Darl Quethos

Telvar Quartermain's page

21 posts. Alias of shamgar.


Per my notes on the Crimson Conquest thread, we are in need of an arcace caster there if anyone is interested and can post 2-3 times per day. Thanks.

Second round Telvar will attempt to stay out of melee/threat range and fire another eldritch blast. 20!+2=22 (15+2=17 to confirm critical) 5hp (8hp if critical) of damage! Assuming the most solid hit he has ever delivered is necessary, he smiles to himself with a sense of self satisfaction and takes a certain pleasure in knowing he is proving his worth to others. That will be handy later. If he has time/action he will use his move action to spot/listen (12-1=11 spot 8-1=7 listen) to learn anything he can.

Telvar accepts the light source though he grimaces a bit at being the lit up target. He then moves forward as requested maintaining cover as best he can. Should it come to that, his initiative is 3+2=5. If combat begins, eldritch blast 8+2=10 for 3hp damage. If not, he looks curiously around for markings, creatures, or anything else that might trip the curiosity/knowledge trigger.

Another blast indeed!
"Die you foul (yet oddly intriguing) creature!"
Eldritch Blast 13+2+1(bless)+2(DM bonus)=18 Damage 4hp. Telvar maneuvers as necessary to maintain cover and not be exposed to a charge.

Telvar feels his heart quicken at his first opportunity to be up close and personal with 'live ammo'. With a certain satisfaction, he realizes he likes this particular adrenaline rush (at least until he takes damage--which he certainly hopes not to) and smiles a bit. He attempts to move quietly to a position where his companions might serve as cover for effectively 4 more points to his very low AC. Move Silently 3+1=4. Wow, you'd think we were wearing bells or something. In response to the situation and his companions question, he searches his memory for any information (identification, strengths, weaknesses, etc) that may be useful to communicate in this situation. Knowledge (Arcana, I'm guessing from the description--if not then refer to character sheet for modifiers) 11+13=24. He will spend his first action communicating any useful information possible and then ready an action to eldritch blast the beastie if it moves aggressively towards us. Initiative 10+2=12 (I'm nothing, if not average). If necessary eldritch blast is 15+2=17 v. touch AC Damage would be 4Hp.

I did bad math on the travel time and I am glad to do whatever makes the most sense (especially if it saves money which can be put to better use). Telvar isn't so good with animals either. As the others, he will take 10 where appropriate. He thinks that multiple mules may be a hassle but if the group feels it is best, he would agree.

"The only advantage to the horses is that we may arrive at this camp in daylight (when the humans can still see) as opposed to late evening and that seems not enough to outweigh the value of the gold we will receive upon the successful completion of our journey."

Telvar will contribute his 2gp for the mule as well and is as prepared to go as he gets. He seems a bit nervous as the time comes to put knowledge to the test, but excited at the same time.

Telvar would contribute to a mule if the group decides to move that direction, but would vastly prefer the horses if they can be borrowed. Though many of his questions would be the same as his comrades, being the curious/suspicious sort, he has a few others as well. He wonders what else other than spices and bitter fruit might be traveling in that caravan ($1000 gp is a hefty reward for just those items). SENSE MOTIVE 18=6=24 (woot!) He wants to treat these gentlemen with respect, but if he can find a way to ask that wouldn't be offensive he does so. In addition, he has the following questions:

"On the way here (and the way we are returning I believe) we encountered an odd sight...green dragon droppings. What have you heard or might you know about the activities of the green dragons or elves that may be of help to us? You never know when a seemingly simple goblin raid may be more than meets the eye."
Telvar will follow up on this and any other line of questioning that arises as is his nature.

"Have there been other goblin raids recently? How do we know it was goblins? If someone saw them, did they have any special markings or clothing? Do we know how organized they seemed or if they had a clear leader?"

These types of follow up questions will hopefully give us some clues and allow us to be better prepared. I have 5 days of rations. If my companions think I should carry more, I will purchase some. Otherwise Telvar is as prepared as he ever will be. He does take very careful note of both the merchant and Talon's faces however.

"I appreciate the company Harlynd. I prefer to know as much as possible about a place. You never know when the information may prove useful..."

To Valic
"Thank you for such a hearty meal. Your kindness is appreciated."

