Axe Lord

Teneroth's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 37 posts (133 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


Liberty's Edge

should be able to make monday work, though it's not ideal

Liberty's Edge

In organized play I have one perma-kill (a kill without a rez) and a couple what I call soft kills, meaning the character was rezed.

The perma kill was against a level 1, pure caster character who ate two crits from a fast zombie in a single turn. I was rolling in the open so I couldn't fudge them, but the player was ok with it, this being the second scenario the char had done.

I also have one fallen paladin under my belt, which I am quite proud of, who, over the course of a scenario (mists of Miwangi iirc) he constantly intimidated innocents they had rescued. I gave him several ques this was wrong, the rest of the party kept telling him to stop, fourth time I was sick of it and his god gave the paladin notice by melting his holy symbol.

In homebrew I have a few more kills, though those are generally from... lets call it inter-party conflict.

when I do kill someone its generally either from random chance or as a sever punishment for someone doing something stupid. I once killed someone without a roll because he was intent on picking a fight with an army, refused to back down and I didn't want to grind out the massive number of rolls which that fight woulda required. He was level 5, the army was a thousand or so people... Oddly he was upset he wouldn't do the fight with him. Seemed to accept he was dead, but wanted to do the battle which likely could have taken several hours, real life time knowing this player, only involved him and not the other players.

Generally I only kill as a last resort or with player consent. Sad to say but I am not a George R.R. Martin and don't want to go through that many player characters. NPCs, however, are not protected.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Something I thought pertinent to add having been stalking this thread for a bit. There is a quote from one of my favorite rpg's Paranoia. It comes from the GM section which is above your clearance, but goes like this: "As the Game Master, GM, you are the world, you are The Computer (see: god) and your word is law. It is your job to ensure both yourself and the troubleshooters (see: players) are having fun, if any rule in this book makes that harder, the book is wrong. If the dice roll one way but it would be more fun if they rolled another, the dice are wrong..."

The way I've always GMed is I try to bring about interesting, dramatic and most importantly, fun stories and games to those at my table. Sometimes this means I fudge die rolls to prevent a boss, or major enemy, from being one rounded. Sometimes it means I fudge them so a player isn't randomly murdered.

I once had a player who constantly rolled really high (later learned he was cheating) and always used power-gamey builds, where the rest of the party were more casual players with non-optimized characters. If I had a boss who was a challenge fro the power gamer the other players couldn't touch him, likewise if I had a boss to challenge the rest of the party it would be one rounded by the power gamer.

So, behind the curtains I imposed a -2 penalty on everything the power gamer did, the boss' AC and saves were 2 higher against this player, had DR 2/- vs the player and got a +2 to hit the player in combat. The result was a boss who could challenge both the power gamer and the rest of the party. Was it technically cheating? ya, without a doubt. But without this cheating not everyone would have fun.

Granted, while 'cheating' by the GM, in moderation with good reason can make the game better, it can also be perverted. This power-gamer caught on I was... nerfing him somewhat, I tried talking him into not power-gaming as much but he refused and, in fact, went the other way. Though he never said so, it seems he thought that if I was cheating he could cheat too. I called him on it and he didn't bring up my targeted cheating to bring him into line, probably because he knew his power-gaming had forced me to fudge some rules, but for a couple weeks the game was no fun for anyone thanks to him. (kicked him at the end of those two weeks and the game went on as before)

So, in short, cheating to ensure everyone has fun is acceptable in my opinion, cheating to ensure only you have fun is not.

Liberty's Edge

In a game I am currently running the party was attending dinner with a nobleman, the local governor. One party member, an assassin type, decided he wanted to drive the governor's chef insane... for whatever reason. After asking to talk to the chef, and said chef coming out from the kitchen to see what the matter was. The player said 'my food is bland' which, unknown to him, was the thing at the time in this area. The chef thanked the player for his compliment and returned to the kitchen. Needless to say this drove the player nuts, much to my amusement.

Later, after the players got super pissed at the governor and his politics (long story) they killed him and began to ransack the mansion. Mr. Assassin immediately ran for the kitchen, intent on taking it out on the chef. Only to find the kitchen abandoned with a note, written in the player's character's race's language saying 'You'll never take me alive!'

Since then the chef has become something of a.... recurring b-list antagonist. Shows up when the players are up to something, wearing a black chef's hat and throwing knives, before vanishing into the night.

Liberty's Edge

Usual Suspect wrote:
I would wager that the reason he insisted on gaming with you is because you had never called him on his crap before while others had. I've seen a couple players like that before, but we would always banish them quickly. If you don't you get used to them being that way; which starts a pattern of tolerating their crap for the sake of friendship.

ya, probably. Wish I had come to my senses sooner but... too late now.

In more recent years, since I stopped talking to k, I had a player like him show up at a PFS night and be seated at the table I was running. Being... endured to his kind of bs I was able to easily counter his s%!*. Forced him to roll on the table, in plain view, citing a personal rule (at which point his average dice roll dropped from 18 or 19 to 8 or 9) and the like.

So, if there is a bright side to this story, I did get some good GMing experience. And some midly amusing stories if they still sometimes make me angry now looking back.

when my RT game started up again (a year or so after I called K on his bs) I read through the rules again, only to realize how many he outright ignored/lied to me about. It doesn't help that book is kinda esoteric and poorly designed.

(tangent)I mean, lances ignoring armor is kinda a big deal, you THINK that would be right under their listing right? nope, it's in space combat in an unrelated section!(/tangent)

Anyways, I might be able to dredge a few more stories out of my memory if people are interested. But if anyone else has stories feel free to share them.

Liberty's Edge

"not authorized"


Liberty's Edge

I'm pacific time zone and it's 4:30 here now

Liberty's Edge

I was starting to get nervous about this too, roll20 is great but psychic it isn't... unless that changed... or it is and is just hiding the fact..

In any case, some link or message would be nice.

Liberty's Edge

That story was, I think, the second to last game I ever ran with the guy. These stories took place over the course of years, and, not much happened between them. I was quite upset he ruined my EP game and it didn't take much more for me to call him on his s$$~.

Just to put events in a timeline, assuming I can remember exactly when these thing happened, I was friends with him for 6 years, the first couple we just hung out and didn't do any games. We were in highschool and didn't quite know each other. The rogue trader game in the first story was in year 4 and went through year 5, the dnd story I mentioned was about the same time, and the EP game was year 6.

I don't know if it was just my growing awareness of his... issues or if his mental health has deteriorated over the years. I'm inclined to believe the latter because I have some friend son the internet who are also friends with him who say he is 'angry at the world' right now, and I may have been an idiot back in highschool but I doubt I was that much of one.

Looking back it's easy to see his bs for what it was, but at the time they were just isolated incidents. I mean, he always fudged dice rolls but only when called on it was he that upset. At least as far as I can remember.

Liberty's Edge

Well, eventually I did walk away from him after calling him on his stuff. I regret to say it took as long as it did, but the past is the past.

Anyways, I feel like writing another story because of reasons.

There was one game I was able to play in with him, not run for once, where I found out it was quite easy to out role play him so long as we didn't have to roll play.

It was a 3.5 game in which we had found a week earlier, but I was unable to go to the first session for some reason. The GM was cool with introducing my character, a Human scout/ranger, in the second session. I was reasonably proud of the character, mechanically it was a boom-arrow build in that I was really good at putting one arrow down range a turn for massive damage and kiting enemies while being the general skill monkey that comes with 6+int skill points a level. The backstory for him was that he was from a somewhat decrepit noble family which fell apart following claims of demonic influence. To try and escape the cloud over my family I left and joined the military, served a tour before being found out and discharged for joining under false pretenses. I later found out that my grandmother was a succubus (Love the GM for the game, I just gave him this story and he ran with it) who, against my character's will, brought out his demonic blood forcing the half-fiendish template upon him.

Mr. K was playing a cleric, like he always did, which focused on melee combat. I don't know much about the build because, well, he didn't last long.

I joined the second session, as I mentioned, with the justification that the party had accepted a quest to deal with some dungeon which was somehow related to my family's past, or at least I thought so. Once I heard some heavily armed people were going there I figured I'd join them, because why not?

So I was approaching the entrance to the dungeon shortly after nightfall (I totally didn't get lost >.>) and found that the party was making camp outside. K was on guard duty as I approached and called out that I was a friend. Through what was probably metaknowledge he decided to reach immediately for the PVP option, drew his weapon and charged into the forest after me screaming. Being a scout I was easily able to fade into the forest and avoid him.

