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Da'ath wrote:

Undersized Weapons (Ex) [-2 RP] Although a centaur is Large, its upper torso is the same size as that of a Medium humanoid's upper torso. As a result, it wields weapons and has a reach as if it were one size category smaller than its actual size (Medium for most centaurs).

The Quadruped racial ability already pretty much gives you 'Undersized Weapons' as well as a bonus against Trip and a bonus to your land speed (Why it gives you a bonus)

Hello Paizo Messageboards!

I find myself about to play in a Friends Campaign coming up here in the next week or so. He has agreed to let me play a Centaur like character- assuming I can build it to be closer to other player character races using the Race Building rules. (He's going to look over whatever I make up, and it is subject to change).

Anyways- before I send him anything for approval, I thought I should see what others thought about my build for the Centaur, and if anyone had any suggestion. I've been limited to around 15 Race points- and this is what I've come up with.

Monstrous Humanoid 3 RP
Large 7 RP
(+2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 AC, -1 Attack roll, +1 CMB and CMD)
Base Speed
Standard 0 RP
(Base Speed 50 Feet)
Ability Score Modifier
Standard ( +2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Wis) 0 RP
(+2 Str Size, -2 Dex Size, +2 Con Race, -2 Int Race, +2 Wis Race)
Standard 0 RP
Racial Traits
Darkvision - RP
Hooves (Secondary) 1 RP
Fast 1 RP
Quadruped 2 RP
(+4 vs Trip, +10 Base Speed)
(May use Medium Armor and Weapons)

Total 14 RP

Can you use a targeted bomb admixture with the breathe weapon bomb discovery?

for me the targeted bomb admixture does not say that it cant, it says it gets rid of the splash damage and doubles the intelligence damage toward the direct damaged person.

the breathe weapon bomb also gets rid of the splash of the explosion but includes and area of people as the direct damage and halves it if they save a reflex save.

just wondering if there is a specific rule or something that says that these cannot work together.

Bump for the hopes of suggestions!

Hey Paizo Bored!

Let me start out by giving a little explanation towards WHY I'm trying to create this spell. The game that I am currently running is based in a Post-Apocalyptic World- where Magic and Tech can be found (both in limited supplies mind you).

One of my players had came to me with the wishes to be able to make cheat Constructs (Robots and the such, that don't cost an arm and a leg to make and use). This inspired me to try and put this spell together, I've tried to keep it as close in line with other spells of its 'power level' as I can. (Once you read it, you'll see its obviously based off for Animate Dead).

The Spell is as follows:

Animate Droid:
Animate Droid
School transmutation; Level cleric/oracle 3, sorcerer/wizard 4;
Casting Time 10 Minutes
Components V, S, M (Various Materials worth at least 50 gp per Hit Die of the Droid)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets Droid Materials
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

This spell allows the caster to channel a portion of their life energy to create Constructs in the form of Droids that obey your spoken commands.
The Droids can be made to follow you, or they can be made to remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific kind of creature) entering the place. They remain animated until they are destroyed. A destroyed Droid can't be animated again.
You can't create more HD of Droids than twice your caster level with a single casting of animate dead.
The Droids you create remain under your control indefinitely. No matter how many times you use this spell, however, you can control only 4 HD worth of Droid creatures per caster level. If you exceed this number, all the newly created creatures fall under your control, and any excess Droids from previous castings become uncontrolled. You choose which constructs are released.

Droids Form: A Droid is always crafted to resemble the physiology of an existing creature. (Most being built after a Humans Form). The creature that a Droid is designed after must have a physical anatomy.

