Classes/Levels |
CG Human Vigilante (Warlock) 2 | HP 16/19 | AC 16 (T 12, FF 14) | CMB -1 CMD 11 | F +2 R +5 W +3* (+1 vs illusions) | Init +2 | Move 30 | Per +6 | no conditions |
About The Silver Shadow
Name: The Silver Shadow
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Vigilante (Warlock) / Wizard (Variant Multiclass)
Social Identity: Carl Conrad Copperplate
Abilities: Str 7 (-2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 18+2 (+5), Wis 11 (+1), Cha 7 (-2)
HP: 19 (2d8+6)
AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armor)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30' (light armor)
Saves: +2 Fortitude / +5 Reflex / +3 Will* (+1 vs illusions)
BAB: +1
Weapons: mystic bolt +4 or +2/+2 (1d6+1 electricity)
Race Traits: Bonus Feat, Comprehensive Education (all Knowledge skills are class skills, +1 to Knowledges that already are class skills)
Background Traits: Pattern Seeker (campaign: +1 Perception, Perception is class skill, +1 DC for pattern spells, +1 saves vs illusions), Student of Philosophy (use Int for Bluff when lying or Diplomacy when interacting)
Vigilante abilities: spellcasting (CL 2), dual identity, mystic bolts (electricity, 1d6), seamless guise, social talent (social grace: Craft Jewelry); vigilante talent (arcane striker)
Wizard abilities: school (Illusion)
Favored class bonus: Vigilante, +2 hp
Feats: Point-Blank Shot (1), Two-Weapon Fighting* (Human); Arcane Strike* (Vigilante 2)
Skills: Bluff 1+1* (+7 lying), Craft Jewelry 2+12*, Diplomacy 2+1* (+7 interacting), Knowledge Arcana 1+9, Knowledge Dungeoneering 1+9, Knowledge Engineering 1+8, Knowledge History 1+8, Knowledge Local 1+9, Knowledge Nature 1+8, Knowledge Planes 1+8, Knowledge Religion 1+8, Linguistics 1+5, Perception 2+4, Spellcraft 2+8, Stealth 1+5, Use Magic Device 2+1
Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Shadowtongue, Strix, Undercommon
Spellbook: all cantrips; (1st) coin shot, color spray, dazzling blade, disguise self, ears of the city, heightened awareness, keep watch, secluded grimoire, sure casting, vanish
Spells prepared: (cantrips, x4) daze, detect magic, message, prestidigitation; (1st, x4) color spray (2/2 remaining), dazzling blade (2/2 remaining)
Equipment: artisan's outfit (free, in pack), belt pouch (1 gp, worn), chain shirt (100 gp, worn), common artisan's tools (5 gp, in pack), hangman's outfit (free, worn), masterwork backpack (50 gp, worn), spell components pouch (5 gp, worn); 12 gp, 20 sp (in belt pouch)
The Silver Shadow was born when Carl Conrad Copperplate stepped into the inner sanctum of his arcane secret society, and participated in the ritual of awakening. It is an old spirit associated with the traditions and culture of the old city of Kintargo, though in the weeks since the Thrunes have seized control it has become much more rebellious and altruistic. It acts through Carl, harnessing eldritch forces and shaping them into magic spells, for the most part following his direction and aiding him rather than controlling him. It is strongly opposed to House Thrune and the Church of Asmodeus, and desires to oust them from the city so that everything can go back to the way it was before.
Dressed all in black with a black mask and black hooded cloak, the Silver Shadow clearly does not take his name from his coloring. He stands straight, nearly six feet tall, and his voice is deep and resonant. His build is difficult to identify through his clothing but he seems to be more wire than brawn. He wears a chain shirt under his costume, as well as two belt pouches and a satchel. He doesn't seem to carry any weapons.
Build notes
The Silver Shadow is designed to fulfill the arcane caster role in the typical adventuring party, with buffs and damage for the most part. He will use mystic bolts two-handed, supplementing the damage of the heavy hitting stalkers and avengers. His spells will primarily include illusion effects, and he will craft wondrous items, wands, and eventually staves for the party. He also has all Knowledges as class skills and will devote skill points to them. While he probably can't be the party face, he can still pull his weight in Bluff and Diplomacy bouts, and both he and his familiar will be able to activate wands to help with healing and condition removal.
Progression plan:
2. Arcane Striker (vigilante talent), Arcane Strike* (feat)
3. Double Time (social talent), retrain Point-Blank Shot into Craft Wondrous Items, familiar (Wizard VMC)
5. In Vogue (social talent), Craft Wands (feat)
6. Tattoo Chamber (vigilante talent)
7. Hidden Magic (social talent), school power (Wizard VMC)
9. Beginner's Luck (social talent), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
11. Notorious Fool (social talent), cantrip (Wizard VMC)
12. Strike the Unseen (vigilante talent), Blind-Fight* (feat), Improved Blind-Fight* (feat)
13. Conflicted Identity (social talent), Craft Staves (feat)
15. Transformation Sequence (social talent), discovery (Staff-like Wands, Wizard VMC)
16. Greater Blind-Fight* (feat)
17. Quick Change (social talent), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (feat)
18. Elemental Armor (vigilante talent)
19. Immediate Change (social talent), greater school power (Wizard VMC)
20. Armor Skin (vigilante talent)