Aquatic Elf

The Ice Witch's page

176 posts. Alias of hopeless.


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Not sure how long it'll be before my internet access is cut so here goes

After Havelock's Turn

Let me know if you can't see this map and worse case I might not be able to update any further until the 30th

Havelock's spell catches two of the skeletons but neither fall as their comrades close in.

Skeletons: 1-A has taken 38 damage, immobilized until end of Wind's next turn
1-B has taken 44 damage, now moves in
2-A has taken 36 damage and marked by Richard
2-B has taken 10 damage

Initiative update:
3rd pair of Skeletons 25
Havelock 23
1st & 4th pair of Skeletons 22
Verys 20
Wind 18
2nd pair of Skeletons 17
Richard 11
NaDarr 10

With one skeleton freed from NaDarr's control it moves in alongside another pair of skeletons who came through the secret door furthest away from you fortunately they seem quite mindless in their charge as their comrades keep them from engaging you in melee.

Verys's turn

NaDarr wrote:

probably me--I have not even leveled up yet...

NaDarr lifts his holy lantern high sending his faithing lancing at the skeleton in front of the Boastful.
1d20+8, 1d8+5=[5, 8], [8, 5]and Richard will get +2 against it.

Unfortunately NaDarr's attack misses and the third pair of skeletons moves up to assist the others.

The Third Round

Let me know if you can't see this map

Havelock's turn

Just so you know after this Friday I might not be able to post until at worst case the 30th of October. I will be trying alternatives but this is so you know I'm not ending this game but it might have a slight intermission until I can get back online

Richard the Boastful wrote:

Passing Attack, 1d20+9=12 vs Sk AC southeast of Richard, damage, 1d10+5=7

I'm going to assume that misses, so I don't get to shift or make a secondary attack. I will however mark that Skeleton.


Skeletons: 1-A has taken 38 damage, immobilized until end of Wind's next turn
1-B has taken 44 damage, immobilized until end of NaDarr's next turn
2-A has taken 26 damage and marked by Richard

Initiative update:
3rd pair of Skeletons 25
Havelock 23
1st & 4th pair of Skeletons 22
Verys 20
Wind 18
2nd pair of Skeletons 17
Richard 11
NaDarr 10

NaDarr's turn

One of the next band of skeletons can't get within melee range courtesy of Wind drawing out the skeleton, but his original foe strikes at Wind again.

Skeleton longsword attack: 1d20+10:2+10 for 12 which is a miss

Richard's turn

Wind wrote:

Wind holds up his holy symbol and blasts the skeleton still in the secret passageway with holy power.

Move action, draw my holy symbol. Standard action, Abjure Undead 1d20+5=16 vs Will. 3d10+4=25 radiant damage, half on a miss. Target is pulled 2 squares closer to me on a hit, 1 square closer on a miss.

After Wind

Wind succeeds in drawing the skeleton in the secret passageway out into the open but takes a vicious blow from the skeleton beside him in the process.

Opportunity attack from Skeleton 2-A: 1d20+10+2 for the opportunity attack: 7+12 for 19 which hits doing 1d8+2+1d6: 8+2+3 for 13pts of damage

Skeletons: 1-A has taken 38 damage,
1-B has taken 44 damage,
2-A has taken 26 damage,
All of these three are bloodied but only 2-A isn't immobilised

Initiative update:
3rd pair of Skeletons 25
Havelock 23
1st & 4th pair of Skeletons 22
Verys 20
Wind 18
2nd pair of Skeletons 17
Richard 11
NaDarr 10

Wind wrote:

Wind holds up his holy symbol and blasts the skeleton still in the secret passageway with holy power.

Move action, draw my holy symbol. Standard action, Abjure Undead 1d20+5=16 vs Will. 3d10+4=25 radiant damage, half on a miss. Target is pulled 2 squares closer to me on a hit, 1 square closer on a miss.

I'll allow the drawing forth your holy symbol as a minor, but using the divine channel will provoke an opportunity attack as the skeleton in front of you isn't immobilised unless you want to use your move to shift behind Richard, will wait your response before proceeding on this

Verys Stargyl wrote:

Verys says, "Wind, over your left shoulder." and lets loose with his arrow as he takes a step closer to the battle.

Adjusted damage to include skeleton vulnerability to radiant damage!

Verys arrow nips past the shifter and strikes his opponent directly.

Skeletons: 1-A has taken 38 damage and is immobilised and bloodied,
1-B has taken 14 damage and is immobilised,
2-A has taken 26 damage but isn't immobilised and bloodied (NaDarr's turn attempt still does half damage even if it missed this skeleton)

After Verys and before Wind

Let me know if you can't see this

Wind's turn

]Sorry, somehow missed that it was my turn.[/quote wrote:

Thats okay I missed NaDarr's turn attempt should have damaged the skeletons' in range even if it misses so no problem

Initiative update:
3rd pair of Skeletons 25
Havelock 23
1st & 4th pair of Skeletons 22
Verys 20
Wind 18
2nd pair of Skeletons 17
Richard 11
NaDarr 10

Skeletons: 1-A has taken 33 damage and is immobilised,
1-B has taken 9 damage and is immobilised,
2-A has taken 4 damage but isn't immobilised (NaDarr's turn attempt still does half damage even if it missed this skeleton)

Following Havelock's spellcasting the last band of skeletons advance past the third band, but fortunately the 1st band are still immobilised by NaDarr's efforts.

Before Verys's action in the 2nd round

Let me know if you can't see the attached map

Verys's turn

Around the 19th of October I'll be moving home and might not be able to post for a couple of weeks. This is so you know the thread isn't being prematurely closed just that I'll be back online as soon as my internet provider resets my access to my new home.

NaDarr wrote:

NaDarr steps into the space behind Wynd. He lifts the amulet with its three rubies and unleashes the power of his faith.

burst 2.
1d20+6, 1d10=[8, 6], [9] new job has reduced my online time, but I am still here :)

Okay rolled for the other two attacks for you: 1d20+6: 19+6 for 25 and 9+6 for 15 both hits (versus Will) repels the other two skeletons doing 9 damage to both and immobilising them until the end of NaDarr's next turn

NaDarr fails to repel Wind's attacker but he does send the other two skeletons back even as a third group of skeletons moves ever closer.

The Second Round

Let me know if you can't see this map

Initiative update:
3rd pair of Skeletons 25
Havelock 23
1st & 4th pair of Skeletons 22
Verys 20
Wind 18
2nd pair of Skeletons 17
Richard 11
NaDarr 10

Havelock's turn

Skeletons: 1-A has taken 33 damage and is immobilised,
1-B has taken 9 damage and is immobilised,
2-A is unharmed

Richard the Boastful wrote:

Move adjacent to Wind in the hallway avoiding OA's. Cleave vs the skeleton directly in from of Richard and hopefully also the Skeleton in front of Wind.

Cleave, 1d20+8=16 vs Sk AC, damage, 1d10+5=8 if that hits then 3 damage to Sk in front of Wind

After Richard

Let me know if you can't see this

Richard closes in and steps alongside Wind however his blow fails to catch either of the skeletons.

NaDarr's turn

Richard's turn? If not available NaDarr can post his action now if he wants otherwise its back up the top

Wind wrote:

Wind rushes up to the nearest skeleton swearing an Oath to destroy before bringing his sword down upon it. As he completes his weapon's arc he remains crouched his legs springing ready to leap at the slightest sign of retreat by his foe.

Minor action Oath of Enmity on nearest skeleton, then move to stand in the diagonal closest square to the skeleton (the one 4 spaces in front of Havelock). Finally standard action to use Bond of Pursuit. 1d20+9 (2 attacks I get to use whichever roll I want thanks to Oath of Enmity) 5+9=14, 19+9=28, I choose to use the 28 for attack. 1d8+6=10 damage.

After Wind

Wind calls upon his faith as he closes on the nearest skeleton evading the clutches of its partner as his blow strikes true.

Skeleton#1-A has already taken damage and now takes an additonal 10 for a total of 24 damage and is now bloodied

The second band of skeletons move forward leaving Wind open to an attack by the nearest skeleton.

Total of 16 to hit which misses

Fortunately for Wind the Skeleton misses.

Now its Richard's turn followed by NaDarr

Verys Stargyl wrote:

Verys calls back to his companions, "A little help, please?" Then he shifts and shoots one of the skeletons in front of him.

shift back one square to SW, if N was up on the map, to avoid OAs. Nimble strike on SK in hallway in front of me. (+8 vs AC, 25, if hit, d10+5, 14 hp damage) and I shift back another square and now I am next to Wind in the hallway. I shot one of the guys marking me so I don't take a -2 penalty, right?

WAIT! I changed my mind. I still want to go to the same spot and shoot as I posted before, but I want to use the shift from the Nimble Strike power to get there. Then I can use my move to go to the square behind where Richard is.

Verys then moves back to behind Richard telling his companions, "I don't do melee. Engage these foes and I will pick them off, one by one, from back here."

Verys's arrow shatters on the skeleton noticeably splintering a rib bone inside the armour its wearing.

Skeleton#1 has taken 14 damage and is the one that marked Verys

After Verys turn

Let me know if you can't see this and now it's Wind's turn next

Havelock Ebonwood wrote:
Havelock, surprised by the sudden appearance of several skeletons, attempts to burn the second group.

Unfortunately the spell fails to hit them as the group at the end starts moving forward towards you, but one steps out of the door Verys has just opened and the pair cut loose on the ranger.

First attack:1d20+10: 11+10 for 21 to hit doing 1d8+2: 4+2 for 6 damage and the Second Skeleton's attack: 13+10 for 23 to hit doing 1d8+2: 2+2 for 4pts of damage and a total of 10 damage to Verys who is now marked until the end of both skeletons' next turns

The First round

Let me know if you can't see this but effectively one skeleton shifted out into the open the other remained next to Verys both are using longswords as soon as I can I'll post a pic of them so you can see what kind of skeleton you're fighting!

What you're facing!

Verys turn

Verys Stargyl wrote:

HAHAHAHA! I knew taking Thievery as a Skill Training Feat would come in handy at lvl 2! thievery=19+10=29. No problem!

Verys looks at the secret door, smiles to himself, and starts to fiddle with the mechanism. "What did these guys do before I got here?" He asks himself under his breath. CLICK!
Verys looks up at the others, "It would seem I am getting better at disabling traps as we go along." And then he opens the door and looks inside.

Opening the secret door

As Verys unlocks the door he's found the very audible click is echoed down the corridor as three identical secret doors to the one he has found open further down the corridor and as Verys finds out for himself there are a pair of skeletons lurking behind each door!

Initiative update:
3rd pair of Skeletons 25
Havelock 23
1st & 4th pair of Skeletons 22
Verys 20
Wind 18
2nd pair of Skeletons 17
Richard 11
NaDarr 10

The 3rd pair of skeletons step out of the secret door they were standing behind and turn to glare down at you as you stare back from the double doors beside you.

Havelock's turn

Initiative update:
Havelock 23
Verys 20
Wind 18
Richard 11
NaDarr 10

The First Step

Okay let me know if you can see this map and if you want to shift positions from whats on the linked map.
Verys to open the secret door you will need to make a Thievery check to spring it open, but I will allow a Perception check to identify what would spring it in the first place if none of you have that as a trained skill

Initiative Order:
Havelock 23
Verys 20
Wind 18

Right just wait on NaDarr and Richard then we'll kick off

Initiative Order:
Havelock 23
Verys 20

Verys only:

There's a secret door off to the left roughly 25' down once you step past the double doors

This is what you see before you a corridor that seems to stretch into the distance with nothing indicating it has an end at least from where you're standing.

The Corridor

Each square is roughly 5' and I'll post an updated map once all of you have made an Initiative and Perception check which I'll keep for the next encounter, you can take 10 on both of these checks if you want but for the moment take this moment to ask questions before Wind and whoever follows him decides how far down the corridor they're planning to move...

