![]() OK guys this will be the last post from the Kraken. While I am sure you could do some more RPing here, other worlds await...one which happens to lie under a desert sun... After a long discussion between Zenwaar and Nefertiti concerning the future of Dolentla Island as a possible future home for the Tulitan, you realize that while the island is free of the demonic influences of Hawanopoki, there are still several hawanis roaming the island in a maddened state, not to mention the shambling mounds which still lurk in the deepest parts of the jungle. Indeed not only do you have to contend with the existing threats of Dolentla Island, but the cultural taboos that run very deep...generations deep. Still, while the task is daunting it is indeed possible. The issue decided for the time being, you settle back to wait for your rescue from a more reliable ship. On the fifteenth day of your journey you sight a ship off the eastern shore...the Quells’ Whore! It is not much longer before you see the familiar bestial face of of the minotaur first mate Korg. Navigating the reefs with a skill borne of long hours sailing on the Razor Coast , he lands the longboat onto the beach and soon you are all bidding farewell to your erstwhile home. The voyage back to Port Shaw is far more pleasant than your journey there as you are berthed in a set of cabins where you have a modicum of privacy, thanks to Aikane’s foresight. The only time you are troubled is when the Captain Bethany Razor calls you in for a private meeting over a fine repast where you are requested to regale your tales to her and her officers. Other than that you are left to your own devices which allows you to concentrate on your training and other personal endeavors. Your arrival in Port Shaw is a welcome one and as you arrange to meet with the families of the nobles (and collect your well earned rewards) you reflect that perhaps despite the storms you encountered on your way to and from Dolentla Island that would prove nothing compare to the oncoming storm. Your instincts are proven right as the sordid actions of Jacinth come to full light Viscount Senegar Deepwarder expresses outrage at the suggestion that his niece behaved in a cowardly fashion, and the demands that you keep these allegations to yourselves demonstrate the corruption that interlaces the upper crust of the Port Shaw elites. The families of the other members of the Dulcimer’s expedition also expressed outrage, directed squarely at Jacinth Deepwarder. The families considered taking the matter to the Municipal Dragoons for proper justice, however, the viscount and the families detested the whiff of scandals so much that the parties discreetly settle the sordid affair with monetary recompense. Nonetheless, Jacinth soon found herself a pariah, making her a virtual exile among Port Shaw’s elite. This did not prove as great a hardship to the rapidly maturing woman as she has found another path to follow, one with a sailor thirsting to find his father... The rest of you are welcomed by Port Shaw’s elite as heroes for rescuing the Dulcimer’s crew and destroying the malevolent being that poisoned Dolentla Island. While you bask in the fruits of your efforts you know there are other issues that need to be dealt with, including the recent arrest of Harok McFarrows for murder at the town of Thumb’s Reach. Also you hear Falken Drango, a feared pirate of the Razor Coast, went mad and murdered his own crew. He did recently escape from prison and Gregory Bonadeuce is interested in tracking him down… But all of that is for another day.For the moment, though,you bask in the adulation you deserve for saving lives and ridding the Razor Coast of an ancient menace. As you find yourself looking out over Port Shaw and the Razor Coast beyond from your rooms at the Kraken’s Gullet wondering what the future holds for you... FIN... I hope you all enjoyed this game! ![]()
![]() The others have not been idle while Nefertiti has been communicating with the Whale. Oren, Jacinth and 'Lani make a beeline for the western beach to gather up your charges while Reknar and Aikane get to work on setting up some shelters for not only all of you but the Dulcimer crew. The task is an easy one if a bit time-consuming. Still they are able to take down enough small game and gather enough plants and other edibles for all of you through the rest of the evening and the following day as well. The statue proves more vexing, as it is anchored firmly into position. Other than using some form of magic it would be difficult to destroy it, not to mention the fouled altar. The others move along the hawani trail to the western beach where the former crew members of the Dulcimer sit on the beach with the ghostly apparition of Maximillan hovering nearby. 'Lani determines from a cursory look at them while they have seem to been freed of the unnatural catatonia, they all suffer from severe psychological scars that can only be repaired by curing their mental disease and breaking them of a severe case of maht poisoning. He estimates the process will take weeks, perhaps months, but their prognosis is hopeful. You gather up all of their belongings, including Maximillan's, and return back to the clearing where the shelters are already set up. 'Lani is able to also replenish his pharmaceutical supplies along the way. The maht field proves to be a bonanze for the chirurgeon. After rejoining each other in your shelters you all gather to enjoy time to relax and talk with one another as a large rain shower drenches the clearing.... Feel free to RP here if you want. The rest of the evening passes on to the next day. The night was pretty uneventful, though you did hear the tortued cries of what few remaining hawanis still plaguing the island. As you prepare the morning meal, Rata Fenn who is on lookout cries, "A ship? A SHIP! WE BE SAVED!" As the ship draws closer you do recognize it as the newly-christened Kolohe. The ship does not approach Dolentla Island too closely but a longboat is dispatched from the vessel. Aboard are three passengers: Two Tulitan sailors and a long lost friend... Zemwaar:
A little background here: The spell Nefertiti cast showed you the destruction of the Rita and you implored the Captain Ko’oku’wa to rescue your former shipmates. That nearly triggered a mutiny as none of the newly-freed slaves had no desire to risk the reputation of Dolentla Island. After much cajoling you managed to convince Ko’oku’wa to spare the final longboat to check up on you. You also know the Captain is dead set against sailing anywhere near Port Shaw, considering the ship's former name. Still knowing Nefertiti is still alive would be worth it... OK by popular demand, here is a cameo appearance by everyone's (and especially Nef's) favorite Tulitan guide :D Time Check: Mid morning, Day 10. ![]()
![]() As Nefertiti watches the jar of Ambergris sink to the bottom of the sea floor the Whale swallows it easily, swimming away from the priestess so as not to swallow her in return. After a moment the Whale swins back towards the priestess and replies in her mind, "NO. That is not I. I am...Whale. Qualmaga is my creator. My purpose has been fulfilled. That which was removed has been returned. Now I shall go." ![]()
![]() Nefertiti Abdul wrote: "However there is one thing I have to do first. Wedjat and I need to take off and inform a certain whale of his freedom." She looks to Jacinth. "Your permission, Kaiku?" Nefertiti climbs on top of Wedjat and spirals up into the sky, enjoying the feel of the sunlight on her face. While the day is actually rather cloudy with hints of rain to come, the air feels crisper and cleaner than she remembered. Certainly the pall cast by that foul demon was the cause of it. Now that the demon is slain it is much like opening a window to let the fresh breezes into a cooped up house. It takes much less time than the priestess anticipated as she soon finds the Whale swimming in a long arc around Dolentla Island, not bothering to hide its presence now. As you draw closer, the Whale seems to actually sense your approach as it rises to the surface of the ocean and sends a plume of water geysering into the air. As the haast eagle slows his approach, Nefertiti feels the same presence flooding her as before. She can sense that while the madness she felt before is absent there is still a palpable anger in its message. "You bear the sacred Ambergris, Priestess. I can sense it all over you. Bring me the Ambergris...NOW!!" Time Check: early afternoon Day 9. ![]()