Also- I figure the rules on 'creating' these Droids could work as follows

Creating Droids:
Droid (CR +Varies)
Creating a Droid
“Droids” can be built to resimble any corporeal creature (other than an undead) that has a Physical autonomy, (referred to hereafter as the base creature), that the creator is very familiar with. The creator is considered 'very familiar' with his own Physical Autonomy for the purpose of creating Droids. To become 'very familiar' with with another creature, the 'creator' must study that creature for a week- either by watching that creature up close for extended periods of each day, or by examining a relatively in tact corpse.
Challenge Rating: This depends on the creature's new total number of Hit Dice, as follows:
1/2 1/6 65
1 1/3 135
2–3 1 400
4–5 2 600
6–7 3 800
8–9 4 1,200
10–11 5 1,600
12–14 6 2,400
15–17 7 3,200
18–20 8 4,800
Alignment: Always True Neutral.
Type: The Droids type is Construct, and is treated as a Construct in every way, except as listed below.

Armor Class: Natural armor bonus changes as follows:
Droid Size Natural Armor Bonus
Tiny or smaller +0
Small +1
Medium or Large +2
Huge +3
Gargantuan +6
Colossal +10

Hit Dice: A Droid does not gain any HD gained from class levels (As the Creature it is based on may or may not of had) and changes racial HD to d8s (Not the normal d10s granted to Constructs). Creatures without racial HD are treated as if they have 1 racial HD. If the creature has more than 20 Hit Dice, it can't have a Droid made based on it by the animate droid spell. A Droid does not have a Con score, and should treat their score as if it was 10 for the purpose of Fortitude and other effects based off of their Con Score. Droids gain extra Hit Points based on the chart below.

Construct Size Bonus Hit Points
Fine —
Diminutive —
Tiny —
Small 5
Medium 10
Large 15
Huge 20
Gargantuan 30
Colossal 40

Saves: Base save bonuses are Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3 HD, and Will +1/3 HD.
Defensive Abilities: A Droid gains none of the Defensive Abilities of the Base Creature and gains DR 5/Adamantine and Vulnerability to Electricity. It also gains all of the standard immunities and traits possessed by Construct creatures.
Speed: Winged Droids can fly, but maneuverability drops by one (Minume Clumsy). If the base creature flew magically, so can the Droid. The Droid gains all other Movement types the Base Creature Has.
Attacks: A Droid has a single Slame Attack and all the natural weapons of the base creature, and is proficiant and all simple weapons. A Slam attack deals damage depending on the Droid's size (see Natural Attacks table below.) If the base creature already had a Slam attack, use the Droids claw damage only if it's better.

Natural Attack (Slam) Base Damage by Size
Fine Dim. Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Garg. Col.
- 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 3d6

Special Attacks: A Droid has none of the base creature's special attacks.
Abilities: A Droid's Dexterity increases by +2. It has no Constitution or Intelligence score, and its Wisdom and Charisma scores change to 10.
BAB: A Droid's base attack bonus is equal to 3/4 of its Hit Dice.
Skills: A Droid gains a single skill point per HD. These Skill points can not be spend on Int based skills, and no skills are considered class skills for Droids.
Feats: A Droid gains no feats possessed by the base creature and gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.

I figure the words 'Clockwork' could be slipped in there between Animate and Droid for 'higher' fantasy based games.

So I want to know if you guys think this is to Powerful as is? or perhaps is it to weak? Do you have any ideas that might make it better or perhaps something you might think make it cooler.

Any types, suggestions, critics, modifications or just general thoughts on this spell idea will be MOST useful!

Thank you in advance!

I have some questions in regards to a feat for you, James!

I'm not sure if anyone has asked this before, but I can't seem to find a definite answer anywhere on the forums- so I bring this to you.

The feat in question is Belier's Bite from Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils.

Belier's Bite:
Your unarmed strikes cause your opponent to bleed.

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike.

Benefit: When you damage an opponent with an unarmed strike, you deal an extra 1d4 bleed damage.

Special: This ability does not stack with other special abilities, attacks, or items that allow you to deal bleed damage.

My questions is- does the 'bleed damage' (1d4) listed in the feat, act as normal bleed damage (once per round) or does it go along with EACH Unarmed Strike? Also- there doesn't seem to be a way listed to NOT use the feat (doesn't say you MAY- just says 'you deal an extra-blahblah') so how does this feat work with dealing Nonlethal damage? (I don't believe nonlethal 'bleeding' is possible).

