Life Stealer

The Lost Muse's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (6 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I'm taking a look at the various options for Sanity and Madness since I'm playing in a 2e Strange Aeons game. Other than that I've taken a stab at converting Starfinder Ysoki, and am very interested in the Kineticist and Vigilante classes.

Thanks-they’ve been causing us to flip through the rules more, but I guess that’s to be expected learning a new game.

One thing I'm finding unclear is that there is an ancestry feat listed at level one on class charts, but the description says that you begin to gain extra ancestry feats beginning at 5th level.

So, to clarify, is the intention:

1) that you gain an ancestry feat from selecting your ancestry, and an additional one from selecting your class, or

2) that a level one character begins play with one ancestry feat?

I'd buy it, but I was just starting to think seriously about getting back into gaming. On the plus side, I will have very few books to replace (just the core rules/beginner box), but I've got the Rise of the Runelords compilation, and I'd sure like to have all the stats to run that right away.

I'm getting back into gaming after a bit of a hiatus, and am looking for some gamers to join up with. I've previously run games set in Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Middle Earth, Freeport, Ptlous, and homebrewed settings, and I've used a variety of systems including Pathfinder/d20, WFRP 2e,and GURPS.

What I envision is a group that meets bi-weekly, and plays for 4-6 hours. We probably do dinner, and then play until about 10 or so. I'm happy to GM, but if others are also interested, I'm happy to have multiple games going.

I do have Rise of the Runelords, and I'd like to run it, but am also excited to try out PF2 when the playtest material releases. I'm also thinking about WFRP, and what I might do with that system; I'm also interested to revisit Eberron. I could easily run a Ptolus campaign also.

If any of this sounds good, drop me a line. Happy gaming!