![]() OK guys and gals... You have effectively completed the module! *golf claps* all around! We are just in the wrap up stage now before I close the curtain on this adventure. A few points to consider at this time. Aikane informs you the Quell's Whore led by Bethany Razor will sail here once the Rita has gone missing past a week. He estimates you will be here for about a week before being rescued. Still, you have some things to do during this time including what to do with your rescued charges, cleaning up the elvish laboratory and perhaps checking out Dolentla Island further. In the meantime, go ahead and LEVEL UP to level 6! Jacinth, if you wish to use the Variant Multiclass system after leveling up, feel free to do so! Also don't forget the loot you have found too! Go ahead and post what your characters want to do for the week in the gameplay thread. Once you have posted, I'll do a wrap up post and then the curtain will close. Again, I have to thank you all for inviting me to run this game! Despite all of the drama, I had a blast! I am looking forward to returning to Osirion with the new players...that will be an adventure in itself! ![]()
![]() OK here we go... You all prepare yourselves to assault the Crypt thing and after blesing your weapons and casting your spells you feel you will be able to handle it fairly easy. However... One thing that worries you is the ability for the undead to teleport its foes. After wracking your brains for a while, Rata Fenn comes up with an elegant solution here. "Why not use Wedjat as a decoy 'ere. Once he....errr...it uses its magic then th' rest of us can take it!" Nefertiti is skeptical of the idea until reassured by Reknar the teleport won't hurt the eagle. Considering how fast he flies he would be able to rejoin you fairly quickly. You place your plan into action. Wedjat prepares to charge at the undead. Since the Crypt thing had not seen the Haast Eagle before, it takes the bait and once Wedjat enters the vault he vanishes almost immediately. The rest of you immediately swarm the undead. Even though its fear aura prevents you from approaching too closely you do manage to overcome that by Nefertiti using her spells to bolster your resistances, Reknar enlarging himself and Aikane flanking it, aloowing you all to pummel it to nothing more than a rotting pile of bones... ...Just in time for Wedjat to fly back to you and watch you mopping up. After destroying the crypt thing you turn your attention to the treasure in here. You all find: The iron chest is closed, but unlocked. Inside you find a 4 arcane scrolls:
![]() A question for all of you: Would you like me to handwave the Crypt thing combat or would you care to play it out. I am OK with either response but I am pretty confident you guys will beat it easily. Feel free to let me know in discussion what you want to do here, and also how you want to divvy up your loot :D ![]()
![]() Oren realizes the book does have some magical properties but he would need to study the book for an extended period of time in order to realize the benefits. Are you guys going after the Crypt thing? If so, then go ahead and state your preparatory actions. I will set up the combat later this evening. ![]()
![]() As some of you celebrate the apparent slaying of the qlippoth, the others stand guard over the body of the proto-demon. Seeing it does not vanish gives you pause yet as the minutes drag by even Oren is convinced the qlippoth is truly no more. Turning your attention to the contents of the pile Jacinth looks it over and sees in addition to clothing and other personal effects of the former crew of the Dulcimer that she recognizes immediately, she also finds included therein 189 gp, an ivory cameo (50 gp), a bronze and sapphire necklace (100 gp), the Duhamel family signet ring (250 gp), a bronze bracelet (25 gp), and one amethyst (10 gp). In addition to the crew member's belongings, she finds some items underneath that radiate a magical aura. These include... ![]()
![]() Jacinth's arrow flies towards the abomination and for a split second it seems as if you feel a brief sense of...clarity...flooding your thoughts before it is overwhelmed with fury mixed with agony. As the cold iron tip slides into its 'head' the qlippoth reflexively jerks back slowing the penetration...but not enough to save it. As you all watch in a mix of horror and fascination Hawanapoki seems to swell to a massive size and you wonder whether he has performed some fell magic on you before you realize it is merely your fevered imagination. You watch the qlippoth's body shudder and convulse before it collapes into the pool, the gushing flow of ichor soon ebbing to a mere trickle and mixing with the already fouled water. The constant murmering in your minds then ceases and is replaced by a sense of quiet. COMBAT OVER! ![]()
![]() Oren wastes no time in using his magic to haste the party member's attacks which allows Jacinth to reload and fire another arrow at the foul fiend. Jacinth may take another attack as she is currently Hasted. Nefertiti calls on Horus' might to illuminate the dank chamber causing Hawanapoki to keen in agony as the brilliant light had not been shed in here in centuries... Hawanapoki Will save: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 9 + 2 = 31 Hawanapoki is Dazzled for 1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds. Reknar glides in and nearly slices the qlippoth into two separate halves. A vertitible geyser of foul black ichor spews from the wound coating the top of the stagnant water in the pool. All of your minds feel the pain of the blow almost as if Reknar had sliced off your arm, which is immediately followed up by a wave of rage equally mixed with fear. Round 1: Oren, Jacinth (Hasted attack), Reknar, Nefertiti, Hawanapoki, Rata Fenn, Aikane, Wedjat, 'Lani. ![]()
![]() Aikane and Oren examine the room closely nearly gagging at the stench of death in the close confines of the room, but find nothing else in the room. As you spend time searching the room, you are all morally certain your foe Hawanapoki lurks on the other side of the doors. Spending a few moments preparing yourselves for the final battle, you pull open the doors where a grisly scene awaits you. Four eight-foot-tall sculpted basalt totems covered with intricately carved runes stand bound to one another with gossamer strands of mithral. These monoliths surround a diamond-shaped pool of disgusting, stagnant water laced with streams of fresh blood. Blood droplets rhythmically fall from the ceiling and splash into the water below. Coins and other personal belongings are heaped into a pile in front of the pool. Crudely drawn images of horrific violence and deviant behavior painted in what appears to be blood cover the surrounding walls. Half-submerged in the pool lays what can only be Hawanapoki. The statue you saw earlier at the top of the island cannot do it justice. Even gazing on its form causes your stomachs to roil in pain. Even worse is the voice echoing in all of your minds assaulting all of your senses. "SOOO...YOU HAVE ARRIVED. WELCOME TO YOUR DOOM! ALL OF YOU SHALL PERISH IN UTTER AGONY!" The Final Battle!:
Initiative Aikane Redvane: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 Jacinth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 Ke'ahilani: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Nefertiti Abdul: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Oren Mitabu: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 Rata Fenn: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Reknar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 Wedjat: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 . Hawanapoki 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 Round 1: Oren, Jacinth, Reknar, Nefertiti, Hawanapoki, Rata Fenn, Aikane, Wedjat, 'Lani. ![]()
![]() Hawani #4 Reflex DC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 save, takes 3 points of damage.
Both of the remaining hawanis shrug off the explosive sneeze without too much difficulty. Round 2: Rata Fenn, 'Lani, Nefertiti, Wedjat, Oren, Reknar, Jacinth, Aikane, Hawanis. Let me know if you want to move here 'Lani. ![]()
![]() Nefertiti, that is a good idea. Sometimes I find myself guessing as to where you intend to be on the map. Any clarification is greatly appreciated. Aikane strikes the hawani who savaged 'Lani whilst Reknar gouges a deep cut in the other one. Nefertiti, after having this time resisted the fell enchantment, manages to retreat out of harm's way. [ooc]Hawani #3 takes 23 points of damage and Hawani #4 takes 7 points of damage. Round 2: Rata Fenn, 'Lani, Nefertiti, Wedjat, Oren, Reknar, Jacinth, Aikane, Hawanis. ![]()
![]() Hawani #1 Reflex DC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 yes 3 points.
