Judge Trabe

The Mighty Tim's page

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While I don't think there's a way to get max health on a summon, Summon Good Monster expands your summon list, and more importantly for you gives summons from that list the diehard feat, which for many of the monsters is a good deal of extra health.

Suggest to the player he invest in a nice pair of boots of the earth? While divine magic might be scary, the earth always protects the deep gnomes.

Is it important to constantly be riding your mount, or just in combat? Goliath druids get enlarge person, get dino mounts, and can cast enlarge person on their mount. With a little bit of pre-combat prep you could be riding your mount for most combats even at level 1 (also, goliath druids are pretty good already).

Dire collars are fairly cheap options for the 5-7 range as you wait for your mount to hit large, consider picking up 1-3.

If that doesn't work, I believe chariots can be pulled by medium animals, giving you a psudo mounted combat for early levels.

How important is it to the player to use his current weapon? Instead of a dwarven longhammer, can I offer the dwarven longish hammer?

Using weapon design rules from Weapon Master's Handbook, building for an exotic two handed melee weapon, we can get the maximum number of build points (6 for exotic, 3 for 2-handed, 3 from claiming additional design points). With this, building it to be as close to the long hammer as we can while giving him close range options, we can completely recreate the long hammer while also allowing him to switch between reach and close as a swift action (improved damage x5 (5pts), improved critical multiplier x1 (3pts), spring loaded (2 pts), weapon feature: reach (1pt), Traditional (1pt)).

Congratulations, he now has swift action reach with no feat expenditure.