Tieren's page
Organized Play Member. 137 posts (1,011 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 11 aliases.
Looking to see if anyone is running or looking to run a playtest pbp?
Finishing up my psion right now, I'm retooling him a bit and he'll be along shortly.
Well Its really just an alternate build that Im playing with, I wouldn't dream of running it until I had something fleshed out for the storyline of it to make it not evil, my character is not going to be evil by any means. I do see that it is a VERY complicated build as the normal rules of summons/pets what have you, totally dont apply and it goes by its own ruleset!
Has anyone looked at the Thrallherd PP for Psion? Really confusing stuff! Seems like it could be pretty cool but I don't understand some of it, Its not totally fleshed out. I can't tell if you wanted to give a thrall a craghammer, if I would need to burn a feat on prof or not for the thrall?
I love the idea of a gnome riding around on the horns of a minotaur thrall or something similar. Playing with different builds now, obviously haha.
Heh, I'm looking at this and the powers and Im going to have to get very creative to keep from hurting all these melee types in AOEs. Coordinated Explosion. Check.
The cool thing about that is that with the group size, it's totally viable to split at times.
Ok so I'm working on some equipment here and I'm wanting a second opinion on this:
Manifester Weapon: Power( Daily) Minor Action. You gain 1 power point until the end of your next turn. You can use this power point only to augment a psionic attack power.
Does this seem like I would have to use the weapon itself in said power, or I kick off the weapons ability with the minor and can use the point through say my orb?
I am working on a Tiefling Psion at the moment, I really feel as though this will be the guy I roll with. Provided, psionics are ok?
I'm starting work on my characters right now, It's looking like I'll build a striker and a controller and see which Im into more at the end.
Here I am rev! Expressing my interest in one of rev roseys grand 4e adventures!
Hey there!
Been off the forums for a while but I'd love to get back into a 4e game. Anyone currently recruiting or thinking of starting a new game?
Seems very full but I wouldn't mind putting my hat in. I've been out of the pbp game for a while but this seems a good opportunity to pop back into it. If you've got your group i'll just follow along as well :)
Not a one, In fact I was thinking it myself!
Hey so I have to work a double today so its a little tricky for me to type it out but I did slap my character builder file into my email so I can forward it to you to look at.
I'm working on Halfling who will be either a fighter or a rogue. I've got two build ideas in mind Im just fleshing it out a bit.
I will be naming him "Willy Grubfoot" and I will be attaching him to the thieves guild somehow.
Just wanted to get an update in, crazy busy day at work.
The funny thing is I've actually considered playing a Warforged haha. So we need a striker now then?
I'm gonna be working on my character tonight and ill have it done by tomorrow am not sure what I want to play yet.
Thanks! I'm playing with the builder right now to figure out what I want to play.
I'm assuming you're allowing the feats and powers from the WOTBS handbook?
I've been gone from the boards for some time but I am interested in this big time.
Inside the pit, Sturdy is unable to make any progress against the rats that surround him.
Aldric is also unable to do anything to the goblin he faces.
Verjack on the other hand, fires a bolt of lightning that easily bounces between the two goblins.
Round 5
Goblin Warriors
Yup, that's what I'm saying
The ring's power says make an attack, and with attacks you add your level bonus so I would imagine this would be the same.
joela wrote: The release date on the DMII is on the 19th. How'd you snag an early copy? The release date is today, the World Wide game day is the 19th
Hey rosey, what level of upgrade can we go for?
Why, you're right! how odd.
I thought this one was great, it's funny how between the three podcasts it's shifted more and more about roleplaying which is great! I can't wait to see what they get into!
Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I put up a board that rosey and I had discussed doing a little bit in the past. Its basically something for us as dm's to stockpile resources and ideas together for our pbp games and otherwise.
It's still bare bones but I'm going to start working on the graphics and other boards to put up on it.
Dm Brain Dump
Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I put up a board that rosey and I had discussed doing a little bit in the past. Its basically something for us as dm's to stockpile resources and ideas together for our pbp games and otherwise.
It's still bare bones but I'm going to start working on the graphics and other boards to put up on it.
Dm Brain Dump
"It's Fallcrest, midwinter, and snow has settled over everything. Acquisitions Incorporated has been holed up in their favorite sanctuary, The Silver Unicorn, enjoying the warmth of a fire. All is calm… until they meet their old acquaintance, Nathan Farringray—looking troubled and with a tale of woe that can only be solved by Acquisitions Inc.