The hawanis scream in pain as 'Lani's bomb explodes within their midst. Jacinth strikes one of the hawanis with her arrow wounding it further. Hawani #1 takes a total of 13 points of damage. Hawani #2 takes 14 points of damage. Hawanis #3 and #5 takes 6 points of damage each. Hawani #4 takes 3 points of damage. The hawanis all charge the doorway en masse... Where Reknar smoothly steps in and decapitates the first two hawanis to approach, but the doorway is soon filled with their replacements. Hawani #1 and #2 are DEAD. One strikes at Nefertiti while the other goes after 'Lani... Hawani #4 Claw vs Nef: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14; damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 miss
Hawani #3 Claw vs 'Lani: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25; damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 hit
Both hawanis strike savagely at their targets, with Nef again feeling the magical sleepiness threatening to overwhelm her...Nef takes 16 points of damage and 1d4 ⇒ 3 WIS damage and must make a DC 13 Will save or fall asleep. 'Lani also takes 16 points of damage. Round 2: Everyone, Hawanis. ![]()
![]() Backtracking your way to the laboratory you then turn your attention to the north door. Aikane listens at the door and informs you there are several humanoids on the other side, most likely hawanis. Feel free to cast any preparatory spells at this point, and also re position yourselves on the map if desired. After preparing yourselves for the inevitable combat, Reknar opens the door. Let's get it on!:
Initiative Aikane Redvane: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Jacinth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 Ke'ahilani: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 Nefertiti Abdul: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 Oren Mitabu: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13 Rata Fenn: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 Reknar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 Wedjat: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 . Hawani 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Despite someone’s efforts, no amount of paint or perfume could remove the copious blood splatters on the walls, ceiling, and floor or the stench of death in this chamber. As you take in the gruesome scene you also see the five hawanis here and waiting for you. With a feral scream they move to attack! Round 1: Everyone, Hawanis. Map updated. ![]()
![]() Nefertiti Abdul wrote:
The undead replies calmly, "My orders are clear. Protect this vault and allow none but Urthlan to enter." As Nefertiti asks about Pele, the undead's voise becomes more animated. "As for how Urthlan came to be here, ages ago the elves came from across the sea from the green realms of Kyonin and aspired to claim the Razor as their own. To further their ambitions, they defeated the Tulitas and built their mighty stronghold of Sammerlock Sails and a secret, magical laboratory on Dolentla Island. But they found Hawanapoki, who already was here. It welcomed the arrival of fresh minds, but it did not expect Urthlan the Fiendbinder who had a specialty for binding magic. Urthlan crafted enchanted stone totems and gossamer mithral that imprisoned Hawanapoki. He and his apprentices attempted to control the qlippoth and use the fiend as a weapon against the Tulitas, but Hawanapoki’s mind refused to bend, even to the mighty Urthlan. As the months passed and the war between the elves and Tulitas dragged on, Hawanapoki resisted and grew stronger. Then, Pele came to the Tulitan's aid and changed Urthlan's fortunes forever. Dolentla Island did not escape Pele’s ire. The elf wizards there attempted to battle against her, but to no avail. She slew every last elf on the island." When questioned about the cold iron, it replies "I am not aware of any weapons made of cold iron here. Urthlan wished to use the demon, not slay it." ![]()
![]() The undead guardian ignored the elf lady and turns to face the Kamu. "Ohh, that thing? Yes you are obviously referring to Hawanapoki. I always found it odd that Urthlan seemed fascinated with the fiend, but I never understood his obsession with the creature. He is imprisoned elsewhere in the complex, I know not where but you should not have any problem finding it. He is not going anywhere." He shrugs his bony shoulders in an oddly human gesture, wryly remarking "In the end, Urthlan and Hawanapoki share one thing. They were the only ones Pele spared." ![]()
![]() Sorry about forgetting about you Oren. Oren:
As you start to peruse the tome nothing untoward happens to you. You do find the text is in the Elvish tongue and also find the subject matter fascinating concerning the planar creatures and other arcane matters. You do realize further study is needed... The crypt thing responds in a pleasant voice, "Yes, he was the one who bound me to guard his vault." ![]()
