Thengol's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thengol wrote:
I am still waiting here in Austria on my Pathfinder #3 as well. Could you send a replacement, please?

It arrived today - forget my last post.

I am still waiting here in Austria on my Pathfinder #3 as well. Could you send a replacement, please?

Unbelievable! After nearly 3 months of waiting Dungeon 149 and Dragon 358 arrived yesterday in Austria. No name on the envelope of the Dungeon magazine.

Lisa Stevens wrote:

We'll do it the way we always do it, by trusting our customers to tell us if they didn't get a magazine. Once I have the back issues in hand, we will ask our European customers who haven't gotten issues to email customer service and we will then have those issues shipped from the UK. But please don't email customer service until we have the issues in hand.



Do you have the back issues in hand now? Should we mail the customer service if we are still waiting?

Still waiting on Dungeon 149/150 and Dragon 358/359

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Thengol wrote:

Just a question:

If you finally got hold on the magazines, how do you know, who already got Dungeon 149 (as there are a lot of people on this forum, who are so fortunate to have them already) and who has not - like me?

We'll do it the way we always do it, by trusting our customers to tell us if they didn't get a magazine. Once I have the back issues in hand, we will ask our European customers who haven't gotten issues to email customer service and we will then have those issues shipped from the UK. But please don't email customer service until we have the issues in hand.



Thank you for the quick answer.

Yasha0006 wrote:

I realize of course that I am a late-comer to this thread, but I thought that I should express my gratitude. I think you have done a wonderful job with getting all of this written up Syrinx. I also am planning to use this information in my AOW campaign (which I am going ot be starting very shortly here). Also, may I say that the artwork you've done on your website and DeviantArt is incredible!



Could you post a link to the homepage. Because I am unable to find it, and would be very interested. Thank you.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
I wish I had a firm date for you guys, but I don't. We have been working all week trying to get my company in the U.K. in touch with TPFG. They have the magazines at TPFG that we need to use to ship to you guys, so until we get those issues from TPFG's warehouse, there is nothing that we can do. We have been told that TPFG wants the magazines out of the warehouse, which we are thrilled to do, but I need them to contact my company in the UK so they can arrange for pickup. Once that is done, I can get you a clear timeline, but while I am at the whim of TPFG, there is not much I can do except continue to badger them....

Just a question:

If you finally got hold on the magazines, how do you know, who already got Dungeon 149 (as there are a lot of people on this forum, who are so fortunate to have them already) and who has not - like me?

Still nothing in Austria.

No Dungeon 149
no Dragon 358
no Dungeon 150
no Dragon 359

Sorry guys, but it's way too long and the information about the further proceeding does not help at all.

Report from Austria (27/8/2007)

still no Dungeon 149
still no Dragon 358
still no Dungeon 150
still no Dragon 359
still no e-mail Pathfinder download

Report from Austria

Dungeon 149 - not arrived yet
Dragon 358 - not arrived yet
Dungeon 150 - not arrived yet
Dragon 359 - not arrived yet
e-mail Pathfinder download - not arrived yet

nothing else to say

I (living in Austria) ordered my dungeon magazine directly from paizo and have not received issue 148 either. So I don't think that's a problem from the place for games.

I would not restrict the online downloads, which are btw really excellent, because they can lead to new customers.

I did not read dungeon even if I am playing AD&D and D&D for nearly 15 years now, but got interested in the magazines because of the free online downloads. Now I got hooked (should I say addicted) and ordered a subscription.

The downloads, especially the npc faces, helped me very much in enhancing my campaigns. So please keep it up and maybe you could put more npc pictures into the magazine and the download.

Dryder wrote:

::looking down to his feet - ashamed::

Two minutes ago I got the eMail from my FLGS that my order is on its way to me...
Now I feel bad.
But anyway, it took damn long! ;)

::tiptoes away::

I have a subscription from the place for games, but still haven't got it. :(

Bin aus Salzburg.

Stebehil wrote:

The european retailer The place for games started sending Dungeon and Dragon bundled together a while ago, so they wait until they have an issue each before sending. That´s ok to me, it saves postage, and reduces costs no one gets any profit from.
And it really is cheaper subscribing.


Does the site of theplaceforgames still work. I ordered a Dungeon subscription a few days ago, but got no confirmation e-mail. So I wanted to contact them via their website today to ask if they have received my subscription, but only got the message, that my e-mails could not be delivered?

Btw I am from Austria but got no subscription so far.