn.


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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I will invoke my lifetime membership to be there. Haven't missed one yet!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Uchuujin wrote:
You've got it. Thanks for the response. I will continue to work on the expanded version of my article quietly then.

If you are doing that, keep in mind you retain the rights to your work. I would expect perhaps prepping that expanded version for Infinite. Once the issue comes out, you can be in a good position to point folks towards the expanded version....for a paltry sum, of course.

Just my 2 cents.....

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Uchuujin wrote:
If I know that one of my entries is being published am I allowed to mention it on the forums, or should that remain a secret until the actual issue is released?

For all art and articles, we prefer that authors and artists refrain from posting about their work until we get up to release in May for PaizoCon.

About a week out from the release, we green light the artists to post their artwork for the issue. Likewise, I usually post the Table of Contents page to preview what's coming.

For authors, I'd like you to wait to launch into a discussion about your article until release day. I'm fine with you mentioning that you have an article in Wayfinder 22 that is about X, Y, or Z, in very general terms, but posting details of it sort of ruins the point of having in the issue, you know?

If you can sit on it until release day, and keep it a secret, I'd appreciate it. I can say that the reveal is quite a bit more gratifying, IMO.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Tarondor wrote:
What's the deal with adventure pitches? What is the format for such a pitch? And how long can the finished adventure be?

We used to arrange them with people that had a bit of writing experience. Neil Spicer wrote several of them, in fact. Recently, I've sort of made an open call of them.

The pitch is really just a side trek seed (with a plot hook, backstory, and possible resolutions), but with some extra summary of encounters (how many, what kind, how they are ordered), and some detail on the Weal or Woe that accompanies the adventure.

Adventures are 4500 words, plus the 1500 word Weal or Woe, which allows you to set up the ally and the foe, and have stat blocks for them.

I don't take them unsolicited, though. I'll either prearrange it, or hold an open call for pitches.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Watery Soup wrote:

A while back, you posted an update with the number of submissions in each category.

Could you post the final number of submissions in each category?

Final tally is 79 articles.

Advice: 2
Bestiary: 18
Class: 2
Crunch (Rules): 11
Fiction: 11
Flavor: 8
Gazetteers: 3
Items: 7
Poetry and Song: 3
Side Trek Seeds: 7
Weal or Woe: 7

And four adventure pitches.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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I've got a couple of artists answering the call for more artists, and that is GOOD!

However, I'm still really REALLY short on artists. Right now, I'm needing enough artists to do 12 more illustrations.

I'm still looking!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Just a little peek into what I was faced with in the decision process. In total, I had over 80 submissions to choose from. Now, we have about 12 categories or types of articles, and we strive to get a fairly even distribution of article types into each issue. Submissions are not evenly spread across those that means some categories have more "competition" than others.

As I go through the articles, I assign 3 statuses: KEEP, RESERVE, REJECT.

KEEP means it was a strong submission from the start. RESERVE means it was good, but didn't jump out in the front like a goes into the "think about it/maybe" pile. REJECT is assigned to those articles that just didn't fit, or have too many errors, or just were not strong enough submissions. In a few limited cases, they violate the guidelines, which is an AUTO-REJECT.

After we tally the KEEPs, we look at the page counts, and then start selecting the RESERVE articles to fill out the issue to bring it to the 76 page limit.

At the end of the process for this issue, I selected 48 articles, and had to drop 33 submissions from pool. I honestly don't really consider the author names until the very end. Right before final selections, I review the author names, and if I have some "RESERVE" selections from an author that has all 3 articles, I'll look and see if a RESERVE from another author not selected could be used instead, so that we maximize our number of authors that get selected.

In the end, it's not perfect, but the process is what it is.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

CBearCR wrote:
Congratulations to everyone who made the cut! As far as volunteering to do art is concerned, how does that work exactly?

Send me an email (wayfinderDOTfanzineATgmailDOTcom) expressing your interest in volunteering.

Include a link to a website or gallery or online portfolio showing examples of your artwork. This helps us determine if your art style matches what we have in mind for the issue, and helps me match that style with the articles' illustration needs.

I'll reply with a sort of pre-written summary of how our art process goes, and how we proceed from there.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Courage Mind wrote:

Congrats everyone! :-)

I apologize if this is too much to ask right now but is there any chance for me to receive some feedback (even a few words would help) concerning my submission, in order to realize my weak points and submit a better one for the next issue?

So, there is a sticky history to this kind of request. I used to do that, yes. But, I started to get quite a lot of argumentative push-back, and it became VERY unpleasant. So, instead of opening the door to that kind of abuse, I opted to stop giving feedback.

What I can say is this: send the request via email (be sure to prompt me to which article) and I will see what I can do, OK?


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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After much review, much reading, and much consideration, here are the following authors with accepted submissions for Wayfinder #22:

Aaron Filipowich
Adam Jones
Adam Kessler
Adrian Von Almen
Alexander J. Ogilvy
Andrew D. Geels
Benjamin Tait
Betty Osthoff
Brite Cheney
Charlie Brooks
Corey Roberge
Daniel Angelo Monaco
David Schwartz
Doug Edwards
Felix Dritz
Ivis Flanagan
Jacob W. Michaels
James Abendroth
James Anderson
James Long
James S. Austin
Jeffrey Anderson
Jess Miller-Camp
KM Kovalcik
Marceline Miller
Mark Rivett
Michael Bramnik
Michael Kuehne
Mischa Catalan
Nick Volpe
Robb Miller
Rodney Sloan
Ryan King
Scott Nolan
Tineke Bolleman
Tommy Gaddy
Victoria Sullivan

Next steps are sending out acceptance emails with the legal-type agreements, then editor assignments, and then art assignments.

We are still quite low on artists right now. As it stands, we will not be able to illustrate all the articles.... so, we are putting out a BIG CALL for volunteer artists.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Final Count: 78 submissions, and 4 adventure pitches.

Thank you to everyone that submitted something! I know this theme was a bit difficult, especially since the delay of the Absalom book derailed our original plan, but 78 is a VERY healthy number for us to generate a solid, high quality issue again.

I greatly appreciate all your support in keeping Wayfinder going all these years. We can't make a magazine without fans sending in their ideas and art. As we head into the Infinite Era, it is my hope that Wayfinder will still maintain its relevancy and its appeal as the gateway and testing grounds for future freelancers. But, that's not necessarily for ME to decide....that's up to all of you.

For now....we have a magazine issue to get started on!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Just counted the submissions up again.

With 2 hours to go, we are sitting at 75.

Nicely done! Hoping we can hit 80 or 90 before the cutoff!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder


Current tally is 45 articles, folks.

Advice: 0
Bestiary: 13
Fiction: 7
Flavor: 3
Gazetteers: 4
New Equipment: 1
New Rules: 7 (2 class, 3 ancestry, 2 various)
Poetry and Song: 0
Side Trek Seeds: 5
Weal or Woe: 5

Still only two adventure pitches.

With 45, we are at the minimum number needed for an issue. That requires all articles to be approved. Getting 60 or more allows for us to be picky, and select the best submissions. So, more submissions helps the quality!

Viewing the list, we could use more magic items and equipment, a song or poem, and more rules stuff (classes, archetypes, spells, etc.)

Deadline is October 15th!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

CaelibDarkstone wrote:
Timitius wrote:
So far, out of 36 submissions, all have managed to stay completely out of Absalom.
This statement surprises me, as I sent in a Weal or Woe tied to the Agents of Edgewatch AP on September 25th.

I stand corrected. There was no specific mention of Absalom in your article, but yes, there were references to the Graycloaks and Edgewatch there.

(shrug) We will see what happens, I guess.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder


Current tally is 36 articles, folks.

Advice: 0
Bestiary: 12
Fiction: 5
Gazetteers: 4
New Equipment: 1
New Rules: 7 (2 class, 3 ancestry, 2 various)
Poetry and Song: 0
Side Trek Seeds: 2
Weal or Woe: 5

Also, we have two adventure pitches so far.

With 36, we are still lean on articles of all categories, so we're still eager to get whatever article category you want to sent.

Viewing the list, we could use more magic items and equipment, more rules articles dealing with backgrounds or class options, maybe some archetypes, more side trek seeds, and ALWAYS more gazetteers.

Deadline is October 15th!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Timitius wrote:
Not sure about the Starstone idea. That is an Absalom centric thing, and we are keeping on theme for everything in Kortos and Escadar that's not Absalom.
Wait... Are we not allowed to do Absalom material? If so, I will have to toss out two of the submissions coming your way. I have an archetype that is a direct tie-in to backmatter that I wrote for the Agents of Edgewatch AP.

