Gelatinous Cube

The Ooze Imperium's page

7 posts. Alias of Robert G. McCreary.


Jason Nelson wrote:
I've only read 2 of the monsters in the book so far (shambling mound and gelatinous cube) and skimmed the mimic, but they are cool beans!

Cool beans? We are not beans! We are OOZE!

Edit your post immediately or be absorbed.

So do we!

*makes a gurgling slushy sound*

Bagpuss wrote:
Would it be possible to combine dwarves with gibbering mouthers, gelatinous cubes and other detritus?

wE haVe no inTerEst in sHorT, smellY, walKinG beArds. Ooze is OOze anD only ooZe. We alSo preFer not to bE Called "detrItus." IT maKes us fEel baD.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:

As far as my own preferences go, I would like to see linnorms added (some of which might double as sea-serpents if aquatic adventures are not frequent enough to merit the inclusion of sea-serpents also).

Also I would commend the RPGSuperstar *round 4* entries for attention; the Darkblight and Ooze Imperium were my personal favourites, but most if not all of the entries would engage the interest of DMs and players to be worth a place in a book.

Ooze Imperium FTW! (And I'm not at all biased.)



EDIT: Fixed the link for you, too. :)

EDIT 2, Electric Boogaloo: I'm even gonna link to The Ooze Imperium itself, if I may toot my own horn!

Sovereign Court aka Robert G. McCreary

Once again, it is perhaps time to remind voters of just what their options are. Maybe 8 choices are simply seven too many. Perhaps you have stat block fatigue. Or could too many templates be troubling your tummy? How do you know who to vote for?

If this is your situation, may I humbly suggest The Ooze Imperium?

Let's break it down, shall we?

  • Like OOZE? The Ooze Imperium’s all about the ooze, my man. (Not to mention the puddings, the jellies, the cubes, and the slimes.)
  • Like big philosophical German words like Weltanschauung? The Ooze Imperium’s got one!
  • Like jelly on your toast? The Ooze Imperium’s got one, and it’s electric!
  • Like special abilities? The Ooze Imperium’s got thirteen of 'em!
  • Like gelatinous fortresses in the Astral Plane? The Ooze Imperium’s got 'em!
  • Like god-kings and/or dragons (and who doesn't?) The Ooze Imperium’s got one, and he sits inside the brainpan of a silver great wyrm!
  • And lest we forget, oozes with BRAINS!! The Ooze Imperium’s got 'em!

    So don’t forget, CHOOSE OOZE!

    As usual, I hope to see you in the next round, and invite my fellow Superstars to add their own voter appeals here. We're still all in this together!

  • Sovereign Court aka Robert G. McCreary

    To the voters, a message from the Ooze Imperium: