Hooded Man

Temerith's page

277 posts. Alias of Seranov.


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Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith follows suit, carefully scanning the area as he moves.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith draws his weapon, but does not raise it. He nods at Bridgette, before gesturing towards Gunda and the two others.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith watches the conversation carefully, but makes a point to stand back and stay quiet. Conversation with his companions was difficult enough, without having it put through translation.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Consider Temerith's height retconned! He's 6 foot, without the horns.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith is 6'6" (counting his horns), not 5'6".

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

I actually quite like "Corbenik."

Temerith has no problem with Bydar being the "ruler" of our little country, but I agree that a form of ruling council should be in place. Bydar's been pretty damn good about worrying about the greater good and all that, though, so Temerith will support him with all his strength.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Sorry I've been AWOL, too, I got blindsided by a portfolio that was due for one of my classes that I hadn't even been aware I needed to do. It's all taken care of, now, though.

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Knowledge (religion) check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Temerith gestures and chants, his hands glowing lightly. He presses his left hand to his chest, while reaching for his bastard sword with his right. As his magics are absorbed into his body, he draws the weapon and holds it in a defensive stance.

Temerith casts Shield of Faith on himself (standard action) and draws his bastard sword (move action).

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

This is not going to go well at all. :3

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Finally managed to finish my author study this evening. Next week's going to be nasty, too, though. Managed to level up Temerith, at least.

Inquisitor 3

1/2 d8 + 1 = 5 HP + 2 Con = +7 HP (24 total)
+1 BAB
+1 Reflex
+1 Intimidate rank
+1 Sense Motive rank
+1 Perception rank
+1 Climb rank
+1 Knowledge (Planes) rank
+1 Stealth rank
+1 orison known (Create Water)
+1 first level spell known (Remove Fear)
+1 first level spell/day
+ Solo Tactics
+ Power Attack
+ Lookout

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

I'll try and level up Temerith tonight or tomorrow, but I'm trying to beat the deadline on this author study I'm working on for my Birth-8th Grade Lit class. This semester is killing me, I can't wait until after the second.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Sorry for my silence, guys, but this is the most hectic week of my life right now. I probably won't be able to post until at least Friday.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Yeah, school is wrecking me right now. I should be in better shape in a week or two.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith grimaces at the Elf's statement, hand gripping the pommel of his weapon tightly. He glares in the general direction of the ring, before turning back to the others and nodding away from it.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith nods, sheathing his blade at his side to emphasize his sincerity. The tiefling moves to stand at Bydar's side.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith does not look even remotely surprised at Arianna's actions, but rather pleased, instead. The tiefling nods in approval to the woman, giving the remaining gnomes his most fearsome glare to drive her statement home.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

How many gnomes were there left, again? Should I make a separate Intimidate roll for each of them?

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Sense Motive DC15: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Knowledge (Nature) DC20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Temerith nods at Arianna and Bydar suggesting the worg not consume the gnome, but a cursory glance at the body doesn't reveal any particular reason why. The color does seem strange, but the tiefling man cannot see any reason why it would be dangerous on its own.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

While the gnome speaks, Temerith eyes him carefully, and notices small pauses and flinches as he's speaking, making the tiefling think there is something he isn't sharing with them, or something he is trying to obscure with his bluster. He mentions as such to Arianna and Bydar. When Bridgette points out the bit about 'gnome lands,' the Inquisitor looks like he's realized something important, and nods along to emphasize the point.

When Raxus calms Mist, Temerith nods to the worg, trying to seem friendly, though not proving particularly convincing. After sheathing his weapon, he nods deeply to the creature, proving he means no harm.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Bah! I forgot Bless again!

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

His red eyes noticing the camp moving to engage him and his group, Temerith moves to assist Mist in taking down the kobold the worg is fighting, bringing his weapon down with all his strength on the reptilian humanoid.

Temerith takes a five foot step and attacks Mist's target (standard action).

Bastard Sword vs. Kobold: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Bastard Sword damage vs. Kobold: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

We're waiting on Bridgette, it looks like.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Temerith grips his weapon in both hands and charges the closest kobold, eyes blazing red as his hood falls backwards from the motion. He seems to growl deeply as he brings the weapon down in a mighty overhead smash.

Temerith uses his Judgment of Justice ability (Swift action), then makes a Charge attack.

Bastard Sword vs. Kobold (Charge + Judgment): 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 2 + 1 = 15
Bastard Sword damage vs. Kobold: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

AC 14 until the beginning of Temerith's next turn.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith looks shocked as the half-ogre gives away their position, but quickly regains his composure and follows after the larger man. His weapon rests at his side, still in hand.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Sense Motive DC15: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Perception DC20: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Temerith grips his blade in both hands as he, Raxus, the dogs and the worg prepare to move in to ambush the kobolds and gnomes if things go poorly. Even from this distance, the tiefling can sense how nervous the strange group has become at the other part of his group's appearance. He looks to Raxus, a slightly worried look on his face.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith stays low and out of sight, but draws his weapon at Arumil's suggestion. His choice between the two groups is immediately obvious.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Perception 1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Perception 2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

I'd prefer to be rested when we arrive, just in case. So one vote for Morning.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Temerith looks at the fey Baron with a curious eye, but can't glean anything of importance from Tyg's words. He shrugs noncommittally, before crossing his arms across his chest and leaning against a tree.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith merely shrugs, not having anything to add.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Oh, whoops! I suppose we should just leave the animals and go about our business, then.