I did say Agents of Edgewatch based material would be considered, and that it'd be more favorable than a straight up Absalom piece....but I'm going to be honest.... I'm going to load preferences for things outside of Absalom higher. If you have an article that deals with Absalom proper, it would be better for you to hold on to that for a later Absalom themed issue. So far, out of 36 submissions, all have managed to stay completely out of Absalom.

Honestly, I was fully set to make issue #22 the City of Absalom, but the book got delayed to the point that we had to reconsider. Given that there is quite a lot of Paizo material on places outside of the city on Kortos and Escadar, we thought this might be a pretty good place to flesh out. But, yeah, I was very disappointed we couldn't do Absalom.

If you are doing Edgewatch articles, I would consider stuff in the Outskirts, the harbor, Pilot Island, the Flotsam Graveyard (so the Black Whale), and Starwatch Keep to be outside of the city, and fair game in this issue.

I realize that we should have been clearer on the Edgewatch content needing to be more Kortos based, and less Absalom based. So, again, if your submission is really dealing with stuff inside Absalom, and has little or nothing to connect it to stuff outside of the city, then you should hold on to it for the next PF2E issue we do. Sorry.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Ascalaphus wrote:
Could you do an assortment of equipment, feats and spells all themed around a class? I was thinking of doing some "Absalom street magi" style things.

That sounds fine to me!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Tapi Gadsoul wrote:
Given the low number of entries, would it be possible for the entry limit to go up to 4 instead of 3? I already sent my 3 but I could throw another together before the limit. Totally understand if not, just thought I'd ask given the circumstances.

Let's see where we sit next week. If we are shockingly low in count, we might consider upping it to 4.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Uchuujin wrote:
Also! I don't see a word count listed for new equipment! What should I shoot for?

New equipment articles can be 750 or 1500. The important thing is that the article should have a theme that ties the items together. It could be items that are used by a caravan, item unique to a place (Turpin Row items, for instance), heck even a random selection of items could have a emporium or store as the tie in.

If you submit a handful of random items with no theme, then we will only use them if we get enough from others to be able to make our Heroes' Hoard article.

Not sure about the Starstone idea. That is an Absalom centric thing, and we are keeping on theme for everything in Kortos and Escadar that's not Absalom.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

2 people marked this as a favorite.

OK, just counted. We have 27 submissions so far.

We have ELEVEN days left in this Call for Submissions.

That's close enough for the tally. Especially if it helps bolster some of you for articles!

Advice: 0
Bestiary: 9
Fiction: 5
Gazetteers: 3
New Equipment: 1
New Rules: 6 (2 class, 2 ancestry, 2 various)
Poetry and Song: 0
Side Trek Seeds: 1
Weal or Woe: 2

Could use everything still, but Bestiary is filling up quickest.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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We'll go ahead and put out a Call for Pitches for the Side Trek Adventure for Wayfinder 22.

The Side Trek Adventure is 4500 words long, and includes a separate Weal or Woe (that's 1500 words) detailing the two NPCs that set up the adventure. And it MUST be ON THEME for this issue.

(for a good explanation of the Weal or Woe, read my post above on Aug. 21)

A good and proper pitch for an adventure should feature:

1. Title
2. party level of PCs
3. Background (what is prompting the adventure)
4. Weal or Woe (short summary of how the 2 NPCs fit in to this)
5. Premise (what the adventure is in a nutshell...what the party has to do)
6. Encounter Summary (list out the encounters you plan to include)

It's essentially a side trek seed write-up with a Weal or Woe idea tossed in.

I'd like the PITCHES for the Side Trek Adventure to be in by October 15th, same as the Open Call. If you have the Weal or Woe, submit it with the Open Call, and have your pitch reference that.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Tapi Gadsoul wrote:
Any chance we can get one of those handy-dandy list of submissions by category so we can see what areas need more entries?

We only have 15 submissions in right now, and 18 days left.

A typical Wayfinder issue contains 40-45 articles. We like to get a pool of 60 articles or more for a good selection to draw from.

Right now, ALL categories are WIDE OPEN.

The tally list will be posted when submissions hit 30, OK?


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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So regarding Infinite..... we fully intend to participate in the program, but we will continue to hold to our FREE issues to fans. Our mission is not to make money off this effort, but to promote the talents of fans in order to get them that crucial first step into the gaming industry.

We are hoping that Infinite eventually brings POD service into effect, so that fans can get the printed issues we know everyone wants.


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Jacob is entirely correct. Authors and artists retain ownership of their work. Our only stipulation is that Wayfinder gets to publish it first, and that our right to use it doesn't get stripped away later.

Now, yes, you CAN publish it in Infinite....but I'm sort of thinking that you might have to list Wayfinder in your OGL Section 15 at least.

If you publish beforehand.....yes, I will remove it from the issue before publication. We will likely have to update our Agreement to reflect that as well.

This Infinite program is new and exciting for the community, indeed. My only concern is that it might just replace the need for a community fanzine altogether....

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

MrGWillickers wrote:

Quick question.

If we wanted to submit fiction, are we allowed to use Pathfinder's Iconics? I'm not sure if they fall under community use

From the CUP: You may descriptively reference trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, artifacts, places, etc.), locations, dialogs, plots, storylines, language, and incidents from products listed in Section 1 of our Community Use Approved Product List below.

So, you can reference them, but I'm a little wary of writing fiction starring an iconic, since that's quite a bit more than just referencing them.

I would prefer original main characters.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

So, when you submit your article submission and include the map, just reference this thread, and that we discussed the Inkarnate permissions.

If your submission is selected, then we'll talk about getting those support emails.

Thanks for looking into it. Looking forward to seeing what you did!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

markrivett wrote:
Timitius wrote:
markrivett wrote:
Timitius wrote:
If applicable, you may submit up to a 1/2-page map of your chosen locale
If I have a commercial licence to Inkarnate, will you accept a map created using that application (so long as it isn't published for public use within Inkarnate)?

Yes, we would be open to accepting that. I would need to know what Inkarnate's policy was for use in a publication (i.e., does it need to be credited, and how it should be credited). We need to stay safe on the legal stuff.

I don't want to pretend I'm a lawyer, so here's their terms of use.

I can provide a receipt to you proving that I have a commercial license in my submission. I will submit a support ticket to Inkarnate relaying these questions to them and reply to this thread as soon as they respond.

This was the line I was looking for: "You shall own all rights to any User Content created using the Website or Platform and shall have the right to sell, publish, relicense and otherwise commercially exploit such User Content."

I just want to know if we are required to include "Created using Inkarnate" anywhere. Otherwise, we would just credit you as the cartographer.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

markrivett wrote:
Timitius wrote:
If applicable, you may submit up to a 1/2-page map of your chosen locale
If I have a commercial licence to Inkarnate, will you accept a map created using that application (so long as it isn't published for public use within Inkarnate)?

Yes, we would be open to accepting that. I would need to know what Inkarnate's policy was for use in a publication (i.e., does it need to be credited, and how it should be credited). We need to stay safe on the legal stuff.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Just a note about Weal or Woe articles....

When coming up with the backstories for your weal and woe NPCs, be absolutely sure that there is a strong connection between the two. Their backstories should be intertwined, with some history between them, and should make clear why one is an ally, and the other an adversary.

Way too often we get Weal or Woe articles with two NPCs with completely unrelated backstories. There is no relationship, no history, and no reason that they are presented together. The very purpose of a Weal or Woe is to present a kind of setup for a sidetrek adventure. You encounter the Weal NPC, they need your help, the party assists, and ends up fighting the Woe NPC. That's what you should be thinking about when creating this kind of article. The more unique and interesting (and on theme), the better chance to be selected.

Anyway, I was watching the various reviews on YouTube for Wayfinder #21, and both reviewers loved the Weal or Woe articles, but didn't really explain what we are looking for in a successful submission.


Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Uchuujin wrote:
Timitius wrote:

Still no reviews?

Come on, folks, surely there was SOMETHING in the issue you liked enough to let the author know?

Remember, your review or comments are valuable to those that worked on this issue. Getting that feedback is our payment.

Hearing crickets after a release is sending us the message that, well, no one is reading Wayfinder, and no one cares about it anymore.

Is that the correct message we are hearing? I hope not.

Please, post your reviews or comments.

Dustin Knight did a quick review of every article on his stream Friday.

YouTube link here.

AWESOME! Thanks for the link! SHARING!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

alaiziadarkstar wrote:

hey I downloaded this, but it seems to be busted any time I try to open it.

