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![]() There will be a 3 Day Mini Con for Pathfinder Society coming to Newton, NJ at the end of the month May 26 - May 28! Come play Pathfinder Society scenarios. Slots are available Friday night, all day Saturday and on Sunday. Pathfinder Scenarios are short 4 hour adventures set in a variety of exotic locations around Golarion. Each session is part of a constantly evolving mega campaign, your actions and achievements creating an ongoing storyline. The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts YOU in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of an ancient world beset by magic and evil. Pizza, salad bar and unlimited drinks for two meal sessions on Saturday are included with a 3 day entry pass. Event registration has started. As GM events are approved, new events will be added. If interested in GMing a game, please contact Andy at ailiff01@yahoo.com 3 day pass holders will have priority for each session. Nearby Hotels
Event Registration: https://warhorn.net/events/armistal-hall-pfs
![]() There will be a 3 Day Mini Con for Pathfinder Society coming to Newton, NJ at the end of the month May 26 - May 28! Come play Pathfinder Society scenarios. Slots are available Friday night, all day Saturday and on Sunday. Pathfinder Scenarios are short 4 hour adventures set in a variety of exotic locations around Golarion. Each session is part of a constantly evolving mega campaign, your actions and achievements creating an ongoing storyline. The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts YOU in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of an ancient world beset by magic and evil. Pizza, salad bar and unlimited drinks for two meal sessions on Saturday are included with a 3 day entry pass. Event registration has started. As GM events are approved, new events will be added. If interested in GMing a game, please contact Andy at ailiff01@yahoo.com 3 day pass holders will have priority for each session. Nearby Hotels Holiday Inn Express 973 940 8888 Econo Lodge 973 383 3922 Event Registration: https://warhorn.net/events/armistal-hall-pfs Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1084518511682131/ ![]()
![]() 3 Day Mini-Con on May 26 - May 28 for Pathfinder Society! Location: 280B Spring St.
Come play Pathfinder Society scenarios. Slots are available Friday night, all day Saturday and on Sunday. Pathfinder Scenarios are short 4-hour adventures set in a variety of exotic locations around Golarion. Each session is part of a constantly evolving mega-campaign, your actions and achievements creating an ongoing storyline. The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts YOU in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society—a legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of an ancient world beset by magic and evil.
We plan on holding monthly events. (check for calendar dates on Warhorn)
Event registration has started. As GM events are approved, new events will be added. If interested in GMing a game, please contact Andy at ailiff01@yahoo.com 3 day pass holders will have priority for each session. Nearby Hotels:
Event Registration: https://warhorn.net/events/armistal-hall-pfs ![]()
![]() bigrig107 wrote:
Asmodeus rallied the other Arch Devil's to take Hell from Lucifer, who later fled. This implies that Lucifer is more powerful than any of the Arch Devils by themselves. Lucifer has been stated at CR 39 (source link here) Assuming the above to be correct, that would mean that Asmodeus would have a CR lower than 39. (Lucifer = 39, Lucifer > Asmodeus, CR39 > Amsodeus) ![]()
![]() Zhangar wrote:
So their CRs can be anywhere from 30-40? Would you say low 30s or high 30s? I am trying to create a backstory for a campaign I am running and it involves Aroden and speculating on his death. But in order to do that, I need to understand his "power level" when compared to other beings. My campaign involves the Demon Lord Kostchtchie a lot, and I am trying to tie the two together. But according to what I can find, Aroden would be much more powerful than Kostchtchie (I believe?). I cannot however figure out Aroden's power level when compared to Asmodeus (and other archdevils / major gods) ![]()
![]() Faelyn wrote:
Interesting...that sort of makes the build more broken...I must have glossed over the "full attack action" part when I was reading. I don't see any other reason to include that if you couldn't make more than one attack. Makes sense to me. ![]()
![]() Persephone Zahariou wrote:
