TheHealerYouAlwaysWanted's page

29 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks guys, both of your posts were really helpful, I'll discuss it with my DM and let you know how it turns out.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
If you are in PFS, no. If you are in a home game, it's up to the GM. If they allow it, the cost will be that of the more expensive one plus 150% the cost of the less expensive one.

Ah thanks for the tip. What if I made one of them a helmet instead of a headband?

I'm playing a Warpriest and there are two headbands that I want to wear but obviously only one headband slot. I want a Headband of Mental Prowess (+4) and a Phylactery of Negative Energy. I have the craft wonderous items feat, can I make a headband that has both?

Haley Hahn wrote:

I have a player in my game, who wants to become a lich. I’m use to overpowered PCs in my game, so I said “Sure!” Right now I’m working on a hand out for his Evil Necromancer to become a Lich. It talks about researching, building the phylactery, transferring the soul, preparing the body, items needed, spells needed and etr…

I decided to have this entire process be time consuming. It will be hard and costly! I’m designing this for my campaign, and for that character. Also I’m making a lot of stuff up, but trying to keep things balanced and real.

If you want I’ll let you review what I’ve came up with. I don’t know what kind of game you have, but maybe you and your DM will like some of my ideas.

Remember, I’m use to overpowered PCs. For a normal game, I think Lichs are well…Hardcore!!

Let me know if you are interested, and I’ll give you my e-mail or something.

I would like to hear how it went with making your PC a Lich. I'm playing an Evil Warpriest of Moloch (the archdevil in charge of hells armies) and my character wants to avoid death at all costs. He's a REALLY evil character, and has basically pleged himself to the devil and so to avoid burnings in hell for forever, becoming a Lich is about his only real option. My DM loves the idea and wants to work with me so we are trying to figure out to do it mechanically so that I'm not way over powered, especially when it comes to the rest of the party.

412294 wrote:
If you really want them distracted convince someone to cast Spawn Calling on the other side of the world, it's a 9th level spell with a week long casting time that calls forth one of the spawn of Rovagug, in fact tip them off that someone is doing it, every good cleric in the city will rush off to stop them, should get them out of the way for a while, only downside is that you would then have a spawn of rovagug on the loose, still as long as this is far enough away it probably wont kill you.

That sounds awesome but ultimately self defeating lol

GM Rednal wrote:

Pathfinder doesn't really have deities of different strength levels.

That said, you could petition Moloch to veil your actions from the eyes of other deities...

Yes this is what my DM has pretty much told me that Moloch is doing, he's taking care of the deity side, and I've been tasked with making sure the human side doesn't try and contact their deities to warn them of Moloch's movements.

Guru-Meditation wrote:

Gods are not omniscient. Think Zeus and not of the omnipotent abrahamic/christian God.

If you arent speaking their name, or doing stuff that falls clearly in their portfolio a classic Mind Blanc will help agaisnt general divinatin shenannigans to find out your plans.

The D20SRD has some !GUIDELINES! about what kinds of abilities gods of various strengh levels have.

Ah thanks for the the heads up, I'll have to look at the D20SRD and read up on what exactly they can and can't do.

Entryhazard wrote:
TheHealerYouAlwaysWanted wrote:
eakratz wrote:
Under Fervor you mention slightly worse for evil because of self healing. I do believe that they could still self heal by memorizing cure spells. A swift action CMW ain't too shabby. Still slightly worse but an option.
I'm playing an evil Warpriest at the moment and I got around this by taking Alignment channel (subtype evil of course) and now I can do a little bit of healing to the whole party (that happens to be all evil). It's literally saved our necks a few times.
Channel Evil only works on Outsiders with the Evil subtype, so it shouldn't work unless your party is playing the campaign as actual fiends

True, however I was able to hash it out with my DM that since my the whole party has pretty much pleged themselves to the devil that he would allow it. It's house rule but the point is: work with your DM to tweak your character. I think the feat is rather weak if you limit it to just outsiders and fortunately my DM agreed. It makes sense for the party/ campaign so we went with it.

Here's a great build that hasn't been discussed: DEX build with weapon finesse + agile maneuver feat + whip as sacred weapon. You can buy a scorpion whip that does leathal damage or if you have room for the feat, take whip mastery and start down that feat line. Now I realize that a down side to this is that you either worship a deity who's favored weapon is a whip or take the proficiency feat so take this with a grain of salt but my evil Warpriest of Moloch (who's favored weapon is the whip) had been pretty awesome with his whip. The DEX build has been great because it increases AC, initiative, and the god awful reflex save. You can attack with a 15 ft reach and trip and disarm for some great battle field control. You may not do as much damage but there are ways around that through different weapon enhancements and spells. You can focus on WIS, DEX, and CON as stats and be very effective at a distance.

eakratz wrote:
Under Fervor you mention slightly worse for evil because of self healing. I do believe that they could still self heal by memorizing cure spells. A swift action CMW ain't too shabby. Still slightly worse but an option.

I'm playing an evil Warpriest at the moment and I got around this by taking Alignment channel (subtype evil of course) and now I can do a little bit of healing to the whole party (that happens to be all evil). It's literally saved our necks a few times.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Alternatively, give the good clerics everything they want, welcome their worshippers, guidance, and prayers.

And then, when you've got them ensconced, happy, and unaware, come at them sideways, have disposable pawns disable their support networks so they have to turn to your military council for support.

Through that support, slowly corrupt their values, and those who do not falter can be given long campaigns 'for the good of the kingdom' abroad. No suicide missions, though, that'd be sniffed out a mile away. Just something long, involved, and halfway across the world.

By the time they come back, their own clergy will denounce their treason, leaving you to 'fairly' adjudicate/arbitrate/mediate if required.

Hahaha so go all Darth Sideous on their asses! I like it, I'm definitely gonna give this some thought.

TheMonkeyFish wrote:

I need to go watch some anime or something where the bad guy one... This sounds all vaguely familiar. I guess the best way is to have some enemy of the country or village or something attack you. How good are you with Moloch? Anything he can do to stir up some trouble or get them to cause war? From there, use the good Clerics in the war, send them on suicidal yet "beneficial" missions while you send the evil alliances onto sure fire wins that will give you strategic numbers.

Casualties of war, and none will be the wiser. Be the victim in the war by having Moloch push someone else into invading you. No one likes the starter of the war, and their more than happy when the defender wins.

Just find a sneaky way to kill them without killing them yourselves. Silence is the best, send them on missions only to have your own agents settle the deal quickly and silently.

We are already at war with the largest power on the content. A real world comparison would be that we are Canada and the enemy kingdom is America. Right now we are in this kind of "Cold War" state with minor skirmishes here and there. But I really like the idea of sending them off to war to die as "heroes" for the cause, I'm definitely going to give that some thought.

While it's true our move has already been made, no one knows we are agents of Moloch, we've been in deep cover as military officers and as far as the public knows...we just thwarted a military coup instead of launching one ourselves. In essence, some one did it for us and we ended up the heroes that stopped it lol. The new king (who is basically the grandson of Moloch) promoted all of us into power as a reward and we want to keep appearances up as being the heroes leading the kingdom to prosperity and not the agents of the devil looking to conquer the rest of the world. What I'm trying to figure out is the smartest way to eliminate good clerics and other good NPCs that would most certainly try to stop us or warn the other surrounding kingdoms of what our real intentions are.

Yeah that's probably true, the goal is for it to be too late by the time anyone connects the dots.

All really good points, let me give a little more info from my DM. He's pretty much told me that the gods don't really interfere on the material plane unless it's to stop another god (such as Moloch) from interfering our world. They mostly use their own champions to do their bidding on our plane. He's said that the gods connection to our world is through their followers, if you remove the followers, they're essentially blind to places/events that their followers are not present. That being said, I'm dealing with mortals in trying to hide things from the gods. My DM has said that Moloch has taken care of hiding events from the gods on his end, and has placed wards and other things to block the view of gods into what we are trying to accomplish. I'm trying to figure out how to remove/kill the Good clerics that are left in the city without drawing too much attention.

Ok so I'm asking for advice for the campaign I'm playing in. Here's a brief synopsis of what's going on: im playing a level 9 Evil Warpriest of Moloch, and my party just took control of the Capitol city. We were in the city for the coronation of the prince to become king (unbeknown to my character that the queen mother is a succubus and the prince is her offspring) and during the coronation the head nobles and military generals challenged the princes succession. We ended up killing them all and taking power for ourselves. My character's plan is to take over the position of being high priest in the city and to start a cult of Moloch. There are already some clerics of Moloch in the city but I need to route out all the rest of the Good aligned clerics so the Good gods don't know what's happening and either send their own champions to defeat us or intervene personally. A blood moon rose the night of the coronation all throughout the material plane giving an omen of evil, so the Good guys know something bad just happened. My question is: what spells or rituals are there to block any divination that the forces of Good might use to try and spy or determine what is happening. Our plan as a party is to go into "Mordor mode" and quietly build power/armies to gain a foot hold on the material plain for Moloch without attracting too much attention from neighboring kingdoms and Good gods that would obviously not wish for this to happen.

Silver Surfer wrote:
TheHealerYouAlwaysWanted wrote:

That's correct. Also if you take quick channel you can channel as a move action:

IMO probably better to have Channel smite + Guided hand + conductive weapon

This now opens things up to more caster cleric types who have dumped STR but need a Plan B.

With a decent damage dealing favoured weapon or one that has decent reach, things could get very interesting!

WIS to hit... Weapon damage + channel damage + domain ability :))

The key is the 2 feat cost so the domain ability has to be good to make it worthwhile.

Yes it can be very powerful if you build it right! My level 9 evil Warpriest uses a whip with a Dex build. I took Weapon Finesse (Dex to hit) + Agile Maneuvers (add Dex to CMB instead of Str) and then I spent money on Mithral Full Plate and Mithral Heavy shield so my AC is 25 and my saves are decent as well. I can do an ass load of damage at a 15 ft reach with my whip!

Silver Surfer wrote:
TheHealerYouAlwaysWanted wrote:

It doesn't really say one way or the other, but I doubt a DM would allow more then one effect at once because it would be pretty over powered. The only thing that might somewhat speak to that question is that you can only use it once per round.

In that case channel smite + conductive weapon > channel ray + conductive weapon

It says specifically for channel smite that it is a swift action through any melee weapon, leaving you room for a domain power on top (ie the 1/round).

That's correct. Also if you take quick channel you can channel as a move action:

Quick Channel
Your divine energies flash with dazzling speed.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, channel energy class feature.
Benefit: You may channel energy as a move action by spending 2 daily uses of that ability.

Of course this is eating a lot of your ability so you'll need a somewhat decent charisma score and you'll definitely need the extra channel feat at least once. But you could essentially channel energy 3 times, melee attack, and use whatever domain power you may have. I use a lot of the channel feats for my Warpriest, it can make your divine character pretty powerful.

Silver Surfer wrote:
Can conductive weapon utilise more than 1 ability in the same a channel and a domain power?

It doesn't really say one way or the other, but I doubt a DM would allow more then one effect at once because it would be pretty over powered. The only thing that might somewhat speak to that question is that you can only use it once per round.

Silver Surfer wrote:
Conductive weapon cant be used like Channel Smite since channels dont rely on melee or range touch to hit.

You are correct in that normal channels do not require a melee or range touch to hit, but the use of the channel smite feat does:

Channel Smite (Combat)
You can channel your divine energy through a melee weapon you wield.

Prerequisite: Channel energy class feature.
Benefit: Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action. If you channel positive energy and you hit an undead creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel positive energy ability. If you channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability. Your target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this additional damage. If your attack misses, the channel energy ability is still expended with no effect.

kinevon wrote:

Another thing to consider are the Channel Foci from the Adventurer's Armory.

The cleric can use the focus as a holy symbol (whether activated or not), though if it is a worn item rather than a held item she must touch the item with a free hand.