I don't know what to tell you. I've downloaded the PDF several different times now, and they are opening up fine for me. What PDF viewer are you using? It might be that is the issue?

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Still no reviews?

Come on, folks, surely there was SOMETHING in the issue you liked enough to let the author know?

Remember, your review or comments are valuable to those that worked on this issue. Getting that feedback is our payment.

Hearing crickets after a release is sending us the message that, well, no one is reading Wayfinder, and no one cares about it anymore.

Is that the correct message we are hearing? I hope not.

Please, post your reviews or comments.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Golarion In-Depth wrote:
Should we expect a confirmation email that our submission was received? I don't want it to disappear into the void of cyberspace.

I will say that I did receive it, and sent you a reply regarding it.

No, that's not common. But, I am seeing first-timers not following our guidelines, and helpful advice to avoid that seems in order.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

MKKuehne wrote:
For clarification, if you have two or more closely related creatures (ie one is a more advanced class of the previous) you can exceed the 750 word limit?

Referencing Paizo bestiary entries, no. I did the flytrap for the Bestiary, and the entry (both standard and advanced stat blocks) had to meet the word count for 1 creature. Other examples would be Ape, Bat, Bear, Beetle, Boar, Elephant, etc. (most animals or vermin).

Now, if you have a type of creature, and many different types (like the elemental entries) then that typically spanned two pages.

Reference the 2E bestiary books for how that will work out.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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motteditor wrote:
Papadage wrote:

Who do I email for the submission templates?

I would try

Going to be upfront here.... I haven't gotten around to updating our templates to 2E yet. At least not the ones that we make generic and available for people to refer to.

Give me a few weeks.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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AlgaeNymph wrote:
Timitius wrote:
If you have questions about whether your idea(s) run up against the guidelines, then sure, I'll answer that.

All right. : )

I'm thinking of writing up a random generator of Things to See at the Radiant Festival, and I bet a lot of people are as well. What category would this go under, assuming any at all?

Agree with motteditor, that's a flavor article for sure.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I guess I need to add a few more points to the guidelines....

First, use of intellectual properties other than Paizo's settings (which the CUP allows us to use) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. What does that mean? It means you can't create the Avengers or Justice League as an article. Specifically, there can't be a Spiderman or Batman, or Iron Man (name dropped) in Golarion. If you want to adapt characters or things from other IPs, you at the least need to change the names, and convert it to fit in Golarion. I shouldn't be able to read your adaptation, and immediately know what you are ripping off because you didn't change anything at all.

Honestly, I would rather you be inspired by other properties, and create your own spin (making it unique).

Second, we really cannot pre-evaluate your submission ideas ahead of you actually submitting them. I am willing to provide limited input here on the boards, but I'm going to have to decline responding to any emails asking "would you accept this idea?" If you have questions about whether your idea(s) run up against the guidelines, then sure, I'll answer that.

Lastly, grammar. If your grammar is poor, that isn't an auto-reject, but it does put up a big red flag to us. Our editors are volunteers, and what you submit should be solid for grammar, so they can focus on polishing the article and evaluating the content to make it better. So, my advice is to get someone else to proofread your submission before you submit it.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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CorvusMask wrote:

I'll do three if I can get three ideas x'D I kinda want to write adventure, but I don't think wayfinder has "adventure" articles, so I guess I either try three bestiary entries or one bestiary entries and two others

(sad that absalom book isn't released before this, even though its about absalom rather than isles overall it could have had some really good inspiration)

We had fully intended to do an Absalom issue, but the delay of the book made that not an option (a similar thing happened for issue #6, and we took that lesson to heart).

Wayfinder actually does have an adventure article, the Side Trek Adventure. We do not include it in the open call, because it's a special article that we do not want people to spent a ton of time writing and then not getting accepted. Adventures are typically 4500 words (so 6 pages) plus a Weal or Woe featuring the adventure's ally and final boss.

We will be accepting anyone's pitch for the Side Trek during the Open Call. I typically post this a bit later in the process, as the adventure is on a slightly different schedule than the rest of the articles. But, in short, YES, we do have adventures, we are just way more selective about it!

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Laclale♪ wrote:
Guidelines wrote:
[one-action}, [two-actions], [three-actions], [reaction], [free-action]
I found format error.

sigh..... [one-action]

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

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Scott Young wrote:
Erik Mona offered to write some stuff for this issue on Facebook... so if you get in, your name will be in the same credit list.

