
Tearlach's page

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Hey All

I have a player who is looking at picking up Rage Mage to augment her bizzaro Sorc/Barbarian mix. She is basing it all on a figurine she has. Good on her I say.

The trouble is I am unsure as to the viablity of the class in SC. The party is not going to be missing out by any combination she takes, so that is not a concern.

So just wondering if anyone else has had one of these in their games? If so, how has it gone? And again if so, what class mix and levels prior did they take?

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi there

Apologies if this has been asked before and I have missed the information.

Each Dungeon adventure for the above has depicted four characters in various moments through the two Adventure paths. My question is, does anyone have insight as to what race and class each of them happens to be? It has been a source of debate and friendly banter with my mates for a while.

Signed, a very curious monkey.

Hey there

I probably have missed this in other threads, and even the HC of SC, but could anyone advise as to where Cauldron resides in Greyhawk? The only mention I have seen is that it was close to the Amedia Jungle.

Apologies in advance for my blindness :|