Danse Macabre

The Fourth Horseman's page

Goblin Squad Member. *** Pathfinder Society GM. 480 posts (735 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.


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A very subjective question.

many would say "yes."

I'm among those who say "no."


Testing for stars, since they've disappeared before.

Edit: Yep, mine are gone, too.

300000g worth of rare gems ... and then spend at your leisure. ;)


Exact boon text:
Draconic Sidekick: You returned several stolen pseudodragon eggs to their clutch. Now, the pseudodragons of the Frisky Unicorn have selected you as the traveling companion and mentor for one of their hatchlings. The young pseudodragon has not yet chosen her name, and she allows you to help her decide. As long as you do not mistreat your new ally and your alignment does not become evil at any time, she agrees to travel with you. You may use this boon in one of two ways. First, you may take a pseudodragon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 229) as a familiar with the Improved Familiar feat as long as you are a spellcaster of at least 5th level (rather than 7th). This pseudodragon’s sting counts as silver for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.

Alternatively. you may cross this boon off your chronicle sheet to gain a pseudodragon that follows you loyally for one adventure. Its sting also bypasses DR/silver, as the pseudodragon familiar. This pseudodragon allows you to bypass the normal limit of one combat creature per player per scenario.

I read that as you must have 5 levels in a spell casting class with the familiar class feature and the improved familiar feat to get the Pseudodragon. Additionally, you must keep taking levels in that class to have it level up with you as per the familiar level/hit dice advancement table. So the only advantage to this boon is getting the Pseudodragon 2 levels early, and its tail sting counting as silver. The boon isn't giving you a free scaling improved familiar pet.

If you are a Bard, and want this creature as a familiar, I suggest looking into archetypes that grant you a familiar, and then take the Improved Familiar feat.

Robert Brandenburg wrote:
Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for reporting this bug. I've refreshed your GM stars and they should be showing up correctly now. Reporting GM sessions should also refresh your ranking, so if you encounter this bug at some point in the future, that may fix it as well. However, you shouldn't be seeing outdated or incorrect information to begin with, so I'll investigate why your ranking might have failed to update so we can implement a long-term fix.

Looks to be fixed. Thanks a lot!

sanwah68 wrote:
I have had this happen in the past, normally due to the tables being not calculated correctly. If you haven't already tried it, go to My Account, and into Organised Play, then to your GM/Event Co-coordinator tab, there is a button there called "Refresh Points". It could fix your issue, if it is from tables falling off the metaphorical cliff.

Thanks for the suggestion. I gave it a shot, but to no avail.

Hi Folks:

I noticed a bit ago that my 3 PFS stars no longer show up on my PFS forum posts, and no longer on my PFS ID card. Is there a way to fix this? I'd hate to lose my potential replays/bonus on re-rolls without easy proof that I am entitled to them. Thanks a lot for your help!

I found the description in the class section lacking. I hope in the final version that the paragraphs for Champion Powers more clearly point out that the only power you get (without using class feats) is Lay on Hands, and that in order to learn new powers, you'll need to take class feats.

I spent a long time last night looking for some description telling me how many powers I got at each level, and the list of powers that I could choose as a 5th level Paladin.

Oh man. That hand cannon.

Here's to hoping for a LOT more sniper rifles and grenade/rocket/missile launchers.

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I just had a mid level, Gestalt Character with a d10 HD, equivalent 16 con character get two-shot from full health. And the monster was not the boss.

I'm not interested in a Pathfinder where healing is even harder to come by and more expensive. I'm not interested in an attrition based PC meat grinder. If 2e goes that way, I won't be going with it.


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Tallow wrote:
ZᴇɴN wrote:

I don't think unlimited replays is the right answer, but with no new content coming and some number of people not wanting to make the switch to PF2, there's going to need to be some sort of expanded replay rule for it to keep going.

Maybe something like once you've played every adventure in a season you get a replay for that season or something, I dunno.

I don't mean to be callous, but frankly, if they are unwilling to switch to PF2 & PFS2, where the new content will be, and they play out all 400+ play options for PFS1, then that is their own fault for not having further play content. And I don't feel that the campaign should make special rules for people who are unwilling to change with the system.

To qualify my statements, I'll start by saying that I don't know enough about 2nd Ed to know if I like it or not. That said ...

You absolutely meant to be callous. Stop lying. Your response boils down to, "don't like 2e and don't want to come with us over to the new stuff? Hah, go piss yourself."

Please be better than this kind of behavior PFS.