Thank you for your reply, if any!

Merkkon Darkblade

d20PFSRD wrote:

Hat of Disguise, Greater

Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 12,000 gp; Weight — lbs.


Like a hat of disguise, this garment allows its wearer to alter her appearance. It functions as an alter self spell (as opposed to disguise self). The hat becomes a part of the disguise and can be a hat, a helmet, a headscarf, and so forth.


Craft Wondrous Item, alter self; Cost 6,000 gp.


Now you got a 'Human' Familiar all day!

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Alter Self would work better.

Familiar? What Familiar? This is my Cabin boy, Jitters.... Ignore his Monkey like chatter please.

I think I would personally still just use the Tongues thing though. :P

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
The Master of the familiar can.
How so?

I believe he means because of this

d20PFSRD wrote:

Share Spells

The witch may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on herself. A witch may cast spells on her familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).

VRMH wrote:
The spell description is broken.

The whole spell is kinda broken if you ask me- but thats half the fun. :P

Well... The Target is 'one creature'- which I suspect is meant to be the creature which the target over takes.

From the way this is reading- and the way to rules of the familiar reads.. I don't think you can (which is REALLY sad). :P

I know spells that can normally ONLY effect the caster can work on a Familiar. (Anything with the Target of You).

However.. the 'Target' is one creature.. which leaves me a bit confused.

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Heya Piazo Messageboards!

I need to know.. can I use Magic Jar on my Familiar? Meaning.. Can I cast Magic Jar, and send my familiar out to take over the body of those around me?

Just curious (Because it would be an Epic use of the spell- that's why!)


Hello once again Paizo Messageboards!

I'm going to be playing in a game coming up here in the next few weeks- and I'm trying to build a Firearm using Bard.

While Min-Maxing isn't my plan, I could always use some helpful tips or would love to hear some ideas if anyone has them.

We will be level 8, Epic Point Buy (25), with 20,000g as starting cash.

I'm thinking 1 level in Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger (Snag the Firearm Prof, along with some Grit, and Gunsmithing), then go the rest of the way with Arcane Duelist.

This is about as far as I've thought out so far (still in the works). Anyone have any Feat, Gear, Spell Selection ideas?

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Thomas Writeworth wrote:

A Rope- that leads up to the ceiling. When pulled it causes bells to ring (Alerting the rest of the building that there is someone inside).

Of course- one of the players pulled said rope... and kept pulling it.

Simple, but effective I suppose. :P

What was this character?

He was a Druid... and for some reason thought the door the rope was next to would open by pulling the rope.

Thanks guys for all the help so far!

I got to run my players through my dungeon with a bunch of these traps placed within it.

The sad thing is- the one trap that worked the most- I place there as a simple tool for the bad guys to use.

A Rope- that leads up to the ceiling. When pulled it causes bells to ring (Alerting the rest of the building that there is someone inside).

Of course- one of the players pulled said rope... and kept pulling it.

Simple, but effective I suppose. :P

Could have them go on a quest to try and find a way to cure his Lycanthropy. Maybe the town Mage knows of a very VERY rare herb that could help- but it only grows on the far off mountain- that's guarded by Ninja Goblins.

Point being- Your the DM- you can make up whatever is needed to help your party get by (without making them feel like they HAVE to drag the kid around- or kill him).

Goblin Assassin wrote:
Hmmm... Maybe a couple levels, I'll have to take a look at the synthesist, I've never really bothered to look at the summoner but it could possibly work. Any suggestions on how deep of a dip would be enough?

That all depends on how far your Campaign is going to take you, and how much of your big spell casting your willing to sacrifice to power up your 'clockwork armor'.