This happened again when I tried again a few minutes later after K put his weapon away. Apparently in his mind I was a threat. Well, if he wanted a fight I'd give it to him, I proceeded to kite him, moving 40-50ft a round, through difficult bush (thankyou nature stride) while trying to peg him with arrows, constantly screaming for him to drop the weapon I just want to talk. He cast entropic shield, which he apparently had prepared for no reason, nevermind he never prepped or cast it before nor since, and never failed a miss chance roll which he insisted on rolling himself.

Seeing I couldn't win I went to option number two, I passed the GM a note saying I was leading him deeper into the forest, kept up my kiting for several rounds before stopping to conserve ammo. I would then just yell insults and stuff at him. He started getting upset, blowing more and more spells which he just happened to have that had no use beyond fighting me, but as I wasn't fighting to win, despite making a show of shooting arrows at him on occasion, I just kept leading him away.

Finally I decided we were far enough, dared him to try and find me, then handed the GM another note, claiming it told him where I was hiding, which actually told him I was slipping back to the party's camp. The GM smiled and nodded at me, then went through a show of having K look for me while I slipped notes to the rest of the party.

Eventually K gave up and returned (after spending some time lost in the forest, atleast until he apparently rolled a nat20 untrained survival check to find his way back) only to find I had woke the rest of the party, told them what happened and why I was here. He was furious at this, claiming I cheated somehow and, after having the GM show him the notes I sent him, challenged me to a duel in character. He explained, before I could answer, that the duel would be using swords and magic and no other equipment.

Now, my CG ranger/scout from an ex-noble family who was kicked out of the military and was doing his best to avoid anything resembling noble interaction told him no. After claiming he had a spell which could force me to accept the duel, the rest of the party told him no, and unless he wanted to fight everyone he was SoL. For a second he looked like he was poised to do just that, then said his character stormed off.

The GM took him aside and talked with him, eventually coming back with some kind of understanding (like I said, the GM was awesome). His character still tried to kill me in character, but he wasn't very good at indirect (in or out of character) and the party always put a stop to it.

He was only there a couple more weeks before the GM got sick of his dice fudging/cheating before he kicked K out. I stuck around till the GM ended up moving to california or something and I lost touch with him. It was one of my favorite games because of the GM, even while K was there.

K, by the way, shrugged off everything he did as being 'in character' which might be acceptable, if it wasn't for every other game I've been in with him where he hasn't be openly hostile to my character from the word go. Thankfully I'm halfway decent at making good rounded characters and am very good at non-traditional combat.

Liberty's Edge

(sorry, had my rogue trader game tonight)

well, I say great guy, I really mean more 'we would hang out, tell bad jokes, and watch bad movies over pizza' which was fun. He had a good sense of humor when nothing was on the line and whatnot. It was just in games, be they tabletop, rpg or video, he couldn't be second best. He had to win, and not just win, he had to make everyone know he was the best to the extent that he would challenge anything which was set up as a danger.

We had a little one session game of Eclipse Phase (my favorite game setting ever) with him. The quick version of the EP combat system is that there are two kinds of enemies. Ones the players are prepared to take one and can utterly destroy, and ones the players are not prepared for and will be destroyed by. My favorite part of EP is that it encourages players to kill things without resorting to the kind of straight up slug it out combat that is common in pathfinder.

It should also be noted for the purposes of this story that death in EP is... an annoyance, but not really a lasting condition. It's high science fiction to the extent that if you are killed you can have your mind uploaded into a new body ala Cylons from Battlestar.

Anyways, the party is tasked with going to a space station (think Rama from... Rama... a big cylindrical habitat... look it up) and retaking/killing whatever caused the station to stop responding. They find the station to have been taken over by a malicious AI and that various police robots have gone somewhat nuts. Now the lesser bots, like the patrol walkers are easy to handle, they are built to deal with common criminals not a group of railgun toting military trained killers.

But the Hover drones? Those are armored and packing a pair of twin automatic railguns basically capable of one shotting players while shrugging off dozens, if not hundreds of rounds from all but the largest anti-armor rifles.

So they make contact with some survivors who inform them that there is a hover drone wandering around the area and they should probably keep their heads down. K decides to kill it. He wanders up to a rooftop, looks around for the thing (which has already seen him and is quickly moving into range) and fires at it. He hits and deals some damage, fully automatic railguns can damage it, if not a lot.