After returning from their trip around town, either before or during his flute playing, Telvar will buy a couple of rounds of dwarven drink for his new comrades if they desire (and I can't imagine they don't). He himself will nurse one for the rest of the evening and retire, as the night before, just before the carousing is taken to the 'next level.'

If it's early enough Telvar would like to explore a bit and familiarize himself with the town as well as see what information centers (libraries, wizard's schools, large temples, etc) there may be. As always, he is looking to broaden his knowledge as much as possible.
Note: He will only do this if one of the others is kind enough to accompany him. He would be appreciative for the company/protection in such an unfamiliar city. When he returns to the inn (assuming he leaves), he will sit at a table in the corner of the common room and play his flute for a bit if that is not too disruptive. Perform 12+4=16 Finally he will ask,

"What do we know about those we are supposed to meet? We should share this information with each other so as to be better prepared for all eventualities."

sense motive 16+6=22 on guards

If he senses they are untrustworthy, he says quietly to the group:
"Sometimes it is safer to enter danger oneself than to pay others to lead you into it. Although I appreciate the 'noble' offer of an escort, I suspect we may be better on our own."

If he senses they are trustworthy, he will suggest quietly to the group that he thinks it might be a good idea to accept their offer, but not at those prices and offers to speak with the guards. If the group agrees, he will do so in an attempt both to lower the price and find out more specifically what's going on. Intimidate 15+5=20

"In any case, lets get going. It's been a long day and an inn, whatever part of town it may be in, sounds like a much better place to be than out here."

As he walks he looks for evidence of prevalent local faiths, obvious magical connecttions, etc (items that might relate to his knowledge focuses) as well as any danger. Spot 11-1=10

Harlynd Wrote:
Harlynd looks away and wipes some 'dirt' from his eye. He then looks back at Telvar and speaks to him in a softer than normal voice:

Well played human. Your tune reminded me of my own mother and a time when I was younger...

"Your compliment is most kind. Music, as knowledge, is filled with power when presented in the proper application. The music of the flute triggers a certain cleansing and calming of my soul I remain at a loss to explain."

He notes the change in tone and respectfully does so as well

"Onward indeed."

Sorry for the awful spot checks guys. Not my strength. Hopefully I'll roll better in combat than I have so far.

It will be interesting to see how my well my knowledge based character does. They say no plan survives contact with the enemy, but I sure hope Telvar does. :)

By the way, as I am new to the PbP method of gaming, any suggestions you guys have would be welcome. Thanks.

"If we have opportunity, we should ask the next group of farmers we see if they know anything. And I agree, the sooner we are past the woods, the better."
spot 7-1=6

"First elves, now dragons? This seems a dangerous path indeed. It is my sincere hope that we do not encounter the full extent of this apparent threat."

Torn between fear and interest he examines the area around the droppings for any more clues. He also shares what regarding Green dragons that may be of help in the unfortunate circumstance that we should encounter such a beast. Knowledge arcana 9+13=21 regarding green dragons. He also make sure to stand in the middle of the group so as to be as protected as possible.

"I understand the elves have had frustrating experiences with the humans, but why would they risk the dangers of encouraging open attacks?"

Telvar eats his meal and intently listens to all around him rather than talking much. He tends to try to learn as much as he can. He does answer small talk, but more often than not does so with a question.

He seems undisturbed by the proposed early departure, though he votes in favor of waiting until dawn for vision purposes.

He nurses a drink for most of the night and retires somewhat late but before the carousing around him gets excessive.

He agrees that it is best to avoid the elves unless they should provoke an undesireable situation. Everyone in the new 'party' gets the feeling that while he will put on a good face, Telvar would strongly prefer to avoid combat if possible. He seems somewhat ill-suited to the task for an adventuring type.

During the walk he begins to share bits of knowledge he has gained (nothing outlandish or high DC, but enough to establish that his opinion has value) and is very respectful of others without creating discomfort.

At the first rest or lunch break, he will pull out a beautiful reed flute and play a hauntingly beautiful melody which seems to be calming to him. (Perform check 14+4=18) He says it is a song his mother taught him when he was young. When he is done, he carefully puts the flute away.

Valic of Clan Dorak wrote:

So Telvar, have you heard of Borren and his wonderful ways? I assume you to be a man of knowledge and would love to share with you the ways of Borren.

Valic spends the morning and afternoon clarifying what the worship of Borren entails without pressuring Telvar to worship him himself.

"I have indeed somewhat familiar with Borren, but I would love to hear more."