Verys Stargyl wrote:
perhaps it is some sort of key for later. IQ did say it was a signet ring.

Verys only:

You pretty much know what the ring does once worn it effectively makes any unenchanted weapon you wield a Magic +1 weapon and can be enhanced further as any magical weapon or implement can.

Havelock Ebonwood wrote:
Verys didn't get one? In that case I'm just going to use the one from earlier on my robe, he can have the one I would of took.

NaDarr took two so the ring's all thats left, if you added that bloodstone to your robe treat it as Magic +1

Verys Stargyl wrote:
no. I am a cautious sort and I also know that magic rings are extremely rare and as such, if magical, it can only be cursed. I let Havelock look at it and if he deems it 'safe', then I might try it on, to see if it fits.

Okay awaiting Havelock's response

][ooc wrote:
Ice Queen- did we lose the invoker? he hasn't posted, and we are acting like he isn't there. I just want to know how many of the coins I am going to grab. If he isn't going to play with us, I grab my 10 gold. [/ooc]

Its looking that way

[quote=]"Well, Havelock, is the ring magical? Or can you tell anything about its history?" Verys says as he grabs 10 of the the gold coins. He looks at the others. "Ten each is a fair split. Help yourself."
be forewarned, if nobody picks up their shares, I will pocket the rest and pretend like nothing happened. you have to claim your treasures, my friends, or my character will take it and act like he didn't. It is a pet peeve of mine when people act like they took their share when, in game, they actually left it on the ground.

Lets see what the others say, if Havelock claims the ring that would make the gold yours after all they did take a bloodstone each (or 2 in NaDarr's case) after all!

Verys Stargyl wrote:
"Well, Havelock, what is it?" Verys asks the wizard. "With a bloodstone attached to it, it has to be magic of some sort."

Okay to recap, Verys retrieved the contents of the chest which consisted of around 50 gold Darguun coins and five bloodstones one of which is actually part of a signet ring. Richard and Wind took one to enhance their swords whilst Verys claimed the ring leaving 2 bloodstones which were both grabbed by NaDarr whilst Havelock was busy checking something out in the north


Just to check would you put the ring on before letting Havelock check it out?


The ring bears the heraldric symbol of what you think is an ancient Darguun noble family but you weren't able to identify what the ring does except it is enchanted and as you know in 4e magical rings are at least paragon items and this isn't. Oh and do you want use the bloodstone you had spare?


You have the last 2 bloodstones you can either pass one to Havelock or use up both as previously posted. You will need 2 to upgrade either your armour or holy symbol but only need one to upgrade your weapon but its your choice as Havelock wasn't present to argue about this


Okay your sword is now a Vicious Greatsword+1


Okay your sword is now a Magic Longsword+1

Wind wrote:
Wind takes one of the remaining bloodstones and attaches it to his sword.

Go ahead and mark your Longsword as a +1 weapon

Richard the Boastful wrote:

Richard takes one bloodstone and attaches it to his Greatsword, showing Verys and Wind how the bloodstones attach to weapons, implements, or armor while he explains their merits.

I can't remember exactly, I think 1 bloodstone gives a +1, and 3 bloodstones gives weapons the 'vicious' trait? Anyways,that makes 3 bloodstones attached to my Greatsword, make that my Vicious Greatsword

Yes it requires a total of 3 eberron bloodstones to enchant any item to level 2


Which book does this ritual come from?

The chamber is noticeably quiet as the only noisde Havelock can hear is from the opposite end, this is more noticeable given the now slightly ajar massive set of double doors to this right as he walks to rejoin his comrades in the southern corridor.

Verys Stargyl wrote:

I will update my character tonight. Ice Queen, what's in the sack? Inquiring minds want to know.

Verys holds his side and gives a grim smile. "All too easy. Err." He winces in pain. "Too bad we don't have a thief among us. Let's see what we got."

