Danse Macabre

The Silver Shadow's page

76 posts. Alias of eriktd.


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CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl shakes his head, characteristically worrying despite the calming presence of his alter ego.

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl nods, still watching the retreating torches. "We can hope that the patrols are less frequent in that part of town, at least."

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Nicely done, Agnes!

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl backs away from the gate as the figures approach, keeping to the shadows.

Stealth check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Can those of us who were already hiding keep our existing Stealth roll? :)

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl does his best to remain unnoticed in the shadows outside the gate.

Stealth check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

"Agreed," says Carl, his voice slightly deeper and more reverberating now that he is in his vigilante identity. He stays close to Blue Thorn and also keeps watch for danger.

Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl is taking sure casting and vanish as his new spells, and Arcane Striker as his new Vigilante Talent. This gives him the Arcane Strike feat and down the road will allow him to do more when he activates it.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl looks uncomfortably at the others. "We have subdued Chough, and had hoped not to have to kill her. What do you think should happen to her? If we released her, do you think she could find a place to live somewhere else?"

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl smiles pleasantly through the shadow of his cowl, nodding to Agnes and Brianna with enthusiasm. "Yes, yes, indeed! We are risking much to fight our oppressors, but it is a worthy cause. I believe now that we know what has happened to Nan we can return these passages to their purpose in service of the revolution, and I do not think anyone would object to you and your sisters remaining here to help us if you have a mind to do so. We would welcome your thoughts and advice on how best to strike against the agents of House Thrune or rebel against their policies. All of your voices are welcome."

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl shows his empty hands and steps forward to continue the conversation, discussing the situation with them in his observational, reasoned style. He allows ample opportunity between points for others to chip in. "The city above has become difficult for many of us too, as the powers that be have begun implementing and enforcing draconian laws designed to alienate and divide the citizens of Kintargo. It is our purpose to fight them, and establish a better place for all peoples of the world to live and prosper. There could be a role for you and your sisters in this endeavor, if you were of a mind to help us. Tengus, as everyone knows, are exceptionally talented with blades and adept at passing secret messages, and if you were to join the Silver Ravens as agents of the revolution, you would surely profit from the oppressors' losses at your hands."

Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl looks pleased and proud when the tengu reveals itself. "Ah! Whereas you, of course, are clearly tengu, not a dire corby like the creature that attacked us. The differences are obvious! Will you do us the honor of speaking with us, as fellow travelers of the world? We would prefer to avoid a fight."

Knowledge (Local) check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 (What does Carl know about tengus?)
Diplomacy check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl looks quizzically at the tables. "Creatures more intelligent than that dire corby must have been here recently. Perhaps they heard us fighting the crocodile and fled?" He approaches the table, attempting to determine what game was being played.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

"It is a fascinating term," Carl burbles to Agnes while the others discuss what to do about the creature. "From the early Taldane, I believe, corvid, and shortened to corvy and finally corby. They appear to be very similar to tengus, I believe, though both creatures developed independently in very different regions."

He tries speaking several words to the corby in Strix, Shadowtongue, and Infernal, but does not get a recognizable response. "I don't think I do," he responds to Adun, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

"Good thinking, my friend," Carl says to Blue Thorn. "From what I remember about these creatures, they aren't particularly social, though they do form squabbling corby parliaments in their underground lairs. If there are more of them about, it would be better to avoid their notice."

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl watches Adun's competence, a little embarrassed at his weak frame. One day, young man, magic will make you stronger. Carl blinks at the voice in his head. Young man? he thinks, surprised.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl examines the unconscious humanoid. Does it look like it lives here? Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

"Does anyone have any rope? If we tie the creature up, we may be able to reason with it once it wakes up." He looks around to see if there are any others hiding nearby. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

The Silver Shadow leaps beside the Pale Knight and casts a spell at the humanoid. A swirling stream of colored lights fills the area around the creature.

He casts color spray at the creature, and the DC of the Will save is 17.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

"You gave us quite a scare there, friend," Carl says through his mask to The Fiend, offering him a hand to bring him to his feet.

"The boot is magical, as you probably guessed," Carl confirms to The Beast. "And I can sense the same magic inside the crocodile. Perhaps we should cut it open?"

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl shakes his head at the violence of the fight, hoping that their friend is all right, and casts detect magic to see if Nan's boot has enchanted properties.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

The Silver Shadow continues to let fly bolts of electricity at the crocodile, hoping one of them will connect.

Mystic bolt #1: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 1 - 4 = 2
Electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Mystic bolt #2: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 1 - 4 = 16
Electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

The Silver Shadow briefly closes Carl's eyes to help him concentrate and then shoots two more bolts of electricity at the creature, taking care to avoid hitting their allies.