Over at Five League House, Farringray's companion, Barton has been keeping on eye on local bandits. A number of merchant wagons have been besieged in recent days, and the trade route has become jeopardized.
Acquisitions Inq. agrees to perform this small favor, checking on Farringray's friend… with the assumption that adventure will soon find them!"
From scott kurtz (pvp) twitter.
"pvponlineRT @TheRouse New episodes of the Acquisitions Inc #dnd #pennyarcade podcast start 8/28 featuring @pvponline @TychoBrahe @cwgabriel."
I have some interest in running this one as a PbP but I was wondering if anyone else had any plans on running it? I'd love to play it before I run it and as I'm still a relatively new DM I want to prepare a little bit before I run a game of it.
I would love love love to get into a Pbp War of the Burning Sky 4e game. I am planning on running one in the future but I would very much like to play through a bit of it myself before I do.
Good luck with everything, It has been a great opportunity to play in your game. And in agreement with rosey that its very much appreciated that you let us know.
I think the journal is very neat, I've been considering using the one in the character builder with gobi in fact.
a random doodle of Gobi Something I just did quickly in my boredom, Once I figure out more of how his armor will look I'll have more. Might even do some of the party, and happenings of ours! (the potted plant fight comes to mind)
I am opening up the game for new players to fill in, I will find a nice spot for chorro, dran and karn should they return
Celestial Healer wrote: I would do a 4e pbp if the opportunity arose. If you would like to make your way over to our discussion thread, we can get started on getting you worked into the game.
Rev Rosey wrote: Gobi is still finding his path. If the alchemy doesn't go anywhere, you can always drop it, but it's a nice flavour for him to have. I agree very much actually, and the choices I have for alchemy seem much more fitting now, I can't wait to have him unleash the tethercord on something
Celestial Healer wrote: I would do a 4e pbp if the opportunity arose. I've got a 4E game going with 3 players MIA at the moment, If by the end of the weekend I don't hear anything I'd like to restaff as if it were.
Larry Latourneau wrote: If you have questions, ask them and I will try to answer them :) How much more is there in the way of Paladin Str abilities? anything particularly shiny about new paladin stuff?
Laz wrote: Hey all I have a medical appointment in the morning. I won't be around at all, probably. But I should be back up and running on Friday... I hope. No worries, I hope all goes well for you
Just as another note, the newest podcast that just went up on the D&D site talks about Divine Power and some more of the things that each Divine class will be getting. It sounds like Gobi might be able to handle dealing with more enemies around him soon
The new paladin build posted up on wizards looks pretty interesting,
one of the new pally features specifically would do good for Lam's game
Virtue's Touch
Paladin Feature
Your gentle touch removes affliction.
Daily (Special) Divine
Minor Action Melee touch
Target: One creature
Effect: You remove one condition from the target: blinded, dazed, deafened, slowed, stunned, or weakened.
Special: You can use this power a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), but only once per round.
I loved the podcast currently, I'm not sure if I'm for or against another player. I think they all have their own distinct personalities as is so I think it probably wouldn't be that hard to track who is who but I also wouldn't want it to become too cluttered with nonsensical (albeit hilarious ) ramblings.
I suppose only time will tell.
No one has used the storm tower eh?
On today's update for the penny arcade website Tycho mentions:
"We're about to record the next D&D podcast, if you're interested in that kind of thing. If the last session was any indicator of future performance, wish me luck."
Very exciting!
On that note has anyone used the Storm Tower adventure from the D&D website in their own campaigns? If so, how did you like it? I'm giving thought to incorporating it into future sessions.
I am growing so anxious for the divine power book to come out! Im very interested in the Domain preview on friday, Rev I was hoping that once it does come out ill be able to update Gobi's stuff a little? I'm assuming they'll have more paladin stuff for a Strength build. It will be the last change I make to him I'm sure of it.
Rev Rosey wrote: Gilliam - care to pop over to the game thread and roll init for us?
Tieren - Lam's presence is also requested, if you are still interested?
of course, sorry I was out of town
Laz wrote: Adrana Louise wrote: Here we go BM Human ready to go, (well mostly, I have to fill in numbers and make a wishlist still.) Looking good. If you can jot down the Stats for Bruno in your profile. Also I'm guessing you're using the wolf stats for Bruno? Will do, and yes wolf stats indeed