Telvar asks many, many, many questions about Borren throughout the morning and subtly expresses his appreciation for not being pressed to worship him. He carefully takes not of all details, even pausing to write down any he feels he may not easily remember. He does all of this with genuine respect, though with no interest in worship.

If asked why he is so interested in Borren he says:
"I am a pursuer of knowledge in all it's forms. Some would say I am highly curious, but that would fail to express the depth of my passion for learning. New knowledge seems as necessary as breath each day to me. In particular I am very interested in learning more about faith and it's objects, magic and it's source, and the mysteries of the planes. Thank you for being so kind as to share your knowledge, thoughts, and impressions with me. It has been quite enlightening."

Telvar will also ask questions regarding the dwarven views of magic and about anything else in his area of growing expertise

As those he has been waiting for *finally* enter the room, Telvar takes a moment to assess both them and the situation and smiles slightly at the dwarves as the enter.
sense motive roll 12+6=18 spot 13-1=12
From past experience he has learned that rarely do things turn out as they should so he is slightly suspicious (but not outwardly so) of most situations. Some might call it moderately paranoid--he considers it prepared.

He waits for his companion speak first, knowing that he will. After that, assuming all goes well, he will quietly introduce himself. "I am Telvar. It is good that you have arrived so we might conclude the final portion of our journey. What news do bring from your travels?"

The email is sent. Not sure how much I'm supposed to post, so I will attempt to provide pertinent info(other than the description) here in the form of a spoiler. Here's hoping it works.

Telvar Quartermain is an attractive male human of only 19 years old. He is 6' tall and thin (but not gaunt) with well groomed black hair including a mustache and beard and striking green eyes. He wears black clothing accented in forest green with a forest green wool or linen (depending on the season) cloak. He somewhat grudgingly wears studded leather and a morning star hangs at his side. Looking closely one can see daggers on either thigh as well. He enters a room with a quiet, knowing confidence that often causes those around him to become slightly uncomfortable though they are often unsure as to why. He is a seeker of knowledge and does so with a passion that burns deep within his soul.

Key stats


Telvar Quartermain--Male Human Warlock 1
6' 170lbs with Black hair (including well groomed mustache and beard) and green eyes. Alignment CN Deity: None
Str: 12 Dex: 14 con: 12 Int: 16 Wis: 8 Cha: 16 HP: 7 AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 Studded Leather) Touch 12 FF: 13
Initiative +2 (+2 Dex) Base Att: +0 Grapple +1 (+1 Str) Range touch +2 (+2 Dex)
Saves: Fort +1 Reflex +2 Will +1
Carrying Capacity Light: up to 43 Med: up to 86 Heavy: up to 130 Current: 56

Eldritch Blast +2 (rg tch) 1d6 60' range
Morning Star +1 1d8+1
Dagger (2) +1 1d4+1

Studded Leather

Languages: common, infernal, elvish, draconic
Feats: Skill focus (knowledge planes) Skill focus (sense motive)
Invocation: Otherworldly Whispers (+6 on Knowledge religion, planes, arcana 24 hours (he invokes this every day))
Skills: (does not reflect armor check penalty) All are as ability mods except the following:
Intimidate +5 (2 ranks)
Knowledge Arcana +13 (4 ranks, otherworldly whispers)
Knowledge Planes +16 (4 ranks, otherworldly whispers, skill focus)
Knowledge Religion +13 (4 ranks, otherworldly whispers)
Perform (wind instrument) +4 (2 cross class ranks)
Sense Motive +6 (4 ranks, skill focus)
Spellcraft +7 (4 ranks)
Use Magic Device +7 (4 ranks)

My equipment carried is:
Studded leather, 2 daggers, morningstar, traveler's outfit, backpack, bedroll, scroll case, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, beltpouch, candles (10), paper (15 sheets), waterskin, sunrod (2), tindertwigs (5), reed flute, trail rations (5 days), small steel mirror, small knife (razor really), and 14 gold 6sp 9 cp

I'll look for that email. If that sounds better than the eldritch theurge I may need to change some skills around but otherwise all should be good.

Man am I going to need the others as my character is not what you would call combat ready. Mastermind in the making perhaps, but not so much the fighting type.

Thanks for all the help. I have completed my background form and am nearly done with the character. I'll be emailing in just a few minutes. I look forward to getting started as well.