Darl Quethos

Telvar Quartermain's page

21 posts. Alias of shamgar.

Non sequitur (humor), a comment which has no relation to the comment it follows.
This is a place to write your out of context comments. They don't have to (and possibly shouldn't) make sense to anyone but you. Much hilarity (and likely innuendo) shall ensue. As a note, this was, oddly, inspired by the good things and things that suck threads. One of the computer conferences I was on in college had those two items and this one as the three most popular threads.
I know you've been waiting for it, so join in the fun! :)

I'll start:

"We gave you that because we believe you really are an evil overlord in the making."

"Let me make sure I have it straight: 3 at a time and no limit on how many times we can do it, right?"

I really like this community and like to give back in little ways when it works out. As you may have read on a thread or three, my partner and I just began a consulting (sales, management, and staffing) company. We will soon be needing a spiffy super cool, yet affordable new website and have no such skills of our own. Is there anyone out there who does or can point me to someone who does nice, high quality, yet affordable to the common man web design? Any help is appreciated.

Honestly, I have no idea whatsoever is really involved or what it could/should cost so any feedback on that is appreciated as well.

Thank you in advance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It seems to me we could all use a bit of the positive in our lives. I know I could. This is the place to list good things in or going on in your life. Despite the frustrations, there is always something good going on, isn't there?

Good things for me from today:
An hour long walk with my 3 year old Bryce and an unexpected call for an interview on Friday for a job that I really want/need.

The two sets of friends wake well rested in the morning and decide to explore the town a bit.
Leaving the Axe and Anvil, Xanros and Isnor step see several who have chosen to sleep off their drunk in the common area of the inn. They pass the reek of stale beer and head outside into the light of day. They head west through town on the main throughfare amid the buzz of shopowners and tradesman. A military patrol wanders the streets, looking suspiciously at them, but choosing to pass them by. The patrol is clearly heading toward the outpost east of town. They pass a mid sized well maintained inn called the Badgered Beaver on the north side of the road with a lifelike illusion of a large beaver sleeping soundly on top of an equally large wooden sign bearing it's name. Behind the inn up Temple road a bit sits the imposing Temple of Erythnul. You can't quite suppress a shudder at the disconcerting appearance. To the south as you continue you pass the Sequester, a well appointed 2 story inn clearly intended for higher end clientele. A human female in leather armor stands on the porch absently looking around.
As you approach the intersection of the main road and Ivy Lane you notice shops specializing in wagons and horses ahead on your left. Before you have an opportunity to continue your exploration, however, a startling event occurs...

Reminder of the house rules currently in effect:

We will play mostly RAW as I don't want to add to the complexity with a ridiculous amount of house rules. A few we will use however include:

1. At first level you get max hp as RAW. At level up you may choose to take the average (round up at even levels and down at odd) but you much choose whether or not to do so prior to rolling.
2. Intimidate may be used as either a strength or charisma based skill and will different effects/reactions depending on it's use.
3. All spontaneous casters get eschew materials as a bonus feat.
4. Whisper gnomes are +1 LA
5. Ray of enfeeblement is a 2nd level spell.
6. Spot and listen are considered class skills for all characters.