Master Historian

TeHRyan's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I rather don't like the overall mechanics of the deal. you heal an amount equal to your blast damage. So what your saying is the limitation is how much non-removable (but only for 24 hours)

This is the Description
With a touch, you can heal a willing living creature of an amount of damage equal to your kinetic blast’s damage. Instead of paying the burn cost yourself, you can cause the recipient to take 1 point of burn. If you do so, the recipient takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per Hit Die he possesses, as usual for burn; This damage can’t be healed by any means until the recipient takes a full night’s rest.

Then what the hell do they mean by this line her ...You can cause the recipient to take 1 point of burn. If you do so, the recipient takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per Hit Die he possesses...What the hell do they mean by this? It seems contradictory to me. First they say 1 point then they say 1 point/HD...

I guess the limit is the amount of non-lethal damage you are willing to sustain. Since the Kienticist does not take any burn.

Stupid if you ask me...

Ok I get that part, now I need to know HOW many times the Kinetic Healer can heal another party member, I have a player in one of my games that is to me 'abusing' the healing...

The statue of limitations on burn is 3+Con modifier. The Kinetic healer can allow the recipient to take the BURN instead of himself. Does the BURN limitation also apply to the Recipient As well?

because the player in question seems to think that because he is NOT taking the burn he can use the power without any limit and heal the party to full after a fight.

That is my beef and because of this abuse I have forbid the use of Occult Adventures in my games. I.e. Whats the point in having a cleric with limited uses of heal and channel energy if this guy can do it with a little non-lethal damage all the time. There must be a limit on how much the kinetics can use this per day.