
The Spore's page

443 posts. Alias of DeviousDevious.


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Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Hey, this was super fun. Thanks for all the good times!

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

I am immune to poison, but you mentioned it might be more bad for me so here's the save if you need it...
Fort Save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore stopped laughing as Napalm pointed out the tag. "Oh. Whoops, he said sheepishly.

"The less time in that mist, the better..." he replied to Trystt.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Welcome back! Also, sorry I hijacked your voice in my post! I should have asked first. Apologies!

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore rummaged through the locker with little intent; he wasn’t generally one for equipment or tech, preferring to generate his own tools as needed. This time though, he did, for some reason, feel a desire to look through the bin. Perhaps he needed a distraction from the environment, or perhaps something was calling him on a deeper level. Regardless, he picked up an armband, slipped it on, felt a pinch, and immediately passed out...

He came to a moment later, shocked back to consciousness by the floor’s impact, and stood back up, his head swimming. Looking around at his concerned friends, Napalm’s reaction in particular stood out, his jaw having dropped completely. ”That was an bio-defib…” he says, shocked and stammering as he checked a now-empty light-gage on the side of the armband, ”it mixes, dilutes, and distributes an epinephrine-replacement concentrate...and you just took ALL OF IT, basically 6 hits of adrenaline. A human would be dead from that, hell, a cow would be dead from that. Are you...okay? HOW are you standing?”

Spore smiled in response, feeling nothing at first except a little dizzy. A few moments later though, he felt a strange feeling, like he was getting excited, and a pressure building deep within. Something needed to give, he knew, and so he concentrated on channelling it out of his body gently, rather than in a burst, so as not to disturb the others or damage the plane.

”I’m good, I think...” he said, as a barely perceptible aura surrounded him, and the air swirled around him with an subtle blue hue for a moment before disappearing. ”How is there not a label on these things?” he said, shaking his head. With a gentle tug, he tried to remove the band, but it’d somehow grown into his arm-vines, and wasn’t budging...though the lights on the gage started to tick back up.

Aegis of Recovery. It's filtering my 'blood' and adding in whatever strange residues are left in it's mixing chambers, and working with my spiritual self in a weird level...

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

A quick glance out the window is enough for Spore. He retreats to a seat where he can't see outside, sits still, and cries silently for a time, mourning for the great loss of life.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

As conversation lulls, Spore makes sure to heal the injured members of the team, before settling down into a meditative trance to rest before they arrive...

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore looks on with concern as the tensions rise, and is just about to speak up when Sterne apologizes to Trystt. He found himself happy that the disagreement seemed to fizzle; the decision to be part of this was a tough one for him, and while he didn't plan on changing his mind, her didn't mean to dwell on past decisions either.

"Don't blame yourself, Doc. Just remember why we're here doing this in the first place: to save people. A lot of people."

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

I think the intent was to handwave it to 'someplace close enough we can get to but out of the way enough, assuming a place exists. We didn't specify anything in particular though.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

1 Hour total, so you should be good still.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore follows Napalms back towards the fence, albeit at a much slower pace...

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

RIP Stan :(

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Don't forget the DR Spore gave you, Doc

"Boom..." Spore whispers, barely audible over the cacophony, as he watches the fire with a mix of reverence and fear.

"Should we go? We'll need to move to the pickup, but we've helped I think. And I don't want to hurt anyone... he rumbles.

"If they don't make it, we'll be back to break them out," he says without leaving any room for debate on the topic.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"Sooooo, now what? Gain then some time with a distraction and retreat to the pickup?"

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Though he'd rather wait and trust The inside-team, Spore follows Ebon and Napalm to the wall, and walks right up the side using his constituent vines to hold himself upright.

He'll throw down a vine to help the others if needed.

Slippers of Scampering to climb, Robe of infinite twine (vine) to toss a rope down once I'm over

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2


Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

When they arrive at the field, having walked the rest of the way from where they felt comfortable taking their UberXL, Spore stops Trystt, Sterne, and Bobbi before they take off into the night. Gesturing to them to sit down with him on the grass, he takes a hand of each of theirs, sending Trystt a long vine instead (as he’s unfortunately run out of arms). With his eyes closed, he begins humming a low, deep, and inhuman noise, and while nothing visible happens at first, after a minute or so, and just before Mockingbird loses her patience, almost a dozen friendly colorful orbs of varying colors pop from the ground and begin to hover near the 3 soon-to-be plane thieves, circling them slowly and giving off a friendly aura. After a few rotations, the orbs disappear, but Sterne, Trystt, and Bobbi can continue to feel the friendly warmth they’d exuded in their brief time. Seemingly satisfied, Spore stands, and motions to the others to follow him up, before taking a place with Napalm and Akio, who’d watched the ritual silently from a few feet back.

