Tiefling Swashbuckler's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Himokl.

The Exchange

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Had an issue come up last night, and in many games in the past that needs some clarification.

The basic question is this: How do the rules for deciding between an attack and a full attack on page 187 of the CRB interact with modified full attacks from Flurry of Blows, Two-Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, Manyshot or other abilities.

I've had many GM's rule that Flurry of Blows, and other related actions once started can not be ended to take a move action.

The relevant text from the CRB is "Deciding between an Attack or a Full Attack: After your first attack, you can decide to take a move action instead of making your remaining attacks, depending
on how the first attack turns out and assuming you have
not already taken a move action this round. If you’ve
already taken a 5-foot step, you can’t use your move action
to move any distance, but you could still use a different
kind of move action."

This clearly implies that when taking a run of the mill full attack that you can move after your first attack if desired and forfeit the rest of your attacks. Flurry/TWF/Rapid Shot and certainly many other abilities say that they can be made as a full attack action. So it seems that this should allow you to move after the first attack of a flurry and other special full attack actions.

The argument is usually that taking any of these special full attack actions can only be used while taking a full attack, and the above text lets you essentially not take a full attack so the flurry and other abiltiies couldn't have been used and thus you can't take the move after they are started. This has to do with the negatives incured and the bonuses in the case of flurry since you use your level as BAB for flurry when determining Power Attack.

This gets further complicated when you look at Manyshot. Which states "When making a full-attack action with a bow, your first attack fires two arrows. If the attack hits, both arrows hit."

It seems that if Flurry/Rapid/TWF don't "lock you into" a full attack, then neither does manyshot. Therefore you could shoot both these arrows as your first attack, and then decide to move if you so wished as per the above cited rules about moving after your first attack.
This seems totally against RAI to me, but seems related so I included it.

The Exchange

When an ability references a maximum attainable value, such as the inspire courage ability below, is that always the maximum?

"At 5th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level."

Let's say I was somehow a 23rd level bard for the purposes of inspire courage (Banner of Ancient Kings and/or Aasimar alternate racial). Would my Inspire Courage add +5 due to the +1 per 6 levels past 5 clause or would it still add +4 due to the explicit maximum laid out in the text?

I'm not sure if the listed maximum is intended to be a hard cap regardless of effective level, or to make clear how the pattern progresses.

I imagine if one had an ability that simply added +1 to Inspire Courage (via lets says Master Performer) that it would override this by specific trumps general. Just no idea with the effective level increases cited above.

This is just one of MANY Examples of this maximum bonus language which can easily be invalidated by other features that adjust effective level.

The Exchange 5/5

I have some question about how this boon is suppose to work.

Question 1: If I recharge replays do they expire at the end of the season I applied the boon in? Therefore if I recharge all 4 of my replays now, do I need to use them by Gencon?

Question 2: Can I fill the boon up but apply it next season? Therefore the games I GM'ed were in Season 6 but I'll be using the replays in season 7?

Question 3: I have 2 of these. If I use one now, and another after Gencon and obtain my 5th star at some point could I in theory replay 11 games next year. 5 for each boon and 1 for my current remaining star? (I probably won't do this, just trying to understand how this thing works.)

From reading the boon I think the replays earned are permanent and can be pooled, but I can only earn 5 replays per year per boon (Max 1 boon application per year.) Just making sure that is correct.

The Exchange

So I was researching something related to this topic when I stumbled across a rule that doesn't seem to be followed in the bestiary or anywhere else I am aware of. I didn't know it existed, and neither has anyone else I ran it by. I was wondering if I was interpreting this correctly.

The CRB states on page 182 "You can make attacks with natural weapons in
combination with attacks made with a melee weapon and
unarmed strikes, so long as a different limb is used for
each attack. For example, you cannot make a claw attack
and also use that hand to make attacks with a longsword.
When you make additional attacks in this way, all of your
natural attacks are treated as secondary natural attacks,
using your base attack bonus minus 5 and adding only 1/2
of your Strength modifier on damage rolls. In addition,
all of your attacks made with melee weapons and unarmed
strikes are made as if you were two-weapon fighting. Your
natural attacks are treated as light, off-hand weapons for
determining the penalty to your other attacks.