Verys only:

The bag is full of about fifty darguun gold coins and mixed with them are what looks like five eberron bloodstones, one of which looks like its attached to a signet ring.
I'll let you decide what you tell the others what you've found as they can only see the gold coins at present

Havelock only:

Yes that will be fine you might have to head into the northern chamber where the sarcophagus was if you don't want to be disturbed mind you, you still don't know what happened to Graz and Nass

For everyone else peeking over Verys's shoulder:

Verys opens the bag and it appears to be full of very old gold coins

Verys Stargyl wrote:

"This had be worth it..." Verys thinks to himself. "Back up, I am coming back fast." He tells his companions. "The chest is trapped. I figure it will unleash a barge of darts and I will need to run back."

He opens the chest and grabs whatever is inside in his arms and runs back. acrobatics, minus 5 for running, =23, rolled a 19

Opening the chest Verys grabs inside as a dart catches him in the shoulder.

1d20+5: 19+5 for 24 to hit does 1d4+1: 5 damage

Grimacing in pain he leaps acrobatically backwards trying to cartwheel his way back to the corridor but is caught twice more before careering into the others watching in the corridor.

18 for the second hit doing 3 damage and the third rolled a total of 23 for 2 damage so the total damage was 10pts fortunately the other 2 darts missed which was a 14 and 13 as I took your Acrobatics rolls as your defence against this trap

In Verys's grasp is a cumbersome sack that feels to him and looks like to the others as its full of gold.

Will all players now update their characters to 2nd level

Audibly behind you a dull creak groans through the chamber as the last bar on the massive set of double doors leading inside the tomb pulls free and the doors edge ever so slightly open releasing a rush of air that blows even into the corridor the group are within leaving a vile smell of death that lingers in the air...

Verys Stargyl wrote:

"Too kind..." Verys replies, trying hard to control the skepticism in his voice. He moves on the rubble, lightly touching the ground until he gets to the chest. acrobatics=21

He examines the chest for any sign of a trap or magic runes. preception=22, if he doesn't find anything wrong, he will open it up.

Verys only:

There's a trap on the chest, you figure once opened all of the tiles will be set off and start firing darts across the chamber making your trip back exceedingly difficult, however you will then be able to see whats inside the chest

Verys nimbly clambers across the debris strewn trail and reaches the pedestal using the last part of the tile which slowly crumbles to the floor before he reaches it succumbing to the repeated hits by the darts.
Cradling the chest he closely hesitating as he closely examines it.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
let us go check this robot, perhaps we might gain some insight; what chances do you think it could be a bomb or have a self destruct; seems the bad guy thing to do; perhaps you should check it and evict it from the building via a window lest we loose the building itself.

The robot is gone, there is signs of something being dragged off but its heading the way you came in and as you look the building shudders and then does so again as it feels like someone outside is raining explosives on the exterior.


You ability to sense magic just stopped, almost as if all magic thats in use barring yourself has either passed out of range or being blocked whether deep underground or by some other means


The Lexcorp goons outside are using what looks like heavy energy bazookas' on the exterior of the building they seem content to bring the building down on your heads but your thermal vision has picked up an extreme cold zone heading away from the building and back towards where you think the museum where the theft was originally committed is located but from looks of things this cold zone is travelling underground.

Richard the Boastful wrote:
"How much could darts really hurt?" Richard will attempt to make his way toward the chest, being careful as to stay on the path of rubble.

Sorry about that been having trouble posting!

Rubble Strewn Path

You will need to make an acrobatics check but following the path is much easier with the rubble strewn on it however as it moves on there's less and less of the tile left to keep the tile down

The route to the chest seems clear enough but the debris from the tile is decreasing alarmingly the closer it gets to the chest and whilst the first step is easy enough it gets more precarious the closer anyone gets to the chest.