”Be Safe,” he rumbles. ”These Spirits will protect you as best they can.”

Spore’s contribution: Burning all 2nd and 3rd level slots to make people safe!
Resist Energy is 10 points of resistance.
LRA (Lesser Resistant Armor) is 5 for both energy and DR/-
I'll also make sure everyone is at full HP before setting out.

You should get an hour out of all of them. Good Luck!

Resist Energy: Fire
LRA: Electric/Sonic
LRA: Cold/Acid

Resist Energy: Fire
LRA: Electric/Sonic
LRA: Cold/Acid

Resist Energy: Fire
LRA: Electric/Sonic
LRA: Cold/Acid

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Good plan let's go!

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

If we can still get picked up by Mockingbird from nearby the base, we should take a Lyft somewhere close so we can still approach on foot and be on standby in case things go south. Let's do that, and then we'll have a better sense of the base itself.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"Mmmmmm yes. Quiet is better. Maybe a distraction before you turn on the plane, though," Spore rumbles.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

It has just occurred to me that Spore and Bobbi working together is very funny, since she's a long term "associate" of Man-Thing, the OG shambling plant matter guy!

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Things Spore might be able to contribute to a base-invade:
-Walking up walls
-Breaking through fences/walls/etc with Sunder
-Reaching long distances w/ Tanglevine or Mage hand to flip switches/steal things
-Distracting people with Dancing Lights
-Throwing Mudballs at cameras to prevent us being caught on camera
-Slow down security response w/ Entangle (long distance cast range: ~640 ft)

Things I'm not good at:
Acrobatics etc

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Yeah, I'm sure Bobbi is reasonably stealthy. Maybe Lucas can rig up an Ant Haul for Trystt, and then she can fly in herself and Bobbi?

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Oh. I'm going to end up in a laundry basket, aren't I...

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"Well, I think that went well," Spore said, as Mockingbird left. From the tone of his voice, he seemed sincere even as Ebon doubted it out loud. As the others started to correct him, Spore did something very out of character for himself: he interrupted them. "I think we'll see her again soon," he said, happily. "Give her some time, and trust in your initial judgment of her, Ebon." With a comforting clap on the back, Spore tried his best to make Akio feel better.

"It has been a while since we've been here," he noted, trying to cheer up the others. "I like the mud drinks they have. Let's get something to drink, and then meditate together?"


Spore spends the next few days enjoying the sunlight in the park during the day, and roaming Midtown at night (with Ebon and whomever else joins). On at least one occasion he checks in with Midnight, making sure she's healthy, and enjoying the company of another off-worlder: something he'd quickly forgotten he'd enjoyed.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore smiles a sad grin at Bobbi:
"The right thing is rarely the easy thing", he rumbles in his low bass, as if that explains everything.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore can do the out-of-combat healing without burning spell slots.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore claps along with enthusiasm cheering for both sides

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore works together the best bouquet he can, combining his own flowers with some picked from secret spots throughout the park as they make their way to meet Mockingbird. "Good Luck," he wishes Napalm.

When they meet up with Mockingbird, Spore extends a vine from halfway across the room and taps her on the shoulder.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore grunts and growls an unintelligible reply in his native tongue, and grows actual thorns in response to Trystt's statement— clearly a show of support. It's obvious to everyone that the idea of a bioweapon angers him greatly.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

None from me!

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"Your mind punch is good, Doc" Spore says with a smile, patting Sterne on the shoulder with a vine.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"Powerful spirits, especially sentient ones, can empower many beings," Spore says, nodding along and seemingly unsurprised. It's clear his statement on the matter sums up the circumstances fully and completely- to him at least.

In the time he's spent with Ebon the last few days, meditating and fighting together in marathon sessions, he's come to understand Ebon's gifts more than he did before, recognizing similarities to his own in a number of ways.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Any chance we could write up the changes to Skills we incorporated? I'd like to roll a Sense Motive, but can't quite recall the skull rolled we settled on.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore looks back at Trystt with an unsure shrug before focusing his attention back to the Iron First. Spore knew a bit about being a living weapon, even though he considered himself more than just that. He kept an eye out for Danny's balance and the way he carried himself: you could tell a lot from that.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2
GM-JZ wrote:
"iced ring"

I had to Google this; never heard it called that before!

Spore reached out towards the bag and snaked a tendril down into it, coming back with a strawberry frosted. With a whip-like motion, he snapped his arm, creating a small wave in the vine that carries the donut back to his body, where it quickly disappeared as the vines making up his abdomen parted to allow it's entry, and then closed just as fast.