Does this imply that if I make attacks with a weapon and my natural attacks that the weapon takes penalties for fighting with two weapons? Therefore if I don't have TWF, that is a -4 penalty on my main hand weapon? If my only manufactured weapon is a two-handed weapon, can I even do this? If so, I take it I take just the -4 on the attacks with that weapon and the appropriate modifiers on my natural attacks for them being secondary?

If I am reading this correctly, why do creautres in the bestiary not take these negatives in their stat block? See Babau for example. His attacks are listed as longspear +12/+7 and Bite +7 (Simply taking the -5 for the bite being a secondary natural attack as part of a full attack as normal. Not factoring in this apparent two weapon fighting penalty to his spear.)

The Exchange

I just got my copy of Pathfinder Unchained.
Like many of you I immediately paged down to the summoner class and started looking at it.

Under the Protean subtype, it states that their base form grants the following evolutions: "Base Form: Serpentine (bite, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap)."

In addition "At 1st level, protean eidolons gain the
resistance (acid) evolution as well as the grab evolution, tied
to an attack type of the summoner’s choice. Whenever the
summoner changes the protean eidolon’s evolutions, he
can also change the attack type for grab."

Now, this would normally imply that the Eidolon has Grab on his tail as part of his base form and grab on another attack form of the player's choice from the protean subtype but as far as I can tell you can't take the grab evolution twice.

So does this mean that Protean subtype is :
A) A special case where you do get the grab evolution twice, once on your tail slap and once wherever you please?


B) typoed and you only get the grab evolution once, but it can be placed on whichever natural attack you please?


C) fatally flawed since you are stuck with grab on your tail from your base form, and the grab that you are suppose to be able to put on whatever and change never occurs since you can't have grab twice.

The Exchange

The new Bardic Masterpiece in Melee tactics toolbox specifies when you learn this masterpiece, choose a teamwork feat for which you meet the prerequisites. Once the feat is chosen, it can’t be changed. This
performance grants the chosen feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear you.Your allies don’t need to meet the prerequisites of this feat. Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance, such as Lingering PerformanceAPG, affectthis masterpiece.

So my understanding of this is that I do not need to have this feat in order to select it, nor do I get the feat unless I am using the masterpiece. Is that correct? Seems sort of odd if so.

Secondly, the special says you can gain this masterpiece multiple times.
Each time you take this masterpiece, it grants a different
teamwork feat.

So does this mean if I take it twice for let's say outflank and precise strike that I can perform either Battle Song of the People's Revolt (Outflank) to grant outflank OR Battle Song of the People's Revolt (Precise Strike) to grant Precise Strike? Or does it mean when I perform Battle Song of the People's Revolt it grants both feats to everyone?

Grand Lodge

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Can one maintain a bardic masterpiece and a bardic performance such as inspire courage at the same time?

I thought that bardic masterpieces were bardic performances due to the line "masterpieces, unusual applications of the bardic performance ability requiring special training." I've been told that wasn't the case though, and that James Jacobs confirmed it in the ask James Jacobs thread, which I checked and is accurate.

So by a strictly RAW standpoint (PFS) can I maintain a bardic masterpiece and a bardic performance at the same time?

Grand Lodge

I have a 14th level Life Oracle (Soon to be 15) that needs some gear suggestions of things that I don't already have or am considering listed below. Discovering the Ring of Protected Life has instigated this post, and am wondering if there is some other really useful things I've totally overlooked. The items don't have to be directly healing in nature, but hopefully some stuff that I have overlooked that is useful for a full caster/buffer/healer/re-roll forcer.

Stuff I have already:
Mithral Armor/Shield
Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier
Phylactery of Positive Channeling
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (Can sell for sweet neck item)
Cloak of Resistance +5
Gloves of Elvenkind
Ring of Protected Life
Belt of Mighty Constitution +6
Various Ioun Stones (+1 Saves, +2 Cha (buying higher next level), + 1 saves vs. death effects, +1 AC, +1 Initiative)
Luck Stone

Stuff I am considering/aware of:
Dueling Spiked Gauntlets
Various Metamagic Rods
Various Ioun Stones
Arachnid Goggles or + perception goggles
Mealable Holy Symbol
Numerical Upgrades to stuff I already have
Heavy Fortification Armor/shield enchant
Deathless Armor Enchant
Ring of Protection
Ring of Evasion
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Unfettered Shirt
Staff of the Master Necromancer
Ring of Revelation

The Exchange

Two independent scenarios are as follows:

A) You have 3 rocks. One has deeper darkness cast on it, one has daylight cast on it, and the third has heightened to 9th level continual flame on it. They are all in the same square in a 100 foot radius room. What happens?

