TheHealerYouAlwaysWanted's page

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I'm playing a Warpriest and there are two headbands that I want to wear but obviously only one headband slot. I want a Headband of Mental Prowess (+4) and a Phylactery of Negative Energy. I have the craft wonderous items feat, can I make a headband that has both?

Ok so I'm asking for advice for the campaign I'm playing in. Here's a brief synopsis of what's going on: im playing a level 9 Evil Warpriest of Moloch, and my party just took control of the Capitol city. We were in the city for the coronation of the prince to become king (unbeknown to my character that the queen mother is a succubus and the prince is her offspring) and during the coronation the head nobles and military generals challenged the princes succession. We ended up killing them all and taking power for ourselves. My character's plan is to take over the position of being high priest in the city and to start a cult of Moloch. There are already some clerics of Moloch in the city but I need to route out all the rest of the Good aligned clerics so the Good gods don't know what's happening and either send their own champions to defeat us or intervene personally. A blood moon rose the night of the coronation all throughout the material plane giving an omen of evil, so the Good guys know something bad just happened. My question is: what spells or rituals are there to block any divination that the forces of Good might use to try and spy or determine what is happening. Our plan as a party is to go into "Mordor mode" and quietly build power/armies to gain a foot hold on the material plain for Moloch without attracting too much attention from neighboring kingdoms and Good gods that would obviously not wish for this to happen.

I'm playing an evil Warpriest of Moloch and would love to be able to cast a fear effect spell that effects creatures with more the 5 HD. We are level 9 but as a Warpriest my spell casting is limited compared to a clerics and I can only cast up to level 3 spells. Any advice is appreciated, even if it's a spell higher then 3rd level just so I know for the future.