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I agree with Michael. I had Aspirations to get one of each class to 12th level. I support unlimited replay for 1e scenarios/mods/APs once 2e launches.

Dreams are potentially dashed now, quintuply so if 2nd ed doesn't work out for me.

Grandlounge wrote:

If you want to further add to the two handed build pick up the rage or destruction domain on the sanctified slayer.

3/4 bab + divine favor/power + study + rage + furious. Intimidating and sickening is a monster of a PC.

Then with the destruction domain 3 + wis times per day add half level to damage on your attacks.


I've thought about playing a Half-Orc Sanctified Slayer Inquisitor of Ragathiel with the Rage Subdomain. Large Impact Bastard sword with 3/4 bab + divine favor/power + study + rage + amplified rage + furious + Gtr Invis + (maybe Enlarge Person) is a nasty melee machine. Does take some time to buff, though.


I struggle with the idea of a Vigilante in PFS. It's why I play one in a home game.


Care Baird wrote:
Zach Davis wrote:
Maybe the excitement expressed in this thread will bring about his return.
I've heard crazier theories.

Kyle's back. (O.O)


For the love of Pete! Finally! LARGE BEARS!


Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:

Beat me to it!


Sounds like maybe there is some demand for a magically enchanted battery / magazine / clip of infinite ammo.


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Imbicatus wrote:
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Yep, you're the only one and likely to be so for at least a year, if not two.

Will you be called the Brain? Will you be a mechanic with a drone named Pinky?


Pinky, are you contemplating what I'm contemplating?

I think so Brain, but how CAN we cross breed Shirren and Lashunta for a new species with the maximum number of antennae?


Thanks everyone!

My question is regarding the availability of Pathfinder core races. I've heard and seen conflicting reports. Originally, (as per the OP) I thought that they would be openly available, but the latest I've heard is that they will be available through boons only. What's the (real) word?


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Dude, Fighter archers (and many other types) are freakin' death turrets.


Michael Dupler wrote:
The Fourth Horseman wrote:
Michael Dupler wrote:
2: You know when your turn is coming up, you're the one that roll init. Instead of looking at your phone playing some stupid click game, be ready for your action. When I see that, I count to ten then move on to the next player.

I might give them a warning after the first offense.

Michael Dupler wrote:
4: If you need more than 3 books for your build: you're wrong

That's like, your opinion, man. I bought it, it's legal, I can use it.

Otherwise, I agree this is all good advice.

This kind of goes with 1: If it takes that many books to make your build, know it without the table having to wait for you to double check each move you make

That's ... a fair expectation.


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I have to say ... I'm really disappointed about Pseudodragons not be being able to operate magic items (like wands).

- Nothing in their stat block suggests that they couldn't use their front appendages as both feet and hands
- They are of the Dragon type and have a strong enough of a mind to be telepathic. Dragons are naturally gifted with magic. Why couldn't they use a wand if they took the time to train in UMD?
- Most of the art I've seen (and as best I can research online), and all of the official Paizo art for Pseudodragons depict their front paws as having 3 clawed fingers, and a clawed thumb. What physically stops them from wielding / manipulating magic items?

So, yeah, I'm confused and disappointed.


Michael Dupler wrote:
2: You know when your turn is coming up, you're the one that roll init. Instead of looking at your phone playing some stupid click game, be ready for your action. When I see that, I count to ten then move on to the next player.

I might give them a warning after the first offense.

Michael Dupler wrote:
4: If you need more than 3 books for your build: you're wrong

That's like, your opinion, man. I bought it, it's legal, I can use it.

Otherwise, I agree this is all good advice.


andreww wrote:

One of the limitations of the planar ally line in particular is that you do not get to pick what you call, it is down to the GM. Planar Binding doesn't have the same limitation but is arguably harder to use.

I had a group use planar ally in All for Immortality and I gave them one of the fairly potent deva's which helped quite a lot. I planar bound a movanic deva I think for our eyes of the ten run.

Planar Ally becomes less and less interesting every time I hear something new about it.


Thanks a lot for the survey, Tonya!

While I expected this from the Medium, it still makes me sad.


MisterSlanky wrote:
The Fourth Horseman wrote:
I love the Empyreal Lords. Most of my good characters worship them, and I do my best to RP the elements of them that I can.
Your avatar is not convincing me on your position.

My choosing this avatar has a long story that has only a funny and tenuous connection to necromancy, death, or its connection to the apocalypse. Odd as that may seem, particularly since usually I play a good guy.


Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Well, then I'd have to say we shouldn't have allowed a lot of the empyreal lords and the like as valid options either. I basically have to make up everything about why my inquisitor worships Keltheald, other than "the halberd was a good choice of weapon for him".

Hey, hey, HEY. Slow your roll.

I love the Empyreal Lords. Most of my good characters worship them, and I do my best to RP the elements of them that I can.


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I realize that this may be an unpopular opinion, but Humans.

I'd like them to be core (they may be, I'm not sure) so that way I know, within the setting, we made it. We're still a thriving people/culture. I know it's a little nonsensical, and probably vain, but there you have it.


TOZ wrote:
The Fourth Horseman wrote:
So really the only relevant question to Pathfinders is when, and only on a personal level. Will it happen in my lifetime? No? Well then Golarion is doomed, but I'll die before it's gone, so why do I care? Especially if it's going to happen no matter what I do. Yes? Well, I'm either space refugee, or dead, or gone with Golarion. I can't stop it. The future is written.

So the heat-death of the universe renders our lives meaningless?

I believe we are at the point of discussing the merit of Rogue One given we already have Episodes IV-VI.

The only point I'm going stick with here, is that yes, some meaning is taken from our choices when the future is so written. It sounds like much of the detail of the future will be set with the writing of Starfinder.

With real life, there are so many variables that we don't know what's going to happen up until the heat death or after. All Civilizations / existence may die. Maybe humanity figures out how to escape to another universe. Maybe we, or some other people, figure out how to extend the life of the universe. Maybe humanity won't have to worry about it because we all die long before due to some other calamity. There are so many questions for Earth.

In either case, I'll have to read Starfinder to figure out how much is set in stone, and how much it will or won't affect Pathfinder. I'm sure the writers of Starfinder have thought about all this to some extent.

I think I'm done arguing the point. I see it as valid, but I'm not particularly tied to it, and I'm excited to read and play Starfinder while I still play Pathfinder. As Rysky said, there are stories to be told.


RE: Rogue One

Yes, it takes away from the suspense of Rogue One to know certainly that Jyn (sp?) and crew get the plans to the rebels. Doesn't mean the movie wasn't good, but the stakes seemed less, since we know, without any doubt, that they are successful with their mission.


TOZ wrote:
Add in the fact that we don't actually known how everything got there. So we don't know the fate of everything, and our choices do still matter. To our own characters if nothing else.

Yeah, but unless I'm missing something, if Starfinder and Pathfinder are in the same universe, the how and what is mostly irrelevant. I'd say that they were relevant in finding a way to bring it back (if possible), but the devs have said that the what, how, and where of the missing Golarion planet is going to be Starfinder's Aroden question. If we can't figure out those questions, we won't figure out a way to bring the planet back.

So really the only relevant question to Pathfinders is when, and only on a personal level. Will it happen in my lifetime? No? Well then Golarion is doomed, but I'll die before it's gone, so why do I care? Especially if it's going to happen no matter what I do. Yes? Well, I'm either space refugee, or dead, or gone with Golarion. I can't stop it. The future is written.

It's why after thinking about it, I prefer the multiverse idea.


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Rysky wrote:

How does Starfinder lower the stakes?

And you do know Numeria is a thing in Golarion? And that's without getting into all the other planets in Pathfinder that have advanced tech.

I think the argument is that in the long run, we know how things turn out, so what's the point of us adventurers doing anything because the future is now written. The planet is gone. The fate of everything is known. Our choices are now futile.

I can understand the sentiment, but I look at it from the multiverse perspective. Starfinder is how the Golarion universe ended up in one instance. Pathfinder exists in another Golarion universe, and we may not end in the same place as Starfinder.

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Honorable Battle-Brother wrote:
FatherShaun wrote:
Malefactor wrote:
Solarion, channels dark energy and light energy, tied with stars, Envoy, who is kind of a team leader type al la bard Operative who is some sort of space secret agent/ninja, Soldier, who is a space-fighter, Technomancer, combines tech with magic, Mystic, caster who channels energy of the universe (Whatever that means) and Engineer, guy who is good with tech and has robot companion.
Sweet! Good to know! Don't forget to PRAISE THE HOLY PLASMA CANNON!


Lock and load. Time to cleanse some corruption and chaos!


Tallow wrote:

I recall in a blog from back in either late August or early September, that John promised an experimental evergreen. We see now that the experiment was not just a 3-7, but a modular dungeon with more than 16 completely different adventures encapsulated within. In my mind, the big win, was it is like a tutorial for a GM on how to craft an adventure with a bunch of building blocks and guidelines.

