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102 In addition to the ebony fly, can we add to the figurines of wondrous power the Spanish Fly, and the velcro fly? 103 Please name the new addition Pathfinder 2: Path Found. 104 Can we have organic and free range options for characters? 105 I'd like to see a French ancestry - they are rude to foreigners and surrender immediately upon being attacked. 106 Is Lay On Hands now considered sexual harassment? ![]()
ENHenry wrote:
Well said. ![]()
Doktor Weasel wrote: With a name like The Great Troll King, I'm not sure about how serious this is. The Great Troll King moniker came about long before there was them newfangled internets. It wasn't bequethed upon me due to trolling message boards. The Tale of The Great Troll King is long and inappropriate and requires the quaffing of many a fine lager in its telling. Or not so fine lagers so long as someone else is buying. ![]()
Folks, this board is full of negative comments AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN THE PLAYTEST YET! I'm sure the folks at Paizo have been working their tails off to make something great, and will be working even harder in the next year to make the best possible product they can. And then they come on this board and get crapped on by people WHO ARE SPECULATING ABOUT HOW HORRIBLE IT ALL IS. Withhold judgement until you've at least seen the thing! And keep it constructive! Play on. ![]()
MidsouthGuy wrote:
Serum wrote:
Yes, I believe that's right. It all started when we caught a goblin rummaging through our stuff at night. We questioned him, and since we weren't going to murder him in cold blood, we fed him and sent him on his way. We had a shapechanger follow him to make sure he wasn't going to set up an ambush. Later we ran across his tribe migrating and we weren't going to kill a bunch of baby gobbies, so we decided not to kill one another. My barbarian had a ton of cold iron arrowheads and a pretty good weapons crafting score, and traded them new goblin sized cold iron tipped Spears in exchange for covering our backtrail. Word got around and from then on, most of the goblins were friendly. Didn't take much to help them happy. After a big battle, my barbarian got drunk with them and played toss the goblin. They thought that was AWESOME. ![]()
Loving goblins as a playable race. Lots of opportunities for fun roleplay. We befriended a huge tribe of goblins in the Reign of Winter AP. A blast working with those little maniacs. They were just trying to survive; we helped them survive by providing them with better tools and weapons. They enthusiastically and suicidally fought with us against winter wolves and ice trolls, both of whom viewed them as food. We went from the enemy of my enemy is my friend to us actually being friends once they realized trade with the Ulfen settlements was in their best interests. |