Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() This does seem like a good time for me to make my break from the game, by staying in Sandpoint to keep an eye out there while Grenz and Khamul continue the story in Magnimar. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() It couldn't be normal for a town like this to have this much corruption and crime right? Maybe there was some merit to the thug's mockery of the Sheriff. They'd turned so many criminals into that jail, but there was always more. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "Drat! I had hoped that for all out travails the problem would be at least solved, but the caves still remain to a degree. And these flowers are..?" Caprice is confused. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "Gotcha!" Swim Checks as needed: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5) + 6 = 17
I hope that'll last me? ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Per Discussion, I am unsure if I can just roll another swim check to solve the problem. If I can, here it is. Swim: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1) + 6 = 14 ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "Undertow!" Is what she is able to shout in one moment of breaking the surface. I presume I need some help or something to change things up and can't just keep rolling swim till I succeed? ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() We're worried about undead monsters, so we walked into a haunted house. Caprice will go ahead and tie the first corpse up to the line, and call up. "Pretty sure something's down here, hopefully just fish." Swim: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) + 6 = 11 Welp, pfft. Suppose it won't be the sea monsters get me, but just water. :P ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() I wanted Caprice to be on hand in case of sea monster that is not provoked by rocks. Caprice will go ahead and jump off and try to test the water out. Swim: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2) + 6 = 13 ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Presuming Khamul calls it safe, Caprice will go slowly and carefully after Grenz. Take 10 +6 modifier should make it. Here's a roll if situation demands I can't take 10. Climb: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6) + 6 = 19 ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "Grenz- It's good to have you back. It's been rough without you!" Caprice rests for a moment, relief clear on her face to spy Grenz. For a moment, she doesn't worry about the ghoul nonsense, sure that together they'd handle the situation. Sorry for the delay! I had this response written in here and didn't realize I never sent it. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Last haste attacks. Attack: 3d6 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2, 3) + 11 + 1 = 21
"You may fancy a trip to the hole yourself!" ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Caprice hesitates for a moment, but at Khamul's urging steps forward. "You underestimate our resolve! We'll never leave this place in your hands!" Five foot then full attack, again, 1 last turn of haste after.
Hah, nice touch with the C, that was very cool, thanks Shadow. :) ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Attack of Opportunity: 3d6 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (2, 3, 3) + 11 + 1 = 20
Hastened by her spell, Caprice is a whirl of blades upon the foes. Five foot then full attack.
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "Right!" Caprice lunges forward into battle at Khamul's urging, using her enhanced speed to try and attack Khamul's target from an advantageous position Attack: 3d6 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (4, 3, 6) + 11 + 1 = 25
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Defense A: 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 3, 2) + 10 = 19
Initiative: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) + 4 = 11 ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "I've only got the one, but yeah, I'll use it." Caprice whispers back, and readies to use her haste spell at the end of the prep time on herself. Spell Points: 1d6 ⇒ 5 ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Caprice will moving slowly behind Khamul's lead, letting him scout ahead, hand on her weapon and ready to cast her hastening spell. These foes were difficult to handle without it. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "I'll handle that for the return journey." Caprice answers, waiting to retrieve her blade, keeping an eye out for enemies. What she wouldn't give to have Grenz on hand. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "Sword please!" She yells up at her compatriots, a large grin on her face. It had been quite some time since she had gotten to do something quite so reckless and foolhardy as that and get away with it, and the adrenaline pumping through her veins at such a feat more than compensated for the bruised behind for now. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Caprice's idea is to slam into the guy from above and drop him all the way to the bottom with her on top, but I'm not sure that'll mechanically work, so, here's a CMD and CMB just in case. CMB: 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 2, 5) + 7 = 16
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Roger that! Thanks. Caprice swings a little bit on the edge to build up momentum, before trying to leap onto one of the nearby ropes the foes are climbing up and grab on. If she's blocking the way up, that's at least one less enemy that can reach her friends. Acrobatics: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (1, 6, 1) + 12 = 20 ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Escape Artist: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (6, 2, 5) + 8 = 21
Too close for bladework now, Caprice tries to wriggle and shimmy her way free of the man's hands with unexpected movement. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() CMD Defense: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (3, 6, 1) + 11 = 21
I will now ask whether over 21 was literal and I'm grappled, or if that was just a figure of speech and I'm ok with a 21. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Readied Attack: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) + 11 = 19
Not sure what to make of the situation, Caprice does her best to follow Khamul's lead. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() "Even if they aren't, it's still a good plan for you to get a few free shots off." Caprice nods and backs away from the hole, instead readying her blade for when the enemy tried to climb up, if they did. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Apologies I've found myself a bit overwhelmed of late, and am starting to think it may continue for the foreseeable future rather than just being a bad week. I was thinking about leaving this and a few other roleplays when the next opportune time. Presumably in this case, tagging out with Grenz. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Caprice does her best to scout along with Khamul, keeping blade at hand and eyes out. Perception, low light vision: 3d6 + 8 ⇒ (2, 2, 6) + 8 = 18
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Caprice ties up the man, and takes him outside against her better judgment. She felt the safest place was alongside them, but well, it was better to work together than against each other on such a minor matter. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Just recounted, and I am at 12/33 unless I missed some healing from Dora. Caprice takes a moment to refocus herself before answering. Regen Martial Focus. "I think they may have heard the shouting and fighting." Caprice does not seem convinced, but nonetheless uses the spell. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Presuming no Difficult Terrain, here goes the charge!: 3d6 + 11 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3, 4, 5) + 11 + 1 + 2 = 26
Caprice'll try and chase down the last foe. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Let's get a little ahead on these, sorry for falling behind.
Attack: 3d6 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (4, 5, 6) + 11 + 1 = 27
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Apologies, surprise overtime drained my energy. Attack: 3d6 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) + 11 + 1 = 18
Caprice continues the fight, but is beginning to be worn down by the repeated bows. "Sorry, I'll help when I can-" The thought passes through her mind that she doesn't quite make Grenz's quality of a warrior. ![]()
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Defense: 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (2, 5, 4) + 10 = 21 And that's my last turn of haste, so some regular defense rolls
"They fight like Grenz- but not quite to his quality, we'll prevail!" Caprice continues the fight. Attack: 3d6 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 1) + 11 + 1 = 16
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Caprice nods and tries to fell the latest foe. Attack 1: 3d6 + 13 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) + 13 = 27
If her attack is successful at defeating the foe, she will move to guard the other stair. Otherwise, she will strike again. Attack 2: 3d6 + 13 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) + 13 = 16
Female Human (Ulfen) HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes
![]() Nonlethal Attack 1: 3d6 + 13 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (2, 5, 6) + 13 + 2 - 4 = 24
Using the blunt of her weapon, Caprice tries to knock unconscious the yielding fighter, worried he would turn on them as soon as his fellows arrived. If the first strike knocked him out, she would stay her hand on the second.