Consecrated Weapon: Consecrated weapons may be of any type—swords, axes, masterwork, mithral, and even magical—and function appropriately. When activated, the cleric charges the weapon with positive or negative energy (as appropriate) so it deals extra damage when it hits a target. This functions like the Channel Smite feat, except the additional damage is equal to half the cleric’s channel energy damage (the target makes a Will save as normal, based on the cleric’s channel energy DC). The weapon remains charged with this energy until it successfully strikes a creature or 24 hours pass, whichever comes first. Creatures other than the cleric are able to use the charged weapon and this ability.

Sanctified Shield: A sanctified shield may be any type of shield (including bucklers, tower shields, and even magical shields). When activated, a sacred shield adds a +1 sacred (if positive energy) or profane (if negative energy) bonus to the wearer’s Armor Class. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the wearer is struck in combat, whichever comes first. Creatures other than the cleric are able to use the charged shield and this ability.

So, wielded, can be used as a holy symbol, in addition to getting a special ability.

Also, another thing to consider is the Channel Ray feat from the Ranged Tactics Toolbox,

Channel Ray
You can focus your channeled energy on a single target.
Prerequisite: Channel energy class feature.
Benefit: When you channel energy, you can project a ray from your holy symbol instead of creating a burst. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to hit an unwilling target; your target is then affected by the channeled energy as normal and receives a saving throw. You need not make an attack roll to...

Another way to do this is to put the conductive property on your weapon. The Warpriest I'm playing now right now uses a whip, and I had my diety's holy symbol engraved on the handle. The advantage to this is the conductive property works just like channel smite:

Conductive: A conductive weapon is able to channel the energy of a spell-like or supernatural ability that relies on a melee or ranged touch attack to hit its target (such as from a cleric's domain granted power, sorcerer's bloodline power, oracle's mystery revelation, or wizard's arcane school power). When the wielder makes a successful attack of the appropriate type, he may choose to expend two uses of his magical ability to channel it through the weapon to the struck opponent, who takes the effects of the weapon attack and the special ability. (If the wielder has unlimited uses of a special ability, he may channel through the weapon every round.) For example, a paladin who strikes an undead opponent with her conductive greatsword can expend two uses of lay on hands ability (a supernatural melee touch attack) to deal greatsword damage and damage from one use of her lay on hands. This weapon property can only be used once per round, and only works with magical abilities of the same type as the weapon (melee or ranged).

Moderate necromancy; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor , spectral hand ; Price +1 bonus.

You can use this for as many channel uses you have and it only costs a +1 bonus. It gets lumped in with your attack action and it saves you from taking the channel smite feat.

Gauss wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Gauss wrote:

You do not have to give up your Wisdom and Charisma boosters to use the Phylactery of Positive Channeling. Just combine them for +50% price tag of one of them. After all, your Headband of Mental Prowess (Wisdom and Charisma) is also the result of the rule below.

CRB p553 wrote:

Adding New Abilities

Sometimes, lack of funds or time make it impossible for a magic item crafter to create the desired item from scratch. Fortunately, it is possible to enhance or build upon an existing magic item. Only time, gold, and the various prerequisites required of the new ability to be added to the magic item restrict the type of additional powers one can place.
The cost to add additional abilities to an item is the same as if the item was not magical, less the value of the original item. Thus, a +1 longsword can be made into a +2 vorpal longsword, with the cost to create it being equal to that of a +2 vorpal sword minus the cost of a +1 longsword.
If the item is one that occupies a specific place on a character’s body, the cost of adding any additional ability to that item increases by 50%. For example, if a character adds the power to confer invisibility to her ring of protection +2, the cost of adding this ability is the same as for creating a ring of invisibility multiplied by 1.5.
Which isn't allowed in PFS. Which is why he said in a home game you could combine them.
I was responding to TheHealerYouAlwaysWanted with the actual rule for combining them. He did not appear to see or understand thistledown's comment about combining them. He also did not state he is playing in PFS.