Temerith nods calmly, left hand resting easily on the hilt of his weapon. He doesn't speak, hanging back in the rest of the group, curious about how he and the others would let Howl-in-the-North know that they had brought the offering, as agreed upon.

Also, post 1000! Woo~!

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Okay, I have to apologize for not being very active for the last week or so.

I just started a job, while taking a full load of classes at my college, and doing 15 hours of observation at an Elementary school for one of those classes, so I have been mentally and emotionally drained and not really in the proper shape to be contributing meaningfully to the game.

My last day of observation is Thursday, so after that, it should be full speed ahead, but I will likely get bogged down with papers and such in the coming month or two. I kindly request your patience.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

I think we should look for Howl and crew in his territory. It is highly likely that something bad happened that none of his pack has shown up.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith is likely to see how the tiefling family is settling in. Other than that, he may offer his assistance with training the men (both to help them learn faster and to help him overcome his lack of people skills) when he's not busy with anything else.

I think talking to Sootscale about the mine is a little premature. We need the forces to defend the Post and a place to store it before we should start having him send the unrefined ore to us.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith nods at Oleg's words, finding merit in the suggestion. "I... I am not sure if I will be able to handle our little community getting much larger... but I suppose I must. We are certainly going to need the manpower," the Tiefling says, looking conflicted. He looks hard at the ground, deep in thought. He seems too wrapped up in his pondering to hear Bridgette's words.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

I think I'm good, too. :)

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Gotcha, boss. Hope you're enjoying your vacation! :)

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith shrugs almost imperceptibly. "If the rest of you want to, I am okay with it. I still don't trust the Fae or Arumil's contact, but I will not stop you if this is what you want to do."

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Temerith watches the elf leave without so much as batting an eye. He turns back to the others. "Regardless, I believe Bydar's route to be the safest. The Fae are every bit as likely to turn on us as work with us. Would obviously want to keep them on our good side, but they cannot be fully trusted," the tiefling man says, nodding.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith gives the elf a dark look, his repeated callousness and condescending tone beginning to grate on the tiefling's final nerve. "I am with Bydar. I trust his church and templars far more than your money-grubbing 'trademaster'," he states.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

After Oleg addresses him, Temerith looks the man in the eyes without wavering for the first time. "He's given his word that he will assist us. Wants only somewhere to live in peace with his family. Has the skill to protect this place," the tiefling man says, nodding and crossing his arms, "and I will vouch for him."


Temerith joins Raxus as nodding at Bydar's suggestions. "They are unlikely to have been caught by such things, but we should be able to assist them if they have."

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

When the other tiefling removes his scarf, Temerith pulls his hood back, displaying his own fiendish features. He quietly listens to Lanner's story, engrossed by the man's tale. When he finishes, imploring the Inquisitor for a place to stay, Temerith's lips curl into a small smile. "I... I must ask Oleg and the others. But you will have my support. Like Ragathiel himself, I will protect those who come seeking my aid," he says, sounding strangely confident. "We should have room for you and your family, and we can always use more hands to do work." The tiefling nods to the newcomer, his smile growing a bit more.

"Welcome, friend. I look forward to working with you."

Feels good, man. :)

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith nods at Bydar's suggestion. "Safest that way," he says.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Oh boy!

Temerith's ears seem to perk up beneath his hood at the mention of the tiefling's name, and he looks up at the man, surprised.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Since all my classes are on one day, I only technically get a single day off. ;_;

On the plus side, my job should be starting soon, and I will not be quite as poor! Hooray~

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

S'alright, boss. Hope you enjoy your vacation. :)

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

I'm okay with that.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith nods at Bridgette's statement. "As do I."

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith continues to frown underneath his shirt as he tends to Bokken. He nods at Bydar's inquiry. "That may help."

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Temerith shrugs. "Possibly. He might not survive the trip. We need magic to remove the plague, but such things are beyond me." The situation is so dire that the Inquisitor seems to be too distracted with tending to the infected hermit to be his normal, awkward self. His generally quiet voice is tinged with worry and frustration.

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

Knowledge (Arcana) DC20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Heal DC15: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Survival DC25: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Temerith looks over the area, before stooping next to the hermit with his shirt pulled over his mouth. He begins to examine the fallen hermit, and realizes that the situation is dire. "The plague is very advanced. We need magic if he is to survive," the tiefling says, saying a short prayer to Ragathiel and pressing a hand into Bokken's side.

Temerith casts Cure Light Wounds on Bokken.

Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Male (Oni-Spawn) Tiefling Inquisitor 3

I'm down for it, as well.

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