These links might help you out- and look over what you might be able to do.


http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/paizo---su mmoner-archetypes/synthesist

Goblin Assassin wrote:
Would it be worth it to only take a single level? Wouldn't the eidolon be essentially useless due to lacking evolution points?

A single level would give you-

A nice Physical Stat boost (seeing as a caster normally has really low physical stats)
Slight HP boost (The d8 and d10 hit dice is a little nicer than the normal d6)
A small AC boost-
And all without costing you a single gold.
(And should it be 'destroyed' in combat, a lot easier to fix).

But that still comes at the cost of multiclassing so... -shrug-
And your not gonna be able to get the real cool evolutions with just one level.

This is just a suggestion though... might give you something closer to what you want.

Goblin Assassin wrote:

As I believe I'm reading this correctly, and that it basically only really amounts to being armor that doesn't slow you, and that you don't get to use the special attacks nor abilities of the construct.

Is there anything that says you can't "ride" a construct/golem as a mount for your caster? I really like the idea of a clockwork "battlesuit" for my character, an alchemist/metal school wizard, but I'm not sure if construct armor is the way to go. I'd like to be able to use the golem(whichever I choose) as a suit, or even just be harnessed onto it, and retain it's abilities. Not sure if it matters in any way, but the character is a human, with the eventual goal being lichdom if I can pull it off.

Could take a single level of Synthesis Summoner... and make the special effect as 'summoning' your clockwork armor. Would be WAY cheaper then buying the construct... mind you it would take a little special effect tweaking... but this is what I did with an NPC bad guy.

I'm thinking about building a Blight Druid (The Archetype).. problem is, I have no idea what an effective build using the Archetype (Not power gamed, or min maced.. just effective) while trying to stick with the theme of the Archetype.

Anyone have any ideas?

VRMH wrote:

Adventurers are their own worst enemies.

Paint scribbles and symbols on the wall. They don't actually do anything, but that makes PCs all the more paranoid. False doors that simply cannot be opened are a barrel o' laughs too.

I have seen this first hand in the past- something I'll have to consider. :P

Interzone wrote:

Im working on a project right now that includes 100 different traps (I think I am at 40 so far..) But one particularly memorable one for me is the UBERTRAP:

Basically, when someone steps on a certain square, the ceiling tile from directly above falls on their head (fort save to minimize dmg) which inturn shatter the floor tile that is covering a pit (reflex save to not fall into the pit) If you fall in it is 30ft deep, and there sre spikes (piercing dmg) that are poisoned (fort save negates) and the bottom of the pit has a layer of acid (constant small amounts of dmg) Landing on the spikes causes a new tile to slide across the opening of the pit, sealing you in. This triggers flamethrowers to pop out of the sides of the pit, doing a blast of fire dmg, and then they settle down into a torch-like flame... in this sealed chamber, which then rapidly runs out of air as the fire burns it away. :D

I know, ridiculous, right? I made it so that all the different amounts of dmg are not actually that high for the level, so even if you get hit by everything you might survive (..maybe) but it is fun to describe. And your buddies better open the pit up before you run out of air...

I would love LOVE - LLLOOOVVVVEE to have an NPC step forward and set off this trap right before them- and describe this all happening- so that they can just stand there with a dumb look on their face. :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
johnlocke90 wrote:
One trap i like is to dig a pit, then use Shadow Conjuration to create a wall to cover the pit. If the party makes their will save, they fall into the pit.

This- is to good not to use. :P

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Hello Messageboards!
(Let me start off by saying I'm not a 100% sure I'm posting in the correct place, so if I'm not, I'm sorry in advance.)

Now then.

I'm currently in the middle of running two different games- one of which I'm using mostly modules for one, and the other I'm trying to be more creative with, by building my own adventures.

Right now, my problem lies within the Dungeon I've created. I have the creatures to be held within it, the story to get them inside, and even a rather nice layout (if I do say so myself). My problem is in the lack of traps!

What do any good Dungeons have? TRAPS! And mine currently have none.

