Ekaym Smallcask

Thomas Writeworth's page

95 posts (96 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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johnlocke90 wrote:
One trap i like is to dig a pit, then use Shadow Conjuration to create a wall to cover the pit. If the party makes their will save, they fall into the pit.

This- is to good not to use. :P

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Hello Messageboards!
(Let me start off by saying I'm not a 100% sure I'm posting in the correct place, so if I'm not, I'm sorry in advance.)

Now then.

I'm currently in the middle of running two different games- one of which I'm using mostly modules for one, and the other I'm trying to be more creative with, by building my own adventures.

Right now, my problem lies within the Dungeon I've created. I have the creatures to be held within it, the story to get them inside, and even a rather nice layout (if I do say so myself). My problem is in the lack of traps!

What do any good Dungeons have? TRAPS! And mine currently have none.

Id like to know if anyone knows of a website which might supply me with traps- or if any of you might have any creative ideas on some traps for low level adventures to be messing with? (Their level 3 currently).

Here's the basic idea behind the dungeon: Kobolds have been kidnapping people from a local village, and taking their hostages to an old tower out in the swamps. When close allies of the 'Heroes' are taken, our group will try and get them back before its to late! When they arrive at the old Tower, they discover the Kobolds have been hard at work, building down into a cave system below the Tower... Or is it something more then a cave? and thus begins the Dungeon. (SSSOOO Original.. I know!)

Id post a layout of the dungeon along with this, but I cant get to a scanner from here right now.

Does anyone thing they can help me out?

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Do I spy a Doctor Who quote in that title? :P

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Heya Every Body!

I'm trying to put together some NPCs for a low level game I'm going to run tomorrow- and I'm looking for as many low level pre-built NPCs as I can find.

I'm mostly looking for a 1st or 2nd level Gunslinger, and summoner- but I'll take what ever you guys know is out there.

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Do... I hint a Pony Reference in that '20% Cooler?'. O.o

I would hope so..

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DreamAtelier wrote:
For instance, would someone who hasn't eaten in a month because the ring was making it so they didn't need to immediately be considered to be starving and (presumably) dying?

It DOES say "continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment."

Though- that would be an epic cursed item- ... It has the 'Life Span' of a month or so- then it drops it effects- leaving you tired as hell- and starving :P

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Earthborn Angel
How they managed to be born on this plane to begin with, is still a mystery to even the most devote of Clerics, and most well read Scholars, Earthborn Angels are believe to the offspring of Angels, left behind on the Physical Plane. Earthborn Angel's are a beautiful race, often mistaken for angels themselves. They often feel lost within this world, knowing within that it is not their true home.

Outsider (Native) 2 RP

Medium 0 RP

Base Speed
Normal 0 RP

Ability Score Modifiers
Standard Modifers 0 RP
+2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Wis

Standard 1 RP

Racial Abilities
Celestial Resistance 2 RP
Flight 4 RP
Elemental Affinity 1 RP

Total RP: 10