Theolotus's page

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Does that mean the rogue can disable a trap and bypass it next time he encounters the trap?

My players are about half way through "Life's Bazzaar" and it has occured to me that I have no clue how to award XP for the traps.

Does the entire party get XP for every trap?

Does the character who bypassed the trap get the XP?

Does the party get XP only if the trap goes off?

I have been going with the last option because loss of hit points I think should warrant a reward of some sort. Thanks in advance for the help.

Off topic, because it is a spell-like ability that requires a concentration check, can it be used in a rage?

My guess would be "no", but I wanted a second oppinion.

It's just a game.
Have fun, or play with other people.

I thought it was pretty simple.

Mad Sam Bonney. Don't ye forget it!

Gnomish chaos monk/rogue. Well rounded, quick, agile(sp?), and always underestimated in a fight.

Campain setting wouldn't matter much to me.

If I were building an archer my build would be halfling fighter/scout. Using a crossbow with feats such as rapid reload, point blank, far shot, etc. The hit and run tactics of the scout keeps the charater doing lots of damage. The bonus to DEX and a +1 size bonus to attack goes along way.

Bottom line, what makes a good charater is the personality, and a charater built around the personality.

I dont use alot of campain settings. I mostly patch together campain add-ons such as Ghost Walk, Shackled City, etc.

I just can't get into most campaign settings. The suspention of disbelief(sp) is too hard.

The lair of Hookface is listed on the map of the area surrounding couldron (northwest of couldron, I believe).

If the map gives the location of Hookface's lair, why does it not give the location of the son's?

The adventure sounds like fun, but I think I'll have the son live with the father.

I found some info by searching google as "D&D". It used a flash program as a preview. I can't find it again, but it's out there. The game looks fun.

I know Stormrack has resouces for this eventuality, but I can't be sure outside of that book.

We just started "Life's Baazar". The character's heard Rufus as they came out of the Tipped Tankard ("open mike night" was alot of fun).

My justification relied on the purification of the lake. As this is a duty of each temple, Rufus "chipped in" on his way back from the orphanage. This left almost a direct line of travel if he went north from the lake to the temple.

It's a stretch, but possible.

Any player that enjoys over-use of the rules is always encouraged by me to read the intro to the DMG.

DM's run the world. While players must play by ground rules, they are only suggestions for a DM.

Are you wanting a brooding kinght of shadows? Or a D&D take on a certain comic book hero?

The latter is done well as a PrC call the Vigilante in the complete adventuer, while the former could be done well with a ranger/ shadow dancer type of charater.

Is the class any non-good, any evil, etc.? One PrC that might fit is the Executioner(sp?) from the Ultimate Prestige Class published by Mongoose. (coup de grace as a swift action, sneak attack, etc.)

Jesus, but only if Robin Williams was playing.
Isaac Asimov, but only if Jesus was playing.

Myself. Honestly, who wouldn't want to DM for Robin Williams, Jesus, AND Isaac Asimov?

This thread is amazing! I can't figrue out if the question is: which class would I WANT to be, or which class would best define who I am NOW?

I would WANT to be a chaos monk/rogue gnome. It sounds like sneaky, prank filled fun.

I AM a dwarven(based on build) cleric/rougue. Faith, helping, and a jack of odd trades. Not yet above 2nd or 3rd level.

3x5 cards. They work as book marks and stat blocks. If you have 3x5 stat blocks of your players, it also makes initiative really easy by simply putting the cards in order of intiative.

Again, it takes prep work, but I've found a 3x5 stat block, items, and rolls for attack and damage take about 3-4 min.

Great, but would that apply to Power Attack damage already multiplied? This monk also has leaping charge.

I.E. his ATK is +11 or +13 with a jumping charge, assuming the skill check works. I subract a paltry 2 from the attack to add for damage, and end up with a +11 for the attack and 2d6+8(2d6 for the monk's belt, +4 for STR, +2 for Power Attack, x2 multiplier from Leaping Charge applied to the Power Attack). If a crit. IS rolled and confirmed, the damage would be 4d6+16?

My question is semmingly simple, but I can't find an anwser. If my charater uses Power Attack on a critical hit, is the Power Attack damage also multipied? I know that some damage, such as sneak attack, isn't multipied. I can't find a straight anwser about what IS multiplied. Any help would be awesome.

I understand this may sound odd, but the fighting style depends on the charater. Currently, I am playing a chaos monk that has a fighting style that make ample use of rules. The crazy, often cause of AoO monk is very different from the high flying Yoda esque gnomish ninja. I think fighting style should be a big part of being in charater.

A useless XP sucking NPC that must be kept around for reasons out of charater's control. For example, the insect-ogre hybrid monsters can only be killed when the "chosen one" is present.

Enter the "chosen one". A third level commoner with max ranks in things like CRAFT basketweaving. Doesn't belive in vain tasks, such as bathing. Insists on getting the best treasure because the insect hybrid ogre swarm cant be killed with out him, even though the entire fight he hid in the corner demanding to be healed after the fight.

XP vaccuums are great role-play challenges, but rarely unbalance the game.