B) You have 3 rocks in a different room. One has deeper darkness cast on it, one has daylight cast on it, and the third has heightened to 9th level daylighton it. They are all in the same square in this second 100 foot radius room. What happens?

I'm under the impression that daylight and deeper darkness effects offset each other and the room would return to its initial dark state. Now since the room is dark and the deeper darkness is temporarily negated, the continual flame would work normally.

In the case of the two daylights, they would both get negated inside the area of deeper darkness.

Therefore Heightened Continual Flame + Daylight > Heightened Daylight + Daylight?

Grand Lodge 5/5

Legacy of the Stonelords doesn't have the usual Special designation in its numbering scheme like past season opener "interactives" did. Does it still count as one of your specials for the purposes of qualifying for 5 stars (and anything else that designator is used for)? If not, what prompted the change from past years?

Grand Lodge

Hey guys,

I thought there was a rule somewhere regarding multiple rerolls on the same effect but can't seem to find it. Any insights?

I'm making a character that will have multitude of abilities/feats/spells that grant rerolls and would like to know how many times I can make someone reroll the same die (Or have them opt to reroll a die). (Assuming no action economy problems.)

For example could I use a no action reroll from 2 different abilities and then an immediate action reroll from misfortune (Dual Cursed Oracle)?

Grand Lodge

Does one measure the range of a spell/throw weapon/projectile weapon from the base of the creature/character or from the maximum reach of said entity?

For example, if one were to have 30 foot reach on a monster (or character) and also have one level of Wizard. You could easily cast shocking grasp (A touch range spell) and effect a target 30 feet away due to your reach. If however you measure from the base of the miniature, a acid splash (A short range spell) couldn't even get that far. So would a short range spell at first level (Range 25 feet) from a character with 30 foot reach be able to effect a target 55 feet away or simply 25 feet away making it "shorter" range than touch in this scenario.

Grand Lodge

The spell eater bloodrager archetype gives you following class feature:

"Blood of Life (Su): A spelleater’s blood empowers him
to slowly recover from his wounds. At 2nd level, while
bloodraging a spelleater gains fast healing 1 (Bestiary 300).
At 7th level and every 3 levels thereafter, this increases
by 1 (to a maximum of fast healing 6 at 19th level). If the
spelleater gains an increase to damage reduction from a
bloodline, feat, or other ability, he is considered to have
an effective damage reduction of 0, and the increase is
instead added to this effective damage reduction. This
ability replaces uncanny dodge and damage reduction."

Their seems to be some confusion over this effect between people.
I am reading the effect as if you take a feat/ability etc. that modifies damage reduction you still get that increased damage reduction but the increase starts from 0 (Aka a spelleater has DR 0/- normally)

For example a 10th level bloodrager normally has DR 2/-. One with this archetype would have Fast Healing 3 instead. If the orginal bloodrager took increased damage reduction that DR would go to DR 3/-. If the spelleater took it he would still have Fast Healing 3 but would also now have DR 1/-.

Others seem to be reading into the ability and a possible typo due to the possibly convoluted language used. They claim that any increase to DR should instead increase your fast healing. (I'll let them comment more below)

Just wanted to confirm (or disprove) my interpretation of the ability as written.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Are any of the variant Skeletons or Zombies from the bestiary legal for Animate Dead in PFS? How about the ones from Classic Horrors Revisited? I have a friend asking and never really looked into this before since it isn't my cup of tea. I'm fairly certain the ones from CHR aren't legal, and am totally baffled as to if the ones in the bestiary are legal. (I realize for the skeletons if they are legal take double the hit dice.)
Neither of these are listed in additional resources, but then again the skeleton and zombie template aren't listed as legal either and you need those to have the spell work in the first place.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So while having a discussion with some friends we noticed a possible issue. In the first printing of Ultimate Combat the Musket Master ability Rapid Reload reads:

Rapid Reloader: At 1st level, a musket master gains
Rapid Reload (muskets) as a bonus feat. Use the updated
version of this feat on page 115.

This is on my PDF dated August 6th, 2013.

In the second printing it reads:

Rapid Reloader: At 1st level, a musket master gains
Rapid Reload (musket) as a bonus feat. Use the updated
version of this feat on page 115.