Id like to know if anyone knows of a website which might supply me with traps- or if any of you might have any creative ideas on some traps for low level adventures to be messing with? (Their level 3 currently).

Here's the basic idea behind the dungeon: Kobolds have been kidnapping people from a local village, and taking their hostages to an old tower out in the swamps. When close allies of the 'Heroes' are taken, our group will try and get them back before its to late! When they arrive at the old Tower, they discover the Kobolds have been hard at work, building down into a cave system below the Tower... Or is it something more then a cave? and thus begins the Dungeon. (SSSOOO Original.. I know!)

Id post a layout of the dungeon along with this, but I cant get to a scanner from here right now.

Does anyone thing they can help me out?

These may be useful next time I DM- Thank you!

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Pretty sure it's just enemies. You're not randomly spinning in circles. It's an attack style, not a tazmanian devil cartoon.

This is kind of what I'm worried my DM will think. :P

Thanks guys! Just clearing stuff up.

Hey guys

I'm building a fighter with Whirlwind attack- and I have one small question about the feat.

First off- would this feat cause 'friendly fire', meaning Id HAVE to attack allies within reach? Basically meaning everyone better step back when I use the feat- or can you choose not to attack them, and get everyone else.

Just trying to clear this up.

da bump'en in hopes of more feedback!

Greatbear wrote:

Looks like you think Gifted Linguist is a pretty disposable ability. Why not just scrap it have them select one heritage ability?

Other than that, I like it.

You know whats sad? This idea hadn't even occurred to me...

I might just take that bit of advice, thanks!

Explanation -
Hey guys, I'm trying to build a few custom races for a Home made Campaign setting, and what I'm about to present to you is my Psyons. A group of people with natural born Psychic powers.

I'm hoping that you guys can give me a few times to make the race over all better, and let me know if you think they maybe a tad over powered in any way.

Fair yeh be warned! A LOT of this first stuff is just 'fluff'. The real 'mechanics' are towards the bottom.

Psyon can be born from any humanoid race, thought Humans and Elves tend to be the most common. Many Psyon live their entire lives without any knowledge of their potential power or in-born abilities. The select few who are discovered early enough and raised to develop their full potential grow into their Psychic ability with amazing success.

Physical Description: Psyon take on the physical appearance of their parent race, as a Psyon can come from any Humanoid race, so long as they are capable of Sentient thought. This tends to cause their appearance to vary widely between Psyon to Psyon, however, a few qualities do seem to appear in most. Most tend to have shaved heads, and a more frail look to them. In addition, all Psyon have a Gem placed into their forehead which can vary in shape, size, and color. This is due to the years spent within Psyon Temples of learning, and the right of passage in which a Psyon must shave their head and have the Gem placed into their head. Tattoo's and patterned scarring of the skin are not uncommon as well.

Something about the Psyon training process slows down their body clocks, making them age much closer to that of Elves, rather than their parents race. This means most Psyon's don't even reach adulthood till nearly a 100 years of age.

Society: Psyon are raised and trained from an early with either Temples, or small villages dedicated to raising, training, and developing the Psyon's Psychic abilities. This tends to cause many Psyon's to grow up with a false sense of what the outside world is like, as they are not allowed to leave their respect Temple or Village till after taking a right of passing, and receiving their Head Gem. The Governing system of a Psyon people is often a council of Elders, whom are replaced as the next generation comes to age. Council members are generally raced every 200 years or so.

Relations: Psyon seem strange and alien to most other races, their customs and traditions making little sense to anyone who was not been raised with them. Most races tend to view them as more of a 'cult' then a culture.

Alignment and Religion: Psyon tend to have more Lawful alignments, as they have grown use to codes and rules that they must obey as they grow up and are instructed with the fellow members of their Temples. Religions tend to lean more towards Gods who hold Intelligence and Mental Prowess high in regard. Nature Worshipers are also very common, as they tend to believe their Psychic born abilities are a way for Natural World of giving them a 'leg up' on the dangers of the world.

