DM Volsung wrote:
Have you been here before?
are you currently on a quest?
What does your holy symbol look like?
Have you been here before?
"No coin, no food, street rat! Get out!" Two big, burly, hands clutched the young boy by his collar, and suddenly his feet couldn't touch the ground. As soon as he was up, he hit the ground again and found himself in front of the bakery, on his ass. It was a long walk back to his family's farm. It was a chilly evening and hunger clawed at Thaddeus's stomach. He came from a family of poor farmers, and that's what he was destined to be. Or, at least, so he thought, until the Children of Mersiel came to Norwhich. They spoke of great and wonderful works of Mersiel, the Divine Lady. Bringer of peace and good fortune. The Lady of Light. Thaddeus's parents sent him away with the acolytes so he could find a better future and do great things for the world. Thaddeus hasn't been back to Norwhich until now.
Are you currently on a quest?
Thaddeus was trained as a servant of Mersiel. (I'm thinking his order would be similar to the Jedi. They bring peace and justice and help the downtrodden...etc...) He was trained in the ways of a soldier, and in the ways of a priest. Tactics, battle, weaponry, armor, lore, the tenets, reading, writing. Mersiel's servants believe that the body and mind must both be sharp in order to truly serve the Divine Lady. Thaddeus has recently granted his amulet, marking him as an anointed servant of Mersiel. He has now set off on his first pilgrimage. He has set off from his temple and now wanders the land, spreading Mersiel's word and blessing.
What does your holy symbol look like?
The holy symbol of Mersiel is an amulet that is affixed to a chain and worn around the neck. It is a little less than a hand in size and appears as a silver ring, with a triangle in the center. The three points represent the mind, body, and spirit. The blue gem in the center represents the unity of the three. There is some writing on the outer ring that has been etched into the metal. It is written in an older language. It reads, "The mind grants insight into the world. The soul grants compassion to aid others. The body grants the strength to make a difference." Thaddeus's amulet is worn, as it once belonged to another paladin of Mersiel.