This version is current as of today.

I was wondering since this change did not appear in the official changes, was one of these a typo? If so, or even if not, what exactly does this ability grant a Musket Master.

Specific feats such as Rapid Reload work according to page 115 as
"Even though the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)
feat grants you proficiency with all firearms, anytime
you take a feat that modifies a single type of weapon
(such as Weapon Focus or Rapid Reload), you must still
pick one specific type of firearm (such as musket, ax
musket, blunderbuss, pistol, or double pistol) for that
feat to affect."

This implies that one would need to take Rapid Reload (Musket) and Rapid Reload (Double-Barreled Musket) as individual feats.
Now according to strict RAW reading the original version did one of two things. A) Gave you Rapid Reload (Muskets) which doesn't do anything because a "muskets" isn't a weapon. B) Gives you weapon reload with all the muskets, which is 4 different versions of the feat.

The reprintings uncalled out change would change this to simply Rapid Reload (Musket), so if a Musket Master wanted to use a double barreled musket and reload it faster he would need to take an additional feat namely Rapid Reload (Double-Barreled Musket)

In short what does this ability do? Give the ability to reload 0,1 or 4 firearms quickly?

Grand Lodge

The Redemption sub-domain replace the standard Good Domains Holy Lance 8th level ability with the following:

Aura of Sanctification (Su): At 8th level, as an immediate action, you can emit a 30-foot-radius aura of sanctification for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Within this aura, effects that are specifically harmful to good-aligned creatures are inverted so that they no longer harm good creatures and instead harm evil creatures. Similarly, effects that are specifically beneficial to evil creatures instead become beneficial only to good creatures.

I'm a little confused as to how this effect would work in practice. Most effects (Except smite good) don't specifically harm a specific alignment, they specifically don't harm one. For example, take the scariest of the bunch : Blasphemy.

Blasphemy harms all Non-Evil beings in the radius; so lets say a demon casts this at me and I activate the aura; does the blasphemy now harm evil and neutral creatures or is it not affected?

Secondly, what is an example of an effect that is specifically beneficial to Evil creatures? First I thought of things like unholy aura but those don't seem to strictly qualify.

The Exchange

I was running a game earlier and a player turned himself into a small Air Elemental in order to use the Whirlwind special ability to pick up a Clay Golem, and quite a few rules questions came up at the time, and in retrospect. I'll list them below. Note that I have 0 experience with this ability before on either side of the table, and my players all claimed to. It was also a PFS game, so we play by pretty strict RAW.

The Whirlwind ability states that:
"Creatures one or more size categories smaller than the whirlwind might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (generally damage equal to the monster's slam attack for a creature of its size) and may be lifted into the air"

1) What size category is the whirlwind in respect to the elemental?

I was thinking that the whirlwind would be the same size category as the elemental, even though it is physically bigger and thus a medium air elemental could pick up creatures sized small or smaller.

The player made an argument that since the whirlwind is 10-30 feet tall it was of a much larger size category that the medium elemental he turned himself into and everyone seemed to go with that.

2) How is a druid that is wildshaped into an air elemental calculate the save DC for the whirlwind ability?

The back of the Beastiary seems to indicate that the DC would be 10 + HD/2 + STR modifier.

The player somehow came up with 10 + HD/2 + Wisdom modifier (Something to do with him being a druid, was already frustrated at this point so don't remember the specifics)

3) If a creature makes a save to avoid taking damage as an air elemental moves into their square does the creature still have to attempt a second save to avoid getting picked up?

This point didn't come up at the game, and I am pretty sure the answer is yes but just checking.

4) Do the encumbrance rules apply to air elementals while they are in whirlwind form?

So in essence is there a maximum weight limit on the amount of creatures the air elemental (or wildshaped druid) can pick up equal to the maximum load an air elemental (or the druid) can carry and move still?

The Exchange 5/5

[Roll20/G+] #03-03 The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet [5-9]: Thursday, December 19th, 2013 @ 7:00 PM EST US

Likely playing up, we have four players currently. Just need a few more. Just send me a PM with the following if you want to play:
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS #:
Link to any tokens you need for various things (Character,Pet, likely Summons, ETC.)

Disclaimer: This will be my first time GM'ing online. Might have some slight technical difficulties at first.

Sorry for the last minute notice.