True, Erik did offer, but he's a really busy man, and it is not a firm commitment. We will, of course, be THRILLED to feature whatever Erik wants to share.

Also, I will make sure that any special guest contributions will not cut into our abilities (i.e, pages) to feature as many new fan contributors as possible. We will make it work.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

21 people marked this as a favorite.

As Second Edition continues to build momentum, let’s take a look at the initial focus of the beginning adventures supporting the changed campaign setting: the Isle of Kortos. Throughout the entirety of the Golarion campaign setting, Absalom has been THE stopping point for most adventures on the isle. With the arrival of the Second Edition, we have been treated to two adventure paths that explore the rest of island, and it turns out that there is a LOT more to Kortos than just Absalom proper.

So, let’s go exploring across the Isle of Kortos, and the Isle of Erran as well! Trek out into the Cairnlands, venture into the heart of the Immenwood, climb the Kortos Mounts, hike across the Swardlands! Visit the other towns and cities of the isle, such as Otari, Diobel, Pier’s End, and Escadar. And most importantly, expand upon all of this for the 22nd issue of Wayfinder!

The goal for the fanzine is to create a collection of fan-created articles and supporting art set in Paizo’s Campaign Setting world of Golarion and the Pact Worlds.

The theme for Wayfinder #22 will be the Isle of Kortos, focusing on those areas outside of Absalom, but not necessarily excluding Absalom. Given that the new Absalom book is coming out after the Open Call, it is tricky to write on specific places or features in the city without the risk of being made obsolete from the new content Paizo will be detailing in the book, so we encourage people who want to write Absalom submissions to take a more generic approach to places and people in the city. If you pick a named place with some importance, and expand on that, chances are that the book is going to do that as well. If your version contradicts the official Paizo material, it will likely be rejected. If it is a minor conflict, your piece may be selected, but revisions required. Ties to the Agents of Edgewatch AP would be more favorable submissions for locations within Absalom, as it specifically supports a published product.

Please use the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook Second Edition as your main reference, along with Lost Omens World Guide, and many published adventures (Abomination Vaults, Extinction Curse APs; The Gauntlet, Master of Fallen Fortress, Troubles in Otari), and tons of PFS scenarios (The Kortos Envoy, Bandits of Immenwood, Raiders of Shrieking Peak, Ruins of Bonekeep, Skeleton Moon, and others), as well as the handy-dandy Archives of Nethys, and PathfinderWiki!

Preference will be given to articles that follow the issue’s theme. Writers are invited to submit articles that fit within the following categories:

Advice: Share valuable information or experiences with new GMs or players in the new Lost Omens campaign setting and 2nd edition rules system. Submission size: 750 words.
Bestiary: New creatures to terrorize your PCs! Each creature counts as a separate submission. Submission size: 750 words per creature. However, because multiple creatures are combined to form a single bestiary article, smaller entries will be considered as long as they are complete. (i.e., a hard target word count of 750 words does not apply to bestiary entries. See the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, Bestiary 2, or Bestiary 3 for examples of proper formatting and content.)
Fiction: Wayfinder now accepts fiction submissions directly from the public. Joining a writer’s group to help with editing and development is still highly recommended. Submission size: either 750 or 1,500 words.
Flavor Articles: People, shops, organizations, events, or other aspects of life on the Isle of Kortos in the Pathfinder Lost Omens Campaign Setting. These articles should build on the material already available in other Lost Omens sources. Flavor articles may include some rules material, such as item, location, or spell stat blocks, if necessary, but it should be a minor part of the article. Submission Size: 750 or 1,500 words.
Gazetteer: Expand and explore places on the Isle of Kortos that have little to no information about them in the campaign setting literature. If applicable, you may submit up to a 1/2-page map of your chosen locale. Submission size: 1,500 words.
Of Chance and Skill: Games, new to or adapted for Pathfinder, to play at your table. Submission size: 750 or 1,500 words.
New Rules: Articles devoted to new backgrounds, ancestries, feats (ancestral, class, or general), or spells for the Pathfinder RPG Second Edition. Multiple smaller entries (usually feats, backgrounds, or spells) can be grouped together by a clear theme and submitted as one article. Submission size: 750 or 1,500 words.
New Equipment: Articles detailing new weapons, armor, or magic items. See the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook Second Edition for examples of proper formatting and content.
Side Trek Seeds: Side trek seeds are short outlines that provide GMs with ideas, either as side treks for a Pathfinder adventure or as mini-adventures on the Isle of Kortos. Each side trek seed counts as a separate submission. Please refer to earlier issues of Wayfinder for the layout for this article. Submission size: 325 words.
Poetry and Song: Music and poetry often define a culture. Share your vision of the best-known songs and poems of Golarion, with special emphasis on the issue’s theme. Submission size: 35 to 50 lines in total.
Weal or Woe: Two 6th-level or lower NPCs (including statblocks—one potential ally, one potential adversary, set in the campaign setting on the Isle of Kortos. Include hooks for how PCs might meet each NPC and how to use them in a campaign. Include a boon that can come from the Weal character and a drawback from the Woe character. Please reference earlier Wayfinders for the layout for this article, and try to avoid lengthy and complicated stat blocks, as they take up more space than regular text, and can cause problems with layout (i.e., not enough room for art). Submission size: 1,500 words.


