
The Beardinator's page

282 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I was wondering if anyone managed to obtain the dvd of the Night of Ashes stage show put on by Cleveland High School in Oregon. If anyone has one they're willing to part with or knows where I can buy another copy, I'd greatly appreciate the help.

Real quick, does anyone remember the issue of Dragon Magazine that had the list of spells that ignore Spell Resistance?

While I'm at it, where are the articles that list Essential Spells for Clerics and Wizard/Sorcerers?

Much thanks!

Greetings, Gamers! I recently started a campaign with some experienced gamers. They chose the Serpent's Skull and having read a few message boards with people expressing displeasure with this AP, I was wondering if anyone could throw me some advice as to what changes I can make that would improve the overall campaign/story. We've had one game session so far and hit level 2. We stopped just as they were getting ready to explore/loot some of the wrecked ships in the cove of Smuggler's Shiv. Any advice is appreciated.

Want to make this available to my Pathfinder games.

Level 1 spell that increases the Size Damage Dice of Bludgeoning Weapons by one step for Mins/level(I think). Thinking Sorc/Wiz, Magus, Occ, Druid? Any suggestions? Too cheesy? I'm open for ideas.

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Ok, if any of you remember the old, old, old 2nd Ed books, Magic Item Compendium, then you know of some of the wacky, cool, fun magic items from that era. One of my favorites is the Bag of Beans.

The Bag of Beans consists of a simple leather bag that contains a random number of magical beans that produce wildly random effects when planted. Drawn from a d100 list.

Some examples are: an Evil Treant bursts out of the ground and attacks the nearest players, a woman's arm emerges from the spot where the bean was planted holding a sword (this could be a mundane, masterwork, or magical Longsword, the book suggests Sunblade, or Holy Avenger if the planter is a Paladin), a large tree grows to full size in a few rounds from which several special acorns grow that can be picked that range from precious stone acorns to chocolate/vanilla acorns to silver/gold acorns, a seemingly endless wave of small tree frogs emerges from the planted bean spot, (the tree frogs are harmless, there's just a LOT of them).

I'm putting together a revised list of effects for use in Pathfinder games. I'm asking all GM's, Players, Paizo Staffers, anyone, to toss in an idea or two for the list. I'd like them to range from relatively harmless, (tree frogs), to medium (free magic longsword, Evil Treant), to major (the players falling into a sinkhole, centered on the planted bean that drops them in a random location on Golarion). I'm hoping for hundreds, if I can get a thousand, even better!

Let the brainstorming Commence!!

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Have any GM's made changes to "your" Golarion setting as a result of campaigns or just your own customization?

Example: In "my" Golarion, Rahadoum was conquered by a seemingly endless legion of undead led by a very ancient, powerful and charismatic Lord Vampire.

As he stood over the broken Keeper of the First Law, the vampire lord roared into his face, "Where are your feeble gods now?! Oh, right, you don't have any!!" [insert maniacal evil laughter]

How have you made Golarion "yours"?

Are there any specific magic items that allow players to take control of golems? Seems a waste to just bash them to pieces all the time.

Does anyone know where a player can get some real-life cosplay holy/unholy symbols of Pathfinder gods? I got a group that likes to dress up for game sessions and a couple of them like playing clerics.

Ok, I already have a character based on Link from the well known and popular adventure video game. Now, I'd like to adapt the transformative masks from Majora's Mask. Any thoughts?

Do the Titan Fighter (fighter) abilities stack with the Titan Mauler (barbarian) abilities? I want to play a dwarven berserker that uses a Large Dwarven Waraxe.

Ok, I'm running RoW. The party Bard, besides trying to seduce every female npc or female villain we encounter, has decided to take levels in Summoner. His ingenious idea is that for the first few levels he takes in the class, he is going to use his daily at-will Summon Monster spells to summon ponies (yes, I said ponies) above whoever we are fighting so that they take damage from the falling equine. The falling ponies only do 3d6 damage barring a successful Reflex save. He had hoped to summon whales at higher levels until I pointed out that he cannot summon monsters to areas that cannot support them. I would like to state that the summoned monsters must be called on a solid surface, but it isn't mentioned in the rule. I'm not trying to ruin his fun, it's just asinine when he brags about killing the BBEG by summoning falling ponies. The falling ponies usually take enough damage in the fall to banish them. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

I have a player who wants to play a seductive/temptress type bard or rogue. We are going to be in a morally loose campaign, so, any tips?