Let me know if you can't see the map above

Wind wrote:
Perception 1d20+9=10

Looks clear to you the chamber holds on a short stone pedestal a similarly carved stone chest however the efforts of the wizard has revealed the entire room is trapped making it very dangerous trying to walk across the chamber

Richard the Boastful wrote:
Perception Check, 1d20+1=13

Havelock & Richard:

The rubble continues forward and appears to be setting off all of the trapped areas as it proceeds towards the chest

The remains of the ceiling tile Havelock is levitating continues to move forward inside the chamber setting off each trap it literally crawls across the floor leaving more debris behind it as it does so.

Multiple darts shoot across the chamber as it does so as well as multiple clicks from the floor as it becomes clear the floor of the chamber is full of trapped squares setting off some kind of dart crossbow located in the walls on either side of the chamber.

Everyone else present can make a Perception check if they want

Havelock Ebonwood wrote:
"Well, that worked well. Might as well continue." Havelock moves his piece of rubble forward while staying a good distance back.

Something goes click and then another click as the next square's trap activated shooting a number of darts across the chamber.

I think a Perception check is in order or theivery if you like

Richard the Boastful wrote:

"Verys, Wind, the pleasure is all yours. It seems our fates run together as the only way of escaping this place is to complete the challenges Havelock, NaDarr, and I currently face." Richard grabs the largest piece of rubble from the cave-in that he can hoist and carries it to the previous room and heaves it as far into the room as he can, trying to make a safe path to the chest.

Sorry all, I had a post a few days ago that I didn't realize had gotten eaten, I thought it was on the previous page.
Ice Witch, is our plan working? Are the dart traps going off harmlessly?

Richard & Havelock:

The debris does set off the trap and once down that particular section of this trap doesn't reset so far...

Havelock Ebonwood wrote:

"And I'm the one trying to set them off without getting shot!", yells Havelock from the next room.

Operation Set-Off-Pressure-Plates-While-A-Safe-Distance-Away begins now. Anything happen?


Lowering the piece onto the floor does set off the trap do you wish to leave the debris on the floor?

Verys Stargyl wrote:
"Sorry. I am an archer and thus, in combat, I do not get close enough for a shield to be effective." Verys shows the dragonborn his bow.


The wizard looked genuinely happy to find that piece of the ceiling, meanwhile the cleric looked genuinely happy to see you're not hostile given how he was holding his holy symbol evidently the talk about undead in this place was clearly accurate

Okay provided an intro for you let me know if there's any problems with this.


You were following the others but was unable to enter when they set off whatever sealed off the site. You ran into the Aundairean elf and the invoker whom got the pair of you to agree to a joint climb to the top of the tor to find a way in. However that didn't stop you squabbling and the pair of you fell down an air shaft the invoker uncovered but not before he lowered a rope which you used to slow both youself and the elf although thanks to him you broke through and landed inside the entry chamber. The invoker also joined you inside but the opening in the ceiling was slammed shut possibly due to some mechanism or magic keeping the place secure.

Verys Stargyl:

You were assigned to keep watch as a group of Thrane mercenaries delved into the Test of Fate a complex used as a convenient death trap for intruders. However you received orders that one of the group was a Darguun agent who might know how to secure a suspected artefact inside the complex one that could have alarming ramifications for all of Aundaire. So you were ordered to secure the artefact and kill the agent once he had bypassed the defences, however the group set off something inside and unable to enter you were forced to ally with a Thrane shifter and an invoker who you know little about to find a way in atop the tor only to fall down an air shaft opened by the invoker whilst trying to settle the matter of who was in charge with the shifter. Now stuck inside and no sign of the Darguun agent you're wondering what else can go wrong...


Since there's no background I'll just say you came across Wind and Verys whilst they were arguing outside the sealed opening and suggested climbing atop the tor to find a way in. Unfortunately the pair really don't care for each other and whilst squabbling they fell down the air shaft you had found and uncovered ignoring your warnings. You followed after them and found yourself stuck inside as the shaft above sealed itself off cutting the rope you were holding onto but fortunately the fall wasn't enough to hurt you well except maybe your pride...

Havelock Ebonwood wrote:

"So, traps. Excuse me for a few minutes." With that, Havelock leaves the room, leaving the rest of you in darkness.