In my opinion, the Good/Neutral/Evil axis is defined by WHY you make decisions and the Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic axis is defined by HOW you make decisions. A good character has a tendency to think of others before themselves. An evil character is selfish in nature and/or looks to create general destruction. A neutral character has no tendency either way. A lawful character follows some sort of code and/or is bound by order. A chaotic character values the freedom to make their own decisions and/or detests being told what to do. A neutral character has no tendency either way. Analyzing the OP's question: I believe that any Good fits the characters due to the fact that their reasoning behind what they do is to protect other people. It seems to me that the "need to protect the people" is not a one time instance in this case, but an innate drive or need for these characters. Evidence of this is supported by the phrases "It's all about the people. We don't matter if we can protect them" and "you should never forget that your final goal is to protect the people". They are putting others before themselves. If this was a one time thing and/or the characters did not always exhibit this need, I would argue maybe a more neutral alignment. On the other axis, it is a bit trickier because you have to analyze HOW the characters go about their decision-making. I would argue that either Neutral or Chaotic would work. A lawful character has some sort of code and is bound by order. To a lawful character "the means matter", or in other words, "the way in which you do things matter". The action they are proposing does not take in to account what society thinks is right or what some universal law thinks is right, but what they themselves define as right in this particular circumstance. This is a Chaotic action. This is evidenced by the lines "I don't think there is one. As long as it will keep your people safe you will do everything" in response to the question "what is the limit in what we do". Now, if the character is striving to make their own decisions based on their own moral judgement in everything they do, then I would argue Chaotic. If this seems to be a special instance where that is the logic, I would argue Neutral. I don't think there is enough evidence to say either way how the characters go about making their decisions in everyday life, but I can take a stab at it. It seems to me that the character's are kind of questioning whether there might be some sort of order or not to what they do, as evidenced by the line "what is the limit to what we do". This hints to me that their need to be free of law and order and make their own decisions are not as overwhelming, and that they would be ok with the idea of following law and order in other circumstances. So I would lean toward Neutral. So to sum it up, I believe the characters to be Neutral Good, although I believe Chaotic Good works as well, depending on how string their urge is to "be free of rules" and "follow their own whims". ![]()
![]() Texas Snyper wrote: @thatcher: I mean iteratives for using kinetic blade/whip. When you are +6/+1 you can attack twice but not while raging unless you accept a burn. Or you GP+raging spell and get one attack burn free. I'm not sure I follow you. The Kinetic blade/whip is still a SLA and considered a blast (a blast modified by an infusion), so it doesn't get iterative attacks at all. The build above has BAB +6. ![]()
![]() Texas Snyper wrote: Buckler will fix you shield issue. Raging spell will be nice to attack while raging but it will keep to to single attacks to GP or accept 1 burn to full attack once you get your iterative attacks. So I would save getting your barb level until you can qualify for raging spell. Kineticist doesn't get iterative attacks with blasts anyway. But I would take my barbarian level at 6 instead to account for the fact that i need Expanded Metakinesis to rage and blast. Otherwise I'll have to just not rage until level 6 if I do it the other way and use the Barbarian level at 1 to get bonuses low level. I'll have to test out the low level builds to see which is better fit. But otherwise it doesn't change the above build too much except you have to use an additional burn to cast it the way i wrote it, or replace Furious Spell with another Wild Talent i included to cast for free (like extended range, empower, or pulling infusion). Using a kinetic blade instead of whip will also allow you to do it for free as well while raging. ![]()
![]() Chess Pwn wrote:
Another good point. I will have to take Expanded Metakinesis to fix this. ![]()
![]() Faelyn wrote:
I had the base STR score at 13. My first bonus went into DEX to make it even. At level 8 I put my bonus into STR to make it even as well, since the rest of my stats were already even and the point would be wasted wherever else it went. I realize I could take Pirhana Strike over Power Attack for a couple extra points to spend elsewhere, but I prefer Power attack for the option of using a normal two-handed weapon in a bind, an option which definitely also helps at low levels. Starting stats level 1 (including racial bonus) are 13, 17, 18, 10, 10, 5 And wow, thank you for pointing out the Gather Power issue for me, I can't believe I overlooked that. I will have to look into an alternative to account for it. ![]()
![]() Belabras wrote:
I would be using the build with Pathfinder Society, which really caps out at level 12 anyway. I don't think the medium armor is a problem, because the additional stat bonuses are only temporary IF i have that much burn, and I am already pumping dex with my belt. I am really missing out on 1 AC from Dex pretty much by going medium over light, but even with a lighter armor I would lose the armor's bonus anyway, so in the end i'm not really gaining anything with that switch (+8 armor + 5 dex = +7 armor +6 dex). Other stat boosts are generally temporary anyway (like cat's grace, reduce person, etc), so when they were not active I would lose the dex bonus and have a lower AC then I do now. I prefer the constant stability to AC then having to rely on other items to constantly boost myself. Plus i like the flavor of a "heavier armored dwarf kineticist" I did some examples of the build at lower levels and it isn't too bad. Level 6 is where the base damage dice starts to exceed normal weapons at 3d6 and before that, it is 2d6 by level 4. With the level of barbarian, I can also use other 1 handed and/or two handed weapons if need be in a pinch and/or don't feel like using kinetic blade. The Extra Rage feat gives me an additional 6 rounds of rage per day for a total of 14 rounds, which isn't too bad. But yes, like most resources it is limited. I will definitely have to check out Bard and see how it lines up, but I do like the flavor of a 1 handed and shield rager. I'll build it and give it a try though! ![]()
![]() Fromper wrote:
Those look cool. Although they aren't what I'm looking for here, I might end up picking those up. I can see how they would be super useful in creating a premade "fog of war" effect. MeanMutton wrote: Okay, I'm going to suggest a different direction. Target gift wrap. The back (non-printed side) had a 1"x1" grid. Markers and crayon hold really well on it so you can make your own custom maps and then reuse them later. It works really well in combination with miniatures (trees, houses, etc.) Here's a link to how I used it in combination with minis. My Imgur Gallery That's another cheap alternative if I can't find what I'm looking for. But I'm looking for something "professionally made" and easier to reuse. But thank you for the suggestion because I definitely might use that idea as a cheap alternative in the future! ![]()
![]() Here is a sample Kinetic Whip build (level 8) I wanted to share: Gloom
The Kinetic Whip is the bread and butter of this build. It has a 10ft reach and can be used in close quarters unlike a normal whip. It lasts until the beginning of your next turn, which means it can be used to make attacks of opportunity against all opponents within 10ft, and with Combat Reflexes, you can make 6 AoO per round. For a point of burn, the Pulling Infusion allows you to pull enemies 5 ft towards you with your whip so that they cannot withdraw. You can target normal AC with Gravity for extra damage, or you can target touch AC with Negative Energy if you are having trouble hitting for a reduction in damage. Spending 2 burn, you can channel Void through your whip to deal massive damage. For an additional point of burn, all your attacks can be empowered to deal 150% normal damage. If you choose to use the Kinetic Blade with any of your attacks instead, you can reduce all burn costs by 1 for the sacrifice of reach and AoO. Ranged attacks are pretty good as well, giving you more options to use your Empower for free to get extra damage. Extended Range is especially useful in attacking at further ranges. 1 downside to the build when it comes to range is that it does not have Precise Shot, meaning you will take a -4 penalty if you shoot into melee. However, if you use a Negative Energy Blast, the attack is against touch AC anyway, so it is not as bad. Pulling Infusion is best used with the Negative Energy blast on ranged attacks, as it allows you to easily hit when within 20 ft, giving you a chance to pull a creature 10ft towards you and into melee range for your kinetic whip. As a mainly melee build, the dwarf is using medium armor and a heavy shield to help boost his AC to 30. With ranks in acrobatics, you can always fight defensively to boost this to 33 if need be. Due to Slow and Steady, the dwarf does not take a penalty to movement, and the 1 level of barbarian gives him an extra 10ft of movement for a total of 30ft movement. The Emptiness defense gives the build a natural %chance to avoid sneak attacks and critical hits, which stacks with the bonus from Elemental Overflow. So assuming you accept 2 points of burn at the start of the day to activate Emptiness, and an additional point of burn sometime later on when using your abilities, you will have a total of 30% chance to negate sneak attack and critical hits (15% from Emptiness + 15% from Elemental Overflow). Also, Gravity Control gives you the ability to fly and No Breath makes it so that you no longer have to breathe. Need to dive into the super long tunnel of water? Need to survive in the vacuum of space? No problem. All in all I am really liking the build and thought I would share it with you guys. I welcome feedback and any suggestions on how you think I can make the build better. Otherwise, enjoy! ![]()