![]() As Aikane plays the notes on the harp in the order coded by the phrase, there is a momentary shudder as a section of the south wall slides inward. As you peer inside the dimly lit room, you first notice an exquisite longbow of remarkable quality and a wand each rest on two stone pedestals. There also is a closed iron chest on the floor behind the pedestals. However before you can enter you see a skeletal figure sitting at the far wall of the room. Shreds of leathery flesh cling to this figure's body, while twin motes of fiery light glow deep in its eye sockets. As it notices you it rises to its feet and speaks in a hallow voice tinged with a note of surprise, "Welcome. It has been a long time since anyone has visited this vault. I take it Urthlan is dead?" Knowledge Religion DC 15: This looks like a crypt thing, commonly used by wizards to guard tombs, graves, and crypts. They only attack if it is attacked or if the object or crypt it is guarding is touched or entered. In addition to being a decent combatant, one of their main defenses is the ability to teleport their foes in random directions. ![]()
![]() Oren looks over the magical tome which radiates a faint aura of transmutation magic. The leather bound book features the image of a screaming demon on its front cover. Its pages are scribed in Elven. It is titled "Urthlan the Fiendbinder’s Guide to the Diabolic". Let me know if you want to peruse the pages Oren. Oren checks the master bedroom out and detects an area of the wall that radiates an aura of faint abjuration. Nef looks over the harp and immediately realizes it is a beautiful instrument, tuned perfectly even after all these years. Masterwork Harp. Perception DC 20: You notice an inscription on its neck. The language is in Common, and the inscription says “a foolish elf found a clever elf when he looked up high”. ![]()
![]() Aikane heads over to check the side door. Not finding any traps he opens the door. This elegant bedroom is dimly lit and exudes quiet magnificence in its decor. An expertly crafted four-poster canopy bed covered by an exotic fur rests against the far wall. A nearby armoire is partially open and contains a variety of fine clothes and a wooden stool shaped in the form of a mushroom sits in front of a golden harp. A closer examination shows the bed is carved from alder and covered by a winter wolf pelt worth a couple hundred gold coins. The armoire’s two drawers are partially open. The armoire contains 16 men’s outfits including nobleman’s clothing, wizard robes, and less formal attire — all fitted for an elf. The five most impressive outfits are easily worth several hundred gold coins, while the remaining outfits are worth perhaps several gold each. Perception DC 23: There is a secret door in the south wall, however no visible means to open it is apparent. ![]()
![]() After Aikane returns from his inspections, you turn your attention to the chamber north of the workshop. As you look closer you see the place illuminated dimly by the glowing stones embedded in the ceiling. Despite the apparent passage of centuries since its usage, a faint whiff of dried resin and other pungent, organic materials hangs in the air of this laboratory, particularly in the vicinity of an iron cauldron that rests atop an elevated fire pit surrounded by the vague, circular outline of charred incense etched into the floor. There are two large bookcases on the far wall that are stuffed with dusty tomes and dog-eared ledgers. Hundreds of clay, ceramic, and glass jars and vials rest on two rows of shelving that line the near walls. There are also two intricately carved wooden desks and chairs. A closer look at the desks reveals they each have an unlocked drawer, however both drawers are empty. The cauldron is empty except for a pungent, sticky residue coating its rim. DC 35 Spellcraft:
You recognize the substance as sovereign glue. To save time here, I am assuming you Detect Magic here... Detect Magic:
You find a few sources of magic in here. One of them is on one of the bookshelves. A tome radiates an aura of faint transmutation. There are also 3 potions among the many jars and vials. #1 Perception DC 17 OR Spellcraft DC 18:
This is a potion of Blur. #2 Perception DC 17 OR Spellcraft DC 18:
This is a potion of Invisibility. #3 Perception DC 18 OR Spellcraft DC 20:
This is a potion of Displacement. You see two exits here, the closed double doors to the north and a short passage ending at another door to the east. ![]()
![]() Aikane glances over the contents of this room and spots several interesting things. Among them he notes the three stone blocks include sandstone, basalt and a block of quartz. The unfinished stone statue looks like it was intended as a sandstone bust, however, it was only in the early stages of completion. There is a set of masterwork artisans’ tools for Craft (sculpture) in this corner of the room. The large pieces of timber include pine, alder, teak and mahogany (100 gp each but each weighs 200 lbs.). Similarly, there is a set of masterwork artisans’ tools for Craft (carpentry) on the workbench in the near corner. The metallurgy portion of the workshop includes a furnace, anvil, and raw metal ores. Most of the ore consists of iron and tin. The menehune also notices but there are several silvery, glistening metal stacks scattered in the pile. DC 10 Knowledge (dungeoneering):