It responds with an anti-personnel missile while it gets into machinegun range, I figured that a decent chunk of damage from the things 'secondary' weapons might clue K in. Well, naturally it didn't and he fired again, not doing much. I can only protect him so long so it goes full on with double automatic railguns and, even with his frankly BS armor levels, out right kills him.

He gets super pissed and proceeds to argue for the next half hour that it can't do that, nevermind me bringing up the rules which state that it can in fact. Even after the rest of the party sneaks up, recovers his gear and cortical stack (the thing that would let them upload him to a new body) he refused to play.

Again, the only reason he got away with this for so long was A: He was my friend outside of game and B: he was really good and acting like he knew the rules. Whenever I would start demonstrating enough knowledge of the rules to call him on his BS he would get super pissy and completely ruin the game for everyone else till we switched to a new system.

And yes, several of the players are still around, after mine and his falling out the game died for a while, about a year or so, before I got in contact with everyone else and asked if they still wanted to play. Infact, we had a game earlier today (which is why this post is 4 and a half hours late). We're playing rogue trader and, without him, my carefully crafted challenges are actually holding up.

Liberty's Edge

I have more stories about mr K if people are interested, this one just best summed up his thing. I mean there's the time he had a cleric in 3.5 who he claimed to have 30+ balance, diplomacy and hide at level 5. Granted that was 3.5 so I guess anything is possible. Or how he refused to abide by gear progression and somehow always started with best in slot items... in every game system... always. Or when I would take his... all but blatant cheating into account and scale up difficulties through mostly DM fiat he would get pissed off he wasn't instantly able to do anything he wanted and lambast me about how the rules said he could do something.

again if people are interested I can share more stories.

Liberty's Edge

oh, right, the deadline was yesterday...

well... guess I'll go with improved grapple then XD

I'll also grab some more potions n stuff after the game starts if needed.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pan wrote:


65 - 60 = more than 50?

Don't trust people who don't bring character sheets?


20something man b&%!@es about old player on the internet?

any of those work I guess

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

(hope this is the right place for this, and that this kinda story sharing is allowed, haven't found anything one way or the other, I just feel like sharing some stories about a bad player I had in a game once and ask how, if at all, I could have handled it better. Feel free to share similar stories because I'm weirdly fascinated by them)

So I once had an old friend, we'll call him K, who was a lot of fun to hang out with, but no fun at all to play games with. This eventually led to me no longer associating with him because he refused to not be in a group I was in, he couldn't stand the idea of me being in or running a game he wasn't part of.

Anyways, the longest running campaign I ever did with K was a game of Rogue Trader. I was new to the system, but he claimed to be an old hand at it but wanted me to run (red flag one) because he wanted to play. The party elected him as the Rogue Trader, since no one else really knew the rules either, but instead of playing the Rogue Trader class he wanted to be an Explorator (which should have been red flag 2) which is normally the ship's mechanic or engineer. I allowed it as I was new and he said it would be fine. Years later looking back I can see how blatantly he was cheating.

There are several moments that spring to mind, the first of which was when a planet the party was contracted to protect came under attack from a Tyranid splinter fleet. First up was the space combat, Tyranid ships are surrounded by spore clouds which make it hard to hit the actual important bit in the middle, as you are dealing with millions of contacts on sensors at any time. I did some math, thinking that the highest a player could reasonably get their ballistic skill this early in the game was mid 60s. I imposed a -20 to hit thanks to these spore clouds thinking that this would reduce any shooting to mid 40s, meaning they could reasonably expect to hit, at most, 3 times (every 10 you beat your to hit with you get an additional hit with ship based weapons) and with the tyranid ship's armor it would require at least 2 hits to get through. Combined with his ship's lance weapons (which ignore armor but only hit once) it should make a difficult target.

First round of combat he rolls the macro cannons and claims to have gotten 5 hits (I told him to take a -20 on the to hit roll) but before letting me see the roll he scoops up the dice and rolls again for the lance which he claims to hit with then scoops up the dice before I can see them to roll for damage. He does the GM thing of covering the dice with his hand so no one else can see it (which I generally see used to build tension or let the player decide their course of action without letting them know what will happen before a grand reveal of the result).