![]() I thought about that, but the entrance on the one side of the mat bugs me a little because I want to draw almost all the encounters on it (even those in town), so I want just the snowy background and very little other detail. And I figured getting a custom mat would allow me to get something bigger (like 3' x 6' that covers the whole table) for the larger area encounters. It's definitely a cheaper and quicker option though if nothing else works out ![]()
![]() Hey guys! I am looking to buy a gaming mat with a customized design that is similar to paizo products in the sense that it can easily be drawn on and erased, and has a 1" battle grid. I am running Reign of Winter for a group and want a snow covered battle mat as a general background to draw the encounters on. Does anyone have any sources to places that might be able to do this for me? Or does anyone have other suggestions to how I can accomplish what I am looking for? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Claxon wrote:
Do you know if there is any official paizo response on the subject matter? Or are you just giving your own personal opinion? ![]()
![]() I have been searching around for awhile but cannot find a specific "legality" answer to how animate dead functions when cast from a scroll. I am looking for how RAW (or a paizo official answer)interprets the following questions: 1. If a level 2 Cleric casts a scroll of Animate Dead (CL 5) and creates 10 HD worth of undead (twice the CL of the scroll), how many undead can the Cleric control? Does the Cleric use his own cleric level to determine this (CL2 x 4HD per level = 8 HD of control) or the scroll's caster level to determine this (CL5 x 4HD per level = 20 HD of control)? 2. If a level 2 Fighter uses the same scroll in Question 1 with Use Magic Device to create 10 HD worth of undead, how many undead can the Fighter control? 3. Assuming that RAW (or a paizo official answer) interprets the solution as using the caster level of the character activating the scroll to determine the number of undead to be controlled, does this mean the Fighter can create 10 HD worth of undead but control none of them? (0CL x 4HD per level = 0 HD of control) 4. Assuming that RAW (or paizo official answer) interprets the solution as using the scroll's caster level to determine the number of undead to be controlled, how long would this 'limit' of control last? In other words, using this logic, the fighter would be able to control 20 HD worth of undead (CL5 X 4HD per caster level = 20 HD of control). Does this artificial limit last indefinitely? 4a. What happens if the fighter comes across another more powerful scroll? Does it increase this artificial limit? 4b. If the fighter takes 1 level of a spellcasting class (Cleric)sometime after using the scroll, does it change this artificial limit in any way? My gut tells me that Question 3 is the appropriate way to interpret the rules, but I would like another opinion on how RAW interprets it and/or an official paizo response. Here is the relevant text: Animate Dead wrote:
Scrolls wrote: A spell successfully activated from a scroll works exactly like a spell prepared and cast the normal way. Assume the scroll spell's caster level is always the minimum level required to cast the spell for the character who scribed the scroll, unless the scriber specifically desired otherwise. Use Magic Device wrote: Normally, to cast a spell from a scroll, you must have the scroll's spell on your class spell list. Use Magic Device allows you to use a scroll as if you had a particular spell on your class spell list. The DC is equal to 20 + the caster level of the spell you are trying to cast from the scroll.
![]() Simple question: When using the kinetic blade infusion, does power attack apply? Kinetic Blade wrote:
Power Attack wrote:
![]() If I multi-class in both Monk (Unchained) and Psychic (Taking the self perfection discipline), do I get to add my wisdom bonus to AC twice? Hero Lab calculates it twice, but I'm not quite sure what the ruling on that would be. Would they stack because they are from two different classes and because they are two different abilities? One adds additional AC as you level, while the other only adds the wisdom. I would appreciate official rules text citation on why this would or would not be true. Thanks! Relevant Text: Monk (Unchained) wrote:
Psychic (Self Perfection) wrote: When unarmored and unencumbered, you add your Wisdom bonus (if any) to your AC and CMD. The bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when you're flat-footed. You lose these bonuses when you're immobilized or helpless, when you wear any armor, when you carry a shield, or when you carry a medium or heavy load.
