CyberMephit's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master Ken Marable

Combat Map

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I hope everyone is safe. I live in a part of the globe where nothing good or bad ever happens on such a scale - something to appreciate in times like these.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Just out of often can we expect you as GM to post and how often do you expect us to post???

I'm sorry for the delay; in the long term I expect to be able to post twice over the weekend and at least twice during the working week. I've had a bit more stressful time than normal with the start of a school year for my kids and stuff happening at work but I'm going to try and get my games back on track. I should finish my PFS game in a week or two and then will have more time for this one.

Busniss trip until Thursday.

I will try to stay in touch, but cannot promise.

Im going on a holiday-trip abroad until 3rd Nov. Maybe I can't post if I get no WLAN access.

When do we go on with our campaign? Last post is ten days old.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

If the GM hasn't realized he was signed out, he may not have noticed that there are posts waiting. Plus, the website troubles have been a headache and a half, especially if he can't get to the site.

CN Human Female Witch 1 | hp 7/7 | AC 13 t13 ff10 | F+0 R+4 W+2 | Spells: 0/2 | Per +0, Init +3

I also PM'ed him. Haven't heard from him as a player in my Crimson Throne table either. Hopefully both the site stabilizes and we hear from him soon. If not, we can find a way to keep it going. I don't want it to die right at the start.

CN Human Female Witch 1 | hp 7/7 | AC 13 t13 ff10 | F+0 R+4 W+2 | Spells: 0/2 | Per +0, Init +3

Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything from CyberMephit. Since I already have much of the prep done for my table of Crimson Throne, I could see about GMing for you all if you want. I'm still newish to PbP GMing and am working out the kinks, but I'll stick with it and keep it going as long as everyone is interested.

Tonight I'm starting a new campaign for our home game, but if people are interested, maybe next week I can set something up and get things moving again. If CyberMephit returns, I'd be fine turning it back over, but otherwise we are hitting the point of making or breaking the campaign. Much longer without restarting it, and I've seen PbP campaigns never recover despite a new GM.


Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

If you're willing to take it over, I'm okay with continuing.

Male NG Vigilante (Teisatsu) 2 | HP: 8/17 | AC: 17 (14 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +2 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

I also would be ok with this.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

as you already know I am fine with this.

Yeah, sounds very good, thanks!

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Are we going to start this up again.

CN Human Female Witch 1 | hp 7/7 | AC 13 t13 ff10 | F+0 R+4 W+2 | Spells: 0/2 | Per +0, Init +3

Just getting things situated and making sure I'm ready so that it doesn't immediately stall back out. I should be able to get things rolling again by tomorrow morning at the latest.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Fantastic and thank you very much for picking this up.

Marvelous! Thank you!

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

I will be traveling to see family this weekend, and only on mobile. I will try to post, but you may need to bot me.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Sorry for the delay, My youngest was sick and now my oldest is sick. Along the way I got sick so it has been a ruff couple of weeks in my house. Will post soon.

Yeah, I know that thing. They take it home from daycare and pass it along through the whole family. Got two of my own, dude. Sometimes they totally wreck your plans. (+_°)

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

Are we back to using normal skills instead of consolidated skills? Can I rebuild my character to use normal skills again?

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Good question...

CRIMSON THRONE: Table 1 Wiki, Maps, NPCs Table 2: Fishery Map, Harrow Points
Garran Fain wrote:
Are we back to using normal skills instead of consolidated skills? Can I rebuild my character to use normal skills again?

After we clear this place out, everyone will be level 2. If there's still no sign of CyberMephit returning, then that might be a good point to switch to normal skills if people like that. (Which I would appreciate, too, since I already get confused enough switching between PF and 5e games!) I apologize if the NPCs are inconsistent skill-wise, I try to keep it in mind.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

Okay, got it. Sounds good.

I really don't care. Just do, what is most fun for you. I like both skill systems. I wouldn't even care if we converted to 5E :-)

You are not waiting for me, are you? Edita is still deaf so she relies on the others to do most of the talking and keeps herself in the background. That's why I don't react. I still check at least every other day...

CRIMSON THRONE: Table 1 Wiki, Maps, NPCs Table 2: Fishery Map, Harrow Points

Nope, visiting family over the Thanksgiving got me sick. Sorry about that, but I’ll get a post up in the next couple hours once I finish up a few other things.

Oh sorry, in Germany we don't even realize that it may be a holiday because we don't celebrate thanksgiving. ;-) Could have thought...

CRIMSON THRONE: Table 1 Wiki, Maps, NPCs Table 2: Fishery Map, Harrow Points
Tim Bürgers wrote:
Oh sorry, in Germany we don't even realize that it may be a holiday because we don't celebrate thanksgiving. ;-) Could have thought...