With all these hits he does enough damage to one shot the Tyranid ship. I ask him to explain how he managed to get 5 hits, and he tells me that he has a ballistic skill in the 80s or 90s (can't remember exactly). I ask him to explain how he manages it and he says he can't quite remember (he didn't bring his character sheet (red flag 3)) but promises to explain it later. Not knowing the system all that well and thinking he may have found out how to squeeze more to hit out of it I figure we'll just move on.

Despite the... hastily resolved space battle tyranid spores will still raining on the planet below, which would result in a ground battle one way or another. Taking into account his apparently vastly higher shooting skill I up the difficulty of the combat I intend to put the party through on the fly, hoping to provide a difficult enough combat that the rest of the party might have something to do.

Previously I had decided on a pair of tyranid warriors (which are labeled Elites, meaning two should make difficult encounter) and grouped them with a hoard of 30 Hormagaunts (which are minions which can and will die by the dozen). With his increased ability I upped it to three warriors and added a second group of gaunts. Additionally I upgraded one of the warriors to a venom cannon which could conceivably one shot a player if it hits.

The party gets off the shuttle and is immediately attacked by this force. K draws his own rifle and steals the rifle from another party member, declares he is going to duel wield (-20 to hit on main hand -30 for off-hand) both rifles (additional -20 for over-sized weapons) on full auto (-10 to hit) bringing the total penalty to hit to -50 for his main hand and -60 for his off hand. Getting hits in ranged combat when firing on full auto is similar to space combat in that for every 10 you beat your hit roll by you get another hit.

One round of rolls-I-didnt-see-but-totally-happened-like-for-real he got max hits with both weapons, doing over 100 damage to two different warriors, instantly killing them both (he didn't tell me he was shooting at two different targets which should have incurred another -10 or something).

At this point I called BS and asked to see how he had over 100 ballistic skill, literally higher than was actually possible, since he himself said he had no duel wielding talents. 20 min of arguing about he couldn't remember where he got all the bonuses, but totally got all these bonuses I could tell the rest of the party was upset and called the game session there.

From then on I never put him in combat again, whenever there was combat I was sure his character was elsewhere (which worked fine till he decided he hated not being involved and tried to use orbital weapons in a combat the rest of the party was having on the ground which, given the rules for orbital bombardments, would have resulted in a TPK, something he knew and was ok with). The only reason I kept running was for the other players, who enjoyed when I could separate them from K and we had some great moments.

I don't know what I could have done beyond sitting him down out of the game and force him to walk me through each step of his character creation which I sadly never managed to do. When we did hang out outside of the game he was still a great guy, which is probably why I put up with him in game and let him get away with such bull. Not saying I'm without fault but...

Anyways, thankfully we had a falling out several years ago where I finally got sick of it an called him on all his bull, pinned him down and tried to get him to explain why he can't play a normal character (apparently it's his job, his responsibility, to break rules/outright cheat and my job as GM to keep him in line, and me not knowing he's cheating means I'm a bad GM).

Maybe I could have handled it better... gotten him in line while keeping him as a friend but, honestly, I don't know how.

Anyways, that's (one of) my little horror stories. Anyone else have a bad player they just couldn't handle?

(again, hope this isn't breaking any rules of the forums, if it is then... please don't ban me!)

Liberty's Edge

ok, so... I'm still torn on whether I want power attack or Improved grapple at level one. Power attack gives me nothing but damage, which I probably don't need more of....

Also I'm not sure what else to buy, until I have enough for magic items I don't need too much, I might grab some potions...

Liberty's Edge

First off, the Enlightened warrior trait for the Agiathon blooded Aasimar allows for them to retain their monk status as NG or N, meaning as NG I can be both monk and barbarian.

Second, I have an official PFS character which is Bloodrager -> DD who, with proper buffs, can get into the low 30s of strength between the various strength buffs of DD, rage, polymorph effects and other bonuses. It's kinda silly truth be told.

Liberty's Edge

Vincent Fleming wrote:
If I read it right, you can only use gnomes and halflings as a weapon as a medium creature. You would have to be huge to be beating up giants with other giants. It's a fun idea but probably not very easily doable lest you convince some people to help you out.

for joke comments see my post before my last one

on a serious level, because the game is Gestalt the body bludgeon bit is kinda secondary. Yes it's the main reason I'm going with this build, but in terms of what my character can do it's more of a gimmick. My real power will come from the combination of catch off-guard, improvised weapons, flurry of blows and rage. I'm actually considering dropping improved grapple for power attack at level one because grappling won't be that good till later levels anyway.