"Mmmmmm" he rumbled, with a smile and a small shimmy as he absorbed the sugars. "So sweet!"

When Danny entered, Spore did his best to offer a hand politely, following Sterne's lead. "Spore; nice to meet you," he said.

Then, remembering that people tended to like flowers, he quickly grew and pulled a rose from himself and offered it to Mr Rand.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore doesn't sleep at all, and would be very happy to patrol with Ebon. We could continue to mediate/spar intermittently, too.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore wakes with the sun, and enjoys the quiet peaceful time before the city will and truly transitions into the morning bustle. Then, he heads to pick up Trystt at her place before they walk to the meeting.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore happily obliges, releasing a small cloud of spores with an audible 'PUFF!' that heal Daredevil's wounds in a matter of minutes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore watched the others banter back and forth quickly, and listened intently. Despite the emotional tones and multitude of different accents flying about, he felt he fully understood the rapid-fire responses and calls to action from all involved-- testament to the practice he’d been getting lately. And, the content of the arguments was hard enough to comprehend on its own.

When Trystt calls for his own opinion, takes a moment to think before responding in his own slow voice, as Sterne discusses the good-hearted CEO.

”In nature, violence is permitted, for survival’s sake-- there is no cruelty where there is no consciousness. Sentience, while beautiful, comes with complications. We with it should take care of each other, and help each other to thrive. What Frank is a version of that. When a branch dies, it must be cut from the tree. Deciding who is a dead branch, is a terrible responsibility- and easily abused. But these people...are certainly close.”

Spore shudders, thinking back to not only the dead people, but the transformed alien plants. A single tear falls from his face as he wrestles with the gravity of what he’s saying.

”Their crimes against life and nature must be answered, before they continue to harm life. If possible, we should spare them, but not at the cost of someone else’s life. In many ways, my people consider ourselves tenders of gardens, if you will. This is deeply sad, but it is is a load I am willing to carry.”

Spore is willing to work with Frank, though he'll still try to save the bad guys if possible. And if Frank disagrees in the field, he'll be willing to fight him.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore continues watching the exchange, as relaxed as at least some of the tension melts. Maybe I can heal him and the Devil, he thinks, to prove we're the good guys.

If an opportunity or lull presents itself, he'll offer.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore listens attentively, snatching back his arm from the handshake he'd been about to offer The Punisher- an attempt to diffuse a situation so tense even he could tell with certainty.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore looks around while the others start discussing the train with the Punisher, but stays silent. There's a tense mood that even his relatively untrained sense for human interaction can pick up on.

He does, however, take interest in Daredevil's injuries.
"Can I help you?" he asks, politely.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"With us for sure. If there are SHIELD people, or someone else even, that are watching us, we don't want to leave the thing they want alone to be stolen."

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"None for me, thanks," Spore says, turning down the offers of food, but grabbing a water and pouring it over himself. Rather than soul down onto the floor, all of it was absorbed into his body as he let out a refreshing sigh.

"I don't know about MacTaggert, but we shouldn't forget Midnight. Trystt wasn't kidnapped, and I don't think she was either. And she might know something."

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore gives Trystt a big hug when they arrive, and from the genuine smile on her face he can tell she's not been kidnapped, captured, or anything of the like.

"Oh, good," he rumbles. "We were worried someone might have come for you. Napalm was being watched"

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Using a dozen or so small vines, Spore pulls out his newly-replaced phone and quickly texts Trystt not to come inside, and to meet them instead at a coffee shop nearby with nice planters on their patio and good sunlight. "This way," he points.

"Let's get Trystt, then decide what to do."

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"Let's get out now then, and talk on the way. Trystt is at a park in Hell's Kitchen near where Midnight wants to meet."

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

"Napalm, you told SHIELD everything that happened, right?" Spore asks.

"Who would be looking for it? SHIELD is supposed to be well-defended from the outside, right?" Spore asks.

Plant Brawler/Sorcerer 6 | HP: 76/76; | AC 20/20; | Fort:+11; Ref:+8; Will:+7 | Resist: Cold 5, Acid 5 | Vulnerable: Fire | Immune: Mind-Effecting, Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, Stun | Low-Light Vision; Perc.+11; Init +2

Spore, keeping an eye out for Napalm at his lab, spots him and Sterne rounding a corner down the hall and wanted aggressively, as I'd the night miss the seven-foot-tall green vine-man in the otherwise whitewashed hallway.

"Napalm! Doc! Over here!" he yelled softly. "Did you get Trystt's message?"

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