![]() My friend is trying to build an Unchained Monk using a Double-Chained Kama. When using the double chained kama as a double weapon, how does it stack with Flurry of Blows? I know the old Flurry emulated two-weapon fighting, but the new Flurry only "adds one attack at your highest base attack bonus". In other other words, does the character get 3 attacks (when using it as a double weapon with two weapon fighting) all at -2 to hit? Kama, Double Chained wrote: The wielder can attack as if armed with a single kama in each hand or extend the chain to make a single reach attack. By swinging the rope, the wielder can whip the kama about to disarm or trip opponents. Furthermore, if one of the weapons is dropped, the wielder can retrieve as a free action by pulling on the chain. Flurry of Blows wrote:
![]() Thank you everyone for the advice! I ran this at a local game store and they allowed 7 people to sign up for my event. Turns out that they had a 3-7 tier running in the room next to us that was short players so the level 5 played with them. Also, turns out the Level 7 Rogue and Level 7 Cleric each had level 8 and 9 characters and switched to those. So we ended up playing 8-9 tier and everyone had a great time! ![]()
![]() My Self wrote: Ever thought of maximizing HP for the lower tier? Or applying the Advanced simple template to everything? That is another very good option which I have incorporated into home games. Can I legally do that in Pathfinder Society Scenarios? Thought if you run the scenario you are technically not allowed to change the monsters. ![]()
![]() Korikoji wrote:
I already read this multiple times before posting this thread but it still doesn't solve my problem. "Technically" according to the rules they have to play tier 5-6, but I know with 7 experienced players (more than half of which are above the subtier) they are going to steamroll through it and it will not be enjoyable for anyone. They are so close to being able to play the high subtier with the 4 person adjustment (only .1 APL away), yet I feel even then, it might be a little too challenging for them. I posted this also in the Pathfinder Society facebook page and one player suggested that I convince the Level 5 Paladin to play a Level 7 pregen, boosting the APL enought to play high tier with 4 person adjustment. I hate to force someone to play a character that's not their own and prefer to come up with an alternate solution (although this might be my only option). Another idea would be to just boot someone from the table, but I don't want to send anyone home because I want everyone to have a good time. No other player is willing to GM, otherwise I would split the table into two tables of 3 players each and have each GM run a pregen to fill the tables out. Someone else suggested that I put them through the higher tier anyway and just fudge rolls and modify tactics where needed, depending on how the adventure is going. I like this option best, but once again I am afraid that the level 5 (and even two level 6s) will feel as if they can't contribute as much to the combats and roleplay, and by feeling "underpowered" will not have a good time (although many would say that is just tough love). But then again, putting them in high tier (even though their APL is only .1 away) wouldn't technically be "legal" Most likely, I will talk to see if the Paladin wants to play a pregen. If not, I will ask the group if they want to play high tier and just chalk up the fact that the paladin might not have as good a time to "well i warned you and gave you another option" ![]()
![]() So I am GMing a 5-9 tier scenario soon with subtiers 5-6 and 8-9. It is looking like the table will have 7 players at it with their levels as follows: Paladin 5
Their APL is 6.4, which means it rounds to 6. Technically, they are supposed to play tier 5-6 (only .1 APL away from being able to play tier 8-9), but I am afraid that it is going to be way too easy (making it more boring and not challenging) being that they have 7 players (larger table size than the scenario is supposed to have) and over half their players are above the low tier level. But I am also afraid that tier 8-9 with the four player adjustment might be too difficult (considering none of the players have levels inside the tier), although they might be ok just because of sheer numbers AND all the players at the table are experienced players. No one else is willing to GM as well to split the group into two. Suggestions? What would you do as other GMs in this situation? |