Flurry + rage + power attack + 2h weapon = stupid amounts of damage regardless of whether I'm using a shepard's crook or some guy's buddy. Especially if said enemy is flatfooted from not carrying a weapon. The grapple ability will be more utility, especially when I start getting feats like Body shield (where I use a guy to block blows from another guy). It can also be useful for taking enemies alive without relying on not killing them outright and using healing magic, or forcing an enemy to deal with me rather than going for other party members.

Infact, that is the main reason I chose Brutal Pugilist, besides the grapple bonuses it means I can grapple one guy while fighting with another, or grapple two guys at once with minor penalties.

For more fun I can even pick up things like hurling rage powers, so I can grapple, pin and then throw an enemy somewhere.

I could, technically, get more damage out if I ignored grapple, and only took one level of barbarian, but then I'd end up with a one trick pony. And besides, if I just wanted pure damage I'd go one level of crossblooded-Sorc/wizard into shaman/wizard and blow people up with 200+ damage fireballs.

tl;dr is it the most optimized build? not really. But it's effective enough to be useful, while remaining fun and having enough utility to not be a one trick pony.

Liberty's Edge

Characters... uhh uhh... find a way

Liberty's Edge

meeko wrote:

Hey Teneroth So there are a few things i think you should keep in mind. this is a giant slayer AP so most of the enemies you'll be fighting will be far larger than you. so grappling will be a bit of a problem especially at 10th level when you gain Body Bludgeon.

When I saw this I had several possible jokes/comments I came up with. I couldn't decide which to use so I shall put them all here. Please choose your favorite and assume I just said that one:

-I figured as much from the name, but between monk flurry with random objects and barbarian rage I should be ok for damage when I can't grapple something.

-Challenge Accepted

-Yes, but the idea of picking up a giant and beating another giant to death with them is to hilarious to pass up

-Then you had better not piss me off, lest I use you as a weapon :P

Also I am transfering the character to myth weavers now

Done and done:

Liberty's Edge


NG Agathion-blooded Aasimar Monk of the Empty Hand/Brutal Pugilist Barbarian 1
Str 18 Dex 13 Con 17
Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 12
Hp 16 AC 12/12 Tch/11 Fl
CMD 16
Fort 7/Ref 3/Will 3
+1 initiative, 30 speed

Acrobatics 6
Escape artist 5
Perception 5
Profession (shepherd) 5

Catch Off-Guard
Improved Grapple
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist

Enlightened Warrior, Vexing Defender

Shepard Crook (improvised Quarterstaff) +4 (+3/+3 flury); 1d6+6; x2
Barbarian’s Kit
Probably going to spend some more once I figure out what I want

Background WIP:

Born to a nomadic tribe -CHARACTER NAME HERE- trained himself in using various objects as weapons, while his job as a Shepard ensured he was strong.

It's still very much a work in progress, but this should give the base idea. The build is centered around the barbarian rage power of Body Bludgeon. I just find the idea of picking up one guy and beating another guy to death with the first guy as being funny. Fluff-wise he is one of those big, not overly bright, characters who trusts easily but, when angry, will beat you to death with your friend.

If you have any suggestions lemme know, I just wanted to get something in.

Liberty's Edge

might throw my hat in... no idea what to make yet though... maybe a monk/barbarian?

Liberty's Edge

how do you want us to go about making characters? using rogue trader or something? or just old fashioned 'this is my character' without stats n stuff?

Liberty's Edge

oooo, command a regiment? just like my 2000+ points of guard? Count me in!

Are we only commanding guard regiments? cause if so than dibs on Elysian drop troops!

If not then dibs on my very own creation: the 85th Enhanced Mechanized Infantry

or just a standard Gue'la regiment <.<

Liberty's Edge

damn, my money was on one really big crab.

in anycase, glad you are feeling better! Now, back to the grim(ish) task of nerding! :P

Liberty's Edge

I was leaning towards a hacker/techie type, energy weapons (because lasers are cool) and being relatively durable... because I can't avoid making anything I play anywhere be durable. It's just not a thing I can do.