The reason PFS doesn't allow for more GM discretion in making changes to scenarios to either make them easier or harder, is because of this exact reason.

If GMs can't prove to be responsible in crafting a fun adventure with this set of well designed and balanced Lincoln Logs, then I wouldn't expect to ever see something like this again.

I love this scenario. But it's GMS that take the Mike when given an inch that keep us from having nice things.

Couldn't have said it better.

John, please don't take away scenarios that help train PFS GMs to build their own dungeons (for home games). 1 training scenario per season is great!


All the caveats and potential problems (depending on GM) make Charm Person a spell I'm not into using.

I imagine that was the goal of GMs who go out of their way to make it hard to use.


Master Summoner banned?



I've decided that every Dwarf I make for PFS is now going to be one of the Anvilstrike brothers. Only two so far (Morgrym and Eberk), but Imagine there will be a few more.


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TimD wrote:
Amanda Plageman wrote:
TimD wrote:
@ Amanda: the new rule actually promotes griefing play - a griefer now knows that everyone they play with will suffer for their actions as the other players can no longer assign out the death even if they too are playing pregens and the griefer knows that they've assigned a credit to a character # that they don't care about.
Like Tallow pointed out previously, that situation is less of a rules problem than a player problem. Problem players will abuse whatever systems are in place because that's what brings them the most enjoyment. Problem players will find a way to cause grief regardless. Which is why we need a more robust way of dealing with problem players. But that's another thread. :-)
It is a rules problem if a rule is changed to address griefing and instead actually encourages griefing behavior as well as creating a chilling effect on casual and convention play. I know I've personally skipped at least 5 tables since the rule was changed, so this is now more than speculation.

I've played a lot less this season so far, but I've now skipped a table because of the new pregen rules.


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James: I believe I know that Dwarf Witch. She's pretty awesome. Makes the best cheddar biscuits this side of Taldor.


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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

So what we're saying is 'it's okay to be creative, as long as you have the *resources* to be creative', then?

I'm not sure what what your motives to this line of thought are, Wei, but just to make sure:

Can we NOT turn this argument into Paizo and friends vs. poor people?


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Murdock Mudeater wrote:

Mostly curious, anyone tried building an intentionally fallen paladins, stupid wizards, or other class that really can't use the majority of it's class features? Anyone find any good builds?

** spoiler omitted **

Alright, Murdock. I've kept up with this thread, and I don't want to jump to conclusions, so I'm just going to ask questions.

When you say intentionally fallen Paladin, how do you mean? Fallen with a 1 level dip, or with many levels? Is there any attempt to retrain those levels as part of roleplaying that story? Do you plan on just keeping the fallen levels? Will there be any attempt at atonement?

What qualifies as a "stupid" Wizard? Below 10 Int? Below 16? If the Wizard has no spells because their Int is below 10, what are your proposals for counterbalancing that loss with something else that they could do? Also keep in mind, that with a low Int Wizard, you're also leaving them with less skill points, so that diminishes another way Wizards could contribute to party success.

Anyhow, I'm just trying to understand what you want to accomplish here, and maybe a little bit of your motivations before I feel I could offer interesting ideas for you.


I love both of my APG Summoners, and all 3 of my Inquisitors. I never stop having fun with them.

EDIT: Heh. Apparently, I posted 3 years ago. Answer hasn't changed much, and it's for the same reason. Effective in most situations.


Really bad Necro. The Summoner in the APG is now illegal (except for grandfathers), and for a long time before that, the Synthesist was illegal.


Great news! Thanks Linda, John, and Tonya!

I find it odd that Paizo would highlight products on their front page that come from their biggest competition.

Probably just me. /shrug


I think it's an interesting idea until you get to paperwork. Tracking would be a nightmare. I prefer GM stars recharging at Gencon annually WITHOUT a boon that I have to charge with more GMing.

Male Human (Sloth Blooded) Commoner 5

I've spoken with our VL, and we will finish the scenario on Tuesday 8/16, and then run some quests after. Thanks for putting all this up, guys, but no need, as this PbP thread is now closed.

Male Human (Sloth Blooded) Commoner 5

Hey everyone -

So this is where we'll finish up the boss.

Here's what I need from each of you:

1. I need you to create Aliases and link them to the proper PFS number.

2. Tell me your mechanics / vital info, including: hit points, initiative, saves, AC, and anything as far as situational bonuses or penalties to any of that.

Thanks for your patience on this getting started, now let's get this going!

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