The Exchange

I am currently playing a warpriest of Erastil in Accursed Halls for a PFS game. It is going pretty well so far, but I have one complaint about making the character and the play experience. Almost all of the blessings don't do much for ranged weapons, and none of the ones Erastil has do anything for an archer. This is in spite of the fact that every warpriest of Erastil will be an archer with the ways the rules currently work with enhancing the deities favored weapon and getting weapon focus with it.

An easy fix to allow warpriests of deities that have ranged favored weapons to get use out of their blessing ability would be to allow the good,law,chaos and evil blessings first level ability (Holy Strike, Axiomatic Strike, etc) to apply to ranged attacks. As currently written they only effect melee weapons.

In addition, I believe that the sacred weapon ability should have substitutions for people with ranged weapons for the abilities that just can't be applied to them.

In conclusion, I think that the warpriest needs more options for deities that have ranged favored weapons.

Any thoughts on the matter?

The Exchange

"Precise Strike (Ex): At 3rd level, as long as she has at least
1 panache point, a swashbuckler gains the ability to strike
precisely with a light or one-handed piercing melee
weapon (though not natural weapon attacks), adding her
swashbuckler level to her damage roll
. To use this deed,
a swashbuckler cannot attack with a weapon in her other
hand or use a shield. A precise strike only works against
living creatures with discernible anatomies. Any creature
that is immune to critical hits is also immune to a precise
strike, and any item or ability that protects a creature
from critical hits also protects a creature from a precise
strike. The extra damage of precise strike is precision
damage, and isn’t multiplied with a critical hit.
As a swift action, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache
point to her precise strike’s damage bonus on the next
attack. This must be used before the end of her turn, or
it is lost.

Does this ability apply all the time as long as you have one panache point or does it only work for 1 attack after after you use a swift action to spend the point? If it applies only when you spend the point, the as long as section should probably be changed to "as long as she has at least 1 panache point, she can spend a panache point as a swift action to gain the following benefit for her next attack"

The main issue here is from the second bolded sentence. "Can spend 1 panache point to (Should be a word here) her precise strike's damage bonus on the next attack."

If the word is "apply" (or something similar) it would make it somewhat clearer that the above questions answer is that the ability only works for 1 attack after you use the swift action.

If the word isn't "apply" (or something similar), the ability functions all the time and the swift action augments the ability by spending a point. In this case I would guess the word should be "Double" or something like that to get a damage increase after spending the point and swift action, and normally you just get your level to damage if you do not augment the ability.

The Exchange 5/5

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

I mostly play divine characters in PFS and recently bought Chronicles of the Righteous and really like one of the Emphyreal lords presented in the book. I was wondering if it was possible to switch deities on a Cleric, Paladin or Inquisitor inside PFS rules? I realize I would need to use the retraining rules to switch my domain if it were to change, but I have no idea how to just switch the base deity. Any insights?

The Exchange

A player in a recent I was a part of was insisting that a rule existed regarding soft cover that I can't seem to find. I was wondering if this rule existed and where it was cited it is as follows: " If an ally is closer to you than he is the enemy, you do not have soft cover to make a ranged attack against that enemy past your ally."

I do not believe this rule exists, please prove me wrong.

Grand Lodge

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Alright. Second thread about my Eidolon. Say I take the grab evolution for claws.

"An eidolon becomes adept at grappling foes, gaining the grab ability. Pick bite, claw, pincers, slam, tail slap, or tentacle attacks. Whenever the eidolon makes a successful attack of the selected type, it can attempt a free combat maneuver check. If successful, the eidolon grapples the target. This ability only works on creatures of a size one category smaller than the eidolon or smaller. Eidolons with this evolution receive a +4 bonus on CMB checks made to grapple."

Let's say my large eidolon is adjacent to 5 medium creatures. I make a full attack action. Sword/Sword/Sword/Bite/Claw/Claw/Claw/Claw at 9th level. I drop the first guy with my sword and bite attacks. Can I then make a claw attack against guy two, initiate my free grapple check, gaining the grappled condition, and applying it to him. I then am free to use my 3 remaining claws on that guy or any creature within reach as far as I can tell. Can I then use 1 claw per adjacent guy making free grapple checks on all of them. Effectively grappling up to a maximum of four creatures? I know I couldn't maintain all the grapples on my next turn, but it seems a good way to just shut down a bunch of guys for a round while they try to break out.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I just picked up the Rend Evolution at 9th level on my Eidolon. I have a bunch of questions on how this works. The ability is printed below.