Wizards in pathfinder? durable
playing Ashe in lol? Can't avoid building GA

don't know how...

Liberty's Edge

fair enough, probably human synth then... mmm... I'll have to rethink my character plan then :P

Liberty's Edge

definitely throwing my hat in. I'm thinking an AI in a synth...

Liberty's Edge

huh... next time I have 500xp free I'll have to grab that. I'd do it now but I've only just enough for my The Flesh is Weak 3... and I don't want to calculate everything out again.

Liberty's Edge

ya, minutes after I did that post I went looking through the cybernetics and realized I got a free exceptional quality cybernetic at distinguished. I used that for my Servo harness, and I have artificer armor from the tech priest advance for it.

I ended up getting a MC meltagun with the master sig gear, thought about a shoulder mounted storm bolter or something, but I already have a bolter and judging from the game so far we are not lacking for bolter weapons.

So my current loadout in terms of weapons are: MC Meltagun, 2x Ex Servo arms, Ex plasma cutter, Ex flamer, Claymore, Bolt pistol, Bolt gun, fists

Needless to say I have more weapons than your average squad of guardsmen.

Any word on where to post the char yet?

edit, nevermind, I figured out how to make an alias and alter it's profile. Yes I'm a dumb

editedit, By the way, are there actual mechandrites in DW? There's traits to use them but I can't find where to actually get any.

Liberty's Edge

So I've been working on my character on and off today (yay for days off!) and am pretty close to finished. I've basically got a Tech priest of doom. Here's the cliffnotes:

Techpriest, storm warden
Artificer armor standard
Servo harness
skill with guns and in melee
tech use +20
The flesh is super weak

So very durable, decent damage, good utility out of combat...

Still have one signature gear master trait to fill out, probably going to use it for a servo harness, just so I don't have to rely on requisition for one. Also gives me a plasma pistol, flamer and bolter for ranged, combined with my claymore and double servo arms... Should be fun.

Anyways, once I know where you want me to post it I'll throw it up.

Edit: oh, and Atlas, some do some don't. Craftmenship on launchers does increase the damage, I don't know about others, best to ask the GM or check an FAQ

Liberty's Edge

Random question(s):

Where does it list the standard gear for each marine? in other 40k books they have somewhere it says that this specialty gets a lasgun with 4 clips, and flak armor, etc. Does it say that anywhere in here? or do we have to rely on requisitions and signature war gear?

Second, is there anyone in particular you want us to post the character concept? when/if we get it thrown together?

Liberty's Edge

you start with a base of +30 to all skills, before armor n stuff, so when he says you can have at most 20 points to any one stat that means your starting max of a skill, before advances, is 50.

20 is along the lines of... guardsman conscript.

Edit: to be clearer you can buy up to four advances in each stat with xp (cost depends on your specialty), each of which adds 5 to the stat, so your max stat is 70. You can actually get it higher with situational abilities but...

(btw, my experience is: new to deathwatch, but I've run games of Rogue Trader and currently am running a game of only war)

(Never played in a game though... damn my friends and forcing me to gm)

Liberty's Edge

mmm, if we already have one dev, and you want to play one, I might make a tech priest instead... I tend to prefer them to other classes but I thought we had one already. But if we are going to be doubling up on devs anyways...

Liberty's Edge

I also see at least one tech marine...

I'll begin throwing together a devastator I think. Never can have enough dakka

Liberty's Edge

tag in? can i tag in?

Liberty's Edge

I haven't found any posts pertaining to this... oddity of the rules, so I figured I'd ask.

The question is simple: does monk stack with war priest for unarmed damage dice, assuming that unarmed is the war priest's favored weapon?

Just from reading the rules I'd say no personally, both war priest and monk seem to set the damage of the weapons in question to a certain amount, not increase it. Therefore the unarmed damage would simply be the higher of the two.

But if a player wants to multi-class monk-war priest, it almost seems like they should stack. The rate at which the unarmed damage die increases are, almost, identical between the two. So, one would think, that a character with 5 levels of monk and 5 of war priest (unarmed) would do a d10 unarmed damage, rather than a d8.

The other, more silly, alternative is that the monk damage increases are considered 'size increases' and the war-priest is used for the base damage. So the 5th monk/5th WP would have a d8 base, increased two sizes to 2d6.

WombattheDaniel has not participated in any online campaigns.