Mystic bolt attack #1: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 1 - 4 = 2
Electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Mystic bolt attack #2: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 1 - 4 = 13
Electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Albino gators! :)

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl gasps, surprised at the power of the surprise attack! He steps forward and launches bolts of electrical energy at the partially-submerged creature before it is engaged by another opponent!

Mystic bolt #1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Mystic bolt #2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Knowledge (Nature), untrained: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl brings up the rear.

Would the smell allow Carl a Knowledge check to determine what produced it?

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

In the morning, Carl prepares his spells and then joins Darius and Laria for breakfast. When the party is ready to head down the ladder, Carl dons his vigilante costume before making his way down.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl keeps an eye out for trouble from other directions, nervously watching the other exits and the roof.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl lingers a bit, looking dubiously at the dilapidated cellar. Perhaps there is potential here for something better, he thinks, and is struck by the feeling that it is an observer inside his head who is speaking, not his own musings. He shakes himself slightly and steps quickly to follow the others.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

"Nesting?" says Carl. "As in birds' nests?" He looks at them and then peers with more care at the ceiling and rafters (if there are any). It seems unlikely to him that birds would live underground, but he knows they do build nests.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl stands and listens carefully for sounds of other inhabitants.

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl shudders. "Could use a little industrious tidying up, first."

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl, becoming slightly nervous that they will be joined by others, tries to speed things up by firing two bolts.

mystic bolt attack, two-weapon fighting: 1d20 + 3 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 3 - 4 - 2 = 16 mystic bolt damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

mystic bolt attack, two-weapon fighting: 1d20 + 3 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 - 4 - 2 = 4 mystic bolt damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl continues to summon eldritch sparks and throw them at the devil.

Mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 3 - 4 = 15Electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl calls out to the others, "As I thought! These creatures are a form of devil called 'lemures,' and they are quite resistant to most attacks, not to mention acid and cold. They are also immune to fire and poison. They are essentially mindless husks, but vulnerable to silver and good-aligned attacks." He stops, as if frowning under his billowy hood. "What could they be doing down here?" he wonders.

He focuses another burst of lightning into his palms and throws it at the weakest lemure.

Mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Mystic bolt damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl's cloak billows slightly as he channels more eldritch energy at one of the creatures (the blue one).

mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 mystic bolt damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl rushes into the room and draws back upon himself in disgust as he sees the messy creatures move forward, thinking quickly to try and identify them.

Knowledge Planes, maybe? Knowledge Planes check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Desperately, he launches a bolt of energy at the one on the right.

mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 3 - 4 = 14 mystic bolt damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Sure, fine with me.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl shrugs in his faceless cloak, but his reedy voice sounds kindly and humble as he responds to Blue Thorn. "I suppose if you have enough bodies, any obstacle can be overcome, eh?" He follows the others down the passage.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl worries he won't be any help, but he can't just stand by and watch, so he steps forward and tries to push.

Strength check: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (18) - 2 = 16

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

"This cloak seems to have some invested magic associated with the Abjuration school," Carl notes. "If no one objects, I will risk donning it for now, until we have a chance to identify it later." He collects the rest of the treasure with the intention to distribute it equally when they have more time.

What sort of Knowledge check would it be to identify those creatures? I'm certainly willing to try. I'd guess Knowledge (Local) because they are humanoids. Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Panting, Carl praises the others. "Well fought!" he exclaims. "Those creatures will think twice about molesting us further!" He then casts a spell on the loot, "To detect if there is any lingering magic within," he explains.

Carl casts detect magic.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl moves closer and shoots another bolt of electricity at the creature he has the best chance of removing from the conflict.

Mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 3 - 4 = 1 Mystic bolt electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl, possessed of an otherworldly aspect, circles the patches of grease and launches another bolt of mystic energy at the nearest creature.

Move (move action), mystic bolts at white creature.
mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 mystic bolt electricity damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl rushes forward and points at one of the creatures, crackling with energy and arcing a bolt of lightning in its direction.

Move action, then attacking the red opponent with a mystic bolt. mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 mystic bolt damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl listens intently for other creatures in the vicinity.

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

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CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl pulls free from the giant rodent and steps away. His cloak seems to grow slightly in the darkness and fills out as if he were suddenly standing taller and straighter. A crackling sound and the smell of ozone emanates from his direction, as he draws forth silver-white bolts from the great beyond and launches them toward the offending creature. (full attack on the colorless rat)

1st mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 (+2 DEX, +1 PBS, -2 TWF)
2nd mystic bolt attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
mystic bolt damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 electricity damage

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl gasps in terror and as soon as it is free rushes down the ladder behind Adun.

"We will catch your companion! Have her make the jump!" he calls out to Agnes.

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

As the dogs start to become more aggressive, Carl strides slowly and carefully to the gate behind Blue Thorn and The Pack, trying not to draw their attention.

Stealth, maybe? 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions

Carl does his best to keep watch while the others engage in more physically active tasks, listening near the door for sounds of approaching guards or other threats.