"Rend (Ex)

An eidolon learns to rip and tear the flesh of those it attacks with its claws, gaining the rend ability. Whenever the eidolon makes two successful claw attacks against the same target in 1 round, its claws latch onto the flesh and deal extra damage. This damage is equal to the damage dealt by one claw attack plus 1-1/2 times the eidolon’s Strength modifier. The eidolon must possess the claws evolution to select this evolution. The summoner must be at least 6th level before selecting this evolution. Source: Advanced Player's Guide"

How much damage does my Rend do? The issue arises in the section "Damage dealt by one claw attack + 1.5 str"
My base claw damage is 1d6. My claw also does 2d6 acid (amulet and energy attacks) and 2d6 holy damage (amulet). My strength score is 27 (+8), and I always power attack.

Firstly, does my rend do 1d6 or 1d6+2d6 holy +2d6 acid damage as base.

Secondly, does it add 12 or 13 to damage? (1.5 str or 1.5 str+magic +1(Greater Magic Fang)) or the really outlandish +16 or 17 (Claw damage modifier +4 base or 5(Magic) + 12 (1.5 strength modifier)

Thirdly, If I add the magic modifier which claws magic modifier gets added in if by chance they are different (3 of them +1 due to all natural attack option of GMF, and one +2 do to specific GMF for example)

Fourth, does power attack apply to rend? If so does it count as a primary natural attack (since it adds 1.5 str), a secondary because I am using a weapon and ALL natural attacks count as secondary or a regular attack since it doesn't specify natural or not.

Lastly, the rend evolution doesn't seem to have a limit on the number of times per round I can rend like the bestiary ability. Can I do it twice per round if I hit with all 4 of my claw attacks?

Grand Lodge

I am looking at my Eidolon and trying to figure out what feat to take at 9th level. I figured I might try to take the lunge feat, for 15 foot reach on my claw attacks (quadriped with reach evolution for his claws). I was wondering how it would work if I used lunge to attack a target that was fifteen feat away, and when I hit initiated a grapple with my grab evolution. After my turn ended, I would no longer have reach to the square the creature is in that I currently have "grappled". Could I just not grab while lunging? Would I have the guy grappled in that square still? Would he be scooted forward into an open space on my turn? I am probably missing something obvious here, hence why I am asking.

Grand Lodge

I was running a game yesterday, and the tables summoner was repositioning his Eidolon all over the place. I let it fly since it wasn't terribly wrecking any mechanics and I didn't want to start an argument. How does repositioning work on fellow players and/or pets? Can you do it at all? Does it require some sort of CMB check? If so can the other player artificially lower their CMD?

Grand Lodge

I have a Tiefling Paladin of Abadar in my current game. I am a Sacred Servant with the Travel domain and I also took an Oath of Vengeance. The issue complicating how I play this character is my REALLY low intelligence score of a 5. I have a 12 wisdom and an 18 charisma with max ranks in diplomacy. Any ideas on how to role play these mental attributes?

Grand Lodge

I am confused as to how the spell "Suffocation" works from the advanced players guide. I get that if I cast it on someone on my turn that they need to make a save, if they make it they are staggered for their next turn. However, if someone makes the save initially do they need to continue making saves to avoid the effect for the next 3 rounds? Also if they initially fail the casting save, do they instantly fall unconscious on their next turn or do they get a save at the start of it for that not to happen for a round?

Grand Lodge

If I were to craft a wand as a 11th level Wizard, what would the cost of the wand be? Specifically what would the cost be for me to craft a wand of haste. The price listed it 11,250 gold but that is for a wand of caster level 5. Since I am 11th level, I would have to craft an 11th level wand, correct? The wand crafting rules state "The price of a wand is equal to the level of the spell × the creator's caster level × 750 gp." Since I am the crafter that works out to 3(spell level)*11(creaters caster level)*750 which equals 24750 gold. So the cost to create such an item would be 12375 gold. Which is more than the price just to straight up buy the thing from a 5th level caster, and gains me no benefit except unneeded shorter duration and the ability to effect more targets which also isn't needed. This makes crafting items with uses essentially pointless unless the spell in the item is of close to the highest level spell you can cast at that level.