I am sorry, I try to post keeping in mind we have players from across the world. I just typed that up quickly. The main point more was that I got the family holiday version of Con Crud. :) I have a 5 year old nephew on my wife's side, so it seems like every time we visit them, we get the latest batch from that cute little germ factory.

...well, that means at least that my English seems reasonable enough ;-)

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

@ GM Ken
I know how you feel I have a 15 month old and 5 years old as well. I was sick for almost 4 weeks because the girls just kept getting sick and giving it to me. Never at the same was one would get sick and then I would get sick..then she would get better and I would get better just in time for the older one to get sick. Then I get sick all over again....the joys of being a stay at home dad..LOL
Still would not change it.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Are we waiting on something?

CRIMSON THRONE: Table 1 Wiki, Maps, NPCs Table 2: Fishery Map, Harrow Points
Alistair Wellington wrote:
Are we waiting on something?

Sorry, waiting on me to stop having crazy busy week. But I will post something substantial tomorrow (Sunday) and get things moving again. Sorry!

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Sorry, I was just curios if I was missing something that needed a response from me or another player. RL comes first as everyone knows and it is not a problem. I hope your future days are less crazy even with the holidays. Good luck.

CRIMSON THRONE: Table 1 Wiki, Maps, NPCs Table 2: Fishery Map, Harrow Points

Sorry I had to emergency fill in for teaching a couple classes after another professor had a sudden conflict. So prep over the holidays and beginning of the term kicked my butt hard. But I should have things all set and running smoother in the next day or two and will definitely get back to this. Sorry for not posting earlier and leaving you all hanging. Even if I have occasional lags, I won't ditch you all (unless hit by a bus or something, of course, but let's hope not.)

So in the next day or two I will get things going again. Thanks!

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

It is the nature of

I was beginning to wonder if I was going to add this campaign to the list of Gm wanted post I just put out.

WotR Gestalt
King Maker Gestalt
LoF Gestalt

All the DMs disappeared

Glad to see you are back

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Is it possible to have an updated map with our tokens moved to where our last actions happened. Unless I am looking at the wrong map, I can not move my token and it looks like no one else has moved....

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

I like roll20 but the sound does not work with my chrome right now. My gaming group of 20+ years just switch over to discord for verbal stuff. We like the maps on roll20.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

This would be bad timing on my part if Lamm survives...LOL

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

In case it isn't clear, Garran doesn't care if Lamm surrenders or not - he's killing him either way.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

I am fine with that. Never had a problem with killing Lamm.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

It is starting to look like we are without a DM. Has anyone heard from him. Is he ok?

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

May just be busy. Do you want to message the GM and find out if they are okay?

CRIMSON THRONE: Table 1 Wiki, Maps, NPCs Table 2: Fishery Map, Harrow Points

I'm still alive and well, just was utterly swamped at work (and brain drained when home from work). I do web programming work at Michigan State University in the fundraising dept and the place went kinda insane the past month or so with all of that stuff that's been in the news about MSU. I even went job hunting some with how fed up I am with those in charge.

Sorry, I should have tried to keep this going or at least posted something. As a player in a couple games, I was at least able to take 5 minutes to post an attack roll on occasion, but I should have chimed in here as well. But GM posts take more brain power and I've been a bit drained lately. Despite knowing better, I got stuck in that loop of "I'll post a REAL update soon" rather a quick note.

But it's calmer now, and I'm excited about this game. So I will get things updated and rolling this weekend. I'm looking over this chapter of adventure already to see how better to work it for PbP because there is a lot of little encounters and between PbP and my spotty GM posting, it would just be too much of a slog rather than fun. So I have it about sorted out to run much smoother for PbP, but have free time tomorrow scheduled to finalize those plans.

Again, I'm sorry for the lack of updates or even warning about a lack of updates. Thank you for the concern, as well.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

RL can be a fickle mistress. I hope all is well in the work force. I know the situation must be hard at MSU right now and I can only imagine what is like working there. Not sure how much better it would be in Ann Arbor...

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

@ GM Ken
I hope all is well...

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

Ok, since we have not heard from our DM in some time now... What would the group like to do. If RL is keeping him busy do we want to hold out in hopes that things will calm down and he comes back or do we try and recruit a new DM?
Thoughs, ideas...anyone?

I'm fine with every solution. Maybe we should try to get someone new.

Male Human Fighter 9 | AC 26 29, T 14, FF 24 27 | HP 69/85 | Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +2 (+4 with bastard sword drawn) | Perception +11 | Stamina 11/11

How about we give him until the end of the week? After that, we can look into recruiting a new GM.

Male HP:76/76 AC:30 T:20 FF:21 F:+8 R:+14 W:+7 Perc:+12 Init:+10 Swashbucklers Rapier +19, 1d6+10 CMB:+9 CMD:+25 Human Swashbuckler 9 (Inspired Blade)

That sounds fair to me.

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