Yes thanks for the clarification, I am playing PFS so I would have to discuss it with my DM.

thistledown wrote:

BTW, if you are planning to do channeling to heal people (and harm undead) there's two items you really should get. The one most people know about is Phylactery of Positive channeling : adds +2d6 to your channels. Costs 11000. Problem is, it uses your headband slot, so you can't get a wisdom headband with it. Now, you're in a home game, so you might be able to combine them.

The item that's less well known is the Ring of Protected Life. It expands the radius of your channels by 5' (every bit helps) and you can select another bad guy out of your heals. Or you can blow it for 24 hours and channel as a swift action.

I actually didn't know about either of these, both look like pretty awesome items, however I usually use the headband slot to boost WIS and CHA score so I'm not sure I'd be willing to give that up but it would be tempting. I'm definitely going to have to get that ring, the Warpriest I'm playing now now uses the channel ability a good bit and I have several channel feats, including selective channeling. Thanks for the info!

I think healing domain can be incredibly useful for a character that is dedicated to healing/buffing. If you build your character right, you can build a cleric that can heal as much damage in one round as a monk or a fighter can put out in the same round. Combine your channel ability with spells and you will have an invaluable character that can keep the party alive in even the toughest encounters. I had a played a cleric once that did nothing but heal and buff, and when it came time to face the big boss at the end of the campaign (an ancient red dragon) the party killed the boss and ended the encounter with more hit points then before the start of the encounter! Now healing wasn't the only thing I did, every round I cast a buff spell (such as prayer or bless) and healed when it was necessary. The channel class feature allows you to mass heal and your cure spells/magic items give you more of a clutch healing capability. Everyone wants to talk about how a healing cleric isn't much use until you need one to remove a nasty curse or cure ability damage. I personally find great satisfaction in not doing a single point of damage but being the sole reason the party survives a difficult encounter.

BadBird wrote:

One other, similar option would be a split DEX/WIS Sarenrae Crusader Cleric 10/ Unchained Monk 1 using Dervish Dance and Crusader's Flurry. 17+ DEX and WIS plus free dodge is great AC, and Weapon Focus/ Power Attack/ Heroism/ Unchained Flurry is really potent with a scimitar. High wisdom also means that Aura of Doom and Instrument of Agony are really great for melee - Aura of Doom is pretty similar to activating Aura of Menace, only it's a 10min/level spell that will stack with other forms of the shaken condition.

Or, Shizuru opens up the ability to take the Gentle Rest Domain Power, which is crazy good with Domain Strike or a Conductive weapon.

Conductive weapon is great because it saved me from taking the Channel Smite feat for the price of a +1 bonus, I definitely recommend this enhancement to clerics or Warpriests that uses the channel energy feature for negative energy.

I'm playing an LE Warpriest of Moloch right now and I have to first I didn't think this character was going to be all that powerful but at 9th level, I've been pretty impressed. I'm using Moloch's favored weapon (a whip) as my sacred weapon and I couldn't be happier.

Between some feats, magic items, and class abilities, I can effectively heal, buff, and attack in 1 round. There are three other players in the party, a Antipaladin, bloodrager, and a fighter, so I have the luxury of not needing to focuse too heavily on damage. However, I can do a decent amount of damage if I want or use my whip to perform a disarm or trip attempt which is great for battle field control or creating attacks of opportunity for my party mates. I tap into the channel energy class feature a good bit and that can actually be pretty powerful if you augment it with the right feats.

Sundakan wrote:
Aura of Doom is pretty solid.

Yes this is more of what I'm looking for because I could combine this with the spell Vision of Hell and the -4 the Antipaladin in our party gives to fear effects. Thanks for the advice!

Kurald Galain wrote:
The Command spell will work in a pinch; the Evil domain gets access to the actual Fear spell at level 4.

Ah command looks like a decent spell that can be useful. Unfortunatly, Warpriests don't get domains, they get something similar but it doesn't grant domain spells :/ thanks for the tip!

I'm playing an evil Warpriest of Moloch and would love to be able to cast a fear effect spell that effects creatures with more the 5 HD. We are level 9 but as a Warpriest my spell casting is limited compared to a clerics and I can only cast up to level 3 spells. Any advice is appreciated, even if it's a spell higher then 3rd level just so I know for the future.