These are mithral deposits seven in all worth 100 gp each. Aikane moves to the eastern corridor and checks out the room (H4) on the other side of the ajar door. Six beds line the walls. Each is covered with a moldy fur that emits a foul odor. Open wooden chests sit in front of each bed each containing an assortment of elf clothing ravaged by dry rot and other sundry items. Nothing of value remains so he moves to rejoin his companions. ![]()
![]() While Oren and 'Lani wait for the door to be opened, Aikane obliges them. Jacinth also takes advantage here striking the lizard with an arrow wounding it further. Knowledge Nature DC 13:
This is a giant rock-horned lizard. While its bite is quite powerful, when it is seriously threatened it can spit blood from its eyes which is highly acidic in nature. Round 1: Rata Fenn, Reknar, Lizard, Nefertiti, Wedjat, Aikane, Jacinth, 'Lani, Oren. Oren, your roll succeeded. ![]()
![]() As Reknar and Rata Fenn prepare for the horned lizard, it lumbers towards the mercenary who slashes it deeply across its side. Rata Fenn waits for an opportunity to let his dagger fly but the doors and Reknar block his view. Bite: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20; damage: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 miss. The lizard lunges at Reknar biting savagely on his arm, but the armor covering his body absorbs the blow. Round 1: Rata Fenn, Reknar, Lizard, Nefertiti, Wedjat, Aikane, Jacinth, Oren, 'Lani. ![]()
![]() The Final Battle??:
Aikane Redvane: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26 Jacinth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 Ke'ahilani: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Nefertiti Abdul: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20 Oren Mitabu: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Rata Fenn: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 Reknar: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16 Wedjat: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 . 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (19) + 8 - 5 = 22 No surprise. . Initiative Aikane Redvane: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Jacinth: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Ke'ahilani: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Nefertiti Abdul: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Oren Mitabu: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 Rata Fenn: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Reknar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 Wedjat: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 . 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 On Oren's signal, Rekanr pulls the door open. An assortment of metallurgic, stonecutting, and woodworking tools and equipment fill this impressive workshop. Raw materials needed for each craft rest on the floor near the appropriate work area. There are three large blocks of stone and a partially completed stone statue, a pile of surprisingly viable timber, and two mounds of metallic ore. An archway built into the far wall leads into an impressive adjoining laboratory. As you look closer you see the source of the noise Aikane heard earlier. A lizard nearly 8 feet long with reddish-brown scales and small horns protruding from its head sits in the middle of the room munching on the remains of what looks like a peccary. As you open the door it looks up from its meal and snorts loudly! Round 1: Wedjat, Rata Fenn, Reknar, Lizard, Nefertiti, Aikane, Jacinth, Oren, 'Lani. Map updated. Feel free to re-position yourselves on the map here. Keep in mind the ceilings are still 10' high in this room as well. ![]()
![]() Aikane peeks into the kitchen and sees a layer of thick grime covering nearly every inch of this kitchen. There is an iron grill filled with ashes, a serviceable hearth, and a preparation area with rusty iron knives and other utensils. Seeing little else of interest he turns to watch the door to the east. He can see it is not closed all the way. ![]()
![]() I see what you mean Oren. You are just looking for the presence of magic here. Sure you can walk while detecting magic but if you find something then you need to stop moving so you can 'zero' in on the source. Also if you turn to detect magic in a new area, then you need to remain stationary for that round. Bottom line is you can do it, but it is a slow and tedious process, he he. ![]()