Adventurers: Every Psyon spends a portion of his or her life as an Adventurer or Traveler, because after receiving their Head Gem, they are pushed out into the world to discover its bounty and woes all for their own. Most will travel for a time, before returning to their home temple to help raise the next generation of Psyon. Some never return, either falling in battle, or finding a place for themselves within the rest of the world.


Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Psyon are Intelligent and Willfull, but they are not physically adept. They gain +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, and -2 Constitution.
Type: Psyon are Humanoids with both the Psyon and their parent race's subtypes. The Parent Race MUST be chosen during character creation.
Size: Psyon are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Psyon have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Psyon begin play speaking Mind Speak and Common. Psyon with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Elven, Dwarven, Orcish, Halfing, Gnome, Sylvan, or Draconic.

Defense Racial Traits:
Spell Resistance: Psyon possess spell resistance (SR) equal to 6 plus their total number of class levels.

Magical Racial Traits:
Spell-Like Abilities (Su): Psyon can tap into the powers of their mind unlike others of their Parent Race.
Psyon with Intelligence scores of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day - Mage Hand, Detect Thought, and Share Memory.
The caster level for these effects is equal to the Psyon's level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + spell's level + the Psyon's Intelligence modifier.

Other Racial Traits:
Gifted Linguist: Psyon have spent many hours developing their mind, and because of such they have gained a gifted ability to understand languages. Psyon gain a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and they learn one additional languages every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill.
Parents Blood: Psyon count as both Psyon and their Parent Race for any effect related to race.


Alternate Racial Traits

While Psyon are often trained to let go of their ancestral heritage in order to develop their true nature, its not uncommon for some of their Parent Race's blood to shine through.

-Little Guy: You may have let all ideas of your Parent Race go, you still retain their height. Psyon with this racial trait size changes to Small, rather than Medium.

-Dark Dwellers: Your parents were creatures of the dark, and because of this you can see as they did in the night. You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Dwarven Heritage: There maybe some Dwarven blood in you yet. When you take this trait, you gain Darkvision out to 60 feet, your base speed drops down to 20 feet, and you gain the Dwarven (Slow and Steady) ability. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Elven Heritage: Your Elven blood still manages to stick out. You gain Low-light vision, and you gain proficiency with two of the Elven racial Weapon Familiarity (such as Longbows and Rapiers, Shortbows and Longswords, or any mixture of the two) and with any Weapon with 'Elven' in the title. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Gnomish Heritage: Its hard to keep a gnome down, even if they aren't raised as such. Your Size Category changes to Small, and your base speed drops to 20 feet. You gain Low-Light Vision, and the Gnome Magic ability. You still must meet the required Charisma score of 11 or higher to gain the Gnome spell-like abilties. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Halflings Heritage: Your Optimistic and Cheerful nature still shines through, even after years of training. Your Size Category changes to Small, and your base speed drops to 20 feet. You gain both the Fearless and the Halfling Luck, Halfling Racial Traits. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Orcish Heritage: Your Parent Race's Bestial like appearance still shows through to you now. You gain the Intimidating Half-Orc Racial. This replaces the Psyon's Gifted Linguist ability.

-Forgotten Heritage: You have lost almost every quality your Parent Race had to offer you, and because of such, you do not count as your Parent Race in terms of Subtype and things such as Spells, Feats, and a Rangers Favored Enemy. This replaces the Psyon's Parents Blood ability.


Racial Feats

All of following Feats are Intended for use by characters of the Psyon race.

Psychic Training (Psyon)
Your Psychic Abilities have developed further than the average Psyon.
Prerequisites: Able to use Psyon spell-like abilities, Psyon.
Benefit: You may use Mage Hand as a spell-like ability at will, and add Open/Close, Unseen Servant, and Comprehend Languages to the spell-like abilites that you may use once each per day.

Improved Psychic Training (Psyon)
Your Psychic Abilities have become more powerful as you have gained strength.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Able to use Psyon spell-like abilities, Psyon, Psychic Training.
Benefit: You may use Open/Close as a spell-like ability at will, and you may use your Detect Thought, Share Memory, and Unseen Servant spell-like abilities twice per day. Your Comprehend Languages spell-like ability instead becomes Tongues, which you may use twice per day.

Greater Psychic Training (Psyon)
Your Psychic Training is almost unmatched.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Able to use Psyon spell-like abilities, Psyon, Psychic Training, and Improved Psychic Training.
Benefit: You may use your dancing Detect Thought, Share Memory, Unseen Servant, and Tongues Ability at will.

Mind Shaper (Psyon)
Your Psychic Training has unlocked your ability to connect with other minds further.
Prerequisites: Int 15, Able to use Psyon spell-like abilities, Psyon, Psychic Training, Improved Psychic Training, Greater Psychic Training, and 10th level character.
Benefit: Select one of the following: Modify memory, Telepathic Bond, or Telekinesis. You may use this spell once per day as a spell-like ability. Your caster level is equal to your character level.
Special: You may take this feat up to three times, each time you must choice a different spell.


Failed Psyon
Maybe you never finished your Psyon Training, or you were never discovered and taken to a temple or village to be help develop your abilities.
Prerequisites: 1st Level Character, Int 12, any non-Psyon.
Benefit: Select one of the Psyon spell-like ability. You may cast this as a spell-like ability 1/day. You may cast any of the three, however you can only do so once per day, rather than 1/day each.


Construction of the Psyon Race Info:

The Psyon Race follows the construction rules placed forth by the Advanced Races Pathfinder book. The total number of Race points (with both the Core Racial Abilities or the Alter-net choices) comes to 10rp.

The Feats presented were made based off the Drow Racial Feats. The power level which they have been constructed, is meant to reflect that which Pathfinder has already allowed for play.


Alright guys- Let me know what you think.

Tell me if you have any idea's on what I could add to the race, or what you believe I should change.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

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Do I spy a Doctor Who quote in that title? :P

The Title kind of points towards what I'm trying to find out- but i'll explain some more.

Is a Wild Shape'd Druid effected by spells that would effect an animal? Such as Animal Growth, or Anthropomorphic animal? or other buff/debuffs for animals?

Okay- new question for you folks!

Animate Dead, Lesser reads as

PFSRD wrote:
This spell functions as animate dead, except you can only create a single Small or Medium skeleton or zombie. You cannot create variant skeletons or zombies with this spell.

Does this mean- ... using this spell I can only control one animated Zombie or Skeleton- OR does it mean I can control just as many as I would with the normal Animate Dead- but I can only create one 'undead' per casting?

Choon wrote:
I am also playing a necro for the first time. My question is how does one advance the hit dice of your creations? Can you add pc lvls, or do you have to select a standard, bestiary monster with appropriate HD?

I was just reading up on this myself-... The rules say-

Hit Dice: A skeleton drops any HD gained from class levels and changes racial HD to d8s. Creatures without racial HD are treated as if they have 1 racial HD. If the creature has more than 20 Hit Dice, it can't be made into a skeleton by the animate dead spell. A skeleton uses its Cha modifier (instead of its Con modifier) to determine bonus hit points.

Now- .. what I want to know is- .. could you give them more HDs with Animate Dead? (during creation of course)... or are they limited to the HD based off its size (and what its race was in life)?

Drejk wrote:

Consider taking Undead Lord Cleric arhcetype. You give up one Domain for two bonus feats and an additional undead servant that takes eight hours to replace at no cost.

Feats: Spell Focus (Necromancy), Undead Master, Spell Specialization (animate dead).

I've already been glancing at the Undead Lord- .. and I'm thinking about it (not sure if I REALLY want the other Domain- or if I want the Arhcetype yet).

As for the feats- I'll take them into consideration- thank you!