I assume there's about 60 pounds of rock sitting around here in 20 pound chunks I could use Mage Hand to drag back to the trap room and use to set off any pressure plates?

Havelock walks back into the entry chamber narrowly avoiding tripping on the shattered door that fell to the ground a short while ago.

Its a mite too heavy to move alone even with Mage Hand but its not the only thing available...

There's a dull rumble as what sounds like thunder reverberates into the chamber.
Looking up there seems no reason why the foul weather would echoe so well inside this chamber as all of a sudden a section almost above the middle of the chamber breaks through the panel covering what looks like an air shaft.
The panel hits the floor and shatters as two figures struggling atop the remains eventually roll apart from each other.
One of thema shifter gets immediately to their feet and looks ready to continue fight whilst the other an elf simply brushes his clothing and stands up before glancing above.
Another figure who looks human is holding onto the end of a rope that passes out of sight in the now revealed air shaft looks down at you weakly.
"A hand... anyone?" the figure asks as the opening above suddenly slams shut cutting the piece of rope the figure was holding onto and he lands on the ground before you a little dishelvelled but otherwise fine.

Good enough introduction?

Okay Wind's fine given the group were hired by a member of Thrane to investigate the site your presence is easy to explain.

Verys this game is set shortly before the destruction of Cyre thats about the only part you need to worry about but I'll wait for Catman's character unless I've misread that last part before posting a link to the game thread and introduce you.

Lets keep this to the PHB 1 & 2 with options from the two monster manuals so far released.

I'd say there's space for 2-3 players on first come first serve, just introduce your characters hear and then I'll post an intro scene on the game thread for you to start posting.

catman123456 wrote:
sound good. can I play a half-vamp. paladin from Karrnath.

Out of curiosity which book has the half vampire bit?

Got no problem with the Karrnathi Paladin part, Blood of Vol and so on.

Havelock Ebonwood wrote:

Havelock looks at the mural, looking for any historic relevance.

History and Arcana, do I know anything about the mural? 28, 20

The murals show a pair of warriors back to back holding their shields up as they step down the corridor from your perspective

Roland steps into the chamber and his second step inside something audibly clicks under his foor and something blasts past him on both sides of the chamber.

Seems a standard trap is the challenge of this chamber

Richard the Boastful wrote:
Perception Check, 1d20+1=17


The sound as you take your first cautious step forward freezes you momentarily as something blasts straight past you that you didn't even see what it was even though you did hear!

Dart trap: 1d20+4 vs Reflex: 5+4 for a total of 9 so thats a miss!

mordulin wrote:
I'd be interested in joining. I'm thinking of playing a Razorclaw Shifter Avenger of the Silver Flame.

Introduce yourself when you're ready.

Richard the Boastful wrote:
Richard sheaths his greatsword as he thinks the murals are telling him something and he'll approach the chest slowly.

Make another perception check then

Richard the Boastful wrote:

Perception Check for the murals, 1d20+1=8

Perception Check for the chest, 1d20+1=15

1st check you're wondering why they're using shields instead of having weapons drawn and the second it looks like a chest hewn from stone with a lid the place looks quite dusty but surprisingly no cobwebs...

Heading into the corridor the chamber before you is similarly illuminated as what you witness in the corridor the walls on either side of the corridor are adorned with a mural depicting paired warrios walking side by side as if in battle save their weapons aren't drawn before you in the chamber there is a small stone dais sitting upon which is a well carved chest that looks as if left unlocked.

Will post a request for reinforcements shortly ask any questions you wish whilst I get the updated map with your locations on it ready by tomorrow

Apologies on the delay below is the map detailing the interior of the next section, let me know where you want your characters to move to as I get the next bit ready

The Offering

The southern door now lies on the floor its release revealed a corridor leading into a chamber which is lt by a succession of torches that as far as you can tell lit after the door hit the ground.
There are torches on both sides of the corridor and look like there are more inside the chamber.

When the door hit the ground a series of lights within the corridor lit up and spread inside the chamber sort of like when the sg team first arrived in atlantis and the steps lit up as they ascended them

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