![]() As the rest of you move into the room you all watch for signs of ambush but nothing jumps out at you. Wedjat gives his mistress a reproachful look (for an eagle) but does eventually enter the cramped area as well. Oren scans the area for magical auras but other than the magic items you carry the room is clean. Aikane silently glides to the east corridor and sees the corridor is lit by the same glowing quartz stones in the ceiling as before. It heads a short distance before ending at a closed door. There is also a small room off to the north (H3) which appears to be a kitchen of some sort. ![]()
![]() Just a couple of bookkeeping notes here: Reknar, the Enlarge spell has already worn off. Oren, Detect Magic requires you to concentrate for the duration of your scanning which means no walking. Once the three rounds have passed then you can move again. Hmm: I am looking forward to seeing what the Slayer class can do here! ![]()
![]() Nefertiti Abdul wrote:
Aikane should be at full HP. Nefertiti Abdul wrote:
This sounds cool! I am OK with any of these paths to pick from, as I have just built my second PFS character Masym Daleare, a slayer (Vanguard archetype). ![]()
![]() Welcome aboard Bret! As you move into the corridor you see numerous, small quartz stones embedded into the ceiling glow with varying shades of bright and dim light. A closer look at the corridor walls shows that over the centuries the paint has degraded, partially revealing graphic images of sacrifice and blood that decorate the corridor currently. Also you note the faint images depict a squid-like being bathing in a pool of blood. The menehune examines the corridor and quickly determines the area is not trapped. If there were any traps they must have long since been removed. The corridor is well traveled with many humanoid tracks, the hawanis and also some human tracks interspersed as well. Seeing the doors unlocked Aikane pushes the doors open. On the other side you see two long, warped wooden tables surrounded by eight stools dominate the far end of the room. The ruins of two stone statues are strewn about the floor. A pair of double doors are in the north wall and an archway on the east wall opens into an adjoining corridor. Two barrels of stagnant, brackish water are sitting near the entrance. COMBAT MAP updated. Keep in mind the ceiling is only 10' high so Wedjat will have trouble flying in here. ![]()
![]() OK, the Kraken will give his blessing on Bret botting Aikane for the remainder of the game. As for sticking around to find a certain ship...well we shall see about that. "Reknar, of course I will stick around so you can gain 18th level! Cavaliers are quite crunchy and taste good with ketchup! And since your mount has vanished..." :D Jacinth, you may bot Rata Renn here. Just keep things PG OK :P ![]()
![]() It was a blast Aikane! You shall be sorely missed! (And not just for your tasty skin either, he he.) OK guys, since we have now lost two players here. I have a couple of options here: 1) I could bot both Rata Fenn and Aikane (like I have been doing a lot recently, he he). While I have no problem with doing this I feel this is taking away from the player's enjoyment of the game here. 2) I could end the game right here. This, obviously, is the least satisfying option here. FULL DISCLOSURE: I do plan to end this game no matter what once you finish with the demon which means you have completed the module. I have struggled with maintaining this game since my workload increased and I feel that is the best decision for myself and everyone here. 3) I could allow two of you to play Rata Fenn and Aikane for the remainder of this game. The dungeon you are about to enter is not very large so that would work for the short time you are there. I will let you decide who plays which character. My recommendations: Jacinth plays Rata Fenn, and Reknar plays Aikane. Let me know what you guys want to do here, or if you have a different suggestion I am all tentacles...err...ears, he he. ![]()
![]() As you all prepare to head down the rudimentary side trail which leads down the south side of the elevated promontory, you all feel the telepathic 'voice' of your host Hawanapoki enter your minds. "I hope my hawanis did not prove too much trouble for you? Still I am glad all of you have made it this far! I look forward to...educating you in all the pleasures your flesh holds for me." Jacinth and Nefertiti both feel waves of erotic thoughts enter their minds, filled with tentacles and...other things. The others are filled with their own thoughts of a sexual nature. Aikane grits his teeth and motions for you to follow him. "Let's go. Put these thoughts aside." He leads you down the side trail which soon ends at the south side of the hill where an entrance leads further under the hill. A closer look reveals the earthen passageways and chambers are reinforced by stone blocks quarried from elsewhere centuries ago. A finely polished stone corridor bores into the side of the hill and descends twenty feet before ending in a pair of closed, wooden doors. Time check 1015, Day 8.