
Threadjack's page

33 posts. Alias of Callous Jack.


Did someone call for me?

Officer Threadjack wrote:
Jack IT!

I say, dear chap, please don't go about stealing my good name.

terraleon wrote:


Did someone call for me, citizen?

TwoWolves wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:

I believe that my statement is covered under "hit points".

My group found them a little squishy for huge (gargantuan?) critters.

Well, they are hollow shells, aren't they?

Wouldn't that make them crunchy instead of squishy?

Celestial Healer wrote:

I'm spoilering this, though, because I feel bad about the threadjack.

** spoiler omitted **

Hello citizens, did someone call for me?

Jackalope wrote:
Threadjack wrote:

*swings in on a rope*

Good day citizens! Did someone call for me?

*yoinks hat!*

Careful! You''ll mess up the feather, I spent all morning ironing it!

*swings in on a rope*

Good day citizens! Did someone call for me?

Threadjack Police wrote:

Stumbles into thread, begins surveying the scene while a look of abject horror spreads across his face.

Oh dear god! It's a thread jacking massacre in here!

Fumbles for his radio and begins shouting at the top of his lungs.

Code 30! Code 30! I repeat Code 30! Send everything you have! I need back-up!

Fear not, citizen! I'm here to save the day!

There's something going on here that I can't quite figure out...

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Sorry to threadjack now back to your regular transmission.

*swings in on a rope*

Have no fear, citizen, for I am here!

Tarren Dei wrote:

[threadjack sort of]


Andrew Turner wrote:

[Thread Jack]

*Swings in on a rope*

Did you need help, citizen?

Shadowspectre wrote:
I am the terror that eats your posts!

Away with you, evil-doer!

Shadowborn wrote:

Since Threadjack is already in here...

*Heroic pose*

David Fryer wrote:
[threadjack]I can't believe that out of all thegreat musicals and comedis that were nominated, the voters chose "The Hangover."[/threadjack]

Did you summon me? What ails you, citizen?


*heroic pose followed by twirling moustache*

Post Phantom wrote:
The Phantom Post Strikes!

You cad!

Emperor7 wrote:

In my angst I think I've derailed my own thread.

Anything I can help you with?

Celestial Healer wrote:
[threadjack]People routinely steal lunches out of the break room where I work. Particularly popular are Lean Cuisines and other frozen entrees. My approach to it involves guilt - I put personal little notes on all of my stuff with things like "If you eat this, I'm going to be hungry all afternoon" and "Please don't steal my creamer - I don't make very much money". Surprisingly, it seems to help.[/threadjack]

I'll protect your lunch, good sir!

Mikhaila Burnett wrote:
Threadjack wrote:

Do you need help with something that my dashing good looks and witty repartee can solve?

*smoothes pencil mustache*

Why yes! I need... a distraction!

*ganks Nurn's +5 chaotic shortsword and runs*

Uh, wait, I don't do... er... criminal acts. I'm a hero, y'see?


Mikhaila Burnett wrote:
Threadjack wrote:
Orthos wrote:

*heroic pose*

Yes? Is someone in need?

Hi! Jack!

Do you need help with something that my dashing good looks and witty repartee can solve?

*smoothes pencil mustache*

Orthos wrote:
Threadjack wrote:
Orthos wrote:

*heroic pose*

Yes? Is someone in need?

Wordism thread, stat! :)

Wordism? Where?

Orthos wrote:

*heroic pose*

Yes? Is someone in need?

Urizen wrote:

*heroic pose*

Did someone call for me?

Celestial Healer wrote:

Did someone call for me?

LMPjr007 wrote:
Urizen wrote:

Nice. Subtle.

How's the OT progress going anyway?


*hangs head and cries*

Sebastian wrote:
Threadjack wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
[/massive threadjack]
Did someone call for me?
No, they called for massive threadjack, not flamboyant and inadequate threadjack.

*hangs head and exits stage right*

Dragonborn3 wrote:
[/massive threadjack]

Did someone call for me?

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Okay, I guess I missed the link. How did we go from stupid pre-holiday commercialism to armed forces jokes?

Did someone call for me?

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Without reading 350 plus posts -- how in the world did this thread go from Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize to Buddhists breaking bars with their head?

Did someone call for me?

Did someone call for me?

Away I go!

*twirls moustache and leaps out a window*

Aaron Bitman wrote:

(No, this is NOT a threadjack. This conversation is about apple cheeked cherubs, right?)

Did someone call for me?