"Grick wrote:
Selective Channeling is great. If you're channeling negative energy, you'll want to exclude your party from damage living, or exclude any enemy undead from heal dead. (If you're somehow channeling positive, same deal only reversed)

Selective Channeling was already high up on my list :P

ShadowcatX wrote:
Technically, no. Mindless undead loose all feats they possessed. However, the examples in the bestiary are proficient with their equipment because a creature is always proficient with any equipment listed in its stat block.

See- I know they lose their feats and such- but it says they retain their Weapon Profs... so I figured they may retain armor *shrugs*

Hey Paizo Messageboards!

So- ... bad news- ... yesterday my group had a TPK (well... mostly.. the rogue ran off- ... but landed himself in jail... sooooo we have to start anew).

Anyways, I've started to build my new character, and I'm planning on playing a necromancer for the first time in a long time (never in pathfinder)

My first question based on this is-
Do Zombies and Skeletons retain Armor Proficiency? I can't seem to find if it says so or not in the Zombie/Skeleton rules.

Also- What feats should I Cleric Necromancer take?
Command Undead seems like a no brainer- but what else?

Stubs McKenzie wrote:
We both worship Desna.


*Clears his throat.*
Now then...

This reminds me of a few of our groups games..

I don't believe what has happened is reason enough to change- ... but.. if you believe more conflicts will arise in the future (based off character interactions in the past).. I would change.

On a side note:.. I know what it feels like to play the good character, when everyone else is evil (or neutral as they may call themselves :P).

Squawk Featherbeak wrote:
he also wanted the Arcane Builder discovery, disallowing him to take a bonus feat at 5.

Wait.. why does the Arcane Builder disallow the 5th level bonus feat? He should be able to take Arcane Builder AS the 5th level bonus feat.

New day, new questions!

Okay guys- I want to know if the Fabricate spell can justifyingly build a small house.

Assuming I had the materials of course.

OgeXam wrote:

Well the holiday season is over, so hopefully the Devs are all back now.

Any Dev want to give any input, official or gut feeling on this one PLEASE!!!

Yea- ... I could use some input on this too.

I was thinking about taking this spell this level myself.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
You can always get a amulet of mighty fists with flaming. That way you can have a fistful of fire, or a headbutt.

I'd forgotten about the 'Amulet of Mighty Fists'. I do believe that may be just the thing I'm looking for :P

I'm kinda glad to see that Brace Knuckles are as lost in the Errata as I am confused by them XD

blackbloodtroll wrote:
You can still make unarmed strikes without the brass knuckles. The ability to get them with different materials is really the boon. Switch when needed for DR, then opt out when not needed.

I know that- but I was hoping to be able to like- put the Flame quality on the brace knuckles (Something cool about a fist full of fire :P).

I just think you should do your unarmed damage with the things (I'm not gonna punch your face weaker because my hand now has metal on it).

Okay- I'm a little bit confused about how effective 'Brass Knuckles' would be to take at this point.

I figured if I took Brass Knuckles, I could use my unarmed Strike (1d6, with the Brawl Rage ability, and the Improved Unarmed Strike feat) and still be able to have magic put onto the Brass Knuckles.

However- it states:
Note: Monks are proficient with brass knuckles and can use their Monk unarmed damage when fighting with them.

It says nothing about anyone else wielding them being able to use their unarmed damage with them (which I figured would make sense, seeing how its only meant to HELP with a punch, not make it weaker...)

Are Brass Knuckles just not worth my time?


Okay form folks!

Simple enough question for you all.

Does the 'Enrichment' effect of Plant Growth stack with itself with multiple castings?

My group has recently taken a desert keep for ourself- and the druid of the group wants to turn the area around the keep into an oasis of sorts, and would like to know.if multiple castings of Plant Growth would help.

What level are you playing at? 1 or waaa?

If your starting at 1- ... Cleric.. because if you wanna heal- .. dey get the job done- ..

Otherwise I'd go Witch- ... and always speak in rhymes!