• Thou shalt not disregard canon, thou shalt build upon it.
• Keep in mind thy audience. Keep it PG-13. No slash fic/porn fantasies, cheesecake/beefcake/fan service. These are prohibited by the Community Use Policy.
• Short and sweet. Refer to the word count requirements for each type of submission. These are HARD targets, not a range. Articles submitted with word counts more than 5% above or below the target numbers will not be accepted.
• Limit of up to THREE submissions per person per issue. So, pick your three best ideas!
• Do not submit an article that relies heavily on another submission, whether the other submission is yours or someone else’s. Any submitted articles that reference (an)other article(s) must be pre-approved by the Editor-in-Chief.
• Stick to the theme. Articles that do not relate to the theme will not be accepted. Articles should be taking place on the Isles of Kortos or Erran.
• Submissions used to defame, harass, or threaten board members are not tolerated.

Submission Instructions

Conditions for Submissions. All authors and artists must agree to have their works reproduced for this and other Wayfinder products, be it for translations into other languages (we will be responsible for the truthfulness of the translations), special publications, or use on a Wayfinder website. All of Wayfinder’s publications are NON-PROFIT, and authors and artists will be given proper credit where due.

• Send all submissions to: with the subject line containing “Wayfinder #22 Submission:”, followed by the article title.
All text submissions must be submitted in DOC or DOCX format (doesn’t matter if you use Office or OpenOffice). Note: Files sent in RTF, TXT, or any other format than DOC will be rejected.

• For people who use open-source software, like OpenOffice and LibreOffice, and save their files as .DOC files, there is a mismatch between file types when trying to open the .DOC files in versions of Word from 2013 and up. It results in losing the last few lines of text. Those lines can only be viewed on Word 2010 or earlier. If you use these open-source programs, you MUST put one or two carriage returns after your last paragraph before you save the document as a .DOC file. Otherwise, we will have great difficulty being able to read and edit your submission.

• Do not use fancy fonts or colors or styles for formatting - these will get stripped out in the editing and layout process. Use the standard body font for the program you’re using - bold and italics are fine. Ask us for an example of our style templates, if you’d like to use that. Tables must be tab delimited (DO NOT USE FORMATTED TABLES).

• Use standard Pathfinder RPG Second Edition formats for stat blocks. Familiarize yourself with the style and wording choices used in Paizo products and apply those same style and wording choices to your submissions. Insertion of the action icons (if you do not have access to the font) should be [one-action}, [two-actions], [three-actions], [reaction], [free-action].

• At the top of your submission, in the body of the article, provide the following information: article title (and subtitle, if any), author name(s), contact e-mail address(es), and word count of the submission.

For example,
Article About Something Cool: Subtitle Would Go Here
Liz ‘Lilith’ Courts
Word Count: 754 words

• Accepted entries will go through editing passes for clarity and concision. Depending on time constraints, you may or may not receive feedback from the editing process.

• Failure to follow these instructions or to meet one or more guidelines will result in rejection of the submission.

DEADLINE: October 15, 2021, 11:59 Pacific. All entries will be handled on a first come, first serve basis. Some articles may be rejected depending on the final size of the PDF.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Laclale♪ wrote:
Question: A Side-Trek Adventure was not in submission category.

Nope! Those are independent of the call. We either line someone up to write one, or we have a call for pitches for the side-trek adventure.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wayfinder #21 is LIVE!!!!